Expelled TN Democrat Was Previously Banned From Capitol For Assaulting GOP Speaker, Other One Busted as 'Total Fraud'


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
As always with these SJW culture victims, when the facts come out, they utterly contradict the illusion carefully crafted by the Democrats and their propaganda arm - the mainstream media.

But if we had a News industry actually interested in facts, and not complicit with the Ruling Party - the story would be more fleshed out for context about who these guys actually are.

Not that any illuminating factors - good or bad - would have made their actions OK.

But boy oh boy are there some interesting things that have not been divulged.

Let's start with this fella Rep. Justin Jones, who was kicked out of the capital after taking over the lectern for over an hour with a bullhorn and mass protesters who illegally disrupted governmental deliberation in the chamber because they disagreed about something. Great political stunt - and the fawning simps in the Press gave them good head...eerrr...copy.

I, for one, don't anticipate seeing any of this on CNN any time soon:

Jones "attempted to push his way past uniformed state troopers" as he approached the elevator while yelling "Casada is a racist." Jones then is accused of throwing a paper to-go cup "filled with an unknown liquid believed to be hot coffee" into the elevator. The liquid splashed onto Casada and Moody...

So in his days an unelected left-wing agitator, this man -- then a divinity student -- shoved police officers while accosting the Tennessee House Speaker, per police records, then allegedly hurled a cup of hot coffee at the man, striking his target and another GOP lawmaker. This conduct earned him a ban from the building. Democrats in Tennessee then decided it would be a good idea to nominate and elect Jones to that very chamber, where he flagrantly violated the rules, disrupting the legislative process with a new form aggressive agitation. And that's not all. He also insulted another GOP colleague with a racial slur, because he's classy that way

And as for the other douche, accompanying him:


And Now:

Yeah, I'd say "total fraud" just about covers it.

And, incidentally, it accurately describes the modern Democrat Party.

It's a highly dangerous fraud, with a ruling class that masquerades as a grass roots effort - when really it's all from the top down smoke and mirrors deception.

But as long as it creates chaos and division, it's all going according to plan for them.
There was a reason they only counted as 3/5th of a vote. ;)

Yet another well thought out and meticulously researched rebuttal by our resident nutjob "Dark Brandon" contingent. (Typed between copious amounts of cheeto consumption in mommy's basement, no doubt. Watch out for that orange dust.)

The truth is both of these characters, propped up by the corporate propagandists, are hypocritical scumbags at best; and one of them is almost certainly a criminal.

And apocryphal responses like "FAKE NEWS" from the mindless clapping seals on the Left only prove the point.

Another bill of goods has been sold to the masses to further the NARRATIVE - Pearson is like Christ on the cross I tell ya! A victim of RACISMS and Right Wing TERRORISM.

I'm so fucking sick of it.
As always with these SJW culture victims, when the facts come out, they utterly contradict the illusion carefully crafted by the Democrats and their propaganda arm - the mainstream media.

But if we had a News industry actually interested in facts, and not complicit with the Ruling Party - the story would be more fleshed out for context about who these guys actually are.

Not that any illuminating factors - good or bad - would have made their actions OK.

But boy oh boy are there some interesting things that have not been divulged.

Let's start with this fella Rep. Justin Jones, who was kicked out of the capital after taking over the lectern for over an hour with a bullhorn and mass protesters who illegally disrupted governmental deliberation in the chamber because they disagreed about something. Great political stunt - and the fawning simps in the Press gave them good head...eerrr...copy.

I, for one, don't anticipate seeing any of this on CNN any time soon:

And as for the other douche, accompanying him:


And Now:

Yeah, I'd say "total fraud" just about covers it.

And, incidentally, it accurately describes the modern Democrat Party.

It's a highly dangerous fraud, with a ruling class that masquerades as a grass roots effort - when really it's all from the top down smoke and mirrors deception.

But as long as it creates chaos and division, it's all going according to plan for them.

We can note that the far left here has nothing to say. Well they don’t care about our poor economy or a possible WW3 either ….suppose it’s par for the course

Cnn and msnbc don’t care either… they’re propping up the ”Tennessee three” as heroes


These 4 Keep ranting about racism that does not exist when most blacks and whites abhor your racism and anti Americanism.
As always with these SJW culture victims, when the facts come out, they utterly contradict the illusion carefully crafted by the Democrats and their propaganda arm - the mainstream media.

But if we had a News industry actually interested in facts, and not complicit with the Ruling Party - the story would be more fleshed out for context about who these guys actually are.

Not that any illuminating factors - good or bad - would have made their actions OK.

But boy oh boy are there some interesting things that have not been divulged.

Let's start with this fella Rep. Justin Jones, who was kicked out of the capital after taking over the lectern for over an hour with a bullhorn and mass protesters who illegally disrupted governmental deliberation in the chamber because they disagreed about something. Great political stunt - and the fawning simps in the Press gave them good head...eerrr...copy.

I, for one, don't anticipate seeing any of this on CNN any time soon:

And as for the other douche, accompanying him:


And Now:

Yeah, I'd say "total fraud" just about covers it.

And, incidentally, it accurately describes the modern Democrat Party.

It's a highly dangerous fraud, with a ruling class that masquerades as a grass roots effort - when really it's all from the top down smoke and mirrors deception.

But as long as it creates chaos and division, it's all going according to plan for them.

What do you expect from a political philosophy that seems to lean towards the Orwellian concept of "if the party think's it's true/reality, it must be true/reality"?

If they can create constructs of women having penises, doing something as simple as constructing Malcolm X jr. out of a Carlton Banks look alike is not even an effort.
What do you expect from a political philosophy that seems to lean towards the Orwellian concept of "if the party think's it's true/reality, it must be true/reality"?

If they can create constructs of women having penises, doing something as simple as constructing Malcolm X jr. out of a Carlton Banks look alike is not even an effort.
Malcom X had a strong intellect didn't talk like a cheap-assed imitation of a teevee preacher.
Far left Democrats are bad people …. they’re trying to make as much money as they can and they make a lot of their supporters mentally unhealthy and physically unhealthy

We need people who preach love, pro American views and positivity you just don’t get that from Democrats these days.

Even in the 1990s there was a lot of good Democrats like Bill Clinton and Robert Byrd who cared about America who stood up for what was right it’s a disgrace now. Robert Byrd also spoke very fondly of the Roman empire numerous times in the Senate. Byrd unlike Biden, Pelosi and unlike Hillary Clinton stood against the invasion of Iraq.

If anybody here watches videos of Franklin Roosevelt or Robert F Kennedy speaking these are videos filled with love, pro American views, respect for American history, respect for the founding fathers, their teaching people to be healthy and positive.
Malcom X had a strong intellect didn't talk like a cheap-assed imitation of a teevee preacher.

You are right, my Apologies to Malcolm.

He also saw the light at the end of his life and was dropping his racial hated of whites when he got assassinated.
As for the Tennessee three they will get book deals, they will get a show on CNN possibly. They don’t deserve that. But people like Riley Gaines do.

We can note that the far left here has nothing to say. Well they don’t care about our poor economy or a possible WW3 either ….suppose it’s par for the course

As a former old school Democrat, what shocks me is how much of their ideology and supposed "values" they're willing to lay waste to just to get Orange Man.

He truly broke them. In retrospect I was obviously a completely fooled sucker to vote for Obama, but I will resolutely maintain that the current incarnation of the Left is far more brazen, and downright dangerous.

Lockdowns, riots, war, inflation, totally open borders. This makes Obama's presidency look almost utopian. That may piss some people off, and I can't stand the guy, but that's how bad it's gotten now.

And they all march to the beat of whatever the media says, unquestioningly - totally compromised and willing to let it all burn for the sake of their team jersey.

I will never understand it.
Well, well, well....Turns out one of these fucking punks was caught rioting in 2020.....

Can you imagine if that were a MAGA Republican?

The debris from all the multiple head explosions would take days to clean up.

Hope no one's eating....
As always with these SJW culture victims, when the facts come out, they utterly contradict the illusion carefully crafted by the Democrats and their propaganda arm - the mainstream media.

But if we had a News industry actually interested in facts, and not complicit with the Ruling Party - the story would be more fleshed out for context about who these guys actually are.

Not that any illuminating factors - good or bad - would have made their actions OK.

But boy oh boy are there some interesting things that have not been divulged.

Let's start with this fella Rep. Justin Jones, who was kicked out of the capital after taking over the lectern for over an hour with a bullhorn and mass protesters who illegally disrupted governmental deliberation in the chamber because they disagreed about something. Great political stunt - and the fawning simps in the Press gave them good head...eerrr...copy.

I, for one, don't anticipate seeing any of this on CNN any time soon:

And as for the other douche, accompanying him:


And Now:

Yeah, I'd say "total fraud" just about covers it.

And, incidentally, it accurately describes the modern Democrat Party.

It's a highly dangerous fraud, with a ruling class that masquerades as a grass roots effort - when really it's all from the top down smoke and mirrors deception.

But as long as it creates chaos and division, it's all going according to plan for them.

As soon as a young black leader emerges, the Cons go into attack mode and make all sorts of wild accusations - via Twitter and Townhall.com, no less. This is all the racist right wing knows how to do. Thugify any black man who speaks up or out.

Of course you're not going to see unverified shit on MSM. They have shareholders who demand that the MSM upholds broadcast standards.
It's unlikely that you're aware of this but Rupert Murdoch and the entire Board of Directors of F0X have been sued by one of the minority shareholders for breaching their fiduciary duty to the shareholders by allowing the on-air talent to knowingly promote lies about Dominion and a stolen election, which lead to the Dominion defamation suit.

Most right wing media is privately owned by billionaires who benefit from Republican tax cuts and economic crashes. Breitbart is dedicated to destroying Western Democracy and replacing it with white authoritarian rule. Like that's worked out well in any nation where it's been tried.
As soon as a young black leader emerges, the Cons go into attack mode and make all sorts of wild accusations - via Twitter and Townhall.com, no less.

What crazy accusations? The video showing one of them morph from an elite educated person with an unassailable command of the English language, to a southern sharecropper? Did the Republicans do that, or did he do that?

The video of the criminal rioting in 2020, and the reports of him assaulting a member of the GOP?

Why does the Left always infantilize and take away the agency of black people by deploying the shield of "RACISM!"?

I voted for Obama, twice. I was a Democrat until May of 2020 for fucksake.

So don't pull this kneejerk pathetic BS with me.

It won't work.

Of course you're not going to see unverified shit on MSM. They have shareholders who demand that the MSM upholds broadcast standards.


Where were those "shareholders demanding broadcast standards" during the Steele dossier, the Russiagate scandal, the Jussie Smollet hoax, the Covington Kids farce? I could go on and on.


Most right wing media is privately owned by billionaires who benefit from Republican tax cuts and economic crashes.

You're literally just making shit up now.

It's a story you wackos tell yourselves and in your own minds it becomes true.

The truth is most of the corporate media conglomerate spouts Democrat agitprop 24/7. NBC, CBS, MSDNC, CNN, ABC - these are not "Right Wing" corporations. And, aside from FOX, they are all the most affluent and powerful.

So, once again, the facts fly in the face of your reflexive emotions and the story of good vs. evil that you've haplessly bought into.

I was probably never as far gone as you, but some in my family are, and some of my old friends still are.

I am intimately familiar with what makes your addled brain tick - and it really is as sad as it is disturbing.

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