expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

after my last post i made,someone farted in here.:9:
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:lol: he answers me in rely's to others, then claims he can't read my post by say his 3 year old "farted" BS.

How does he know, which are asking info and which are direct attacks, he reads my posts! :lol:

Love this game he can't refute and I can attack his bullshit posts. Hundreds of thousands! :lmao:
Love what they were saying in the first video how saint louis is the ONLY stadium that is funded by taxpayer money.:biggrin:

Tax payers coughed up 528M so far for the Rams

in the second one they talked about the owner of the jaguars telling the fans he will do what it takes to stay in jacksonville and guess what? they got themselves a new deal to stay there a few months after that.whats interesting about that is thats what mark davis of the raider and dean spanos of the chargers have done with their fans.Not stan kroenke,he is the only one of the three that has not come out to try and reassure the fans he wants to stay cause he has no intent to do so.:biggrin:
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Apparently I'm a "paid gov't troll" even tough RimJob had originally asked me to post in his thread. That's what being a sports zombie will do to you.

I'll say it for the last time: Only the NFL wants a team in L.A. Rimjob thinks I said "There will never be an NFL team in L.A" but of course, he's an idiot. Now I see him as the Anti-Truthers do.

When the NFL finally forces a team on Los Angeles it'll be the same as last time. High Taxes, Subsidized Stadium Construction, Secret Crony Deals, Shitty Teams, Blacked Out Home Games. Then they will leave and to a diffferent city to suck money out of.

F*ck the NFL! They should move all their sh*tty, steroid laden teams to China.
Apparently I'm a "paid gov't troll" even tough RimJob had originally asked me to post in his thread. That's what being a sports zombie will do to you.

I'll say it for the last time: Only the NFL wants a team in L.A. Rimjob thinks I said "There will never be an NFL team in L.A" but of course, he's an idiot. Now I see him as the Anti-Truthers do.

When the NFL finally forces a team on Los Angeles it'll be the same as last time. High Taxes, Subsidized Stadium Construction, Secret Crony Deals, Shitty Teams, Blacked Out Home Games. Then they will leave and to a diffferent city to suck money out of.

F*ck the NFL! They should move all their sh*tty, steroid laden teams to China.

its no surprise you are so dense,a common denominater i have noticed about you saint louis apologists is you all have reading comprehension problems because i have clearly said MANY times you were an idiot to believe what rightwinger troll posted instead of me because he IS a paid troll.

go read what i posted on your page again and what i have said on this whole thread that the ONLY difference between you and rightwinger is that he IS a paid troll where you are not.as always i see you LIE when you are just like paid troll rightwinger does all the time. if all you can do is lie all the time when you are cornered,i might as well put you on ignore and yes,i have already ADMITTED on this thread at least a couple times it was a MISTAKE for me to ask you to come and post here.

you saint louis apologists sure like to lie all the time,with rightwinger i can understand since he is on the government payroll and PAID to lie,you though,thats really sad that all you have to do is troll here and come on and lie all the time.

since you have reading comprehension problems,i'll repeat it for you. Yes i dont deny that i asked you to come here,I ADMIT that,i now see that i made a HUGE mistake in doing so . there you satisfied? thats a mistake i wont ever make with you again. now that THAT is all cleared up,since all you can do is trol on this thread and make up lies when you are proven wrong,it would be appreciated if you stopped coming on here to fart all the time like pooper has recently.

oh and AGAIN it wasnt till only the last couple years the Rams were in LA that they had to black out games due to not selling out because the bitch got what she wanted,purposely dismanteling the team getting rid of great players like eric dickerson so the fans would get mad and stop showing up so she could claim her move to saint louis.

thank god that bitch is dead and she is no longer the owner anymore.

as al michaels said,rams games were always packed in LA.and unlike you,michales knows what he is talking about since he used to broadcast many of their home games.20,00 tickets at the chargers game in san diego proves they have a huge passion for their rams.20,000 tickets sold for a road game is very impressive.

you clearly have reading comprehension problems as you have demonstrated so well first saying i said you were a paid troll when all i said was that you are just a troll,big difference.now i have to repeat myself with you that it was only the last couple years they were there that the agmes were blacked out for not selling out cause they got fed up with the bitch getting rid of all the great platers like eric dickerson,she AGAIN purpusely did that so fans would stop showing up so she could justify her move to saint louis.

i have to repeat every fucking thing to you cause you have reading comprehension problems
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couple of really interesting posts from some LA RAM fans at the la ram message board i post at.

On the eve of the game between the Rams and Raiders, things are starting to really heat up. The big guns are now being brought out, in the form of publicity from former Disney CEO Michael Eisner.

Do or die, NFL. The next move is all yours to make.

The biggest reason LA really is in play for the NFL at the moment -- which bothers me because until the US's 2nd largest city regains a pro-football team, it should always be in play for this country's favorite sport regardless -- is because of AEG's proposal for the site across from LA Live in downtown.

Although Los Angeles has been used as leverage by NFL owners, such as by the former owner of the Seahawks 18 years ago (who until the last second was about ready to send the moving vans to LA), there really hasn't been any concrete location and plan (and money) for a stadium, at least until Farmer's Field rolled around.

200 BadRequest

It's now more of a timing issue than ever before, because no team that does move to LA will want to be playing in a temporary stadium -- whether the Rose Bowl or Coliseum -- longer than necessary. AEG has invested millions of dollars and several years' worth of time into its stadium proposal, whereas any other planned NFL stadium in the LA area will presumably be starting from scratch from 2015 onward.
The game (Rams vs. Chargers) also made me realize that the effort to keep the Rams in St. Louis might be doomed." When you get 20,000 fans from LA to show up to Qualcom with Rams gear, it strengthens the Rams' move to LA dramatically! LA Rams 2015!
at the chargers/rams game there were LA RAM fans holding signs that said LOS ANGELES RAMS on the walls,whats funny is the saint Louis crowd tried to copy them holding up signs when they kicked an extra point that read -keep the rams in saint Louis.how pathetic.they know the writing is on the wall. if they all wanted to keep the rams there,they should have decided to show up for their games.lol here is their pathetic efforts.lol

Curtis Chow - Photos of Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams Facebook
so very true below.lol

Looks like alphabet soup.

Scrabble, anyone?
Lol so funny. Dome is empty again. LA Rams!
so very true below.lol

Looks like alphabet soup.

Scrabble, anyone?
Lol so funny. Dome is empty again. LA Rams!

Pathetic attempt by silly stloooooooooooooooooooie.

Can you say copycats.....trying to do what we did in SanDiego last week.....it won't work.
so much for the lies spread by the media that LA is not a football town.

Who is the bozo commentator on the Rams-Raiders game today. He said the fans wouldn't support the Rams unless they are winning? He says he grew up there. 15 of the top 20 attendance figures in the NFL were in Los Angeles. The Rams also set the all-time attendance record in 1957 with over 102,000 fans packing the Coliseum. While Los Angeles and Southern California loves baseball and basketball, the huge crowds that attend even H.S. football games in LA are proof enough that the city of Angels is indeed a football town. The Rams drew well above the NFL average especially during their shared Coliseum existence with the USC and UCLA football programs playing there there too, all drawing well above 60 and 70 thousand fans on a regular basis. On top of the overwhelming support for the local teams, the Los Angeles area produces many college football and NFL stars. As a matter of fact, the Pac-12 conference's success has a lot to do with the vast amount of football talent in the Los Angeles area. There was a lot of support for them even in their LEAN years! Michael W Johnson.
"The “Bring Back The Los Angeles Rams” page had 42,062 likes as of Monday morning, and odds are that page was instrumental in helping to organize the large turnout of Rams fans to Qualcomm Stadium Sunday afternoon. Maybe close to one-third of Sunday’s attendance consisted of Rams fans, most wearing the royal blue associated with L.A. rather than the navy blue associated with St. Louis."
The Los Angeles Rams are coming home.Get fired up L.A.!

this video was made for all of you LOS ANGELES RAMS fans.old and young.the memories will give you chills.St Louis,you've had your fun with our team,but now we're getting back what is rightfully ours.


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