Facebook Censors Story About ‘Refugee’ Raping Swedish Woman

And by 'their side' you the Republicans b/c Saba Ahmed is President of the Republican Muslim Coalition. :thup:

There is a Republican Muslim Coalition? I'll be damned :confused-84:

The coalition describes itself as, “pro-life, pro-marriage, pro-traditional family values, pro-defense, pro-trade, pro-business policies" and she is the founder as well. Like or lump her politics, but I thought her American flag hijab was poignant and a bit moving.

Wait, that pic of the woman desecrating the flag by making it into a hijab is her?

That is her. We disagree on the desecrating part but if half of what I read is true the women is a staunch conservative.

Meh, if there are Muslim conservatives it's a rarity

Maybe it is a rarity that Zukerbutte is a conservative...Actually I find him to be a complete ass...

Now, I am focused on why this woman muslim was not charged for wearing the American flag like that...it really pisses me off.
Facebook is very dependably PC.

No big deal, plenty of other news resources.

I guess so. but I hate the thought of censoring our freedom of speech.

Happens all the time on social media, even here

I forget about that. It's that old thing I was talking about. and that seems like the older I get. oh shoot I forgot what I was going to say. LOL
At forty my eyesite started dimming, at sixty my memory. holy cow.
the "story" is from intowars. nutty steffie. that means is nonsense. and you continue to be a lying loon, dear.

it's just a step above breitbart for sociopathy.

Rapes occur every day all over the world..I don't see a lot of those instances being reported on..Oh the inhumanity.....Poor right wingers want all Muslin news,,,all the time.....

All rape is inhumane. To bad you don't see it that way.
There is a Republican Muslim Coalition? I'll be damned :confused-84:

The coalition describes itself as, “pro-life, pro-marriage, pro-traditional family values, pro-defense, pro-trade, pro-business policies" and she is the founder as well. Like or lump her politics, but I thought her American flag hijab was poignant and a bit moving.

Wait, that pic of the woman desecrating the flag by making it into a hijab is her?

That is her. We disagree on the desecrating part but if half of what I read is true the women is a staunch conservative.

Meh, if there are Muslim conservatives it's a rarity

Maybe it is a rarity that Zukerbutte is a conservative...Actually I find him to be a complete ass...

Now, I am focused on why this woman muslim was not charged for wearing the American flag like that...it really pisses me off.

why should she be charged with anything? one, it's free speech. two, people use flag designs on their dogs' bandanas, used to use them as patches on jeans and generally do whatever they want with them. but if a muslim woman wears it as a hijab that's a problem for you?

I really am torn over this topic. And it's not because I'm a racist or prejudice, I hate them etc. I will admit I haven't met or know well a lot of Muslims. I just can't figure out which way it's going. do we worry, do we not worry. do we have a problem, do we not a problem. but thanks for listening

now you can commence with the insults and put downs. I know a few out there can't wait. :spinner::lmao:
this is Obama's right hand Muslim who advises him and has control over our white house and country pretty much. just look to Europe to see what's coming at us. I'm sorry to feel this way and I've been waiting for them to prove to me we don't have anything to fear. From what I've been seeing over my sixty years they've been proving just the opposite. I don't feel things ending well. this is just my little ole opinion. You all save the insults and put downs because I don't care and you'd just be wasting your time

The bad news ----> They are not listening.
And even if they were, no one really cares.

Unbelievable, really. I doubt even 10% of our nation is made up of genuine Christians. The rest of the population is either just along for the ride or some kind of adversary. The fact this Valerie Jarret insidious enemy of the state can get away with murder right before our eyes, right before the media's eyes and right before pussy cat republicans' eyes is astounding. Yes, I surely do believe in the devil.
I guess it's time to dump Facebook. this issue is already having an impact on our Freedoms of speech. they are using Islam/religion/Islamaphobia AGAINST us in our OWN country. this is only the beginning. It's probably to late, but we've been sold out by this administration with Hillary's approval in more ways than one. time to face reality. you've already seen what happens when you draw a cartoon of some ugly dude they supposedly worship I guess. how much more do you need?


Facebook Censors Story About ‘Refugee’ Raping Swedish Woman
December 24, 2015
Paul Joseph Watson, Social network bans Infowars link after Zuckerberg vowed to eliminate ‘xenophobia’ about migrants.

Facebook has sensationally banned a story about a ‘refugee’ raping a Swedish woman in line with the company’s new policy to censor anti-migrant posts deemed to be “xenophobic”.

TheInfowars story, which explained how a north African migrant who participated in the gang rape of a woman in Stockholm got off without charge, was posted on Facebook yesterday but disappeared from the website within hours.

A query of the URL onFacebook’s ‘Debugger’ websitereveals that, “this link is blocked.” Any attempt to post the link on Facebook results in failure.

image: http://hw.infowars.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/241215fb.jpg


Apparently, Facebook feels it is more important to control the narrative on the migrant crisis than to defend rape victims.

image: http://conservativeread.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/facebookcensors_small.jpg


The company’s policy was leakedduring a conversationbetween Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and German Chancellor Angela Merkel earlier this year which was caught on a hot mic. Zuckerberg promised Merkel that he was working on censoring anti-migrant posts.

It subsequently emerged that the German government and Facebook wereworking with ex-Stasi agent Anetta Kahaneto identify “xenophobic” posts made on the social networking website and punish people who make them with fines and jail sentences.

As wehighlighted back in January, Facebook’s new censorship policy also allows users to flag content which “annoys” them or which they deem to be offensive. This allows large mobs of agenda-driven social justice warriors to mass flag posts for deletion.

The new policy was justified by Facebook’s need to eliminate “fake news,” but the same excuse doesn’t apply in this case. The story about the refugee gang rape of the Swedish woman was featured in numerous different mainstream news outlets, includingThe LocalandFriaTider.

ALL OF IT here:
Read more at Facebook Censors Story About ‘Refugee’ Raping Swedish Woman

This Alex Jones and Info Wars belong in the Conspiracy section.
The coalition describes itself as, “pro-life, pro-marriage, pro-traditional family values, pro-defense, pro-trade, pro-business policies" and she is the founder as well. Like or lump her politics, but I thought her American flag hijab was poignant and a bit moving.

Wait, that pic of the woman desecrating the flag by making it into a hijab is her?

That is her. We disagree on the desecrating part but if half of what I read is true the women is a staunch conservative.

Meh, if there are Muslim conservatives it's a rarity

Maybe it is a rarity that Zukerbutte is a conservative...Actually I find him to be a complete ass...

Now, I am focused on why this woman muslim was not charged for wearing the American flag like that...it really pisses me off.

why should she be charged with anything? one, it's free speech. two, people use flag designs on their dogs' bandanas, used to use them as patches on jeans and generally do whatever they want with them. but if a muslim woman wears it as a hijab that's a problem for you?


How would you feel if you were sat next to someone on a bus who was wearing a balaclava?
The coalition describes itself as, “pro-life, pro-marriage, pro-traditional family values, pro-defense, pro-trade, pro-business policies" and she is the founder as well. Like or lump her politics, but I thought her American flag hijab was poignant and a bit moving.

Wait, that pic of the woman desecrating the flag by making it into a hijab is her?

That is her. We disagree on the desecrating part but if half of what I read is true the women is a staunch conservative.

Meh, if there are Muslim conservatives it's a rarity

Maybe it is a rarity that Zukerbutte is a conservative...Actually I find him to be a complete ass...

Now, I am focused on why this woman muslim was not charged for wearing the American flag like that...it really pisses me off.

why should she be charged with anything? one, it's free speech. two, people use flag designs on their dogs' bandanas, used to use them as patches on jeans and generally do whatever they want with them. but if a muslim woman wears it as a hijab that's a problem for you?


I just started a thread on this..

It is clear that she is mocking the flag ..The same flag that millions have fought or died to defend.
Fakebook is a joke and always has been

Yeah, like the time you tried to say facebook was censoring a 12 yr old boy, and it turned out that you must be 13 to have a facebook account? What a joke you are.

Facebook yanks page of 12-year-old conservative who said Obama doesn't love U.S | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

What the hell are you blabbering about? It's been established it was the kid's FB, you're so freaking stupid you think someone isn't going to lie to create an account. Major fail, hag, now sit
Wait, that pic of the woman desecrating the flag by making it into a hijab is her?

That is her. We disagree on the desecrating part but if half of what I read is true the women is a staunch conservative.

Meh, if there are Muslim conservatives it's a rarity

Maybe it is a rarity that Zukerbutte is a conservative...Actually I find him to be a complete ass...

Now, I am focused on why this woman muslim was not charged for wearing the American flag like that...it really pisses me off.

why should she be charged with anything? one, it's free speech. two, people use flag designs on their dogs' bandanas, used to use them as patches on jeans and generally do whatever they want with them. but if a muslim woman wears it as a hijab that's a problem for you?


I just started a thread on this..

It is clear that she is mocking the flag ..The same flag that millions have fought or died to defend.

if she is, and i'm not certain she is... it's still her right.

beauty of the first amendment.

if free speech bothers you, feel free to go to iran. i hear they're pretty strict there about what you can say.
Fakebook is a joke and always has been

Yeah, like the time you tried to say facebook was censoring a 12 yr old boy, and it turned out that you must be 13 to have a facebook account? What a joke you are.

Facebook yanks page of 12-year-old conservative who said Obama doesn't love U.S | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

What the hell are you blabbering about? It's been established it was the kid's FB, you're so freaking stupid you think someone isn't going to lie to create an account. Major fail, hag, now sit

He was 12. You must be 13 to have a facebook account you idiot.

Facebook can do anything they want with THEIR site you communist/Nazi moron.
Last edited:
Fakebook is a joke and always has been

Yeah, like the time you tried to say facebook was censoring a 12 yr old boy, and it turned out that you must be 13 to have a facebook account? What a joke you are.

Facebook yanks page of 12-year-old conservative who said Obama doesn't love U.S | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

What the hell are you blabbering about? It's been established it was the kid's FB, you're so freaking stupid you think someone isn't going to lie to create an account. Major fail, hag, now sit

He was 12. You must be 13 to have a facebook account you idiot.

Facebook can do anything they want with THEIR site you communist/Nazi moron.

Our twins are 11, they have FB accounts.....now think real hard you idiot.....and stop wasting my time with your ignorance

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