Executive Officer of USS Winston Churchill Relieved of Duty Over Vaccination Refusal

Then you have to show where that religion has a history of being anti-vax. None of them are.

In fact, it normally works the opposite way for people who follow a religion in the military.

Both Muslims and Jews (along with all others) get special allowances for things like diet, time off for services, clothing worn, and a great many other things. They all recognize that the needs of the military come first, and allowances need to be made so long as reasonable attempts are made to accommodate the members.

One of the most recent involves Sikhs, who only a few years ago were given permission to wear their beards and turbans. But once again, within certain rules. Both are allowed in a garrison condition, like here in the US. I have served with several, and I do not know of any that have a problem with it.

But if deployed, the turbans come off and the beards get shaved. For many reasons, not the least of which is to keep them safe as that would make them a target for snipers or others wanting to kill them as a minority. And also because in the event of an NBC attack they could not secure their gas mask.

But once again, 99% of the time the religion makes the allowance for the military, not the military for the religion. And I can not think of a single legitimate religion that forbids vaccination. And no, I do not consider kook kults like the Westboro Baptists as "legitimate".
“Lt. Cmdr. Han Yi,now in charge????

It looks like President Potatohead's Chicom buddies told him to put one of their own in charge of the vessel. Since the Chicoms made the Biden family filthy rich he has to do what they say.
I hit a nerve.

The truth tends to do that, Comrade.

No, just offensive, ignorant idiot fucks like you who say stuff dumber than a two year old. But then, what can you expect from a Bozo who spent $20,000 on a pair of $2,000 little toy powered bookshelf speakers.
No, just offensive, ignorant idiot fucks like you who say stuff dumber than a two year old. But then, what can you expect from a Bozo who spent $20,000 on a pair of $2,000 little toy powered bookshelf speakers.
👇What you grew up listening to in Mother Russia. 👇

But interesting how you whipped out that russian radio so fast as if you had it right in front of you! :21:

Oh, I am sure that for some people, it takes a lot of time to do something like do a google image search, isolate the image, and then add it with the appropriate codes in a foum.

Some of us can do it in seconds. It is not that hard.

Probably sounds better than your $20,000 bookshelf speakers! :auiqs.jpg:

But interesting how you whipped out that russian radio so fast as if you had it right in front of you! :21:
There's this thing called Google, Gramps.
Then you have to show where that religion has a history of being anti-vax. None of them are.

That's actually not true. If you had any relatives that were Anabatist, maybe you would not be so ignorant.

Why don’t Amish serve in the military?​

"Amish refuse to fight in wars, serve on police forces, or sue in a court of law​

One of the founding beliefs of Anabaptism and one which defines the Amish is their adherence to the doctrine of non-resistance. This belief influences the Amish approach not only to the military but to politics, law enforcement, and litigation. The Amish belief in non-resistance has deep roots. Living these convictions in a world which often resorts to violence has not always been easy. . . ."

Just as many Anabaptists are opposed to war, many of them are opposed to vaccines.

Oh, I am sure that for some people, it takes a lot of time to do something like do a google image search

When's the last time you looked for a russian table radio, fuckwad? Or are all those mushrooms you haven't smoked yet been all on your brain?
@Synthaholic said “none”, @MisterBeale just proved him wrong.

Oh nonsense, he did the exact opposite. He showed a post that ultimately explained how they were given alternatives to service. Not in the military, but in "serving" in local hospitals. Now I give you the same challenge. How many Amish and Mennonites serve in the military? How many have served in the military?

Did you even read his reference? Because I did.

Amish were persecuted to varying degrees in World Wars I and II, as were members of other non-resistant religious groups, such as Hutterites. The Amish, as a German-speaking minority who refused to take part in battle against an aggressor Germany, were viewed as particularly suspect and even treasonous. This resulted in vandalism as well as forced service in some cases.

In one particular case, two young Hutterite brothers died in a military prison. Amish experienced similar trials in some cases.

Some alternative service programs had been set up for Amish and other Conscientious Objectors (COs), but Amish consideredthese less than ideal. These alternative service plans typically had Amish youth working in worldly environments such as urban hospitals.

And the fail just rolls on.
the Left's lot in life

And once again, somebody screaming I am a "Leftist".

Please do me a favor, and get with all the "Leftists" in here that are screaming I am charter member of the American Nazi Party. I find it absolutely hilarious that the radicals on both fringes scream I am the opposite of each other.

Am I a Pinko Marxist Revolutionary, or a Reactionary Stormtrooper Nazi? Because it is rather hard for me to be both.

Or maybe I should take myself up in a helicopter, then throw myself out of it. Because apparently I am a fan of Pinochet, and one of his targets at the same time.

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