Exxon - Warming in the Arctic - Russia - Oil Wars - The Melting Ice Sheet

If Exxon had only hired westwall back when they started spending money on the potential effects of global warming back in the 1980s, they could have saves beau coupe cash

Today, as Exxon’s scientists predicted 25 years ago, Canada’s Northwest Territories has experienced some of the most dramatic effects of global warming. While the rest of the planet has seen an average increase of roughly 1.5 degrees in the last 100 years, the northern reaches of the province have warmed by 5.4 degrees and temperatures in central regions have increased by 3.6 degrees.

Since 2012, Exxon Mobil and Imperial have held the rights to more than 1 million acres in the Beaufort Sea, for which they bid $1.7 billion in a joint venture with BP. Although the companies have not begun drilling, they requested a lease extension until 2028 from the Canadian government a few months ago. Exxon Mobil declined to comment on its plans there.

Croasdale said the company could be “taking a gamble” the ice will break up soon, finally bringing about the day he predicted so long ago — when the costs would become low enough to make Arctic exploration economical.


Really?? Those are hacked numbers for the regional warming.. You should try to VERIFY THEM...

Like at the Canada Gov site..
Temperature Departures from the 1961–1990 Average – Winter 2012–2013


You see any ARCTIC REGIONS suffering from 5.4deg changes that look like a GENERAL PATTERN?
Lying with numbers. That's what lazy folks do.. And there's a LOT of lazy folks in media.. Especially at the LA Times..

Climate Trends and Variations Bulletin - Winter 2010/2011 - Climate Change - Environment Canada

Go show a widespread PERSISTENT pattern of 5 or 6degC warming in the Canadian arctic..
Hey Dante -- Find those 5.6degC patterns in the 2014 summary for us will ya?

Temperature Departures from the 1961–1990 Average – Annual for 2014


STFU about your sources.. They are no better than any others... Panic, fear, misinformation, propaganda and red meat for the fanatics who refer to themselves in the 3rd person..
wow! flacaltenn has been busy regurgitating his graphics. Impressive, but he/she doesn't get that the argument is not with Dante. Dante has no dawg in the fight. I doubt most who argue with the deniers do.

What is at issues is the scientific consensus on what the actual science shows. Now a consensus can be wrong in part or in whole, but...

Not being a climate scientist on the web or in real life, I will leave debating graphs to people like flacaltenn and the others on all sides who play that game
Exxon - Warming in the Arctic - Russia - Oil Wars - The Melting Ice Sheet

What's going on?


Exxon - Warming in the Arctic - Russia - Oil Wars

What's going on?


Has Corporate America been falling behind? Or has the US Government since the 1980s not been hard enough on developing plans for the Arctic?

Between 1986 and 1992, Croasdale’s team looked at both the positive and negative effects that a warming Arctic would have on oil operations, reporting its findings to Exxon headquarters in Houston and New Jersey.

The good news for Exxon, he told an audience of academics and government researchers in 1992, was that “potential global warming can only help lower exploration and development costs” in the Beaufort Sea.


In 2012, with great fanfare, China sent a refurbished icebreaker, the Xuelong, or Snow Dragon, across one such route. Signaling its ambitions to be a “polar expedition power,” China is now building a second icebreaker, giving it an icebreaking fleet equal to America’s. Russia, by far the largest Arctic nation, has 41 in all.

“The United States really isn’t even in this game,” Admiral Zukunft said at a conference in Washington this year.

He lamented the lack of urgency in Washington, contrasting it with the challenges of the Cold War, when the United States and the Soviet Union confronted each other in the Arctic and beyond. “When Russia put Sputnik in outer space, did we sit with our hands in pocket with great fascination and say, ‘Good for Mother Russia’?”
Exxon - Warming in the Arctic - Russia - Oil Wars

What's going on?

are ideologically motivated citizens helping to kill American opportunities (some would say exceptionalism) in the near future?

Obama Frets Over Melting Ice While Putin Claims The Arctic

Even the Council on Foreign Relations has something to say about it

In the twenty-first century, many experts believe that climate change, technological advances, and rising global demand for resources may at last unlock the considerable economic potential of the Circumpolar North. The melting of Arctic sea ice to record lows in recent years has prompted many nations, principally those with Arctic Ocean coastlines—the United States, Canada, Russia, Norway, and Denmark (Greenland)—to reassess their commitments and interests in the icy reaches atop the globe.

Many forecast Arctic summers will be free of ice in a matter of decades, potentially opening the region up to hundreds of billions of dollars in investment, including energy production, shipping, and fishing. The thaw will also pose new security demands as greater human activity induces states to increase their military and constabulary presence. While most experts dismiss the prospects for armed aggression in the Arctic, some defense analysts and academics assert that territorial disputes and a competition for resources have primed the Arctic for a new Cold War.

Great news. Hard to grow wheat and corn in ice.
wow! flacaltenn has been busy regurgitating his graphics. Impressive, but he/she doesn't get that the argument is not with Dante. Dante has no dawg in the fight. I doubt most who argue with the deniers do.

What is at issues is the scientific consensus on what the actual science shows. Now a consensus can be wrong in part or in whole, but...

Not being a climate scientist on the web or in real life, I will leave debating graphs to people like flacaltenn and the others on all sides who play that game

I guess you are doomed to be scared to death by respectable media tossing out numbers they heard from activists then.. I would think someone as involved as you are in the issues would want to learn some ole fashion self-defense against lazy bastards at the LA Times..
wow! flacaltenn has been busy regurgitating his graphics. Impressive, but he/she doesn't get that the argument is not with Dante. Dante has no dawg in the fight. I doubt most who argue with the deniers do.

What is at issues is the scientific consensus on what the actual science shows. Now a consensus can be wrong in part or in whole, but...

Not being a climate scientist on the web or in real life, I will leave debating graphs to people like flacaltenn and the others on all sides who play that game

I guess you are doomed to be scared to death by respectable media tossing out numbers they heard from activists then.. I would think someone as involved as you are in the issues would want to learn some ole fashion self-defense against lazy bastards at the LA Times..
Sacred? Going way way back, Dante has never really been all that involved in following the global warming thing.

Our society trusts scientists to send men to the moon and bring them back safely. We trust scientists to keep us safe and warn us about dangers of nuclear waste and acid rain and much much more...like the dangers of smoking tobacco

Shit, scientists for Global Oil Exploration corporations have been studying global warming.

then we have gullible tools who believe the denial science -- remember that smoking science? Looks like the very sane tactics being used and in some cases the same scientific method -- the mumbo jumbo method
Muhammed NCSE | National Center for Science Education - Defending the Teaching of Evolution in Public Schools.

Dante will stick with the National Science Foundation over an anonymous nitwit with your avatar and posting style
just know that doesn't make it so, so you go with that, but know you're wrong.
Why would any sane person believe the scientific community is in on an anti-American, anti-Capitalist scheme to take liberty and freedom away from a minority of American whackos?

One would have to be in a bubble where all the news one believes comes from interests that....

oh wait!

nevr mind
We haven't had a sound coherent energy policy in this country since the Eisenhower administration.

We're the only nation on earth that doesn't allow drilling in our outer-continental shelves. And we're the only ones to prohibit the export of domestically produced crude oil.
What about Nixon's policy?
Price controls? :lol:
Did they work?

It was so long ago
We haven't had a sound coherent energy policy in this country since the Eisenhower administration.

We're the only nation on earth that doesn't allow drilling in our outer-continental shelves. And we're the only ones to prohibit the export of domestically produced crude oil.
What about Nixon's policy?
Price controls? :lol:
Did they work?

It was so long ago
It worked to drive oil and gas companies into bankruptcy.

Same can be said about Carter's so-called "Windfall Profits Tax". Which by the way was neither a tax nor was it based on profits.
WP = RP - (ABP + SST)

RP = Removal Price
ABP = Adjusted Base Price
SST = State Severance Tax Adjustment

I can't recall how many $100,000 checks I wrote to the goddamn government during those years.
We haven't had a sound coherent energy policy in this country since the Eisenhower administration.

We're the only nation on earth that doesn't allow drilling in our outer-continental shelves. And we're the only ones to prohibit the export of domestically produced crude oil.
What about Nixon's policy?
Price controls? :lol:
Did they work?

It was so long ago
It worked to drive oil and gas companies into bankruptcy.

Same can be said about Carter's so-called "Windfall Profits Tax". Which by the way was neither a tax nor was it based on profits.
You don't think some of those companies deserved their fate?
WP = RP - (ABP + SST)

RP = Removal Price
ABP = Adjusted Base Price
SST = State Severance Tax Adjustment

I can't recall how many $100,000 checks I wrote to the goddamn government during those years.
Yeah, but California unlike most every other place in the world does not tax the oil coming out of the ground -- do they? What was that vote about in 2008 when I got out here?
WP = RP - (ABP + SST)

RP = Removal Price
ABP = Adjusted Base Price
SST = State Severance Tax Adjustment

I can't recall how many $100,000 checks I wrote to the goddamn government during those years.
Yeah, but California unlike most every other place in the world does not tax the oil coming out of the ground -- do they? What was that vote about in 2008 when I got out here?
The latest figures (2012) I can find state that $400 million was paid by California oil and gas producers in the form of a severance tax.

There may be an additional ad valorem tax paid. This is when states tax oil and gas production as they do real estate. Illinois does this.

Add to that, state and federal income taxes.
WP = RP - (ABP + SST)

RP = Removal Price
ABP = Adjusted Base Price
SST = State Severance Tax Adjustment

I can't recall how many $100,000 checks I wrote to the goddamn government during those years.
Yeah, but California unlike most every other place in the world does not tax the oil coming out of the ground -- do they? What was that vote about in 2008 when I got out here?
The latest figures (2012) I can find state that $400 million was paid by California oil and gas producers in the form of a severance tax.

There may be an additional ad valorem tax paid. This is when states tax oil and gas production as they do real estate. Illinois does this.

Add to that, state and federal income taxes.
It seems like California is getting screwed. California is no liberal state in my opinion. I came out here from a true liberal state. Cali is more a progressive gulag both right and left propose so many initiatives to control others it is amazing....but then there is the size of the state

wikipedia (take it as it is)
A severance tax is an article of legislation that imposes a tax on the extraction of natural resources. In the United States, California is the only state that does not impose a significant severance tax.[1] Instead, California imposes a statewide assessment fee, as set by the California Department of Conservation, and individual counties may choose to impose an ad valorem tax on a per county basis. Over the years, several measures have been introduced as ballot initiatives and legislation in an attempt to pass a statewide severance tax, though none has become law.

"California is the largest -- and only -- oil producing state in the nation that does not tax its vast oil resources," said Evans in a written statement.

State lawmakers propose new oil drilling tax | news10.net

California Proposition 87 was on the November 7, 2006 ballot in California as a combined initiated constitutional amendment and state statute, where it was defeated.

Proposition 87 would have imposed a severance tax, effective in January 2007, on oil production in California to generate revenues to fund $4 billion in alternative energy programs over time.

Campaign spending on Proposition 87 set a record, with a total of $154.3 million coming from both sides.[1] The great majority of the funds spent to promote Proposition 87 came from one individual, Stephen Bing, who contributed $49.5 million.[2] According to the Los Angeles Times, Bing's contributions to Proposition 87 amounted to "the biggest single personal investment in a ballot proposition in state history."[3] http://ballotpedia.org/California_Proposition_87,_Alternative_Energy_Oil_Tax_%282006%29
http://graphics.latimes.com/exxon-arctic/ Big Oil Has Done Global Warming Research

In addition, the company should expect more flooding along its riverside facilities, an earlier spring breakup of the ice pack, and more-severe summer storms.

But it was the increased variability and unpredictability of the weather that was going to be the company’s biggest challenge, he said.

Record-breaking droughts, floods and extreme heat — the worst-case scenarios — were now events that not only were likely to happen, but could occur at any time, making planning for such scenarios difficult, Lonergan warned the company in his report. Extreme temperatures and precipitation “should be of greatest concern,” he wrote, “both in terms of future design and … expected impacts.”


Today, as Exxon’s scientists predicted 25 years ago, Canada’s Northwest Territories has experienced some of the most dramatic effects of global warming. While the rest of the planet has seen an average increase of roughly 1.5 degrees in the last 100 years, the northern reaches of the province have warmed by 5.4 degrees and temperatures in central regions have increased by 3.6 degrees.​

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