expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

Good morning,Los Angeles Rams fans,take a look back at the news of the past few days.

A significant negative impact,and you can quote me,a huge percentage of our business comes from orange county and LA. meanwhile,the difficulty the Rams are having renovating the jones dome or negotiating a deal with city and state leaders on a new stadium could be sufficient evidence to prove they've explored all plausible avenues to stay in saint Louis.thus meeting the NFL's threshold for granting permission for relocation.

NFL in L.A. Rams owner Stan Kroenke x2019 s land purchase in Inglewood may help stars align for move
Prior to Kroenke's land purchase,I told people that the Rams failure to reach a deal with st Louis and Missouri politicians was not the end of the world as long as there were no viable options for the team to move to.an by viable options,I mean a city that has a new stadium.

There is little hope in the short run that the Rams will engage in along term deal to extend their lease in saint Louis once it expires after 2014.

Are The St. Louis Rams Headed West With Owner s Land Purchase In L.A - Forbes
Former L.A. Rams pro bowl DB Leroy Irvin shares his thoughts on whether The Rams should return to Los Angeles.

Arizona didn't steal anything. The city of St Louis and it's citizens do not own the brand, the NFL and the owner of the team owns the brand. It sucks but they are in the business of making money. Besides, using your thought process, the Cards brand would be owned by Chicago. St. Louis stole the team name from the Windy City.

What I find amusing, under his own logic, the Rams really belong in Cleveland. That's where they were first founded and their first city.

My opinion, it sucks to lose a team, however it's an owners right to move a team.

This pretty much sums up my view on the matter rather nicely.

so I assume I am wrong and you would actually not want the steelers returned back to you where they rightfully belong from arizona? seriously? thats what i gathered foem your previous post and since you didnt answer the question.

My fan base has supported the team and filled the stadiums even when the team stunk up the place. I am not too worried about the Steelers every leaving my city so the questions is silly. The surest way to keep a team is to not be fair weather fans because the NFL/owners own the brand and not the city and its people.

No its not silly at all in the fact that the Raiders,Colts, Rams,Browns and Oilers were all packing their stadiums selling out all their games as well before those A hole owners gave the fans the middle finger and left for another city so its a VERY relevent question that Im going to ask one more time which is-

-If Art Rooney wasnt the class guy that he is and was a jerk like those A hole owners all were and moved them to arizona 20 years ago despite the great turnouts from the crowds they were having because he wasnt able to get a new stadium like he wanted and was about to move them back next year to pittsburgh,would you STILL be saying that arizona shouldnt have to give up their name?

simple yes or no question.
hmmm,interesting that you were going back and forth with me on this yesterday but as soon as I asked you to give me a simple yes or no question you refused to answer it.could it be because your afraid it proves my point that its just plain idiotic to say that Arizona should not have to give up their team name to saint Louis?
The Forum parking lot is too small for a stadium and it's right in the flight path of LAX. That won't happen in a post 9/11 world. (as it said in yer article) The FAA is even restricting R/C model drones.

You article also says the NFL rules states that the Owner has to commit to "good faith bargaining". Not returning phone calls is not "good faith" but probably typical, douchebag NFL owner activity.
The Forum parking lot is too small for a stadium and it's right in the flight path of LAX. That won't happen in a post 9/11 world. (as it said in yer article) The FAA is even restricting R/C model drones.

You article also says the NFL rules states that the Owner has to commit to "good faith bargaining". Not returning phone calls is not "good faith" but probably typical, douchebag NFL owner activity.
Also the entire property is 60 acres, Dallas' stadium is on 140 acres.

I would think a city such as LA would be a big deal and at least 100 acres.

The owner of the Rams is a real estate developer, he buys and sells property all over America.

Los Angeles is getting an NFL team, probably two.

The Chargers, the Raiders and the Rams are all contenders. They all have reasons that they are considered and all have reasons they are not.

The Chargers have franchise rights, so they could make it very expensive for another team to come to the area.

Where would a team play until a new stadium was built? There are road blocks for The Rose Bowl and Memorial Stadium. Dodger stadium has been called a short fix, but football in a baseball venue could be difficult.

All in all, anything can happen and any team or teams could be the answer, the timeline is the question.

Lots have to happen and owners would have to approve.
The Chargers play the "We're moving" game almost every year to get a new stadium. The current one that was financed with SD Teachers Union Pensions (That's a fact) apparently isn't good enough. It's those expensive skyboxes don't you know! The Vikings play the same game with SoCal too. It's so boring and predictable. The same tired Sports Announcers try to hype up fan enthusiasm for an NFL team when there isn't any. It basically come down to how can the NFL owner bamboozle the city, and L.A. is weary of the NFL having been burned by that sh*bag Al Davis.

Not only is Dodger Stadium a sh*t venue, but it's in a lousy neighborhood (Echo Park, they just CALL it Chavez Ravine) and it has lousy access, just two narrow roads. Angel Stadium has much better access right off a freeway.

Yes, the city of L.A. may "get" a team or have one pushed on them, but that doesn't mean they actually want one. I've said that from the begining.
The Chargers play the "We're moving" game almost every year to get a new stadium. The current one that was financed with SD Teachers Union Pensions (That's a fact) apparently isn't good enough. It's those expensive skyboxes don't you know! The Vikings play the same game with SoCal too. It's so boring and predictable. The same tired Sports Announcers try to hype up fan enthusiasm for an NFL team when there isn't any. It basically come down to how can the NFL owner bamboozle the city, and L.A. is weary of the NFL having been burned by that sh*bag Al Davis.

Not only is Dodger Stadium a sh*t venue, but it's in a lousy neighborhood (Echo Park, they just CALL it Chavez Ravine) and it has lousy access, just two narrow roads. Angel Stadium has much better access right off a freeway.

Yes, the city of L.A. may "get" a team or have one pushed on them, but that doesn't mean they actually want one. I've said that from the begining.
you being one of the posters that came on here and insisted the rams wont be moving back to LA next year,you are about to win first prize for jackass of the year award in the fact the announcers in the chargers/rams game were saying -who will be the first team to play in LA NEXT YEAR? talking about how the NFL plans to have a team in LA next year.

oh and even the media in saint louis who has been saying people like me are living in a fantasyworld saying they would be back in LA next year,even THEY have said they have some reliable sources in the NFL that have told them the rams will be back in LA next year. oh and if thats not enough,eric dickerson who still travels to rams games in saint louis,he said recently some officials in the rams organization have told him there is an excellent chance for them to be back in LA next year.

stan kroneke would be a complete idiot to keep them in saint louis when he can opt out of his lease after this year and leave to play in LA.there is no fan support for the rams in saint louis whatsoever,the majority of the fans that come to their games always greatly outnumber the home team.

this game in san diego this past week against them,i watched that game and when the rams had the first score,a touchdown,i saw hundreds of THOUSANDS of people jumping up and down cheering them on.i would say half the stadium was full of rams fans. so i would say what i heard later on was pretty accurate that the chargers sold 20,000 tickets to Ram fans in that game and they were LA RAM fans.

So much for the myth that LA does not support pro football.:cuckoo:

oh and it looks like you missed the part how they mentioned the raiders relocating as well. what the media is doing is they know the rams are a lock for moving back to LA next year.so they are just trying to keep everybody in doubt by bring the chargers and raiders names into the mix.they are trying to play mind games with the public and for the uninformed like you who hasnt been following the situation closely,they got them all fooled.

problem is if you were a serous reseacher like myself on this,you would know they left out some key details wen talking about this such as forgetting to mention the fact that to relocate,you have to have the approval of the majority of the NFL owners to do so and the majority of them dont want the Raiders in LA.they dont want a davis owned raider franchise in LA.neither them or the LA city officials want them in LA so LA is out of the picture for the Raiders.

and as far as the chargers? dean spanos told the league a couple years ago to scratch them off the list.that they have no interest in moving and want to stay in san diego.His actions confirm that as well because unlike kroenke,spanos is not locked down in a stadium lease to where he has to stay in sain diego this year.He has been playing on a lease to lease basis and has had NUMEROUS chances to move to LA but has not.so there is no reason to not believe him that he is telling the truth when he says he wants to stay in san diego.:biggrin:
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The Chargers play the "We're moving" game almost every year to get a new stadium. The current one that was financed with SD Teachers Union Pensions (That's a fact) apparently isn't good enough. It's those expensive skyboxes don't you know! The Vikings play the same game with SoCal too. It's so boring and predictable. The same tired Sports Announcers try to hype up fan enthusiasm for an NFL team when there isn't any. It basically come down to how can the NFL owner bamboozle the city, and L.A. is weary of the NFL having been burned by that sh*bag Al Davis.

Not only is Dodger Stadium a sh*t venue, but it's in a lousy neighborhood (Echo Park, they just CALL it Chavez Ravine) and it has lousy access, just two narrow roads. Angel Stadium has much better access right off a freeway.

Yes, the city of L.A. may "get" a team or have one pushed on them, but that doesn't mean they actually want one. I've said that from the begining.
see thats where your full of shit.the rams the majority of the time they were in LA,were always in the top five in league attendance.while they were in LA,their games always sold out at 75,000 all the time.moving out of LAto anaheim was the worst mistake they ever made since anahiem stadium was a much smaller stadium than the LA coliseum.when they were in LA in the colisesum,those games were packed all the time.Unless you dont believe al michales who broadcast many ram games in LA during that time who talks about the myth that LA is not a football town.:cuckoo: and again as i just proved with the turnout at san diego for a ROAD game,LA supports the rams very well.they never supported the raiders there when they were losing but they ALWAYS supported the Rams.:cuckoo:

again is al michals lying here?:cuckoo:

The Forum parking lot is too small for a stadium and it's right in the flight path of LAX. That won't happen in a post 9/11 world. (as it said in yer article) The FAA is even restricting R/C model drones.

You article also says the NFL rules states that the Owner has to commit to "good faith bargaining". Not returning phone calls is not "good faith" but probably typical, douchebag NFL owner activity.
thats because the city of saint louis has already told him they wont be able to raise the money they have asked for for a new stadium,so theres nothing to talk about.:rofl:

man you really are dense about the facts.:rofl: the land purchase kroenke made is 60 acres.too small for a stadium? sure it is,thats why levi stadium,the new stadium where the niners play,is only 22 acres.yep too small for a stadium alright.as always you are ignorant of the facts.:lmao: and model drones have nothing to do with a new stadium,better get off that crack you been smoking lately.:lmao:
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The Chargers play the "We're moving" game almost every year to get a new stadium. The current one that was financed with SD Teachers Union Pensions (That's a fact) apparently isn't good enough. It's those expensive skyboxes don't you know! The Vikings play the same game with SoCal too. It's so boring and predictable. The same tired Sports Announcers try to hype up fan enthusiasm for an NFL team when there isn't any. It basically come down to how can the NFL owner bamboozle the city, and L.A. is weary of the NFL having been burned by that sh*bag Al Davis.

Not only is Dodger Stadium a sh*t venue, but it's in a lousy neighborhood (Echo Park, they just CALL it Chavez Ravine) and it has lousy access, just two narrow roads. Angel Stadium has much better access right off a freeway.

Yes, the city of L.A. may "get" a team or have one pushed on them, but that doesn't mean they actually want one. I've said that from the begining.

funny that you mentioned the vikings because there is a major difference here between the vikings situation they had and the rams situation.when the vikings threatened to move to LA,that got the law makers in minnesota to get up off their duffs and do something to get them their new stadium they needed which they are building for them now.plus the fans in minnesoto all support that team and had rallys to demonstrate their passion to keep ther team.none of that is happening in saint louis.the city has already told the rams they wont be able to build them a new stadium and dont have the money to raise it and the fan support there is horrible.the opposing teams fans greatly outnumber the home fans there.its about the only city that has that problem.lol thats what makes the rams situation unique is they have honored their agreement with the city,the city has not.where the raiders and chargers have all kinds of hurdele they would have to clear before even being able to be considered to move.the rams dont have thouse hurdles.
Nobody can say for sure because silent stan kroenke wont give us the time of day.But a team in los angeles could be in the works.

Now that superbowl sunday is behind us,people who dont like football can relax.everywhere but here,that is.football will continue to be a big topic around the water coolers of st.louis.is the team leaving for los angeles?

McClellan FAQs on the St. Louis Rams drama News
this game in san diego this past week against them,i watched that game and when the rams had the first score,a touchdown,i saw hundreds of THOUSANDS of people jumping up and down cheering them on.i would say half the stadium was full of rams fans.

QualComm Stadium has a capacity of 71,294. Yet you claim to have seen hundred or thousands. So at best, under 36,000 fans jumped up and down, not hundreds of thousands that is being claimed.

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