Explaining To Liberals What Obamagate is:

. It's an investigative technic and not at all nefarious.
when you threaten his son with abuse
when you falsify 302 reports
when you oppose finding of first real investigation
when you try to get him on never used 1799 law
when investigators are exposed as mad dog bigoted haters
when Miranda, Brady rights are denied....

its very very very nefarious!! See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
General Flynn wasn't being spied upon - the Russian Ambassador was.

obviously you don't know that. If they wanted to spy on Flynn listening to his conversation with Russian would have been good way to do it. Isn't thinking fun, liberal mouse lady????
We have a Bill of Rights to protect us from what liberal govt would do to us. One of those things is spy on us.
It is now clear that Obama was using our spy agencies to spy on his political adversaries, namely, General Flynn. Clearly this is against the law and basic American principles and should result in criminal penalties against those most responsible. Not only were they spying on political adversaries but they were leaking what they learned to the press, which is another crime, in hope of gaining political advantage.
Explaining to conservatives why this thread was started: The other day Donald Trump said Obama committed crimes. When a journalist asked him what crimes Obama committed, Trump made a buffoon of himself by responding "Obamagate".
Donald Trump's idiotic response embarrassed not only himself but his supporters, which is why this guy in this thread is doing damage control, twisting himself like a pretzel to pretend that there is a crime called "Obamagate".
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Remember the Flynn investigation started as a National Security investigation, Because a routine FISA wiretap of the Russian ambassador, revealed an american was negotiating with Russia about the Obama sanctions. As this was a violation of the Logan act, they needed to "unmask" the perpetrators name.
In order to spy on him.
As this was a violation of the Logan act, they needed to "unmask" the perpetrators name.
totally dumb!!!! It was nothing of the sort and he was not charged with Logan Act and no one has ever been convicted under it in US history!!!.
obamagate will blow up in trumps fat ass before its over -

Russians living in his namesake tower in apts he sold them,, and laundering money at his casino down the street ............. ?????

yeah, lets investigate spying in trump tower
He sold apartments to Russians? There should be a law against that!
. It's an investigative technic and not at all nefarious.
when you threaten his son with abuse
when you falsify 302 reports
when you oppose finding of first real investigation
when you try to get him on never used 1799 law
when investigators are exposed as mad dog bigoted haters
when Miranda, Brady rights are denied....

its very very very nefarious!! See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
-Hold on, saying you will charge someones some with crimes constitutes abuse? You do realize that only works when that son is also culpable right?
-Show me credible proof for your falsifying statement? Cause the motion to dismiss does not mention it.
-What are you talking about "first investigation"? Give me a timeline here?
-He was got on an often-used federal law.
-Illustrate how anybody was exposed as mad dog haters? And no expressing opinions on cell phones don't count. Everybody has opinions, federal investigators have one too. What matters if they acted on that opinion. Something several reviews have since categorically have denied it did.
-Utter BS. I've now talked about this the entire day. One doesn't have to read peoples their Miranda rights when conducting an investigation. And nobody besides the defense lawyers is making any claims of violations on Brady rights. Switching councils and not all documents being transferred immediately is not something the government does but the defense lawyers.
-Hold on, saying you will charge someones some with crimes constitutes abuse?
Yes when there was no crime!! and your only objective is anti civil rights human sacrifice in furtherance of a coup against a sitting US president!!

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