Explosive Documentary Links Peyton Manning, Major Athletes To Doping Ring

Nor am I a Manning fan - but I don't want him unfairly smeared. I'm curious why the accuser would have told such a story and then recant.

Two equally plausible conclusions spring to mind.

One, the source was lying.

Two, pressure was brought to bear.

And because the two are equally plausible...the damage is done.

Manning is innocent until proven guilty in the eyes of the law...but in the court of public opinion, this will hang over his head until disproven...which is virtually impossible.
Nor am I a Manning fan - but I don't want him unfairly smeared. I'm curious why the accuser would have told such a story and then recant.

Two equally plausible conclusions spring to mind.

One, the source was lying.

Two, pressure was brought to bear.

And because the two are equally plausible...the damage is done.

Manning is innocent until proven guilty in the eyes of the law...but in the court of public opinion, this will hang over his head until disproven...which is virtually impossible.

I agree. However, whether true or false - I expect NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell will sweep it under the rug.
Manning didn't play in 2011., guess the dope didn't help much if indeed this story is true.

Duh, that's why he started getting the HGH that year.

You don't know he did, let the man defend himself. He's a great guy and did wonderful work for Riley's Children Hospital in Indianapolis. Millions upon millions went to Riley Hospital due to his efforts

Duh, I'm simply quoting the undercover documentary. So, unlike Obama and Hillary - Peyton is "innocent" until proven guilty?

Well, he is less sleazy than those two and besides using HGH as a former pro athlete as he was at the time violates no rules or laws. Even as a benched but active athlete as long as it was prescribed and reported to the league no law was broken.

And working out in Denver is an HGH stimulant in and of itself because the higher altitude increases Lactic acid production. Also you can check with your physician about working out with blood pressure bands on your arms and legs which is why the testosterone/cortisone ratio is what is used by the NFL no drugs are needed to stimulate HGH and you can bet Manning knows all of those dodges.

To some extent for away teams visiting there but not for those who live there.

I grew up there, lived at sea level for almost thirty years. I did my usual work out when I visited and I was middle aged by then.

Whether or not he's doing drugs - and my bet is that he is, a little reading shows that Manning is not a particularly good person.

As for the source, if you want unbiased news, go to Al Jazeera and the BBC.

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Why does the NFL ban HGH? There are a million good reasons to use it, so why the ban in the first place?

HGH has age defying effects and helps you to heal up faster.

Banning legit reasons for using it because some abuse the stuff is asinine.
You don't know he did, let the man defend himself. He's a great guy and did wonderful work for Riley's Children Hospital in Indianapolis. Millions upon millions went to Riley Hospital due to his efforts

Duh, I'm simply quoting the undercover documentary. So, unlike Obama and Hillary - Peyton is "innocent" until proven guilty?

Well, he is less sleazy than those two and besides using HGH as a former pro athlete as he was at the time violates no rules or laws. Even as a benched but active athlete as long as it was prescribed and reported to the league no law was broken.

And working out in Denver is an HGH stimulant in and of itself because the higher altitude increases Lactic acid production. Also you can check with your physician about working out with blood pressure bands on your arms and legs which is why the testosterone/cortisone ratio is what is used by the NFL no drugs are needed to stimulate HGH and you can bet Manning knows all of those dodges.

Sounds dopey to me.

You're dopey, let the facts come out and cease with your witch hunts

Witch hunts? That's especially funny coming from you.
Notice the source of the 'report'?
He wasn't a pro athlete even IF he took HGH at the time.
Still riding the 'Cotton Pinto' bitch? Why don't spend some time cleaning up the fucking garbage dump known as your front yard?
Bengals play at Broncos tonight. Could be interesting.

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