Extreme weather events are WAY down!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
In other words......another silly bogus prediction fAiL from the AGW crowd!!! Weve been hearing about it for years......."The extreme weather is getting wilder and wilder due to global warming!!"

2014 a quiet year for weather disasters in the U.S.


These AGW people are famous for one thing: throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks!! When it doesn't, we get the typical denial phrases. But the strategy of these phonies is simple............they throw these wild guesses out there and hope the public never checks the record!!! Such intellectual gheyness.

Mofus are always wrong..............:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:
Really? That doesn't explain why it's been getting warmer and drier in the last twenty five years. We get these weird ass weather patterns , warm dry, warm dry, warm dry, Rain like hell ONCE in five years, dry up, then in the winter, warm , dry, warm dry, warm dry SNOW like hell, freeze up....This is not what normal weather patterns used to look like. You get the picture? Probably NOT.
The AGWCult responds....er, they're down BECAUSE of manmade Global Warming! Wider and wider swings! DENIER!!!

We should zero out all government funding of climate "change" propoganda
Really? That doesn't explain why it's been getting warmer and drier in the last twenty five years. We get these weird ass weather patterns , warm dry, warm dry, warm dry, Rain like hell ONCE in five years, dry up, then in the winter, warm , dry, warm dry, warm dry SNOW like hell, freeze up....This is not what normal weather patterns used to look like. You get the picture? Probably NOT.

Yeah yeah your bunions acts up when rain is on the way
You know Frank......heres the thing............

Some people just tend to the hysterical. We all know them during the course of our lives...........which is why certain people NEVER are put in charge of ANYTHING. These are the people.....like MaryL who see a couple of thunderstorms roll through on a summer day and are down at Home Depot the next day buying supplies for the emergency ark they'll build in their back yard. Imagine putting Mamooth in charge of an ice cream stand for even 5 minutes??!! Rolling Thunder? Could you even put him in charge of turning on the red light when a goal is scored in a hockey game? Dollar to a million stale donuts this MAryL k00k is down buying 2 basketfuls of groceries when a 3 inch snowstorm is predicted............we've all seen them.........a tendency to go hysterical at the drop of a hat.:rock::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Really? That doesn't explain why it's been getting warmer and drier in the last twenty five years. We get these weird ass weather patterns , warm dry, warm dry, warm dry, Rain like hell ONCE in five years, dry up, then in the winter, warm , dry, warm dry, warm dry SNOW like hell, freeze up....This is not what normal weather patterns used to look like. You get the picture? Probably NOT.
Unless you want to talk 160 years (which is the solar cycle oscillation) your short snippets of time are meaningless. ( I would even go as far as 110,000 years cycles- 90 in glacial along with short durations of interglacial 12-16 thousands years long) To date the short term variations have been seen for thousands of years and are natural, even today's rise in CO2 has happened before. Your looking to short in time to see any long lasting trend.
In other words......another silly bogus prediction fAiL from the AGW crowd!!! Weve been hearing about it for years......."The extreme weather is getting wilder and wilder due to global warming!!"

2014 a quiet year for weather disasters in the U.S.


These AGW people are famous for one thing: throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks!! When it doesn't, we get the typical denial phrases. But the strategy of these phonies is simple............they throw these wild guesses out there and hope the public never checks the record!!! Such intellectual gheyness.

Mofus are always wrong..............:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:

There is only one set of events that are breaking records... COLD RECORDS! My high tomorrow will be -5 breaking the record by 12 deg F. And this polar air is sinking deep so it will be around for a while.
Are you 160 years old? I am a little old, but I know an excuse when I read one. It's getting warmer and drier, if it wasn't, I would say so. Please. All these wild fires, droughts, kind of prove the doubters WRONG. Come on now, look at ALL the facts.
Are you 160 years old? I am a little old, but I know an excuse when I read one. It's getting warmer and drier, if it wasn't, I would say so. Please. All these wild fires, droughts, kind of prove the doubters WRONG. Come on now, look at ALL the facts.

Your point of view is your problem. You seem to think it has always been how it was and any change is a bad thing. You are wrong on both counts.
There is only one set of events that are breaking records... COLD RECORDS! My high tomorrow will be -5 breaking the record by 12 deg F. And this polar air is sinking deep so it will be around for a while.

Poor Billy just isn't bright enough to understand that "I was cold today!" is not indicative of anything.

Skook, OTOH, isn't bright enough to understand that the USA isn't the world.
Are you 160 years old? I am a little old, but I know an excuse when I read one. It's getting warmer and drier, if it wasn't, I would say so. Please. All these wild fires, droughts, kind of prove the doubters WRONG. Come on now, look at ALL the facts.

As for wild fires etc, these are cyclical and natural. Only the last 70 years has man tried to put them out quickly. this has resulted in huge piles of under brush and low level fuel for fires. Lightening and wild fires used to burn this when is was just a small fraction of what is on the ground today, fertilizing the soil, killing parasites, in the case of pole pine these fires opened the seed pods and allowed the propagation of the species of trees. this allowed the weeds to be cleaned and natural feed grasses to return in abundance for animal life.

Man stopping these fires was wrong and now we get to tend with massive and very hot fires which do massive damage. WE are our own worst enemy in this regard. Nature knows how to take care of itself. Man thinking he knows better is a fools errand.
There is only one set of events that are breaking records... COLD RECORDS! My high tomorrow will be -5 breaking the record by 12 deg F. And this polar air is sinking deep so it will be around for a while.

Poor Billy just isn't bright enough to understand that "I was cold today!" is not indicative of anything.

Skook, OTOH, isn't bright enough to understand that the USA isn't the world.

Poor little Moron.. so butt hurt that there is ICE... and SNOW... because his god GORE said it would be gone by now and no one would ever see it again...

Fucking moron...
I am freezing my ass off here, it's going to get below zero for the next few days. I am shivering cold. But, then next 290 days its going to get warm and it has been getting warmer and drier than the last thirty years or so on average over all. I don't need a climatologist to tell me that, I live it. That is all the proof I need.
Really? That doesn't explain why it's been getting warmer and drier in the last twenty five years. We get these weird ass weather patterns , warm dry, warm dry, warm dry, Rain like hell ONCE in five years, dry up, then in the winter, warm , dry, warm dry, warm dry SNOW like hell, freeze up....This is not what normal weather patterns used to look like. You get the picture? Probably NOT.

People don't live long enough to make such comparisons. From the dawn of time, people believe that the weather that they are living thru is somehow "special".

Its not.

It's been formal policy in the USA since 1978 or earlier to let wildfires in wilderness areas burn. Somebody let Billy know.

And just how stupid do you have to be to be so constantly surprised by cold weather in winter? As stupid as Billy, apparently.

Oh, Gore rule invoked. Billy forfeits the thread by bringing up Gore.
It's been formal policy in the USA since 1978 or earlier to let wildfires in wilderness areas burn. Somebody let Billy know.

And just how stupid do you have to be to be so constantly surprised by cold weather in winter? As stupid as Billy, apparently.

Oh, Gore rule invoked. Billy forfeits the thread by bringing up Gore.

your number one.... :fu:
Spanked you that bad, eh?

The whole "fuel load" thing is also a myth. Areas that haven't burned in a hundred years are no more likely to burn than areas that haven't burned in twenty years. Mature forests naturally shade out the understory and reduce brush.

There's no need to "clear brush" or "thin trees" in the wild. Bad fires occur in drought years. In drought years, everything burns, no matter how much or little fuel there is. Humans rarely have any effect on fires in drought conditions; the fires just burn until the weather changes.

Now, there is a need to clear brush away from human structures. If a structure has a fireproof roof and no small trees or bushes nearby, it will be likely to survive any fire. Berkeley Hills fire, the nice suburban homes with lush landscaping were wiped out as the lush landscaping all burned.
We MUST prepare today in order to prevent something we're not really sure will happen, or when it will happen. But we're sure it's gonna be bad. :lol:

So... we must spend tens of trillions of dollars ASAP and drive hundreds of thousands from employment. :slap:
Bottom line?

The k00ks said the weather would get much wilder.

Its gotten less so ( click on the OP's link )..........the AGW climate crusaders throw bombs all the time that end up being duds!!:bye1:

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