expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

Stan's wife's family bought the property to build a Walmart store. Then the city shot that Walmart plan down. So Stan had his wife transfer the property to him to use as leverage to get St Louis to build him a new stadium.

This is just the mega rich extorting cities & tax payers for more money. The Walton's made most of their wealth from property tax breaks and tax payers supporting their workers. Now they are using this wealth to steal even more from us. This is what happens when government subsidizes business, fails to raise minimum wage above poverty support levels & punishes workers for collectively bargaining. The workers create the wealth & the rich get to take it all.

nice game of dodgeball troll,you dodged EVERYTHING i said.:blahblah:

doesnt counter ANYTHING that i have posted loser.miserable fail!!!!
they got one foot out the door.keep trolling demise saint lous troll,you dont fool harry,myself or that other poster one bit.nobody is going to listen to a paid internet trolls lies like you and rightwinger since thats all you two trolls have ever done since day one coming to this site.
It's really none of my bidnez but... you and your co-worker better stop wasting time talking about what a lying hypocritical whatever USMB poster I am and get back to work. I would REALLY hate to have you think I was responsible for you two losing your jobs over this thing.

The last thing I really need is you two showing up at my motel in the middle of the night blaming me for your new found unemployment.. LOL

I DO have the freedom to use the internet as much as I want to as well as focus on any number of other personal issues I choose to. Don't get your asses in a sling wasting your bosses time and money with this shit. Because I know damned well you will blame it on me if this goes sideways on you.

I can just picture you guys out in my parking lot in Camos with your faces painted in tiger stripes...LOL
Stan's wife's family bought the property to build a Walmart store. Then the city shot that Walmart plan down. So Stan had his wife transfer the property to him to use as leverage to get St Louis to build him a new stadium.

This is just the mega rich extorting cities & tax payers for more money. The Walton's made most of their wealth from property tax breaks and tax payers supporting their workers. Now they are using this wealth to steal even more from us. This is what happens when government subsidizes business, fails to raise minimum wage above poverty support levels & punishes workers for collectively bargaining. The workers create the wealth & the rich get to take it all.

nice game of dodgeball troll,you dodged EVERYTHING i said.:blahblah:

doesnt counter ANYTHING that i have posted loser.miserable fail!!!!
they got one foot out the door.keep trolling demise saint lous troll,you dont fool harry,myself or that other poster one bit.nobody is going to listen to a paid internet trolls lies like you and rightwinger since thats all you two trolls have ever done since day one coming to this site.

oh and thanks for demonstrating you CLEARLY have reading comprehension problems ."I" already knew that YEARS ago but the open minded objective ones on here like harry and that other guy have now seen that about you as well,how you play dodgeball.hee hee

love your dodgeball game you play here cause as always,all you did in this latest rambling of yours was help prove my case FOR ME IN THE PROCESS which you ALWAYS do in our debates.:biggrin:

Folks,NONE of this rant of his counters the FACTS i just posted that stan isnt returning phone calls by city officials in saint louis and there have been NO DISCUSSIONS between him,the major,the governor of saint louis, or any city officials there in the last year,they arent any closer NOW than they were a year ago.:biggrin:.

AGAIN dummies style for you paid troll.thats the major difference between why you are going to be crying in the towel not getting your precious raiders back to LA like you want because the city of oakland,the major there,the governor there, and all the city council members there, are ALL communicating with mark davis.

He IS trying to get things done to stay in oakland actually having diologue with them.STAN isnt.

bone up on your reading and memory comprehension skills,you have NONE.:lmao:

harry,bill others? ,ignore huggy,rightwinger,and kiss my,the last two are paid gatekeepers who get paid to troll the boards here everyday.

the other is always too arrogant to admit he ever gets proven wrong.I know IM done with them,you all should do the same.
as we get get closer and closer to the 2015 season to the middle of march when stan kronke has to make his relocation announcment to LA official,these kinds of posts below are getting MORE AND MORE COMMONPLACE ALL THE TIME.

this was a predication someone made at the 10 bold predications for the 2014 NFL season.this guy like harry and others,is objective.unlike huggy,rightwinger and kissmy troll,they look at BOTH sides of the coin.not just one side.they know that the wirting is on the wall in saint louis,its common knowledge all over the country they got one foot out the door in saint louis.hee hee.

The St. Louis Rams finally move to Los Angeles.This has been one of the longest rumors in the history of the NFL. One of these days it will finally come true. The Rams are not happy with there stadium in St. Loius. Moving from St. Louis a smaller market to a huge market like los Angeles will only help the Rams.

off topic here,but here is another one below just for shits and grins.lol

10. Jason Garrett and Rex Ryan both get fired by the end of the season.
Jerry Jones is getting tired of losing and he will do anything to win. If Garrett doesn’t have the Cowboys in playoff contention, look for Garrett to get fired. Then there is Rex Ryan in New York. The Jets have missed the playoffs the last three seasons. There were rumors of Ryan being fired last off season but the Jets surprised everyone and brought Ryan back. Ryan might be on his last leg with the New York Jets.
Oh NOW you are done !!!!

Sorry ...I don't believe it for a second.


I sure wish you guys wouldn't be so secretive about how one gets to be a paid troll.

I could be the best damned paid troll EVAHHHHH.

I could lie...be hypocritical... I HAVE ZERO morals when it come to the internets.

Sweet gig if ya ask me.

:cuckoo:I sooooo much cant wait till the middle of when march comes when stan has to make the relocation announcement by that deadline and then announces the Rams are going to move back to LA.

It will be so biitersweet and the funnest moment in my life here at USMB rubbing it in the faces of demise LA RAIDER fans kissmy and MS,kiss my especially since he actuallybelieves the faders have one prayer in the world of moving back to LA:lmao:.

now THAT is some funny shit.:biggrin::lmao::lmao::lol::lmao:

i have no doubt back in 95 before the raiders moved back to oakland he and MS did back then what they are doing on THIS thread.

Like he does here,I have no doubt when raider fans in oakland were telling him back then months before it happened and was announced that the raiders would be back in oakland they ALSO covered their ears and closed his eyes their eyes to all those people as well no doubt.:lmao::lmao: then moved to another part of the country to avoid facing them because they were too immature to admit they were proven wrong.:lmao:

Huggy,kissmy,rightwinger,antiquity are ALL going to have egg on their faces come mid march and no doubt deny this thread was ever created by me acting like i dont even bring the link up when I do.:lmao:even when the announcment is made they will probably say EVEN then,its all publicity or something and deny the reality no doubt to avoid admitting they were wrong and that they ignored ignored everything I posted on this thread.:lmao:

again huggy,i loved it when my coworker laughed at your hypocrisy about because the HISTORY of LA has failed to get an NFL team there,its destined AGAIN.

as i have said a million times,according to the warped logic you and MS have,because the HISTORY of the seahawks constant failures in the past,you and me both SHOULD have automatically assumed they would fail last year.

cant get around that hypocrite no matter HOW much you try and sugarcoat it.:rolleyes-41::laugh::laugh::rofl:
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oh something else forgot to mention earlier hug,is TWO can play your game,you want to ignore everything i post on this thread? again TWO can play your game.:biggrin:

unless you of course as always want to prove your hypocrisy you always prove here that COUNTLESS number of people BESIDES myself have called you out on ,expecting me to read what YOU say when you wont read one single thing I say.

that will scream hypocrite if you expect that.:biggrin: but for you,thats normal of course so i wont be surprised if thats what you expect.:biggrin:
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:cuckoo:I sooooo much cant wait till the middle of when march comes when stan has to make the relocation announcement by that deadline and then announces the Rams are going to move back to LA.

It will be so biitersweet and the funnest moment in my life here at USMB rubbing it in the faces of demise LA RAIDER fans kissmy and MS,kiss my especially since he actuallybelieves the faders have one prayer in the world of moving back to LA:lmao:.

now THAT is some funny shit.:biggrin::lmao::lmao::lol::lmao:

i have no doubt back in 95 before the raiders moved back to oakland he and MS did back then what they are doing on THIS thread.

Like he does here,I have no doubt when raider fans in oakland were telling him back then months before it happened and was announced that the raiders would be back in oakland they ALSO covered their ears and closed his eyes their eyes to all those people as well no doubt.:lmao::lmao: then moved to another part of the country to avoid facing them because they were too immature to admit they were proven wrong.:lmao:

Huggy,kissmy,rightwinger,antiquity are ALL going to have egg on their faces come mid march and no doubt deny this thread was ever created by me acting like i dont even bring the link up when I do.:lmao:even when the announcment is made they will probably say EVEN then,its all publicity or something and deny the reality no doubt to avoid admitting they were wrong and that they ignored ignored everything I posted on this thread.:lmao:

again huggy,i loved it when my coworker laughed at your hypocrisy about because the HISTORY of LA has failed to get an NFL team there,its destined AGAIN.

as i have said a million times,according to the warped logic you and MS have,because the HISTORY of the seahawks constant failures in the past,you and me both SHOULD have automatically assumed they would fail last year.

cant get around that hypocrite no matter HOW much you try and sugarcoat it.:rolleyes-41::laugh::laugh::rofl:

No doubt !

:cuckoo:I sooooo much cant wait till the middle of when march comes when stan has to make the relocation announcement by that deadline and then announces the Rams are going to move back to LA.

It will be so biitersweet and the funnest moment in my life here at USMB rubbing it in the faces of demise LA RAIDER fans kissmy and MS,kiss my especially since he actuallybelieves the faders have one prayer in the world of moving back to LA:lmao:.

now THAT is some funny shit.:biggrin::lmao::lmao::lol::lmao:

i have no doubt back in 95 before the raiders moved back to oakland he and MS did back then what they are doing on THIS thread.

Like he does here,I have no doubt when raider fans in oakland were telling him back then months before it happened and was announced that the raiders would be back in oakland they ALSO covered their ears and closed his eyes their eyes to all those people as well no doubt.:lmao::lmao: then moved to another part of the country to avoid facing them because they were too immature to admit they were proven wrong.:lmao:

Huggy,kissmy,rightwinger,antiquity are ALL going to have egg on their faces come mid march and no doubt deny this thread was ever created by me acting like i dont even bring the link up when I do.:lmao:even when the announcment is made they will probably say EVEN then,its all publicity or something and deny the reality no doubt to avoid admitting they were wrong and that they ignored ignored everything I posted on this thread.:lmao:

again huggy,i loved it when my coworker laughed at your hypocrisy about because the HISTORY of LA has failed to get an NFL team there,its destined AGAIN.

as i have said a million times,according to the warped logic you and MS have,because the HISTORY of the seahawks constant failures in the past,you and me both SHOULD have automatically assumed they would fail last year.

cant get around that hypocrite no matter HOW much you try and sugarcoat it.:rolleyes-41::laugh::laugh::rofl:
oh and ONE MORE THING i forgot to mention as well.you saint louis apologists i have no doubt wont stop covering your ears denying reality after the announcement is made they are returning for several months i have no doubt.

you'll all say its some kind of publicity stunt by the media or something im sure.SOMETHING to avoid admitting the truth i handed you all your asses you on a platter and took you all to school.:biggrin:

you all more than likely WONT admit it till they are seen on tv and you are forced to take your hands off your ears and here them say LOS ANGELES RAMS. even still THEN,i doubt you all will even be here to avoid all the egg you all will have on your face then.hahahahahahha

btw hug you can pass this on to your fellow saint louis apologists.

I made many people look like fools back in 95 in REAL life as well.i tried to spell it out for them just as i am with all you saint louis apologists,that the raiders were moving back to oakland,half the ones i told ignored my facts and just like you all here , all covered their ears and did not listen as well. THEY had egg on their faces just like all you saint louis apoligsts are all in for come mid march.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

on THAT note.im done for the day,class dismissed,you all have had enough of a first class education brought on you for the day by me,see you another time in class.hee hee

NOW i have go find some more informative material for the objective open minded people like harry and a couple others on here who look at BOTH sides of the coin.NOT just one side of it.:rolleyes-41::biggrin:
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Rams would be a good fit back in L.A.. Alot has changed there in the last 20 years. They would have to play in the Rose Bowl in 2015, cause a new stadium would not be built by then.
Rams would be a good fit back in L.A.. Alot has changed there in the last 20 years. They would have to play in the Rose Bowl in 2015, cause a new stadium would not be built by then.
you are like only the THIRD one to come on here who looks at BOTH sides of the coin and is objective,rational,and logical about this.

thats EXACTLY all the talk thats been going around in LA the past year when it was announced that he made the land purchase, your just not hearing it from the mainstream media of course cause they want to keep a lid on it till the announcement is made for the relocation in mid march.

I have many friends in LA or near the area both on the net and in real life and they constantly keep me informed of the situation and they already have those plans in place for the Rams to use the rose bowl for two years till they start construction on the stadium next year after the announcement is made.

Once the season finishes next year after the superbowl is over they will announce by mid march their relocation to LA.that is their deadline for the relocation announcement.

thank you B Kidd for contributing to this thread.that was a very informative and insighful post.I am glad you have taken the time unlike the saint louis apologists,to look at BOTH sides of the coin and not just one.again thank you for the post and contributing here.:thup:
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I hope you will keep browsing this thread and decide to watch all the videos and i have posted and other updating information i have in the works till march 15th when the deadline occurs.
:cuckoo:I sooooo much cant wait till the middle of when march comes when stan has to make the relocation announcement by that deadline and then announces the Rams are going to move back to LA.

It will be so biitersweet and the funnest moment in my life here at USMB rubbing it in the faces of demise LA RAIDER fans kissmy and MS,kiss my especially since he actuallybelieves the faders have one prayer in the world of moving back to LA:lmao:.

now THAT is some funny shit.:biggrin::lmao::lmao::lol::lmao:

i have no doubt back in 95 before the raiders moved back to oakland he and MS did back then what they are doing on THIS thread.

Like he does here,I have no doubt when raider fans in oakland were telling him back then months before it happened and was announced that the raiders would be back in oakland they ALSO covered their ears and closed his eyes their eyes to all those people as well no doubt.:lmao::lmao: then moved to another part of the country to avoid facing them because they were too immature to admit they were proven wrong.:lmao:

Huggy,kissmy,rightwinger,antiquity are ALL going to have egg on their faces come mid march and no doubt deny this thread was ever created by me acting like i dont even bring the link up when I do.:lmao:even when the announcment is made they will probably say EVEN then,its all publicity or something and deny the reality no doubt to avoid admitting they were wrong and that they ignored ignored everything I posted on this thread.:lmao:

again huggy,i loved it when my coworker laughed at your hypocrisy about because the HISTORY of LA has failed to get an NFL team there,its destined AGAIN.

as i have said a million times,according to the warped logic you and MS have,because the HISTORY of the seahawks constant failures in the past,you and me both SHOULD have automatically assumed they would fail last year.

cant get around that hypocrite no matter HOW much you try and sugarcoat it.:rolleyes-41::laugh::laugh::rofl:
oh and ONE MORE THING i forgot to mention as well.you saint louis apologists i have no doubt wont stop covering your ears denying reality after the announcement is made they are returning for several months i have no doubt.

you'll all say its some kind of publicity stunt by the media or something im sure.SOMETHING to avoid admitting the truth i handed you all your asses you on a platter and took you all to school.:biggrin:

you all more than likely WONT admit it till they are seen on tv and you are forced to take your hands off your ears and here them say LOS ANGELES RAMS. even still THEN,i doubt you all will even be here to avoid all the egg you all will have on your face then.hahahahahahha

btw hug you can pass this on to your fellow saint louis apologists.

I made many people look like fools back in 95 in REAL life as well.i tried to spell it out for them just as i am with all you saint louis apologists,that the raiders were moving back to oakland,half the ones i told ignored my facts and just like you all here , all covered their ears and did not listen as well. THEY had egg on their faces just like all you saint louis apoligsts are all in for come mid march.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

on THAT note.im done for the day,class dismissed,you all have had enough of a first class education brought on you for the day by me,see you another time in class.hee hee

NOW i have go find some more informative material for the objective open minded people like harry and a couple others on here who look at BOTH sides of the coin.NOT just one side of it.:rolleyes-41::biggrin:

I don't have any St. Louis apologists. Wouldn't know one if I saw one either.

My team's game starts soon so I really have to beg off from this very informative and interesting thread.

Toodles !
A move and an eventual new stadium would easily push the value of the Rams franchise well over 1 billion, making it one of the top valuable franchises in the league.
I hope you will keep browsing this thread and decide to watch all the videos and i have posted and other updating information i have in the works till march 15th when the deadline occurs.

I have decided to NOT watch the videos. I do this in protest over all your name calling and juvenile statements.

A move and an eventual new stadium would easily push the value of the Rams franchise well over 1 billion, making it one of the top valuable franchises in the league.

Like I said before,you are like only the THIRD one to come on here who has done their homework and and has taken the time to look at BOTH sides of the coin.Nice to see you are aware of all this and this isnt something I have to explain to you.I wouldnt mind since your open minded and look at BOTH sides of course but it just saves me the trouble.

btw,i assume you watched all the videos? was there ANYTHING in there you hadnt heard before or not seen before by chance when all this came information started coming out in february this year?
A move and an eventual new stadium would easily push the value of the Rams franchise well over 1 billion, making it one of the top valuable franchises in the league.

Like I said before,you are like only the THIRD one to come on here who has done their homework and and has taken the time to look at BOTH sides of the coin.Nice to see you are aware of all this and this isnt something I have to explain to you.I wouldnt mind since your open minded and look at BOTH sides of course but it just saves me the trouble.

btw,i assume you watched all the videos? was there ANYTHING in there you hadnt heard before or not seen before by chance when all this came information started coming out in february this year?

Not really. At the beginning of the year I read a really comprehensive ESPN article on it.
I hope you will keep browsing this thread and decide to watch all the videos and i have posted and other updating information i have in the works till march 15th when the deadline occurs.

I have decided to NOT watch the videos. I do this in protest over all your name calling and juvenile statements.

I dont know why i decided to look at your post this time,i guess since it was so short and sweet and to the point for once.lol. thanks for showing how dense you are hug.I made that PERFECTLY clear it was for B kidd and NOT for you.duh.:fu::biggrin:

oh so the truth hurts that you're a hypocrite.

poor baby.:finger3: oh and you made that PERFECTLY clear in your very first post you had no intention of watching my videos. talk about someone juvenile.:happy-1: someone who refuses to look at an opposing view like you fits that bill to a tee.:finger3:

oh and try and convince yourself all you want to that "I" am the ONLY one here that has called you out on your hypocrisy.Like dozens of others here havent told you the truth here as well about that little fact about yourself.:funnyface::lmao::biggrin::rofl::rofl::rofl:

well you got me to read one of your rants for the first time in several pages.when they are short and sweet and to the point I can handle that.:lol:
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A move and an eventual new stadium would easily push the value of the Rams franchise well over 1 billion, making it one of the top valuable franchises in the league.

Like I said before,you are like only the THIRD one to come on here who has done their homework and and has taken the time to look at BOTH sides of the coin.Nice to see you are aware of all this and this isnt something I have to explain to you.I wouldnt mind since your open minded and look at BOTH sides of course but it just saves me the trouble.

btw,i assume you watched all the videos? was there ANYTHING in there you hadnt heard before or not seen before by chance when all this came information started coming out in february this year?

Not really. At the beginning of the year I read a really comprehensive ESPN article on it.


well when you have some free time sometime to spare on maybe the weekend or whenever you dont work whenever those hours are,I hope you take the time to view the videos.

they arent that long and like i said,you might hear a few things in there that you havent heard before even though you pretty much have been following this pretty well.:beer:
Dude... I am NOT gonna watch half an hour of videos on a topic that doesn't affect me. I understand the unfair situation that Jerry Buss's widow put you in. She was a real C**T !

That said the REAL problem is that LA fans didn't turn out and fill up either the Coliseum or the stadium in Anaheim. There were just too many TV blackout days. THAT hurts the NFL immage and they are all about their stupid immage.

BTW....you don't even live in LA. You live real close to St Louis. How does the team moving to LA help YOU go to the games?

Fair question.
they avg about 55,000 here during the Robinson years......for that stadium that was pretty good...why they made the capacity 70,000 was beyond me....they were never going to sell that many tickets.....even Dickersons 2,000 yd season did not bring out more....

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