Expert: Up to 400K Children Born To Illegal Immigrants in U.S. Annually, One In 10 Births


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Expert: Up to 400K Children Born To Illegal Immigrants in U.S. Annually, One In 10 Births

Expert Up to 400K Children Born To Illegal Immigrants in U.S. Annually One In 10 Births - Breitbart

Approximately 350,000 to 400,000 children are born to illegal immigrants in the U.S. each year. Due to current policy, all automatically become U.S. citizens, Center for Immigration Studies legal policy analyst Jon Feere testified before a House panel Wednesday.
“To put this in perspective this means that one out of 10 births in the U.S. is to an illegal immigrant mother,” Freere said at a House Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security hearing titled “Birthright Citizenship: Is It The Right Policy For America?”

He explained that, regardless of the foreign allegiance and/or illegal status of the parents, their children, if born on U.S. soil, are automatically afforded the benefits of U.S. citizenship, including a Social Security Number and U.S. passports. This benefit also applies, he noted, to those born to mere tourists and other people with temporary status in the U.S.

“It is unlikely that Congress intended such a broad application of the 14th Amendment’s Citizenship Clause, and the Supreme Court has only held that children born to citizens or permanently domiciled immigrants must be considered U.S. citizens at birth. Some clarity from Congress would be helpful in resolving this ongoing debate,” Feere said.

Feere further testified that the number of children in the U.S. with illegal immigrant parents increased from 2.7 million in 2003 to 4.5 million in 2010 and noted that the birthright policy is intrinsically linked to some of President Obama’s executive amnesties.

“Under the immigration enforcement priorities of the Obama administration, illegal immigrants who give birth to U.S. citizens have become low priorities for deportation. Furthermore, the president’s DAPA program, the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents program, currently held up in court would provide benefits to illegal immigrants who gave birth here and allow them to ‘stay in the U.S. without fear of deportation.’ The broad interpretation of the Citizenship Clause forms the basis for these policies,” he said.

The CIS expert highlighted other implications of birthright citizenship, such as birth tourism, where pregnant foreigners come to the U.S. simply to have a child with a U.S. passport.

“Birth tourism is becoming much more common with every passing year and Congress will have to address it,” Feere said.

Feere also testified that the many countries that once had birth-right policies have shifted away from them.

“The United States and Canada are the only two advanced economies as rated by the IMF to grant automatic citizenship to children of illegal aliens,” he said.

This is really bad news! We must charge this and fast.
Expert: Up to 400K Children Born To Illegal Immigrants in U.S. Annually, One In 10 Births

Expert Up to 400K Children Born To Illegal Immigrants in U.S. Annually One In 10 Births - Breitbart

Approximately 350,000 to 400,000 children are born to illegal immigrants in the U.S. each year. Due to current policy, all automatically become U.S. citizens, Center for Immigration Studies legal policy analyst Jon Feere testified before a House panel Wednesday.
“To put this in perspective this means that one out of 10 births in the U.S. is to an illegal immigrant mother,” Freere said at a House Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security hearing titled “Birthright Citizenship: Is It The Right Policy For America?”

He explained that, regardless of the foreign allegiance and/or illegal status of the parents, their children, if born on U.S. soil, are automatically afforded the benefits of U.S. citizenship, including a Social Security Number and U.S. passports. This benefit also applies, he noted, to those born to mere tourists and other people with temporary status in the U.S.

“It is unlikely that Congress intended such a broad application of the 14th Amendment’s Citizenship Clause, and the Supreme Court has only held that children born to citizens or permanently domiciled immigrants must be considered U.S. citizens at birth. Some clarity from Congress would be helpful in resolving this ongoing debate,” Feere said.

Feere further testified that the number of children in the U.S. with illegal immigrant parents increased from 2.7 million in 2003 to 4.5 million in 2010 and noted that the birthright policy is intrinsically linked to some of President Obama’s executive amnesties.

“Under the immigration enforcement priorities of the Obama administration, illegal immigrants who give birth to U.S. citizens have become low priorities for deportation. Furthermore, the president’s DAPA program, the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents program, currently held up in court would provide benefits to illegal immigrants who gave birth here and allow them to ‘stay in the U.S. without fear of deportation.’ The broad interpretation of the Citizenship Clause forms the basis for these policies,” he said.

The CIS expert highlighted other implications of birthright citizenship, such as birth tourism, where pregnant foreigners come to the U.S. simply to have a child with a U.S. passport.

“Birth tourism is becoming much more common with every passing year and Congress will have to address it,” Feere said.

Feere also testified that the many countries that once had birth-right policies have shifted away from them.

“The United States and Canada are the only two advanced economies as rated by the IMF to grant automatic citizenship to children of illegal aliens,” he said.

This is really bad news! We must charge this and fast.
And folks wonder why this once great nation is going to hell in a hand basket. I blame the stupid damn voters for continually elected and re-electing the anti-America crooks to office. As long as voters continue to play the game, "The Selling of America" will continue until we're no longer America. Wake up folks, this isn't rocket science. This is basic economics 101. It doesn't take an MIT graduate, nor a Philadelphia lawyer to see and understand what's going on.

We don't have the money for infrastructure projects, but we can find the money for the care and support of illegal immigrants. Illegal immigration is a "slap-in-the-face" to every hard working American taxpayer. The face of America is rapidly changing, and it's not changing for the better.
It is costing us dearly in tax dollars paying for all the births by illegal aliens and that is just the beginning. Their so-called citizen children are entitled to tax freebies till they are 18 years of age. Then they are raised by parents who have no respect for our laws and they will have the same mindset. It is an unlawful and unnatural transformation of our demographics, culture and language also.

They in turn will be competing for jobs and resources against other Americans who aren't so-called citizens by the unlawful acts of their parents. The whole thing is disgusting!
Ya gotta love liberals. They cry about over population...let in millions of immigrants that pop out more kids than rabbits do.
Cry about the min wage,wage stagnation and lack of jobs....let in millions of immigrants.
All for votes.
I hope you all starve to death.

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