Executive orders of President Trump are being delayed by communism.


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2008
Take a careful look and recognize it's communism standing in the way of President Trump's executive orders to control illegal immigration. Those filing law suits against the President of the United states is an insult to all true Americans, from all appearances it's questionable whether these political activist judges are really Americans themselves. Some may call it a soft communist coup. Are these really Americans or communist infiltrators. Are the law suits they bring forth based on political correctness, or on constitutional law?



Filing a law suit for something "said" during a campaign is Anti-American in accordance with "communist political correctness", and not the rule of law. We find undeniable evidence that the purple revolution better known as Bolshevism is taking place all across America. It's the brainwashed Liberals that have gone communist, with the Zionist media instigating tyranny every step of the way.


LINK: Zionist media invests billions trying to control the thinking of public with fake news

LINK: www.awesomeprophecy.com
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Trump said he needed 90 days to figure out what is happening with immigration. It's been more than 90 days. What's his problem? No reason why he couldn't have figured it out by now. The only reason he is still pushing for the ban is he promised to ban Muslims, and he wants to do that.
Octoldit, excellent you are certainly improving, first it was the Great Pumpkin, then Bigfoot and now communists. Great, soon maybe you move closer to reality and it will be the real reason, constitutional law in America. That may take some time but good luck.

"But when we consider the beliefs of other people? It's an epistemic shit show out there. Astrology, conspiracies, the healing power of crystals. Aliens who abduct Earthlings and build pyramids. That vaccines cause autism or that Obama is a crypto-Muslim — or that the world was formed some 6,000 years ago, replete with fossils made to look millions of years old. How could anyone believe this stuff?! ... No, seriously: how?" Crony Beliefs | Melting Asphalt

"I want to argue for something which is controversial, although I believe that it is also intuitive and commonsensical. My claim is this: Oliver [ average Right Winger] believes what he does because that is the kind of thinker he is or, to put it more bluntly, because there is something wrong with how he thinks. The problem with conspiracy theorists is not, as the US legal scholar Cass Sunstein argues, that they have little relevant information. The key to what they end up believing is how they interpret and respond to the vast quantities of relevant information at their disposal. I want to suggest that this is fundamentally a question of the way they are. Oliver isn’t mad (or at least, he needn’t be). Nevertheless, his beliefs about 9/11 are the result of the peculiarities of his intellectual constitution – in a word, of his intellectual character." The intellectual character of conspiracy theorists | Aeon Essays

The Problem With Facts

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." Soren Kierkegaard
Octoldit, excellent you are certainly improving, first it was the Great Pumpkin, then Bigfoot and now communists. Great, soon maybe you move closer to reality and it will be the real reason, constitutional law in America. That may take some time but good luck.

"But when we consider the beliefs of other people? It's an epistemic shit show out there. Astrology, conspiracies, the healing power of crystals. Aliens who abduct Earthlings and build pyramids. That vaccines cause autism or that Obama is a crypto-Muslim — or that the world was formed some 6,000 years ago, replete with fossils made to look millions of years old. How could anyone believe this stuff?! ... No, seriously: how?" Crony Beliefs | Melting Asphalt

"I want to argue for something which is controversial, although I believe that it is also intuitive and commonsensical. My claim is this: Oliver [ average Right Winger] believes what he does because that is the kind of thinker he is or, to put it more bluntly, because there is something wrong with how he thinks. The problem with conspiracy theorists is not, as the US legal scholar Cass Sunstein argues, that they have little relevant information. The key to what they end up believing is how they interpret and respond to the vast quantities of relevant information at their disposal. I want to suggest that this is fundamentally a question of the way they are. Oliver isn’t mad (or at least, he needn’t be). Nevertheless, his beliefs about 9/11 are the result of the peculiarities of his intellectual constitution – in a word, of his intellectual character." The intellectual character of conspiracy theorists | Aeon Essays

The Problem With Facts

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." Soren Kierkegaard

Communism is far from a victim less plague of massive crime. History confirms the undeniable fact that any government that submits to the communist will experience mass murders of men, women, and children on an enormous scale. Recent evidence shows how many millions of innocent people are murdered and displaced all this can be seen in Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, Syria and many other countries.

Since 1972 more than 82 million innocent babies have been brutally slaughter in the womb and partially out of the womb. The communist have satanic and perverse way of thinking, It's a ideology that believes it can prevent problems by murdering innocent people who don't conform to their extremely wicked plans of total domination.

One of the biggest lies that's ever been told is that communism ended after the Berlin wall was torn down. No; tearing down the Berlin wall was an another incremental step in setting the communist plague loose on the world.

The fake 9-11 attacks was another spring board in the spread of communism/Marxism, and none of the events on September eleventh and afterwards makes any since under one recognizes the facts that "it's all communism"!

You can play all the childish Great pumpkin, and big foot games that you want, but when it's all said and done you will share in the retribution for walking in lock step with Satan and his plans for the destruction of the earth. I'll attempt to state something here that's probably far over your head, but I'll state it anyway.

There is a mighty God that exists and the only real new world order is the one he will implement. Looking at the big picture in this war of good and evil everything that one says, thinks, and does is recorded. The point being God's original plan was that all mankind be immortal just as God and his enemy Satan are immortal.

An adoption will take place, and those working for Satan will join him and the fallen angels in the bowels of hell for eternity. Understand God plan for all people to be immortal was only set back, not abolished.

Being one of the Zionist useful idiots will bring no benefits to you, don't be a damn fool. Don't you know the rich Zionist are Satan's main useful idiots executing the plans of Satan, and don't you realize the true creator of communism is Satan himself. Where are you going to spent the Zionist bribe money in a nation devastated by communism.

Look at Syria, Libya, and Iraq the peace and well being has been intentionally destroyed by filthy rich Zionist psychopaths who are "certifiable mad"! They don't care if everything is destroyed. Madness is far worst than insanity, for people suffering from madness believe that they are so clever while killing, stealing, and destroying the lives of millions of innocent people.

To make a long story short the communist hate the rule of law, it's in their way. The communist use law to play everybody and everything against the true intent of the law. They use laws to subjugate and enslave the masses of people. The only real law of the communist is "by any means necessary", which includes lying, stealing, and killing on a massive level.

Political correctness in it's entirety contains the sick twisted notion of preventing crimes against the state "before it happens". Thought crimes and any thing spoken is then used against nonconformist usurping and replacing the rule of law.

The American Federal courts now confirm the fact that communist cult member judges are filing law suit against a sitting president based on political correctness and not the rule of law. The true intent of the separation Executive, congressional, and judicial branches of government was not to usurp and undermine any branch of the same governmental system.

Again the lawless communist play everyone and everything against the true intent of the law. The judicial branch in suits filed against President Donald Trump is no doubt an act of communism. All the Anti-American instigation by the Zionist news media and (closet communist Liberals) aimed at provoking destabilization of the American government is all Communism/Marxism.

None of it makes since until one acknowledge the things that are happening for what they really are: "communism".

You can try to divert attention away from the facts all you want by touching on your goofy array of unrelated topics in an attempt to try and confuse people, however the real true is undeniable, in your face, and all over the place. Communism is not dead, it's alive and a major threat to all humanity worldwide.

Get past the evil trick of believing that Communism/Marxism is dead, you see it everyday, it's out to destroy American and the world.

Remember the main combatants in World War 2 was not Russia vs Germany, it's was the "Communist Jews that took over Russia" vs Germany!

It's not too late to remember General Pattons words; America fought against the wrong enemy in the second World War.

These same people are trying to instigated a third World War.

Make no mistake the Zionist Jews are the communist!


Look Familiar?

They got the Holy land by terrorism.

In the sick minds of these psychopaths their actions confirms the fact that they really think that they can take over the entire world though terrorism.



LINK: Zionist media invests billions trying to control the thinking of public with fake news
Octoldit, excellent you are certainly improving, first it was the Great Pumpkin, then Bigfoot and now communists. Great, soon maybe you move closer to reality and it will be the real reason, constitutional law in America. That may take some time but good luck.

"But when we consider the beliefs of other people? It's an epistemic shit show out there. Astrology, conspiracies, the healing power of crystals. Aliens who abduct Earthlings and build pyramids. That vaccines cause autism or that Obama is a crypto-Muslim — or that the world was formed some 6,000 years ago, replete with fossils made to look millions of years old. How could anyone believe this stuff?! ... No, seriously: how?" Crony Beliefs | Melting Asphalt

"I want to argue for something which is controversial, although I believe that it is also intuitive and commonsensical. My claim is this: Oliver [ average Right Winger] believes what he does because that is the kind of thinker he is or, to put it more bluntly, because there is something wrong with how he thinks. The problem with conspiracy theorists is not, as the US legal scholar Cass Sunstein argues, that they have little relevant information. The key to what they end up believing is how they interpret and respond to the vast quantities of relevant information at their disposal. I want to suggest that this is fundamentally a question of the way they are. Oliver isn’t mad (or at least, he needn’t be). Nevertheless, his beliefs about 9/11 are the result of the peculiarities of his intellectual constitution – in a word, of his intellectual character." The intellectual character of conspiracy theorists | Aeon Essays

The Problem With Facts

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." Soren Kierkegaard

Communism is far from a victim less plague of massive crime. History confirms the undeniable fact that any government that submits to the communist will experience mass murders of men, women, and children on an enormous scale. Recent evidence shows how many millions of innocent people are murdered and displaced all this can be seen in Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, Syria and many other countries.

Since 1972 more than 82 million innocent babies have been brutally slaughter in the womb and partially out of the womb. The communist have satanic and perverse way of thinking, It's a ideology that believes it can prevent problems by murdering innocent people who don't conform to their extremely wicked plans of total domination.

One of the biggest lies that's ever been told is that communism ended after the Berlin wall was torn down. No; tearing down the Berlin wall was an another incremental step in setting the communist plague loose on the world.

The fake 9-11 attacks was another spring board in the spread of communism/Marxism, and none of the events on September eleventh and afterwards makes any since under one recognizes the facts that "it's all communism"!

You can play all the childish Great pumpkin, and big foot games that you want, but when it's all said and done you will share in the retribution for walking in lock step with Satan and his plans for the destruction of the earth. I'll attempt to state something here that's probably far over your head, but I'll state it anyway.

There is a mighty God that exists and the only real new world order is the one he will implement. Looking at the big picture in this war of good and evil everything that one says, thinks, and does is recorded. The point being God's original plan was that all mankind be immortal just as God and his enemy Satan are immortal.

An adoption will take place, and those working for Satan will join him and the fallen angels in the bowels of hell for eternity. Understand God plan for all people to be immortal was only set back, not abolished.

Being one of the Zionist useful idiots will bring no benefits to you, don't be a damn fool. Don't you know the rich Zionist are Satan's main useful idiots executing the plans of Satan, and don't you realize the true creator of communism is Satan himself. Where are you going to spent the Zionist bribe money in a nation devastated by communism.

Look at Syria, Libya, and Iraq the peace and well being has been intentionally destroyed by filthy rich Zionist psychopaths who are "certifiable mad"! They don't care if everything is destroyed. Madness is far worst than insanity, for people suffering from madness believe that they are so clever while killing, stealing, and destroying the lives of millions of innocent people.

To make a long story short the communist hate the rule of law, it's in their way. The communist use law to play everybody and everything against the true intent of the law. They use laws to subjugate and enslave the masses of people. The only real law of the communist is "by any means necessary", which includes lying, stealing, and killing on a massive level.

Political correctness in it's entirety contains the sick twisted notion of preventing crimes against the state "before it happens". Thought crimes and any thing spoken is then used against nonconformist usurping and replacing the rule of law.

The American Federal courts now confirm the fact that communist cult member judges are filing law suit against a sitting president based on political correctness and not the rule of law. The true intent of the separation Executive, congressional, and judicial branches of government was not to usurp and undermine any branch of the same governmental system.

Again the lawless communist play everyone and everything against the true intent of the law. The judicial branch in suits filed against President Donald Trump is no doubt an act of communism. All the Anti-American instigation by the Zionist news media and (closet communist Liberals) aimed at provoking destabilization of the American government is all Communism/Marxism.

None of it makes since until one acknowledge the things that are happening for what they really are: "communism".

You can try to divert attention away from the facts all you want by touching on your goofy array of unrelated topics in an attempt to try and confuse people, however the real true is undeniable, in your face, and all over the place. Communism is not dead, it's alive and a major threat to all humanity worldwide.

Get past the evil trick of believing that Communism/Marxism is dead, you see it everyday, it's out to destroy American and the world.

Remember the main combatants in World War 2 was not Russia vs Germany, it's was the "Communist Jews that took over Russia" vs Germany!

It's not too late to remember General Pattons words; America fought against the wrong enemy in the second World War.

These same people are trying to instigated a third World War.

Make no mistake the Zionist Jews are the communist!


Look Familiar?

They got the Holy land by terrorism.

In the sick minds of these psychopaths their actions confirms the fact that they really think that they can take over the entire world though terrorism.



LINK: Zionist media invests billions trying to control the thinking of public with fake news

You spent a lot of time and effort putting such a long post together. It's a shame that it ended up with so much crazy in it.
So reality is crazy, and the box that your mind is restricted to is normal.

You have it all wrong junior.

Maybe you should change your name to Poodle!
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So reality is crazy, and the box that your mind is restricted to is normal.

You have it all wrong junior.

Maybe you should change your name to Poodle!

Considering the bizarre flights of fancy you took when you penned that odd post, I can see how you could believe what you do about what I posted. It's expected.
Trump said he needed 90 days to figure out what is happening with immigration. It's been more than 90 days. What's his problem? No reason why he couldn't have figured it out by now. The only reason he is still pushing for the ban is he promised to ban Muslims, and he wants to do that.

Exactly. Trump wanted a "temporary ban" on immigration from certain countries for 90 days in order to figure out something or other, but every EO has been blocked, and he has now been in office for 6 months, and is taking his 90 day ban EO to the SUPREME COURT. One can only assume that Trump can not multi-task, and that he has no intention to start "thinking about" the issue until his "temporary ban" is in place.

And, his supporters see nothing odd about this.
Trump said he needed 90 days to figure out what is happening with immigration. It's been more than 90 days. What's his problem? No reason why he couldn't have figured it out by now. The only reason he is still pushing for the ban is he promised to ban Muslims, and he wants to do that.

Exactly. Trump wanted a "temporary ban" on immigration from certain countries for 90 days in order to figure out something or other, but every EO has been blocked, and he has now been in office for 6 months, and is taking his 90 day ban EO to the SUPREME COURT. One can only assume that Trump can not multi-task, and that he has no intention to start "thinking about" the issue until his "temporary ban" is in place.

And, his supporters see nothing odd about this.

What other Trump EO was blocked besides Erik judge shopping on his sanctuary city EO?

Trump said he needed 90 days to figure out what is happening with immigration. It's been more than 90 days. What's his problem? No reason why he couldn't have figured it out by now. The only reason he is still pushing for the ban is he promised to ban Muslims, and he wants to do that.

Exactly. Trump wanted a "temporary ban" on immigration from certain countries for 90 days in order to figure out something or other, but every EO has been blocked, and he has now been in office for 6 months, and is taking his 90 day ban EO to the SUPREME COURT. One can only assume that Trump can not multi-task, and that he has no intention to start "thinking about" the issue until his "temporary ban" is in place.

And, his supporters see nothing odd about this.

What other Trump EO was blocked besides Erik judge shopping on his sanctuary city EO?


The ban as supposed to allow him 90 days to figure out what is going on. It's been mote than 90 days already. Why hasn't he at least tried to figure it out?
Every American has a right to file a lawsuit and be heard to determine if it has merit. There is nothing communist about it nor is it a insult to Americans.

When Republicans wanted to stop Obama's EO on immigration, they judge shopped for a Texas judge. In that case they used Obama's words against him. Both sides do it. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
I love it when the RW starts calling the rest of us communists. It is like that got caught in an 1953 time warp!

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