Facebook Censors Story About ‘Refugee’ Raping Swedish Woman


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
I guess it's time to dump Facebook. this issue is already having an impact on our Freedoms of speech. they are using Islam/religion/Islamaphobia AGAINST us in our OWN country. this is only the beginning. It's probably to late, but we've been sold out by this administration with Hillary's approval in more ways than one. time to face reality. you've already seen what happens when you draw a cartoon of some ugly dude they supposedly worship I guess. how much more do you need?


Facebook Censors Story About ‘Refugee’ Raping Swedish Woman
December 24, 2015
Paul Joseph Watson, Social network bans Infowars link after Zuckerberg vowed to eliminate ‘xenophobia’ about migrants.

Facebook has sensationally banned a story about a ‘refugee’ raping a Swedish woman in line with the company’s new policy to censor anti-migrant posts deemed to be “xenophobic”.

TheInfowars story, which explained how a north African migrant who participated in the gang rape of a woman in Stockholm got off without charge, was posted on Facebook yesterday but disappeared from the website within hours.

A query of the URL onFacebook’s ‘Debugger’ websitereveals that, “this link is blocked.” Any attempt to post the link on Facebook results in failure.

image: http://hw.infowars.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/241215fb.jpg


Apparently, Facebook feels it is more important to control the narrative on the migrant crisis than to defend rape victims.

image: http://conservativeread.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/facebookcensors_small.jpg


The company’s policy was leakedduring a conversationbetween Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and German Chancellor Angela Merkel earlier this year which was caught on a hot mic. Zuckerberg promised Merkel that he was working on censoring anti-migrant posts.

It subsequently emerged that the German government and Facebook wereworking with ex-Stasi agent Anetta Kahaneto identify “xenophobic” posts made on the social networking website and punish people who make them with fines and jail sentences.

As wehighlighted back in January, Facebook’s new censorship policy also allows users to flag content which “annoys” them or which they deem to be offensive. This allows large mobs of agenda-driven social justice warriors to mass flag posts for deletion.

The new policy was justified by Facebook’s need to eliminate “fake news,” but the same excuse doesn’t apply in this case. The story about the refugee gang rape of the Swedish woman was featured in numerous different mainstream news outlets, includingThe LocalandFriaTider.

ALL OF IT here:
Read more at Facebook Censors Story About ‘Refugee’ Raping Swedish Woman
Besides nothing, what the hell does 'this administration' and 'Hillary' have to do with Facebook censoring a story from Sweden? Got to shoehorn them in so how I guess.
Rapes occur every day all over the world..I don't see a lot of those instances being reported on..Oh the inhumanity.....Poor right wingers want all Muslin news,,,all the time.....
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Besides nothing, what the hell does 'this administration' and 'Hillary' have to do with Facebook censoring a story from Sweden? Got to shoehorn them in so how I guess.

Because Cock-Suckerberg is a leftist hack that will do anything to further the Agenda of progressives. He must obey his maters like Hillary and the Hussein.
this is Obama's right hand Muslim who advises him and has control over our white house and country pretty much. just look to Europe to see what's coming at us. I'm sorry to feel this way and I've been waiting for them to prove to me we don't have anything to fear. From what I've been seeing over my sixty years they've been proving just the opposite. I don't feel things ending well. this is just my little ole opinion. You all save the insults and put downs because I don't care and you'd just be wasting your time

Besides nothing, what the hell does 'this administration' and 'Hillary' have to do with Facebook censoring a story from Sweden? Got to shoehorn them in so how I guess.
They hate private corporations...
Besides nothing, what the hell does 'this administration' and 'Hillary' have to do with Facebook censoring a story from Sweden? Got to shoehorn them in so how I guess.

Because Cock-Suckerberg is a leftist hack that will do anything to further the Agenda of progressives. He must obey his maters like Hillary and the Hussein.
It's his company, let him run it as he wants....
Besides nothing, what the hell does 'this administration' and 'Hillary' have to do with Facebook censoring a story from Sweden? Got to shoehorn them in so how I guess.

Because Cock-Suckerberg is a leftist hack that will do anything to further the Agenda of progressives. He must obey his maters like Hillary and the Hussein.

So nothing then? Good. Glad we could get that cleared up.
Rapes occur every day all over the world..I don't see a lot of those instances being reported on..Oh the inhumanity.....Poor right ringers want all Muslin news,,,all the time.....

Yes, and usually societies do whatever they can to punish rapists, and prevent rape. But not in this case. These stories should not come to light because it doesn't fit with the narrative that these Muslims are peaceful, and that progressive governments are supporting violent, rapist thugs over their own women who are victims of them.
this is Obama's right hand Muslim who advises him and has control over our white house and country pretty much. just look to Europe to see what's coming at us. I'm sorry to feel this way and I've been waiting for them to prove to me we don't have anything to fear. From what I've been seeing over my sixty years they've been proving just the opposite. I don't feel things ending well. this is just my little ole opinion. You all save the insults and put downs because I don't care and you'd just be wasting your time

These people have nothing to do with how someone runs their company....
Rapes occur every day all over the world..I don't see a lot of those instances being reported on..Oh the inhumanity.....Poor right ringers want all Muslin news,,,all the time.....

Yes, and usually societies do whatever they can to punish rapists, and prevent rape. But not in this case. These stories should not come to light because it doesn't fit with the narrative that these Muslims are peaceful, and that progressive governments are supporting violent, rapist thugs over their own women who are victims of them.
You sure can project an awful lot of cow patties, do you have a BS catapult degree?
this is Obama's right hand Muslim who advises him and has control over our white house and country pretty much. just look to Europe to see what's coming at us. I'm sorry to feel this way and I've been waiting for them to prove to me we don't have anything to fear. From what I've been seeing over my sixty years they've been proving just the opposite. I don't feel things ending well. this is just my little ole opinion. You all save the insults and put downs because I don't care and you'd just be wasting your time

This fake quote from Valerie Jarrett has me positively spitting nails. :mad:
this is Obama's right hand Muslim who advises him and has control over our white house and country pretty much. just look to Europe to see what's coming at us. I'm sorry to feel this way and I've been waiting for them to prove to me we don't have anything to fear. From what I've been seeing over my sixty years they've been proving just the opposite. I don't feel things ending well. this is just my little ole opinion. You all save the insults and put downs because I don't care and you'd just be wasting your time

I feel the same way.
I used to be a strong Government supporter. No longer. I actually fear Obama and his muslim friends are planning something extremely bad for the country. Then he will declare Martial Law and postpone the election indefinitely and the country will explode in another civil war. This is Saul Alinsky, George Soros, Bill Ayers, Valerie Jarrett and Obama's wet dream come true.
this is Obama's right hand Muslim who advises him and has control over our white house and country pretty much. just look to Europe to see what's coming at us. I'm sorry to feel this way and I've been waiting for them to prove to me we don't have anything to fear. From what I've been seeing over my sixty years they've been proving just the opposite. I don't feel things ending well. this is just my little ole opinion. You all save the insults and put downs because I don't care and you'd just be wasting your time

This fake quote from Valerie Jarrett has me positively spitting nails. :mad:
Prove the quote is fake asshole!
You can't.
this is Obama's right hand Muslim who advises him and has control over our white house and country pretty much. just look to Europe to see what's coming at us. I'm sorry to feel this way and I've been waiting for them to prove to me we don't have anything to fear. From what I've been seeing over my sixty years they've been proving just the opposite. I don't feel things ending well. this is just my little ole opinion. You all save the insults and put downs because I don't care and you'd just be wasting your time

This fake quote from Valerie Jarrett has me positively spitting nails. :mad:
Prove the quote is fake asshole!
You can't.


Prove the quote is fake, asshole! You can't.
this is Obama's right hand Muslim who advises him and has control over our white house and country pretty much. just look to Europe to see what's coming at us. I'm sorry to feel this way and I've been waiting for them to prove to me we don't have anything to fear. From what I've been seeing over my sixty years they've been proving just the opposite. I don't feel things ending well. this is just my little ole opinion. You all save the insults and put downs because I don't care and you'd just be wasting your time

I feel the same way.
I used to be a strong Government supporter. No longer. I actually fear Obama and his muslim friends are planning something extremely bad for the country. Then he will declare Martial Law and postpone the election indefinitely and the country will explode in another civil war. This is Saul Alinsky, George Soros, Bill Ayers, Valerie Jarrett and Obama's wet dream come true.
For 7 years now, you impotent rednecks have gladly orated that insidious scenario......I'd seek counseling for your mental condition...
what's up with this lady? Is this being done to help calm the people in the country and does she think this is going to help bring people over to their side? But at this site they have made her some saint. I thought she was quite insulting myself. Here is the link to this: its the NYmag so that might tell you something. my guess is they hate Fox and hate Trump.
anyway here is the link
Sorry, I Can’t Hear You Over the Sound of This Woman’s Incredible American Flag Hijab

Sorry, I Can’t Hear You Over the Sound of This Woman’s Incredible American Flag Hijab
By Jessica Roy


Sorry, were you trying to use a tragic world event as an excuse to say something hateful about Muslims? I thought I heard a murmur, but then it was entirely drowned out by the majesty of Republican Muslim Coalition president Saba Ahmed’s American flag hijab.

On yesterday’s Kelly File, Trump campaign spokeswoman Katrina Pierson tried to argue that mosques are hotbeds of terrorist activity, and that’s why her boss would consider shutting them down in the wake of the Paris attacks. So Ahmed, blessed with the patience of a million kindergarten teachers, was forced to show Pierson what’s what.

“Megyn, we go to the mosque to pray,” she said. “It’s absolutely horrifying to hear that our constitutional rights of free exercise of religion are going to be challenged just because somebody thinks that there may be some attendees who may disagree with your views. You wouldn’t shut down churches just because there were one or two Christians who were acting badly. The mosque has nothing to do with the terrorists. Yes there are people who misuse the religion for their perverted ideology but that has nothing to do with my faith.”

this was a comment with the article. I thought it interesting. are they right?

Why are Muslims so defensive at this point? I say "at this point", because it's another example of us going beyond the "point" of no return. Islamic extremism was never nipped in the bud, so now it must be fought with extremism. For those who say that's what the terrorists want, please spare me.

The fact is Muslims complain about the ways some of our politicians are choosing to meet this evil, but they were/are never on the front line of fighting this obvious perverted twist of their ideology to prevent it from going this far. They chose to run from it, hide from it, turn the other cheek. Now it is here. Now they hide again in fear from all directions and want to be shielded by our constitution.

Trust me right and left wingers, nobody can point out a bad Muslim better than a Muslim. I would expect a true Muslim to be able to point out a sour grape far easier than I could.

So I say to all Muslims, peaceful or otherwise, so much of this is your own fault. You have been afraid to speak up when something was wrong or questionable. You have refused to accept any responsibility in providing breeding grounds for these vermin.

These scum almost always are a part of some mosque at some point. That is not to say they become radicalized there, but it is often the first step. If that be the case, then peaceful Muslims are just as guilty as our own government for not picking these monsters out, and being more vigilant.

So now we are here, lines drawn in the sand. All I can say is shame on you Muslims. For every one of you that knew, or thought you knew, or had even the slightest hint that someone or something just wasn't right but never spoke up. Take a page from the Muslims that are on the front line in our military, truly fighting this evil and not hiding behind your religion as a reason to "stay out of it". Yea, you have some leaders out there trying to wear that hat now, but where were all of you Muslim American Citizens when WE NEEDED YOU, and your insight and expertise?

Are you Peaceful? Yes. Loving? Yes. But borderline at the point of cowardice.

So I say to the Muslims, you helped make this bed. Technically you could have been the greatest weapon in helping us eliminate this evil once and for all. But unfortunately we can't rely on you. That has been a proven fact, say for one Muslim hot dog vendor who had the balls to speak up and do what was right.

Who knows what happens next or where we go from here. But I do know that Muslims shouldn't be complaining about Constitutional rights at this point. You want the majority of people to separate you from the radicals? Then get on the front line and prove it. You already should have been doing everything in your power. Sorry "praying: doesn't cut it.

So I say to all peaceful Muslims, "Go ahead and run into that burning building and we will be right behind you. But if we have to go first then don't complain if it doesn't go your way."

We have enough non Muslim nut jobs out there to keep track of as there is.

Still don't know who was "owned" in this article by the way

from the article here:
Sorry, I Can’t Hear You Over the Sound of This Woman’s Incredible American Flag Hijab
I guess it's time to dump Facebook. this issue is already having an impact on our Freedoms of speech. they are using Islam/religion/Islamaphobia AGAINST us in our OWN country. this is only the beginning. It's probably to late, but we've been sold out by this administration with Hillary's approval in more ways than one. time to face reality. you've already seen what happens when you draw a cartoon of some ugly dude they supposedly worship I guess. how much more do you need?


Facebook Censors Story About ‘Refugee’ Raping Swedish Woman
December 24, 2015
Paul Joseph Watson, Social network bans Infowars link after Zuckerberg vowed to eliminate ‘xenophobia’ about migrants.

Facebook has sensationally banned a story about a ‘refugee’ raping a Swedish woman in line with the company’s new policy to censor anti-migrant posts deemed to be “xenophobic”.

TheInfowars story, which explained how a north African migrant who participated in the gang rape of a woman in Stockholm got off without charge, was posted on Facebook yesterday but disappeared from the website within hours.

A query of the URL onFacebook’s ‘Debugger’ websitereveals that, “this link is blocked.” Any attempt to post the link on Facebook results in failure.

image: http://hw.infowars.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/241215fb.jpg


Apparently, Facebook feels it is more important to control the narrative on the migrant crisis than to defend rape victims.

image: http://conservativeread.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/facebookcensors_small.jpg


The company’s policy was leakedduring a conversationbetween Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and German Chancellor Angela Merkel earlier this year which was caught on a hot mic. Zuckerberg promised Merkel that he was working on censoring anti-migrant posts.

It subsequently emerged that the German government and Facebook wereworking with ex-Stasi agent Anetta Kahaneto identify “xenophobic” posts made on the social networking website and punish people who make them with fines and jail sentences.

As wehighlighted back in January, Facebook’s new censorship policy also allows users to flag content which “annoys” them or which they deem to be offensive. This allows large mobs of agenda-driven social justice warriors to mass flag posts for deletion.

The new policy was justified by Facebook’s need to eliminate “fake news,” but the same excuse doesn’t apply in this case. The story about the refugee gang rape of the Swedish woman was featured in numerous different mainstream news outlets, includingThe LocalandFriaTider.

ALL OF IT here:
Read more at Facebook Censors Story About ‘Refugee’ Raping Swedish Woman

This happened in Germany, it has nothing to do with what we see in America

Zuckerberg gave money to mainly the republicans, and had a hosted party at his home for Chris Christie..

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