Explaining To Liberals What Obamagate is:

-Show me credible proof for your falsifying statement?

look it up liberal fool!! the 302 reports are missing and replacements prepared by Strzok and his adulterous girlfriend also a TDS liberal bigot totally against FBI policy!!

I guess they didn't tell you that on MSNBC, your communist news network?
-Illustrate how anybody was exposed as mad dog haters?

totally ignorant!! Read the text messages between Strozk and Page and their insurance policy against Trump before they doctored the evidence against FLynn!!! See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
-Utter BS. I've now talked about this the entire day. One doesn't have to read peoples their Miranda rights when conducting an investigation.

totally ignorant!! Flynn had rights and Comey knew it admitted he tried to sneak around those rights by not going through normal channels to entrap Flynn and then even telling Flynn he was not under investigation!!
And nobody besides the defense lawyers is making any claims of violations on Brady rights.

totally ignorant!! Flynn case was just dropped after exculpatory evidence which Flynn had been fighting for for 3 years was finally released!!
-Utter BS. I've now talked about this the entire day. One doesn't have to read peoples their Miranda rights when conducting an investigation.

totally ignorant!! Flynn had rights and Comey knew it admitted he tried to sneak around those rights by not going through normal channels to entrap Flynn and then even telling Flynn he was not under investigation!!
Comey did nothing of the sort.
We have a Bill of Rights to protect us from what liberal govt would do to us. One of those things is spy on us.
It is now clear that Obama was using our spy agencies to spy on his political adversaries, namely, General Flynn. Clearly this is against the law and basic American principles and should result in criminal penalties against those most responsible. Not only were they spying on political adversaries but they were leaking what they learned to the press, which is another crime, in hope of gaining political advantage.

So this is a classic bait and switch. I thought you were going to be explaining something.

Your post- and your thread- just makes clear that one or more of the following are true:
a) You get your 'information' from only rabidly pro-Trump sources
b) You have no clue as to what actually happened.
c) You are just lying because you hate any American who happens to be either a Democrat or black.

What we do know is that Flynn's conversations were discovered because America was spying on the Russian Ambassador. We were not spying on Flynn- and this is not against the law. Nor is there any evidence that they illegally leaked any information to the press.

And as far as things to try to gain political advantage- that would be your Dear Leader asking the country of Ukraine to publicly announce an investigation into his political rival in hopes of gaining political advantage.

Everything about "Obamagate" is pure partisan drivel with the intention as always to divert attention from how Trump is trying to subvert our Constitution and is utterly failing in handling this pandemic.

Todays coronavirus death count under Trump's watch: 87,000 Americans.
The libs know exactly what Obamagate is....but they are too dishonest to admit it....
It's a creation of the collective conservative imagination, that's what it is.
How wrong you are...the truth is coming out painful bit by bit....like Chinese water torture......Brennan and Comey and Clapper are keeping one eye out their front window.....
-Show me credible proof for your falsifying statement?

look it up liberal fool!! the 302 reports are missing and replacements prepared by Strzok and his adulterous girlfriend also a TDS liberal bigot totally against FBI policy!!

I guess they didn't tell you that on MSNBC, your communist news network?
I have looked it up. The Flynn investigation was mentioned in 2text messages by them. That's it. They weren't involved in either the investigation or the 302 forms. Claims to the contrary are only found on sites that show no actual sources to verify the assertions. In my book a very reliable way of distinguishing between truth and the people trolling.
-Illustrate how anybody was exposed as mad dog haters?

totally ignorant!! Read the text messages between Strozk and Page and their insurance policy against Trump before they doctored the evidence against FLynn!!! See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
Say you are a member of the FBI who catches pedophiles do you honestly believe they don't have some pretty strong feelings about those they catch? That is fine. As long as those feelings don't affect their job performance. You go from "they don't like Trump" too they framed Trump and all the people around them. That's a logical fallacy. As I said their actions have been looked at by several investigations every single one of them has stated that they did their job regardless of their feelings.
-Utter BS. I've now talked about this the entire day. One doesn't have to read peoples their Miranda rights when conducting an investigation.

totally ignorant!! Flynn had rights and Comey knew it admitted he tried to sneak around those rights by not going through normal channels to entrap Flynn and then even telling Flynn he was not under investigation!!
Of course, Flynn had rights and they were observed. Say a cop comes to your house because you are being suspected of something. You aren't under arrest but they do want your statement. There is absolutely no law forcing that cop to tell you you could have a lawyer present. Or for that matter that lying to them is a crime in itself. What Are Your Miranda Rights?
Flynn was not in custody so it wasn't necessary to read him his Miranda rights.

Maybe it would be good for you to actually do some research about a subject before you call people ignorant? Or better yet don't, since it in itself makes your argument look weaker in itself.
The libs know exactly what Obamagate is....but they are too dishonest to admit it....
It's a creation of the collective conservative imagination, that's what it is.
How wrong you are...the truth is coming out painful bit by bit....like Chinese water torture......Brennan and Comey and Clapper are keeping one eye out their front window.....
Lol, no.

That only thing that s coming out now more conspiracy theories.
-Utter BS. I've now talked about this the entire day. One doesn't have to read peoples their Miranda rights when conducting an investigation.

totally ignorant!! Flynn had rights and Comey knew it admitted he tried to sneak around those rights by not going through normal channels to entrap Flynn and then even telling Flynn he was not under investigation!!
Of course, Flynn had rights and they were observed. Say a cop comes to your house because you are being suspected of something. You aren't under arrest but they do want your statement. There is absolutely no law forcing that cop to tell you you could have a lawyer present. Or for that matter that lying to them is a crime in itself. What Are Your Miranda Rights?
Flynn was not in custody so it wasn't necessary to read him his Miranda rights.

Maybe it would be good for you to actually do some research about a subject before you call people ignorant? Or better yet don't, since it in itself makes your argument look weaker in itself.

You gotta love these spinners, lol.

QUESTION------------> Did they, or did they not have the transcript when they went to visit Flynn?

ANSWER-------------> Yes!

So then, if he did something wrong..........said something wrong, they should have arrested him, yes! If he was under investigation, it is law they have to tell him. They said, no he wasn't.

He didn't! The whole case was created by what he SAID to them about the phone call. In essence, he did nothing wrong until they questioned him, or so they claim. In essence, the F-B-I created the crime, where no crime existed in the 1st place. The technical term is........entrapment.

Let me explain how this country works my friend------------------> when a crime is committed, law enforcement investigates the crime, then tries to discover who did it. They do NOT investigate a person and try to discover what crimes they did! If that were the case, I could go to the FBI and pay them to investigate YOU to see what crimes you did. And since according to many books, we ALL commit 3 felonies a day as we aren't up to snuff on all the rules.

Ever throw away a mattress? Did it still have the tag on it? Well, if it did NOT, you could be arrested for mattress tag removal, and I am NOT kidding! It really is against the law.

This is why this case stinks to high heaven. The man did nothing to even be investigated. He wasn't charged with anything they discovered when he was being investigated; he was charged for something they did to him. The Logan act? Isn't that what they claimed? Then why isn't John Kerry being prosecuted?

Want to know why?

Because it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL! The Supreme Court would throw it out when it got there.

You would think that people in this country would be incensed by this over reach, because if it can happen to him, it can happen to any of us. But, some of you would rather throw yourselves under the constitutional bus as long as it is politically expedient. If the Obama Administration was changed to the GW Administration, and Flynns name was changed to Holder or Rice, you would be screaming from high heaven, and I would be screaming with you.

With Durham hiring prosecutors instead of investigators, I think you will soon be changing your tune; or I at least hope so when they indict someone. This is NOT a Left/Right issue, it is an American issue. Just because the Left pulled it off means nothing. We had Nixon; now you will have your own cross to bear..........yet even with Nixon, it was the right thing to do, drive him from office. How many on the Left will be driven from office when this all blows up is up to you people, since you are the ones who vote them in.

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