ezra klein on the employer mandate


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
Wonkbook: Big business continues its winning streak in health reform

I too thought Wyden Bennett was the way to go.

"In the very long-run, I’d be happy to see employers out of the health insurance game altogether. That’s why I was a fan of Ron Wyden and Bob Bennet’s Healthy Americans Act, which converted employer health-care payments to wages, and then sent people to buy health insurance on their own."

Of course, the teaparty retired Bennett for suggesting such govt intrusion. (cough)

But, Klein is also right, you get the same benefit of an employer mandate without the mandate. First, as the link points out, almost all major employers already offer healthcare. Second, we could simply tax companies that don't pay the same rate of employee healthcare that employers who offer healthcare pay, regardless of how many employees they have or whether they're full or part time.

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