Extreme weather events are WAY down!!!



Beats the fuck out of me. :dunno:

Mr H......if these hysterical fools, who are controlled completely by emotions, see a rain shower, they are running into their backyards to continue work on their emergency arks. They navigate their world terrified that a house is going to fall on them from the sky!!! Almost invariably, this is a common thread with these people.........its in the dna.

Being a stones throw from NYC, I have been to my fair share of wakes in Brooklyn and Queens over many decades.........you go to some and you see some pretty fucked up stuff......massive amounts of hysterical shit at some of these wakes. Fucked up to me and others but normal to some there. Same with these AGW folks.......they just tend to the hysterical with weather stuff.......very normal for them and has been for their whole lives.


Beats the fuck out of me. :dunno:

Mr H......if these hysterical fools, who are controlled completely by emotions, see a rain shower, they are running into their backyards to continue work on their emergency arks. They navigate their world terrified that a house is going to fall on them from the sky!!! Almost invariably, this is a common thread with these people.........its in the dna.

Being a stones throw from NYC, I have been to my fair share of wakes in Brooklyn and Queens over many decades.........you go to some and you see some pretty fucked up stuff......massive amounts of hysterical shit at some of these wakes. Fucked up to me and others but normal to some there. Same with these AGW folks.......they just tend to the hysterical with weather stuff.......very normal for them and has been for their whole lives.

The other things is........with these people, there is a fair amount of OCD going on. Ive been working with people with OCD for just shy of 30 years now...........daily. The fear of this global warming stuff is very, very real to them, thus, the utter rejection of anything that doesn't conform to the cyclical thinking pattern.
Let face it.............how many times do we see this line of shit? Bold predictions by the AGW religion that end up blowing up like a giant pimple on the chin of a teenager!!! And then of course..........the line of denial phrases that ALWAYS follow!!

To term "science" with anything to do with the climate is nothing but a gigantic hoax..............always has been.:coffee:
We MUST prepare today in order to prevent something we're not really sure will happen, or when it will happen. But we're sure it's gonna be bad.

But we are sure it will happen. It's already happening. Only brainless right-wing herdbeasts and mincing metrosexual sissyboys still pretend otherwise.

So... we must spend tens of trillions of dollars ASAP and drive hundreds of thousands from employment.

Catastrophic conservative economic policies are absolutely the wrong way to go, no matter how loudly you clamor for them. They've failed consistently for decades running now, and only the insane still support them.



I'm guessing you get surprised every time it rains and your car gets soaked because you didn't think to roll up the windows.

People of normal intelligence, however, can see a bad situation coming down the road, and then take preparations to prevent the bad thing.

Sadly, there will always be deniers among us, as long as there are profoundly stupid people among us.
We MUST prepare today in order to prevent something we're not really sure will happen, or when it will happen. But we're sure it's gonna be bad.

But we are sure it will happen. It's already happening. Only brainless right-wing herdbeasts and mincing metrosexual sissyboys still pretend otherwise.

So... we must spend tens of trillions of dollars ASAP and drive hundreds of thousands from employment.

Catastrophic conservative economic policies are absolutely the wrong way to go, no matter how loudly you clamor for them. They've failed consistently for decades running now, and only the insane still support them.



I'm guessing you get surprised every time it rains and your car gets soaked because you didn't think to roll up the windows.

People of normal intelligence, however, can see a bad situation coming down the road, and then take preparations to prevent the bad thing.

Sadly, there will always be deniers among us, as long as there are profoundly stupid people among us.

And the facts say...... Nope, it isn't happening.. Again left wit drivel and lies..
In other words......another silly bogus prediction fAiL from the AGW crowd!!! Weve been hearing about it for years......."The extreme weather is getting wilder and wilder due to global warming!!"

2014 a quiet year for weather disasters in the U.S.


These AGW people are famous for one thing: throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks!! When it doesn't, we get the typical denial phrases. But the strategy of these phonies is simple............they throw these wild guesses out there and hope the public never checks the record!!! Such intellectual gheyness.

Mofus are always wrong..............:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:

Skook's link, 2014 a quiet year for weather disasters in the U.S. It didn't know that the United States is the World.
I know that 2014 is the warmest year recorded, that'd be using worldwide data.
In other words......another silly bogus prediction fAiL from the AGW crowd!!! Weve been hearing about it for years......."The extreme weather is getting wilder and wilder due to global warming!!"

2014 a quiet year for weather disasters in the U.S.


These AGW people are famous for one thing: throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks!! When it doesn't, we get the typical denial phrases. But the strategy of these phonies is simple............they throw these wild guesses out there and hope the public never checks the record!!! Such intellectual gheyness.

Mofus are always wrong..............:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:

Skook's link, 2014 a quiet year for weather disasters in the U.S. It didn't know that the United States is the World.
I know that 2014 is the warmest year recorded, that'd be using worldwide data.

Hey....what can I say...the handful of nutter AGW people in this forum were the ones who were making the bold predictions based on shit they were seeing in America ( a storm or two.....and Sandy :banana:).......just a year or two ago!!! Of course, now what............ nobody is seeing dick, America doesn't count!!!

Yet we're having a record setting weather event in Vegas right now....
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In other words......another silly bogus prediction fAiL from the AGW crowd!!! Weve been hearing about it for years......."The extreme weather is getting wilder and wilder due to global warming!!"

2014 a quiet year for weather disasters in the U.S.


These AGW people are famous for one thing: throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks!! When it doesn't, we get the typical denial phrases. But the strategy of these phonies is simple............they throw these wild guesses out there and hope the public never checks the record!!! Such intellectual gheyness.

Mofus are always wrong..............:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:

Skook's link, 2014 a quiet year for weather disasters in the U.S. It didn't know that the United States is the World.
I know that 2014 is the warmest year recorded, that'd be using worldwide data.

Hey....what can I say...the handful of nutter AGW people in this forum were the ones who were making the bold predictions based on shit they were seeing in America ( a storm or two.....and Sandy :banana:).......just a year or two ago!!! Of course, now what............ nobody is seeing dick, America doesn't count!!!


In regards to Global Warming I haven't made up my mind. It seems both sides of the issue are financed by questionable resources. In other words those who are financing pro or con GW have something to financially gain. I have high doubts there is objectivity on either side of the issue. One of these days a objective report will come out that covers both the con and pro side and will offer up sound evidence one way or the other. Right now I see pure BS and I see easily persuaded people who are actually letting their political ideology dictate their thinking. Those are the very last people I trust on this issue.
Also Skooks, just as the AGW crowd uses what's solely going on in the US at times, so does the anti-AGW even more so.

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