Face it Conservorinos..Obama's doing a good job.

no it cant....but if they would start spending all that money that they blow on the third world over here on AMERICANS....this Country would have a Medical System where if someone needed a costly procedure done....it would be done.....and a medical Disaster can happen to anyone in this Country....and i dont care who you are .....just sayin....:eusa_eh:

LOL really. Foreign Aid is a tiny % of our budget. How do you figure?
just the money spent in Iraq and Afghanistan would insure that no one would die because of some unafordable medical procedure......

Iraq and afgahn are temporary expenditures. That we can not afford. We can not simply take the money we spend on them and spend it on medical. it is money we do not have and can not afford.

Also Those are wars. Not foreign Aid.

Alone, no it won't....but it will go a long way to doing us in.

Even the democratics agreed that there was some stupid shit in there...

Anything with 1,990 pages has to statistically have stupid sh!t in it....I don't care who writes it or what the subject it. Now, considering Obama, Pelosi, and Reid had even the itsy bitsy little say....well, it goes without saying...
LOL really. Foreign Aid is a tiny % of our budget. How do you figure?
just the money spent in Iraq and Afghanistan would insure that no one would die because of some unafordable medical procedure......

Iraq and afgahn are temporary expenditures. That we can not afford. We can not simply take the money we spend on them and spend it on medical. it is money we do not have and can not afford.

Also Those are wars. Not foreign Aid.

i said money spent on Third World Countries.....are they not the third World?.....and those wars are temporary?....ok.....and you know what Charles....if this Country can dig up Billions to go fight a war for people who will end up spitting in our face.....they can come up with money to help OUR people who face a Catastrophic Medical dilemma.....WHICH CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE.....i dont know about you,but if i "help" someone.....i dont expect to get a Lugy in my face....people like that can go to hell......i would much rather see that money spent here,not there....
Despite the rants of the right..President Obama's proved time and time again he can handle it..and with a great amount of grace. He's got it down when it comes to the ridiculous hyperbole..and he does it with style. Although he sometimes infuriates me with his olive branches to the right..gotta say..he's got a lock on keeping his enemies close.

And while I don't think he's charmed, indeed, alot of the work has been tough, he's been able to keep above the fray.

So 2012 looks like it's going to be a lock. Even my conservative friends are grudgingly admitting to that.

Bull...tell me what he has done that is good? I can tell you, nothing. Obamacare is nothing but a power grab by the liberal big gov't., and it is unconstitutional. He has proven he is incompetent and his foreign policy is even worse. Possibly the worst president in our history.

Unconstitutional? How exactly? Show the clause that backs up this premise.

Incompetence in foreign affairs generally means you leave the table with everyone hating you. That's exactly what Bush did..
LOL really. Foreign Aid is a tiny % of our budget. How do you figure?
just the money spent in Iraq and Afghanistan would insure that no one would die because of some unafordable medical procedure......

Iraq and afgahn are temporary expenditures. That we can not afford. We can not simply take the money we spend on them and spend it on medical. it is money we do not have and can not afford.

Also Those are wars. Not foreign Aid.


So we can find money to kill people in other lands but not find money to save our own.

handle what?

The majority of Americans are against this bill. Furthermore, those that are actually "for it" couldn't tell you a single thing that will actually come out of this bill. Why? It's over 2,000 pages long and none of them can read "lawyer talk." They just believe the rhetoric Obama and Pelosi spew about it. Furthermore, if it was so great, why did Obama see to that it wouldn't be implemented until 2013? I'll tell you why, because after everyone realize the unintended consequences of this bill, he would have hoped to already have been re-elected. Just because a bill passed doesn't make it a good bill.

[quote}Finreg passed.

And specifically you are pleased why? Do you realize that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were unaffected by that change? They are billions in the hole and counting. Our govt is pouring money in this scam and you think Financial Regulations were fixed? No, they weren't. In fact, it will take years to recognize the unintended consequences. Futhermore, you are making a bold assumption that these changes will actually prevent another financial mess....I'll bet it doesn't.

Economy saved? Really? That is a pretty delusional comment. The housing market is still in shambles and will only get worse as unemployment remains high and jobs are leaving this country because there are absolutely no incentives for them to stay. We're hosed and Obama printed billions of fake dollars that we don't have to further enslave us and our future. If anything, he has doomed our future...not saved us at the present.

It took days for the seals to get a green-light to do this. It has been rumored that the hold up was Obama. However, that's conjecture...for arguments sake, I'll give you this one....albeit, what other response could he have had? I will say that for a bleeding heart liberal, I'm surprised he allowed it.

Record numbers? Can you show me some facts to back that up?

Actually Obama didn't do that. Although some terrorist attacks were thwarted during his tenure, there are thousands of people in our agencies that did that. Just like they do under every president's tenure. Most of the things that are actually prevented, the American public never hears about.

Oil spill by BP..BP pays for cleanup.

You think the BP spill was a success from Obama's handling? Really? What about the weeks where he didn't do a dang thing to get started on helping out with the clean-up? What about turning down help from foreign countries when we needed it? Obama completely mishandled the entire BP oil spill. Pulling out some of my own theories, he did it on purpose to shine a bad light on the oil industry and drew out what could have been averted much earlier.

Torture? Buh bye!

You call water-boarding torture? I'll tell you what, if you had a family member die in Iraq, Afghanistan or on 9/11 you wouldn't give two craps about water-boarding some towel-wrapped jihadist.

We shouldn't be involved at all in foreign politics. Those people should handle their own issues. Furthermore, wasn't Obama that swayed back and further with his comments about Mubarack stepping aside? Even though we shouldn't take a stance, I guess you are supporting Obama who supports seeing radical Islamists take over the country via the Muslim Brotherhood??? Which makes sense....he's supporting his own.

Get real. Obama has been a joke and will probably only get re-elected because the average American is an uninformed idiot.

There's not much to address here. Basically a rant.

Needless to say..though..the bottom line is that President Obama will probably get re-elected and things are continuing to get better.
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LOL really. Foreign Aid is a tiny % of our budget. How do you figure?
just the money spent in Iraq and Afghanistan would insure that no one would die because of some unafordable medical procedure......

Iraq and afgahn are temporary expenditures. That we can not afford. We can not simply take the money we spend on them and spend it on medical. it is money we do not have and can not afford.

Also Those are wars. Not foreign Aid.

Those wars are not temporary expenditures because the money being spent to conduct them has all been borrowed, and barring a miracle, that money will remain as part of our national debt,

therefore we will perpetually pay interest on it. A 5% interest payment on a trillion dollars is 50 billion a year. That's a new, permanent 50 billion per year government spending program for every trillion dollars borrowed to fight the wars,

spending programs that accomplish nothing. They don't defend us, they don't build roads, they don't fund Medicare or S.S., they don't make us safer, or healthier, or more prosperous,

and they can't NOT be funded...and they're funded from your taxes.
Despite the rants of the right..President Obama's proved time and time again he can handle it..and with a great amount of grace. He's got it down when it comes to the ridiculous hyperbole..and he does it with style. Although he sometimes infuriates me with his olive branches to the right..gotta say..he's got a lock on keeping his enemies close.

And while I don't think he's charmed, indeed, alot of the work has been tough, he's been able to keep above the fray.

So 2012 looks like it's going to be a lock. Even my conservative friends are grudgingly admitting to that.


I'll say he's doing a great job when we see the end of the recession. Until then, the best I can say is that I find him less aggravating than Bush.

The recession has been over for a year and a half.
It is true because the tax cuts never expired....

Your lame word games notwithstanding...

And yes, you're fucked...

When was the payroll tax cut due to expire?

Oh wait, there wasn't one.

I don't play your weak and childish word games, asshat...

The tax cuts your 0ssiah passed were not expired , they were extended...

The payroll tax is not a tax? Are you retarded?

Seriously...I'm genuinely curious...are you retarded? What is your IQ?
Despite the rants of the right..President Obama's proved time and time again he can handle it..and with a great amount of grace. He's got it down when it comes to the ridiculous hyperbole..and he does it with style. Although he sometimes infuriates me with his olive branches to the right..gotta say..he's got a lock on keeping his enemies close.

And while I don't think he's charmed, indeed, alot of the work has been tough, he's been able to keep above the fray.

So 2012 looks like it's going to be a lock. Even my conservative friends are grudgingly admitting to that.

Bull...tell me what he has done that is good? I can tell you, nothing. Obamacare is nothing but a power grab by the liberal big gov't., and it is unconstitutional. He has proven he is incompetent and his foreign policy is even worse. Possibly the worst president in our history.

Unconstitutional? How exactly? Show the clause that backs up this premise.

Incompetence in foreign affairs generally means you leave the table with everyone hating you. That's exactly what Bush did..

I'm sure all of the rulers in the Middle East are really pleased with us turning our backs on a long time friend of their's.

And a federal judge ruled it unconstitutional. Obama is choosing to ignore his court order. He must think he doesn't have to follow the law or the constitution.
When was the payroll tax cut due to expire?

Oh wait, there wasn't one.

I don't play your weak and childish word games, asshat...

The tax cuts your 0ssiah passed were not expired , they were extended...

The payroll tax is not a tax? Are you retarded?

Seriously...I'm genuinely curious...are you retarded? What is your IQ?

More word games from a dumb asshat...

The Bush tax cuts were not expired, they were extended...

Go be an asshat in another thread...

Do you ever wonder why even the libs here think you are a fuckstain?

Seriously... Do you?
Despite the rants of the right..President Obama's proved time and time again he can handle it..and with a great amount of grace. He's got it down when it comes to the ridiculous hyperbole..and he does it with style. Although he sometimes infuriates me with his olive branches to the right..gotta say..he's got a lock on keeping his enemies close.

And while I don't think he's charmed, indeed, alot of the work has been tough, he's been able to keep above the fray.

So 2012 looks like it's going to be a lock. Even my conservative friends are grudgingly admitting to that.


I'll say he's doing a great job when we see the end of the recession. Until then, the best I can say is that I find him less aggravating than Bush.

The recession has been over for a year and a half.

Really???? Has it???? Foreclosures are fixin to double down again, groceries, gas, power, and commodities costs more and more and more and unemployment is 9.2%... We're living on easy street right? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Bull...tell me what he has done that is good? I can tell you, nothing. Obamacare is nothing but a power grab by the liberal big gov't., and it is unconstitutional. He has proven he is incompetent and his foreign policy is even worse. Possibly the worst president in our history.

Unconstitutional? How exactly? Show the clause that backs up this premise.

Incompetence in foreign affairs generally means you leave the table with everyone hating you. That's exactly what Bush did..

I'm sure all of the rulers in the Middle East are really pleased with us turning our backs on a long time friend of their's.

And a federal judge ruled it unconstitutional. Obama is choosing to ignore his court order. He must think he doesn't have to follow the law or the constitution.

They probably aren't. But there wasn't much the United States could do without getting involved militarily.

And again..show the clause.
Despite the rants of the right..President Obama's proved time and time again he can handle it..

handle what?

Healthcare act passed.
Finreg passed.
Economy saved.
Pirates capture boat..heads misted on Presidential orders.
Terrorists killed..in record numbers.
Averted terrorist attacks.
Oil spill by BP..BP pays for cleanup.
Torture? Buh bye!
Egypt? Work in progress..so far so good.

You have a little bit of cum dribbling down your chin...

Healthcare act passed. - Against the will of the American people and has been found unconstitutional by the courts.

Finreg passed. - Based on Obama and the Fascist party looting $$ trillions on behalf of Goldman Sachs, Chase and B of A. Obama, the Bernie Madoff of presidents...

Economy saved. - 9.8% unemployment and a 2% GDP - Heckuvajob, Barry...

Pirates capture boat..heads misted on Presidential orders. - That was a good move, he gets credit for it.

Terrorists killed..in record numbers. - Total bullshit, what a pathetic lie.

Averted terrorist attacks. - More bullshit.

Oil spill by BP..BP pays for cleanup. - So you think Obummer handled the BP spill well, doya? ROFL - mindless fuck..

Torture? Buh bye! - When did Gitmo close?

Egypt? Work in progress..so far so good. - You'll have to thank G.W. Bush for that, you mindless pissant.

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