expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

"Under which bizarre scenario does LA end up with ANY NFL team by next season?"

Fascinating question !!!

Doesn't explain how you get paid to troll USMB now does it....

That would be far more interesting reading.
Local sports radio and newspapers have speculated that the Raiders may move soon. Two cities have been mentioned: San Antonio, TX and LA. Davis and the Raiders runied the stadium which they share with the A's.

Why does LA need an NFL team, some of the best food can be found, and some of the best games watched, at the San Francisco Saloon in West LA.
Local sports radio and newspapers have speculated that the Raiders may move soon. Two cities have been mentioned: San Antonio, TX and LA. Davis and the Raiders runied the stadium which they share with the A's.

Why does LA need an NFL team, some of the best food can be found, and some of the best games watched, at the San Francisco Saloon in West LA.
If the faiders moved out of oaktown to somewhere else,if it happens to be one of those two,it will be San Antonio.

much as many demise LA Raider fans in LA want to believe that they may come back to LA soon,its not happening.

Its a very well known fact around NFL circles that the the majority of the owners don't want the raiders back in LA.

Thats been reported all around the country in all the sports newspapers.

since you are on this thread,I hope you will take the time to look at BOTH sides of the coin and watch the videos I have posted.If you do and have an open mind,you'll understand that the rams will be back in LA next year.
9/11 you've got what is it, 9 mother f*ckers on ignore?

Some of whom don't even post here anymore!

Again. LOL at 9/11 putting posters on ignore.

all government disinformation agent trolls for your information.love how you change the subject when cornered.congrats.run mad run.:lmao:
The Rams are not going back to LA

Chargers have a better chance

And the Chargers have NO chance!

you DO realise you are quoting the post of the USMB resident troll here who is a paid disinformation specialist don't you? someone who can NEVER open his mouth without lying don't you?:rolleyes-41:
someone that HUNDREDS of posters have called out for his lying and trolling ways HUNDREDS of times in the past before don't you?:lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl: and that's no exaggeration either.

Over a hundred or so at this site have called him out MANY times on his lies he always goes around posting everywhere at thsi site, and THIS is the guy you are quoting and trying to get me to take you seriously on this subject? not the best tactic in the world for you to use in your desperate and pitiful attempts to try convince me they aren't coming back Mad.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:comedy gold from you as always on this thread.:lmao:

Too bad alex jones isn't talking about this issue on his radio.HIM you would listen to if he told you this was all true.He seems to be someone you worship as a god.:rolleyes-41:

no matter how many people start coming on here and post evidence and facts that prove they were moving back next year,YOU would keep refusing to get your head out of your ass and look at it till alex jones said so.thats been my experience with you in the past.

you ignored EVERYTHING people like me,eots,terral and others said about government corruption when you first came here to this site and never started believing what we said till your idol alex jones said it was true.:rolleyes-41:
you FINALLY became awake not till THEN that what we were saying all along was the truth and not till then,stopped covering your ears and closing your eyes refusing to get your head out of your ass.:rolleyes-41:

I have no doubt you wont get your head out of your ass on this subject either till mid march next year when they make the announcement then and have egg on your face.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lol:

even THEN when its all over ESPN and on the front pages of the newspapers,you'll probably dismiss it STILL as propaganda by the sports people or whatever nonsense you keep dreaming up.:lmao::lmao:

or do the rightwinger troll thing and pretend this thread was never brought up and that you said it was going to happen all along.:lmao:
speaking of the chargers since that issue was brought up?

I mentioned this on Huggys preseason chargers/seahawks thread that while I was watching the chargers/niners game played over the weekend two weekends ago that while watching the game,the announcers were talking about the niners new stadium they had in santa clara. They were talking about their stadium and saying-"and this is what THEY said not me" but you all will shoot the messenger of course as always since the truth hurts.

THEY said-"I sure wish the politicians in san diego would come up here sometime to see a game out here.They would see what a beautiful stadium this facility is.they then might get serious and start building them a new stadium out there.

I sure hope that issue gets resolved soon because if they aren't careful out there,they may lose this team to LA which is serious about getting a team out there in the next two years.They have stadium plans ready to go so I hope san diego gets serious about this.I hate to see them leave san diego for LA.

you saint Louis apologists will just ignore this post and not read it though as always no doubt ignoring the fact that they ARE serious this time for the first time in 20 years.:cuckoo:

you'll just dismiss it saying they have been saying this for the past 20 years or some crap like that im sure.anything to avoid admitting you all are clueless and in denial.:lmao::lmao::lmao:

they then mentioned the raiders then saying -the raiders have their stadium issues to so I hope they can work something out in Oakland.

they didn't mention a word about the rams because that's a done deal and they are trying to keep a lid on it.:biggrin:
If "Duh MFL" wants a team in L.A. (because no one else does) then they can pay for a stadium by themselves.

The NFL is a non-profit, I'm sure they got plenty of money to do it.

Sidebar: Did you know the San Diego Chargers robbed the San Diego Teachers Union Retirement Fund to build their Stadium?

Oh you didn't know that? But you probably DO know a bunch of worthless sports stats though.

The NFL and it's owners are a bunch of scumbags.
btw you saint Louis apologists act like I have been believing this about the rams for the past 20 years or so the crap you all keep posting saying crap and bullshit like Im desperatefor this and nonsense like that.

someone who is desperate would have been believing they were coming back for the past 20 years.. "I" stopped believing they would ever come back after they moved until just a couple months ago when the facts "that apologists refuse to look and watch." started emerging that they would be back. anybody who is logical with common sense would at THIS point know that only an IDIOT would actually believe they are going to stay in saint Louis next year.:lmao:

only an idiot would believe stan would keep that team in that dump after this year and in saint Louis for the future when the majority of the fans that attend those games are from the opposing team.

yeah stan is going to keep them there in saint Louis and continuallynot bring them back to LA where they have a HUGE following of fans there that will support them no matter the record because they have such passion for the team,not bring them back there and keep them in the city with the 31st ranking of all 32 teams in attendance and keep suffering that embarrassment there,you apologists sure showed me and have some excellent logic that cant be torn down to pieces by me.:rolleyes-41::rofl::rofl:
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Local sports radio and newspapers have speculated that the Raiders may move soon. Two cities have been mentioned: San Antonio, TX and LA. Davis and the Raiders runied the stadium which they share with the A's.

Why does LA need an NFL team, some of the best food can be found, and some of the best games watched, at the San Francisco Saloon in West LA.

commenting further on your post of yours about the raiders situation,you might find this article interesting.

Report Raiders getting closer to stadium deal in Oakland - CBSSports.com

the mainsteam media never mentions that the owners and the city dont want the Raiders in LA because they want the public to keep guessing on if it will be the raiders,rams,or chargers there next year.

they talk about the raiders and chargers situation but not the rams because they are already a lock and its a done deal and they are trying to keep a lid on it.:biggrin:

Looks like they are close to getting a deal there,see the raiders are actually WORKING WITH OAKLAND trying to get a new deal there.The RAMS "ARE NOT." Yet we got delusional nutcases here who actually think they will stay there in saint luis next year amazingly.they better got off that crack they been smoking.:lmao::lmao::lol:

I only hope a deal can be done to keep the A'S in oakland as well.Looks like they may be playing in san jose pretty soon. they'll still call them the oakland a's though im sure just as they still call the niners the san francison 49ers even though they play up the road in santa clara.so it wont be any different with the a's.no biggie if they move.
I hate to have to spend time watching the LAMBS in saint louis play tomorrow for their opener but I'm going to have to do cause I will get some entertainment of watching all the viking fans there greatly outnumber the small minoity of Rams fans that show up at that game.
that happens with ALL their games there.hee hee.

plus i am sure they will talk about their dire stadium situation and how they think they will be gone after this year as well.:biggrin:
Doesn't explain how you get paid to troll USMB now does it....

Rightwinger and kissmy would be the experts on answering that question.:biggrin: But as i said before,the word TRUTH doesnt exist in their vocabulary so thats like expecting Bill "I NEVER HAD A SEX WITH THAT WOMAN." Clinton to acually give you an honest answer if you ask them how they get paid to troll this board.:biggrin:

but thats all too complicated for your mind to comprehend and understand though.:biggrin:
LA Rams has a nicer ring to it than St Louis Rams.

And we have nicer cops in our part of town. Just look at our Lynwood division, they're so caring, they treat people of color like a King.
I wish we had the Cardinals back in St. Louis also, but that is water under the bridge. Stan is just trying to fleece tax payers for more money. He can kiss my ass. LA should get the Raiders, I hear they are available.

I love the delusions that you demise LA RAIDER trolls in denial have.
you actually thinking the raiders are available.lolavailable for san antonio but not for LA since the owners and the city dont want them there.:lmao:

I love your delusions you have as well that you actually think he is going to wait around in saint louis in that dump where it has the second to last worst fan support in the nation,keep having that instead of coming back to LA where the place will be packed and they wont care if they go 0-16,where the staduim is 4 times more in vaule to stan and he can profit from than the dump he plays in in saint louis where the city is bankrupt and will be paying for that stadium 10 million for the next 15 years.:biggrin:

You just proved you failed mathematics in class as well as the fact you ditched junior high school science classes as well not only cluless about the laws of physics,but cant even add math either.comedy gold from you as always:biggrin:.you do provide me entertainment at times I give you that much credit.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol:

Let me get this straight... ????

Aren't the people you are really pissed at dead?

It seems to me that those that currently own the Rams are not obligated to repay you or anyone for anything.

It's not THAT hard to move a team. Ken Behring stole the Seahawks and was headed down the I 5 freeway with few obsticals from the NFL head offices. He lied to the Nordstroms and just did it. The only thing that changed his mind was Paul Allen's money.

If the present ownership of the Rams wanted to move the team they would just fuckin do it.

Riddle me this Batman... If they do move the team back to L A are YOU going to move to L A and support them...????

I mean...what EXACTLY IS your end game here??
"Under which bizarre scenario does LA end up with ANY NFL team by next season?"

Fascinating question !!!

Doesn't explain how you get paid to troll USMB now does it....

That would be far more interesting reading.
Who the fuck let Huggy in this thread?
dont know."I " sure didnt invite him.

I made the mistake of giving mad nutcase an invitation, but i never gave one to Huggy though.He came in uninvited on his own.lol

Huggy wont admit it,but he is in denial about this not wanting them back in LA because he KNOWS that when the announcement is made they are coming back,it will easily be the biggest story of the year,far bigger than when the raiders moved back to oakland.the story will be so huge it will be all over the front pages of the sports section in newspapers all around the country for the whole year.It will be such huge news that he knows everybody will forget all about his seahawks winning the superbowl after they win it again this year.:biggrin:

unlike last year,nobody in the country is going to care about his seahawks winning the superbowl again,they wont be talking about them winning the superbowl in the next couple months after that or carrols accomplishments because the news of the rams coming back will get all the attention and he is jeoulous of that.:lmao:

thats WHY he is afraid to look at the videos i have posted cause the truth hurts.:biggrin:
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Let me get this straight... ????

Aren't the people you are really pissed at dead?

It seems to me that those that currently own the Rams are not obligated to repay you or anyone for anything.

It's not THAT hard to move a team. Ken Behring stole the Seahawks and was headed down the I 5 freeway with few obsticals from the NFL head offices. He lied to the Nordstroms and just did it. The only thing that changed his mind was Paul Allen's money.

If the present ownership of the Rams wanted to move the team they would just fuckin do it.

Riddle me this Batman... If they do move the team back to L A are YOU going to move to L A and support them...????

I mean...what EXACTLY IS your end game here??

congrats on proving as always what a hypocrite you are Hug.:clap2: you wouldnt answer many of my questions I wanted answers from you on recently on another thread of yours and yet you actually expect me to answer a question of yours.:cuckoo: doesnt work that way. I suppose you already forgot my post when i said-I assume that means your not going to answer those questions of mine and you confirmed it that you would not by saying maybe.that was the ONLY answer i got out of you.thats why many people here in the sports section have a problem with you is your the biggest hypocrite here i know of .

when you're ready to grow up and stop being a hypocrite and arrogant constantly all the time refusing to admit when you have been proven wrong-"thats a rightwinger thing,he runs away changing the subject evertime i point out how dense he was to believe the donkeys would beat your seahawks," maybe one day I will consider answering that question.

you had your chance to answer mine earlier,you didnt,so you're just going to have to wonder that yourself if I am or not it looks like.

oh and dont expect if you answer them for me now i will answer this.you had your chance,you blew it.

Plus even if I decided to play your game and answer it,you would just not answer other questions of mine in the future either.

Oh and for your ludicorus statement that if he wanted to move them he would just do it,no he wouldnt bozo. there are certain guildelines NFL owners have to follow now in relocation moves that did not exist in 95 when the Rams,Raiders and Browns moved their teams.:rolleyes-41: The Browns still have their name but they were without a team for four years and that idiot modell could not understand why people hated him till he died.He was that stupid.

after the Browns moved Einstein,again the NFL came up with much tougher rules that teams have to meet before being allowed to relocate..Rules that exist now that did not exist back then when they all relocated and when that former owner of the seahawks you mentioned almost moved your Seahawks.They got rules now that exist now that they did not have in place back then.:rolleyes-41:

Its unfortunate that those rules were not in place back then especially after the colts were allowed to leave baltimore but they werent.Had they existed,the bitch would never have been allowed to leave.she would have violated many of them that exist now that were not in place back then.

That whats make the Rams situation so unique is because their situation is so much vastly different than the raiders and chargers situation to relocate.their situation is 100 times different than the rams situation is.they have many hurdles they have to clear before they can even consider thinking about moving.the rams dont.the rams meet the criteria,the raiders and the chargers dont.

that troll kissmy is so full of shit he's pathetic.

As i said from the very get go,I knew when HE first came on this thread he would make up lies.He does that ALL the time at this site,him and troll rightwinger BOTH.

kIssmy made up a lie saying stan would be charged a relocation fee which i know for a fact is bullshit because Goddell has already said there wont be a relocation fee.the NFL so badly wants a team there very soon they arent going to charge stan a relocation fee.especially since thats their rightful home.

again him and rightwinger have a long history here of telling outright lies so if you had any brains,you would listen when i tell you that because THOSE two trolls said it wont happen,its automatically a guarantee it WILL.:lmao: As I said before,over a HUNDRED prople have called them out for their outright lies that have told here in many parts of the sections over over a hundred times before in the past.and those numbers are NOT an exxageertaion at all believe it or not.:lmao:

while i was watching the chargers/niners pre season game,the announcers matter of fact were saying in that game-"I wish the politicians of san diego would come up here and watch a game sometime.If they got a look at this stadium,they would get motivated to go out and get soemething done in san diego.if they're not careful out there,they could lose their team.The NFL is serious about getting a team out there in the next two years."

they never said anything like that in the past when talking about the NFL getting a team in LA someday.they never said back when there was an LA group trying to get an expansion team in LA when the texans were awared the expansion team instead of them,that there would be an LA team in LA in the next couple years.

they werent saying that back THEN.the texans were rewarded their team because they were serious back then about getting a team.the group in LA trying to get an NFL team back then was not.

they then talked about the raiders saying-The raiders are also looking for a deal to get a new stadium.they have their own issues on that.

they never said a WORD about the rams wanting a new stadium.gee I wonder why.since you only look at ONE side of the coin in all your debates with the logic you go into thinking because YOU believe it to be true that makes it true so you wont look at the other side of the coin and listen to an opposing view different than your own only seeing your own point of view which is why talking to you is like talking to a wall:rolleyes-41:-"you've proven that so many times in debates with everybody before in the past."

because of that,it wont dawn on you that they did not mention that the rams are wanting a new stadium because its a lock and done deal and they are trying to keep a lid on it.:rolleyes-41:

I grudugingly watched that game today in saint louis against the vikings. two teams i have no interest in and they had the ENTIRE upper deck empty.:rofl:

it was obviously closed off. as always at that place,the majority of the fans were from the opposing team.when the vikings scored toughdowns,you heard a HUGE roar from the crowd cheering.:rofl:hardly any cheers for the rams when they did something good.:rofl:

and the vikings HARDLY have good support on the road from their fans.Not like the broncos,raiders,chargers,steelers,cowboys,packers do.oh and of course your seahawks as well.:biggrin:

that LAMBS team in saint louis,is probably the ONLY team in the NFL other than maybe jacksonville, where the opposing teams fans ALWAYS greatly outnumber their fans.:biggrin: they rank 31st out of the 32 teams in attendance only ahead of jacksonville who wont be the team that moves there either as some have speculated since they just signed a lease over the summer that keeps them there till 2030.

attendance is so horrible there,you can get tickets as cheap as &11.00 and thats because they know they are as good as gone next year.:biggrin:

yet you saint louis apologists actually beleiver in your warped brainwas you have,that stan is going to want to keep that team there in that staduim that is a dump and wait it out year after year till they come up with a plan? better get off that crack you been smoking huggy.:biggrin::lmao::lmao:
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NFL and L.A. doing their same old dance but is this tune different - LA Times

There've been dozens of plans and false starts in last two decades, but L.A.remains without an NFL team
It is a bizarre anniversary, one that would have been crazy to predict.
Los Angeles has gone nearly two decades without an NFL franchise. The Rams and Raiders began their final season in Southern California 20 years ago. Since, the nation's No. 2 market has watched its No. 1 sport from afar.
In a nod to Roman numerals, we're fast approaching LAXX.
Dozens of ambitious plans — from billionaires to business leaders to blowhards — have been tossed on the scrap pile. In the meantime, the NFL has flourished without Los Angeles, and L.A. fans have grown comfortably accustomed to watching the NFL from their homes. Even with stadium proposals that gained momentum, there has been no cohesive, community-wide push for any particular concept. And there likely never will be. There's one general consensus that even the league has learned to live with: No public money for a stadium.

That said, this season is different. The St. Louis Rams, San Diego Chargers and Oakland Raiders — all of whom previously played in L.A. — are eyeing the market. That's not new. What's different, though, is for the first time since this saga began, each team has what amounts to a year-to-year lease in its current venue.
It used to be that only the Chargers had an option to leave after each season, a considerable advantage over other NFL clubs weighing relocation. But now the Rams and Raiders have caught up, and all three teams are searching for stadium solutions.
With long-term TV and labor deals in place, and a proven willingness to experiment with a new way of doing things — witness changes to the Pro Bowl, draft and scouting combine — there are indications the NFL is ready to make another run at L.A.

"We're excited about that," NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said this week. "We're investing billions of dollars in new stadiums. We'd like to do that here. We think there's a great opportunity here. We think opportunities are starting to develop, maybe in part because we have that long-term planning in front of us."
In one sense, the league has already taken a step toward Southern California. L.A. and Chicago are the two finalists to play host to the 2015 NFL Draft. That event has been held in New York since 1965, but the league couldn't work out a deal with Radio City Music Hall to keep it there.
All this L.A. talk will set eyes rolling, of course, because of the rich history of all talk and no action. The threat of L.A. unquestionably has been used as leverage over the years to get deals done in other cities. Without that hammer, for instance, would there be new venues in Seattle or Indianapolis? Would Minnesota have a new stadium in the works? Absolutely not.
The fact that the iron is glowing hot doesn't guarantee a return to L.A. any time soon.

But league executives and owners insist the city is once again a bright blip on the radar screen.
"I think ownership is collectively very concerned that we don't have at least one team in downtown L.A.," New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft said. "We'd like to do everything [we] can to help facilitate that happening."
There is another difference about this year, too. Last December, Rams owner Stan Kroenke quietly bought the 60-acre Inglewood parcel that sits between the Forum and Hollywood Park, land that's sufficient to accommodate a stadium but not all the parking that the league would want.
Kroenke has looked into buying the whole Hollywood Park property, which would give him all the land he'd need for a stadium, parking and ancillary development. And seeing as the Rams and St. Louis are about $600 million apart on how much the city, county and state should chip in for a new stadium, Kroenke's interest in L.A. should not be underestimated.
  • Buying that land was a shrewd move by Kroenke because he can keep it and potentially move forward with a stadium project, develop it in some other lucrative way, sell it (the owners of the Forum wanted it in the first place), and all the while hold smelling salts under the noses of negotiators in St. Louis.
As for the L.A.-area sites that are currently in play — and keep in mind these fall in and out of favor with the league and team owners — most of the inside chatter these days involves Hollywood Park, downtown, Carson and Dodger Stadium. At this point, there is little talk about City of Industry.
The most viable of these is Hollywood Park, mainly because Kroenke owns those adjacent 60 acres and might not be able to find a solution in St. Louis.
Los Angeles Times
I love how the saint louis apologists are buying into the alleged theory that stan is using the purchase of the 60 acres of land as leverage.lol

yeah he is using that land purchase for leverage thats why the city of saint louis has come up with NO PLANS at all over the summer or at the present moment for a stadium plan.thats why there have been NO DISCUSSIONS with The Rams and the city officials in saint louis ever since last february when he made the purchase.:rofl::lmao::lmao:

where the raiders and the city officials of oakland,they have been having ongoing discussions with each other over the summertime and just recently about a new stadium proposal.unlike the rams and saint louis,THEY are having diologue with each other and communication.NONE of that is happening with the Rams and yet one troll that came on here and posted saying stan was using that as leverage.:lmao: if he is using it as leverage,he has failed miserably because the city of saint louis has not come up with ANY PLANS for a new stadium. the city of oakland is almost close to a deal and getting a new stadium deal.

Davis when he made it publicly known he was going to move to san antonio,that got the attention of city officials in oakland and they recently came up with a plan to keep them there and are close to a deal.

ever since stans purchase though,the city of saint louis has not gone into any kind of action to come up with a plan to keep the rams in saint louis.:lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl:

the demise LA raider fans cant handle the truth.:biggrin:

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