Explosive Job Gains Report Prove, Once Again, That Our Experts Are Fools

Wrong......the President doesn't create the jobs....but he can sure stop jobs from being created....
A grdener does not make the flowers grow by any means other than watering the plant, fertilizing it and keeping away things that would eat or destroy it.

And yet no one ever argues about a gardener having a nice garden.
Thank you, Chauncey Gardener. :lmao:

There was nothing inherently wrong with the economy when the Corona scare hit.

This was actually one of the few times that a truly outside even has knocked the worldwide economy on its heels.

The experts have been saying all along they expect the recovery to be months not years.

Now that people are going back to their jobs does not indicate that new jobs are being created because businesses are expanding to meet larger market demands
The rehiring bonanza at restaurants helped to lift payrolls.

Restaurants and bars, health care employers and construction were among the sectors that drove the May job market improvement, based on the Labor Department’s report.

About 1.4 million people gained or took back their restaurant jobs, even as hotels continued to shed workers. About 460,000 were hired or rehired in construction, 370,000 in retail, and 390,000 in health care and social assistance. That latter boost came heavily from dentist’s offices, which took back some 245,000 workers.

The data tells the story of an employment rebound as the state and local economies began to reopen and Paycheck Protection Program checks went out, spurring rehiring and bringing workers back onto payrolls.

“The economy is still being very much buffered by stimulus,” said Michelle Meyer, head of U.S. economics at Bank of America. “When that starts to wane, we will learn a lot more about the underlying health of the recovery.”​

The states reopened the economy way early, probably a month before the conditions the White House guidance (two weeks of declining infection numbers etc.) set out had a chance to be met. Also, the federal government pumped unprecedented funds into the economy. So yes, quite obviously the economy turned around (for now) earlier than could have been predicted. It remains to be seen what the price for that will be in terms of imperiled health and death. So, while that's good news, it isn't at all clear what it means for the overall picture.
No when the unemployment numbers are LESS than what they were before the lockdowns and layoffs then maybe jobs will have been created. And the contraction due to corona was not part of the usual business cycle
And the president never has and never will "create jobs"
Lol, Trumps success in recovering jobs to higher levels than when he took office is the point. And by end of October jobs will be at their absolute peak, trust me as the economy will take off like a Saturn rocket.





brace yourself, bubba

Wow so now I'm a democrat?

I wish you idiots would make up your mind. One day I'm called a Trumpster and the next I'm called a democrat.

All this illustrates is that you, Shitforbrains, have a very small world view where there are only 2 choices
The 'experts' were expecting another 8,000k in job losses for May, but instead there was a net GAIN of 2,200k, friends.

How much more wrong can they be? Why do the media keep returning to these wack job losers to get their information?

The U.S. unemployment rate unexpectedly dropped to 13.3 percent in May, down from a record high in April as the nation's economy began to gradually reopen from the coronavirus lockdown.
The Labor Department said in its Friday report that employers added 2.5 million jobs in May, even as the virus outbreak and subsequent stay-at-home measures mandated by states to curb the spread of COVID-19 forced nonessential businesses to close.
Economists surveyed by Refinitiv expected the report to show that unemployment rose to 19.8 percent in May and that employers shed 8 million jobs.

Krugman, Ehrlich, Mann, wrong, wrong and even more WRONG.

People stop listening to these Establishment mouth pieces who are nothing more than fools and losers.

They would NOT know the Truth if it bit them in the ass.
Hard to believe everyone is thrilled with a 13.5% unemployment rate.

We know you're unhappy that the number is dropping and we'll be in single digits soon.
Tremendous answer to the Floyd riots and the Corona Panic.

Trump hasn't created any jobs..
He will get credit for them and will get reelected in November. You idiots screwed the pooch on the coronavirus shutdown. I totally predicted this!
Gun and ammo manufacturers, gun stores, and the NRA would also like to extend a hearty 'THANK YOU' to domestic terrorists Antifa and others, to looters, thieves, thugs, violent anarchists, and to insane Democrats who are releasing violent criminals from jail, paying the fines of violent protestors, and who are abandoning citizens and businesses to fend for themselves by pushing to do away with local / state police and evicting National Guard from hotels....

Gun sales are the only thing sky-rocketing faster and higher than the stock market as states / the economy open back up...and with a complete collapse of support for protecting citizens and businesses from progressives / socialist Democrats there is no way in hell the 2nd Amendment is in danger of being eliminated.

Bravo, Democrats!
Most of the new job hires, were in the restaurant business... look at the numbers.....

Restaurants WERE NOT OPEN for sit down business in May..... And not allowed seating for 75% of their customers to be seated inside in June.

I m not trying to be the Debbie downer....

But these numbers reflect the small business bail out employers, having to rehire their employees on their books, in order to get the bailout money.... this moved the employees off the unemployed count, and over to employed, even though these employees are STILL not working.
He will get credit for them and will get reelected in November. You idiots screwed the pooch on the coronavirus shutdown. I totally predicted this!
The prolonged shutdown over the China Virus hoax and now the looting, destroying, and burning to the ground of businesses has and will continue to fail to try to stop the economy from coming back.
Gun and ammo manufacturers, gun stores, and the NRA would also like to extend a hearty 'THANK YOU' to domestic terrorists Antifa and others, to looters, thieves, thugs, violent anarchists, and to insane Democrats who are releasing violent criminals from jail, paying the fines of violent protestors, and who are abandoning citizens and businesses to fend for themselves by pushing to do away with local / state police and evicting National Guard from hotels....

Gun sales are the only thing sky-rocketing faster and higher than the stock market as states / the economy open back up...and with a complete collapse of support for protecting citizens and businesses from progressives / socialist Democrats there is no way in hell the 2nd Amendment is in danger of being eliminated.

Bravo, Democrats!

Yup. Ya know, gun sales have been skyrocketing since 2009, with just a slight break right after Trump's election.
This uptick only cost 7 trillion dollars..If Trump is responsible for more jobs then he is also credited with massive debt, larger than Oblama's. Now condemn Trump like yous did Oblama.
Actually it was the democrats that demanded the shutdown and wanted to spend trillions more. Trump didn't do it. It was predicted over 2 million would die. Trump saved millions of lives. It was predicted unemployment would be as high as 30%. No where near that! Trump is the man!
Gun and ammo manufacturers, gun stores, and the NRA would also like to extend a hearty 'THANK YOU' to domestic terrorists Antifa and others, to looters, thieves, thugs, violent anarchists, and to insane Democrats who are releasing violent criminals from jail, paying the fines of violent protestors, and who are abandoning citizens and businesses to fend for themselves by pushing to do away with local / state police and evicting National Guard from hotels....

Gun sales are the only thing sky-rocketing faster and higher than the stock market as states / the economy open back up...and with a complete collapse of support for protecting citizens and businesses from progressives / socialist Democrats there is no way in hell the 2nd Amendment is in danger of being eliminated.

Bravo, Democrats!

Especially if someone lives in a Major City which is subject to rioting/looting/mayhem, appropriate "Assault Type" weapons are absolutely essential. If a gang of Antifa Thugs is approaching you need a "little friend" to help you.

Particularly as large cities are disbanding and emasculating their PD's
No when the unemployment numbers are LESS than what they were before the lockdowns and layoffs then maybe jobs will have been created. And the contraction due to corona was not part of the usual business cycle
And the president never has and never will "create jobs"
Lol, Trumps success in recovering jobs to higher levels than when he took office is the point. And by end of October jobs will be at their absolute peak, trust me as the economy will take off like a Saturn rocket.





brace yourself, bubba

Wow so now I'm a democrat?

I wish you idiots would make up your mind. One day I'm called a Trumpster and the next I'm called a democrat.

All this illustrates is that you, Shitforbrains, have a very small world view where there are only 2 choices
Wow so now I'm a democrat?

Where did I say y ou were a Dimocrat?

As far ass I can tell you are just another grade C moron.

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