Woman sentenced for lying about rape enrages America with her response in court


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A college student who falsely accused two men of rape was seen rolling her eyes several times during sentencing. The entitled millennial didn’t want to take responsibility for the effects of her actions even after she admitted her lies.

Nikki Yovino was a student at Sacred Heart University in 2016 when she accused two football players of raping her in a bathroom off campus. But, it simply didn’t happen. However, the stain of being accused of rape is nearly impossible to erase. These men’s lives were destroyed because this young adult lied in some sort sick plea for attention.
Woman Sentenced For Lying About Rape Enrages America With Her Response In Court

It is idiots like this why ME TOO are a bunch of lunatic man hating loons, just like this little bitch.
Innocent men like this end up in prison because of some vendictive c...t.

The biggest reason to never remove statue of limitations because if someone can be prosecuted on " just words" and no proof you are setting your sons or grandsons up for a huge. threat to their loss of freedom and life.

There is an epidemic of young men being put into prison with CONSENSUAL SEX among each other. Meaning if a boy is 18 the girl is 17 or 16 he can be charged with rape even though there was consent.

This kid's life is destroyed because of some fkd up liberal bitch who went on a rampaige hating men and getting their way with laws being passed that are pure bs!!

Idiots won't ever agree until their son gets accused, and today let us tell you sheep fks, Today you've created such hate filled world it's as easy as taking a drin of water to throw some innocent life into prison and it's a bitch to get out.

We can be sure the enraged American's are leftis douches either.
I hope the food is good in lady jail.

God bless you and her victims always!!!


P.S. Then again, why should what she gets be good when she is nothing but a word that I can not say?
A college student who falsely accused two men of rape was seen rolling her eyes several times during sentencing. The entitled millennial didn’t want to take responsibility for the effects of her actions even after she admitted her lies.

Nikki Yovino was a student at Sacred Heart University in 2016 when she accused two football players of raping her in a bathroom off campus. But, it simply didn’t happen. However, the stain of being accused of rape is nearly impossible to erase. These men’s lives were destroyed because this young adult lied in some sort sick plea for attention.
Woman Sentenced For Lying About Rape Enrages America With Her Response In Court

It is idiots like this why ME TOO are a bunch of lunatic man hating loons, just like this little bitch.
Innocent men like this end up in prison because of some vendictive c...t.

The biggest reason to never remove statue of limitations because if someone can be prosecuted on " just words" and no proof you are setting your sons or grandsons up for a huge. threat to their loss of freedom and life.

There is an epidemic of young men being put into prison with CONSENSUAL SEX among each other. Meaning if a boy is 18 the girl is 17 or 16 he can be charged with rape even though there was consent.

This kid's life is destroyed because of some fkd up liberal bitch who went on a rampaige hating men and getting their way with laws being passed that are pure bs!!

Idiots won't ever agree until their son gets accused, and today let us tell you sheep fks, Today you've created such hate filled world it's as easy as taking a drin of water to throw some innocent life into prison and it's a bitch to get out.

We can be sure the enraged American's are leftis douches either.
Rape is a serious and real problem. It needs to be addresses for sure! How ever falsly accusing some one of rape is every bit as bad as perfoming the act accused of. There needs to be more than just words as evidence we sure as hell do not want another round of salem wich trials!
What the left relabeled as 'Rape Shield Laws' were actually laws that protect the accused innocent as well as providing justice for victims.

but if a victim wont go through the legal process, and many cant emotionally, then they are knowingly letting their rapist go back into society.

The solutionis to encourage these women to engage that process and not to strip accused men of their legal right to the presumption of innocence.
The "rape shield" laws were past due to the amount of women who actually were victims of this crime, but would not come forward due to their treatment in the legal system and in society. A few women may lie, but a whole lot of men lie when confronted with something that they really did do.

The good thing about the Me, Too movement is that it gives people a chance to tell their stories, many times decades later after they have held it in for so long. Many or most of the perps are long gone. While I was never raped outright, I was subjected to treatment that, today, would land the guys (there was more than one incident) responsible in court on criminal charges.

It all had to come out in the wash sometime, not only here in the U.S., but also in countries across the world.
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A college student who falsely accused two men of rape was seen rolling her eyes several times during sentencing. The entitled millennial didn’t want to take responsibility for the effects of her actions even after she admitted her lies.

Nikki Yovino was a student at Sacred Heart University in 2016 when she accused two football players of raping her in a bathroom off campus. But, it simply didn’t happen. However, the stain of being accused of rape is nearly impossible to erase. These men’s lives were destroyed because this young adult lied in some sort sick plea for attention.
Woman Sentenced For Lying About Rape Enrages America With Her Response In Court

It is idiots like this why ME TOO are a bunch of lunatic man hating loons, just like this little bitch.
Innocent men like this end up in prison because of some vendictive c...t.

The biggest reason to never remove statue of limitations because if someone can be prosecuted on " just words" and no proof you are setting your sons or grandsons up for a huge. threat to their loss of freedom and life.

There is an epidemic of young men being put into prison with CONSENSUAL SEX among each other. Meaning if a boy is 18 the girl is 17 or 16 he can be charged with rape even though there was consent.

This kid's life is destroyed because of some fkd up liberal bitch who went on a rampaige hating men and getting their way with laws being passed that are pure bs!!

Idiots won't ever agree until their son gets accused, and today let us tell you sheep fks, Today you've created such hate filled world it's as easy as taking a drin of water to throw some innocent life into prison and it's a bitch to get out.

We can be sure the enraged American's are leftis douches either.
Rape is a serious and real problem. It needs to be addresses for sure! How ever falsly accusing some one of rape is every bit as bad as perfoming the act accused of. There needs to be more than just words as evidence we sure as hell do not want another round of salem wich trials!

No today it is just words that will put you into prison. Why do you think these kids ended up in their mess.

How about those college boys , where that one chic accused them they went to jail.

How about the daughter that was told by her mother her father raped her, so tell the cops that why because the motehr was a drug addict about to loser her kid so she told her daughter to lie so she could keep custody.

The liberals have CAUSED us to LOSE DUE PROCESS, and to have facts.......

40 yrs later where is the proof NOBODY has proof forty years later........

DNA is destroyed and breaks down after so many years........

The gov. can CREATE FAKE DNA to match somebody's DNA anyone in the world............

There needs to be NO PROOF to convict someone of rape.

Oh and I don't mean this is the case on " every " case.
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A college student who falsely accused two men of rape was seen rolling her eyes several times during sentencing. The entitled millennial didn’t want to take responsibility for the effects of her actions even after she admitted her lies.

Nikki Yovino was a student at Sacred Heart University in 2016 when she accused two football players of raping her in a bathroom off campus. But, it simply didn’t happen. However, the stain of being accused of rape is nearly impossible to erase. These men’s lives were destroyed because this young adult lied in some sort sick plea for attention.
Woman Sentenced For Lying About Rape Enrages America With Her Response In Court

It is idiots like this why ME TOO are a bunch of lunatic man hating loons, just like this little bitch.
Innocent men like this end up in prison because of some vendictive c...t.

The biggest reason to never remove statue of limitations because if someone can be prosecuted on " just words" and no proof you are setting your sons or grandsons up for a huge. threat to their loss of freedom and life.

There is an epidemic of young men being put into prison with CONSENSUAL SEX among each other. Meaning if a boy is 18 the girl is 17 or 16 he can be charged with rape even though there was consent.

This kid's life is destroyed because of some fkd up liberal bitch who went on a rampaige hating men and getting their way with laws being passed that are pure bs!!

Idiots won't ever agree until their son gets accused, and today let us tell you sheep fks, Today you've created such hate filled world it's as easy as taking a drin of water to throw some innocent life into prison and it's a bitch to get out.

We can be sure the enraged American's are leftis douches either.
Rape is a serious and real problem. It needs to be addresses for sure! How ever falsly accusing some one of rape is every bit as bad as perfoming the act accused of. There needs to be more than just words as evidence we sure as hell do not want another round of salem wich trials!

No today it is just words that will put you into prison. Why do you think these kids ended up in their mess.

How about those college boys , where that one chic accused them they went to jail.

How about the daughter that was told by her mother her father raped her, so tell the cops that why because the motehr was a drug addict about to loser her kid so she told her daughter to lie so she could keep custody.

The liberals have CAUSED us to LOSE DUE PROCESS, and to have facts.......

40 yrs later where is the proof NOBODY has proof forty years later........

DNA is destroyed and breaks down after so many years........

The gov. can CREATE FAKE DNA to match somebody's DNA anyone in the world............

There needs to be NO PROOF to convict someone of rape.
Women have always been able to cause this trouble, hanging it on librels is bull shit. Conservatives have had as much to do with the laws passed as dems and more so latley! So go blow your self. YOur side takes responsibility for nothing and then call them selves conservatives.
  • Thread starter
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  • #8
A college student who falsely accused two men of rape was seen rolling her eyes several times during sentencing. The entitled millennial didn’t want to take responsibility for the effects of her actions even after she admitted her lies.

Nikki Yovino was a student at Sacred Heart University in 2016 when she accused two football players of raping her in a bathroom off campus. But, it simply didn’t happen. However, the stain of being accused of rape is nearly impossible to erase. These men’s lives were destroyed because this young adult lied in some sort sick plea for attention.
Woman Sentenced For Lying About Rape Enrages America With Her Response In Court

It is idiots like this why ME TOO are a bunch of lunatic man hating loons, just like this little bitch.
Innocent men like this end up in prison because of some vendictive c...t.

The biggest reason to never remove statue of limitations because if someone can be prosecuted on " just words" and no proof you are setting your sons or grandsons up for a huge. threat to their loss of freedom and life.

There is an epidemic of young men being put into prison with CONSENSUAL SEX among each other. Meaning if a boy is 18 the girl is 17 or 16 he can be charged with rape even though there was consent.

This kid's life is destroyed because of some fkd up liberal bitch who went on a rampaige hating men and getting their way with laws being passed that are pure bs!!

Idiots won't ever agree until their son gets accused, and today let us tell you sheep fks, Today you've created such hate filled world it's as easy as taking a drin of water to throw some innocent life into prison and it's a bitch to get out.

We can be sure the enraged American's are leftis douches either.
Rape is a serious and real problem. It needs to be addresses for sure! How ever falsly accusing some one of rape is every bit as bad as perfoming the act accused of. There needs to be more than just words as evidence we sure as hell do not want another round of salem wich trials!

No today it is just words that will put you into prison. Why do you think these kids ended up in their mess.

How about those college boys , where that one chic accused them they went to jail.

How about the daughter that was told by her mother her father raped her, so tell the cops that why because the motehr was a drug addict about to loser her kid so she told her daughter to lie so she could keep custody.

The liberals have CAUSED us to LOSE DUE PROCESS, and to have facts.......

40 yrs later where is the proof NOBODY has proof forty years later........

DNA is destroyed and breaks down after so many years........

The gov. can CREATE FAKE DNA to match somebody's DNA anyone in the world............

There needs to be NO PROOF to convict someone of rape.
Women have always been able to cause this trouble, hanging it on librels is bull shit. Conservatives have had as much to do with the laws passed as dems and more so latley! So go blow your self. YOur side takes responsibility for nothing and then call them selves conservatives.

Isn't that the truth. What is sad is so many men might lose their careers over false accusing. Gawd it happens so, so much and even more scary is how easy and fast it can take someone downn.

Even if found innocent, that label is still attached to them which is so gawd dam unfair.
A college student who falsely accused two men of rape was seen rolling her eyes several times during sentencing. The entitled millennial didn’t want to take responsibility for the effects of her actions even after she admitted her lies.

Nikki Yovino was a student at Sacred Heart University in 2016 when she accused two football players of raping her in a bathroom off campus. But, it simply didn’t happen. However, the stain of being accused of rape is nearly impossible to erase. These men’s lives were destroyed because this young adult lied in some sort sick plea for attention.
Woman Sentenced For Lying About Rape Enrages America With Her Response In Court

It is idiots like this why ME TOO are a bunch of lunatic man hating loons, just like this little bitch.
Innocent men like this end up in prison because of some vendictive c...t.

The biggest reason to never remove statue of limitations because if someone can be prosecuted on " just words" and no proof you are setting your sons or grandsons up for a huge. threat to their loss of freedom and life.

There is an epidemic of young men being put into prison with CONSENSUAL SEX among each other. Meaning if a boy is 18 the girl is 17 or 16 he can be charged with rape even though there was consent.

This kid's life is destroyed because of some fkd up liberal bitch who went on a rampaige hating men and getting their way with laws being passed that are pure bs!!

Idiots won't ever agree until their son gets accused, and today let us tell you sheep fks, Today you've created such hate filled world it's as easy as taking a drin of water to throw some innocent life into prison and it's a bitch to get out.

We can be sure the enraged American's are leftis douches either.
Rape is a serious and real problem. It needs to be addresses for sure! How ever falsly accusing some one of rape is every bit as bad as perfoming the act accused of. There needs to be more than just words as evidence we sure as hell do not want another round of salem wich trials!

No today it is just words that will put you into prison. Why do you think these kids ended up in their mess.

How about those college boys , where that one chic accused them they went to jail.

How about the daughter that was told by her mother her father raped her, so tell the cops that why because the motehr was a drug addict about to loser her kid so she told her daughter to lie so she could keep custody.

The liberals have CAUSED us to LOSE DUE PROCESS, and to have facts.......

40 yrs later where is the proof NOBODY has proof forty years later........

DNA is destroyed and breaks down after so many years........

The gov. can CREATE FAKE DNA to match somebody's DNA anyone in the world............

There needs to be NO PROOF to convict someone of rape.
Women have always been able to cause this trouble, hanging it on librels is bull shit. Conservatives have had as much to do with the laws passed as dems and more so latley! So go blow your self. YOur side takes responsibility for nothing and then call them selves conservatives.

Isn't that the truth. What is sad is so many men might lose their careers over false accusing. Gawd it happens so, so much and even more scary is how easy and fast it can take someone downn.

Even if found innocent, that label is still attached to them which is so gawd dam unfair.
There is so much pain to be shared in this world it is crazy! THe issue is that life is complicated, unless there is phisical evidence word is all we got in some cases and beleive me when I say thatmany times when it realy did happen this is not enough and in many cases where it did not happen it was enough. No one knows how a jury will react. The only way to prevent this sort of thing in the future is to submit to a biug brother state. I would rather deal with the mess that is life right now than deal with a boig brother state. I wish it were different but I do not have the solutions here. If I did I would have a nobel peace prize and would feel pretty damn good about myself! I do not know how to fix this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The good news is there are smarter people than me out there and we can do more research as a group, so there may be answers out there. This will not happen until we start to work together and realize life is very complicated and it will take all of our collective intelects to solve the very complicated problems we see today!
A college student who falsely accused two men of rape was seen rolling her eyes several times during sentencing. The entitled millennial didn’t want to take responsibility for the effects of her actions even after she admitted her lies.

Nikki Yovino was a student at Sacred Heart University in 2016 when she accused two football players of raping her in a bathroom off campus. But, it simply didn’t happen. However, the stain of being accused of rape is nearly impossible to erase. These men’s lives were destroyed because this young adult lied in some sort sick plea for attention.
Woman Sentenced For Lying About Rape Enrages America With Her Response In Court

It is idiots like this why ME TOO are a bunch of lunatic man hating loons, just like this little bitch.
Innocent men like this end up in prison because of some vendictive c...t.

The biggest reason to never remove statue of limitations because if someone can be prosecuted on " just words" and no proof you are setting your sons or grandsons up for a huge. threat to their loss of freedom and life.

There is an epidemic of young men being put into prison with CONSENSUAL SEX among each other. Meaning if a boy is 18 the girl is 17 or 16 he can be charged with rape even though there was consent.

This kid's life is destroyed because of some fkd up liberal bitch who went on a rampaige hating men and getting their way with laws being passed that are pure bs!!

Idiots won't ever agree until their son gets accused, and today let us tell you sheep fks, Today you've created such hate filled world it's as easy as taking a drin of water to throw some innocent life into prison and it's a bitch to get out.

We can be sure the enraged American's are leftis douches either.
Rape is a serious and real problem. It needs to be addresses for sure! How ever falsly accusing some one of rape is every bit as bad as perfoming the act accused of. There needs to be more than just words as evidence we sure as hell do not want another round of salem wich trials!

No today it is just words that will put you into prison. Why do you think these kids ended up in their mess.

How about those college boys , where that one chic accused them they went to jail.

How about the daughter that was told by her mother her father raped her, so tell the cops that why because the motehr was a drug addict about to loser her kid so she told her daughter to lie so she could keep custody.

The liberals have CAUSED us to LOSE DUE PROCESS, and to have facts.......

40 yrs later where is the proof NOBODY has proof forty years later........

DNA is destroyed and breaks down after so many years........

The gov. can CREATE FAKE DNA to match somebody's DNA anyone in the world............

There needs to be NO PROOF to convict someone of rape.
Women have always been able to cause this trouble, hanging it on librels is bull shit. Conservatives have had as much to do with the laws passed as dems and more so latley! So go blow your self. YOur side takes responsibility for nothing and then call them selves conservatives.

Isn't that the truth. What is sad is so many men might lose their careers over false accusing. Gawd it happens so, so much and even more scary is how easy and fast it can take someone downn.

Even if found innocent, that label is still attached to them which is so gawd dam unfair.
There is so much pain to be shared in this world it is crazy! THe issue is that life is complicated, unless there is phisical evidence word is all we got in some cases and beleive me when I say thatmany times when it realy did happen this is not enough and in many cases where it did not happen it was enough. No one knows how a jury will react. The only way to prevent this sort of thing in the future is to submit to a biug brother state. I would rather deal with the mess that is life right now than deal with a boig brother state. I wish it were different but I do not have the solutions here. If I did I would have a nobel peace prize and would feel pretty damn good about myself! I do not know how to fix this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The good news is there are smarter people than me out there and we can do more research as a group, so there may be answers out there. This will not happen until we start to work together and realize life is very complicated and it will take all of our collective intelects to solve the very complicated problems we see today!

I know one thing I will never submit to some gov. prick.

A college student who falsely accused two men of rape was seen rolling her eyes several times during sentencing. The entitled millennial didn’t want to take responsibility for the effects of her actions even after she admitted her lies.

Nikki Yovino was a student at Sacred Heart University in 2016 when she accused two football players of raping her in a bathroom off campus. But, it simply didn’t happen. However, the stain of being accused of rape is nearly impossible to erase. These men’s lives were destroyed because this young adult lied in some sort sick plea for attention.
Woman Sentenced For Lying About Rape Enrages America With Her Response In Court

It is idiots like this why ME TOO are a bunch of lunatic man hating loons, just like this little bitch.
Innocent men like this end up in prison because of some vendictive c...t.

The biggest reason to never remove statue of limitations because if someone can be prosecuted on " just words" and no proof you are setting your sons or grandsons up for a huge. threat to their loss of freedom and life.

There is an epidemic of young men being put into prison with CONSENSUAL SEX among each other. Meaning if a boy is 18 the girl is 17 or 16 he can be charged with rape even though there was consent.

This kid's life is destroyed because of some fkd up liberal bitch who went on a rampaige hating men and getting their way with laws being passed that are pure bs!!

Idiots won't ever agree until their son gets accused, and today let us tell you sheep fks, Today you've created such hate filled world it's as easy as taking a drin of water to throw some innocent life into prison and it's a bitch to get out.

We can be sure the enraged American's are leftis douches either.
Rape is a serious and real problem. It needs to be addresses for sure! How ever falsly accusing some one of rape is every bit as bad as perfoming the act accused of. There needs to be more than just words as evidence we sure as hell do not want another round of salem wich trials!

No today it is just words that will put you into prison. Why do you think these kids ended up in their mess.

How about those college boys , where that one chic accused them they went to jail.

How about the daughter that was told by her mother her father raped her, so tell the cops that why because the motehr was a drug addict about to loser her kid so she told her daughter to lie so she could keep custody.

The liberals have CAUSED us to LOSE DUE PROCESS, and to have facts.......

40 yrs later where is the proof NOBODY has proof forty years later........

DNA is destroyed and breaks down after so many years........

The gov. can CREATE FAKE DNA to match somebody's DNA anyone in the world............

There needs to be NO PROOF to convict someone of rape.

Oh and I don't mean this is the case on " every " case.

It called "credibility." Credibility of the complaining witness. Credibility of other witnesses who were subjected to similar behavior by the defendant. Credibility of any statements made by the defendant to the police or to the court. How else does one prove a case absent CCTV?

You are going to have a lot of fun with Weinstein, Spacey, the Catholic priests. Look at how many middle-aged people are now coming forward about their treatment by Catholic priests when they were children. What evidence would you like for them to produce? For many or most, it's going to be "he said, he said," or "he said, she said."

At least now we are beginning to confront sex crimes and provide support for the victims.

Your assertion about "fake DNA" is too absurd for words. The process is much too expensive to waste resources just to convict a legitimately innocent person, and why would anyone want to do this?

Moreover, we need to establish much stronger statutory rape laws and spell out in very definite terms what the age difference must be between the underage partner and the adult partner and what sorts of behaviors constitute grooming of the underage partner.
A college student who falsely accused two men of rape was seen rolling her eyes several times during sentencing. The entitled millennial didn’t want to take responsibility for the effects of her actions even after she admitted her lies.

Nikki Yovino was a student at Sacred Heart University in 2016 when she accused two football players of raping her in a bathroom off campus. But, it simply didn’t happen. However, the stain of being accused of rape is nearly impossible to erase. These men’s lives were destroyed because this young adult lied in some sort sick plea for attention.
Woman Sentenced For Lying About Rape Enrages America With Her Response In Court

It is idiots like this why ME TOO are a bunch of lunatic man hating loons, just like this little bitch.
Innocent men like this end up in prison because of some vendictive c...t.

The biggest reason to never remove statue of limitations because if someone can be prosecuted on " just words" and no proof you are setting your sons or grandsons up for a huge. threat to their loss of freedom and life.

There is an epidemic of young men being put into prison with CONSENSUAL SEX among each other. Meaning if a boy is 18 the girl is 17 or 16 he can be charged with rape even though there was consent.

This kid's life is destroyed because of some fkd up liberal bitch who went on a rampaige hating men and getting their way with laws being passed that are pure bs!!

Idiots won't ever agree until their son gets accused, and today let us tell you sheep fks, Today you've created such hate filled world it's as easy as taking a drin of water to throw some innocent life into prison and it's a bitch to get out.

We can be sure the enraged American's are leftis douches either.

I agree it’s extreme to believe just bc a woman said she was raped she must be telling the truth, but it’s also extreme to not believe any women who come forward with accusations bc a pathetic attention whore couldn’t resist the potential to be center stage.

It’s tricky bc rape cannot always be proven but we can’t assume accusers are either always telling the truth or lying. It’s a problem and I’m not sure there’s a reasonable solution for it.
A college student who falsely accused two men of rape was seen rolling her eyes several times during sentencing. The entitled millennial didn’t want to take responsibility for the effects of her actions even after she admitted her lies.

Nikki Yovino was a student at Sacred Heart University in 2016 when she accused two football players of raping her in a bathroom off campus. But, it simply didn’t happen. However, the stain of being accused of rape is nearly impossible to erase. These men’s lives were destroyed because this young adult lied in some sort sick plea for attention.
Woman Sentenced For Lying About Rape Enrages America With Her Response In Court

It is idiots like this why ME TOO are a bunch of lunatic man hating loons, just like this little bitch.
Innocent men like this end up in prison because of some vendictive c...t.

The biggest reason to never remove statue of limitations because if someone can be prosecuted on " just words" and no proof you are setting your sons or grandsons up for a huge. threat to their loss of freedom and life.

There is an epidemic of young men being put into prison with CONSENSUAL SEX among each other. Meaning if a boy is 18 the girl is 17 or 16 he can be charged with rape even though there was consent.

This kid's life is destroyed because of some fkd up liberal bitch who went on a rampaige hating men and getting their way with laws being passed that are pure bs!!

Idiots won't ever agree until their son gets accused, and today let us tell you sheep fks, Today you've created such hate filled world it's as easy as taking a drin of water to throw some innocent life into prison and it's a bitch to get out.

We can be sure the enraged American's are leftis douches either.

I agree it’s extreme to believe just bc a woman said she was raped she must be telling the truth, but it’s also extreme to not believe any women who come forward with accusations bc a pathetic attention whore couldn’t resist the potential to be center stage.

It’s tricky bc rape cannot always be proven but we can’t assume accusers are either always telling the truth or lying. It’s a problem and I’m not sure there’s a reasonable solution for it.

Aggree and the me too movement has literally destroyed it for the women who really have been raped , not just in Hollywood I mean all women everywhere.
A college student who falsely accused two men of rape was seen rolling her eyes several times during sentencing. The entitled millennial didn’t want to take responsibility for the effects of her actions even after she admitted her lies.

Nikki Yovino was a student at Sacred Heart University in 2016 when she accused two football players of raping her in a bathroom off campus. But, it simply didn’t happen. However, the stain of being accused of rape is nearly impossible to erase. These men’s lives were destroyed because this young adult lied in some sort sick plea for attention.
Woman Sentenced For Lying About Rape Enrages America With Her Response In Court

It is idiots like this why ME TOO are a bunch of lunatic man hating loons, just like this little bitch.
Innocent men like this end up in prison because of some vendictive c...t.

The biggest reason to never remove statue of limitations because if someone can be prosecuted on " just words" and no proof you are setting your sons or grandsons up for a huge. threat to their loss of freedom and life.

There is an epidemic of young men being put into prison with CONSENSUAL SEX among each other. Meaning if a boy is 18 the girl is 17 or 16 he can be charged with rape even though there was consent.

This kid's life is destroyed because of some fkd up liberal bitch who went on a rampaige hating men and getting their way with laws being passed that are pure bs!!

Idiots won't ever agree until their son gets accused, and today let us tell you sheep fks, Today you've created such hate filled world it's as easy as taking a drin of water to throw some innocent life into prison and it's a bitch to get out.

We can be sure the enraged American's are leftis douches either.
Rape is a serious and real problem. It needs to be addresses for sure! How ever falsly accusing some one of rape is every bit as bad as perfoming the act accused of. There needs to be more than just words as evidence we sure as hell do not want another round of salem wich trials!

The problem is unless you go to the authorities close to after the rape occurred, accusations are the best you can do. And if the rape wasn’t particularly violent and/or a condom was used there may be no evidence the sex wasn’t consensual. I was raped a few times by my boyfriend at 17 (they weren’t violent in nature but he did ignore my requests for him to stop and emotionally manipulated me into doing things I wasn’t ready for) and I didn’t even realize he’d actually raped me until years after the fact. So in this case it’s too late for justice.
A college student who falsely accused two men of rape was seen rolling her eyes several times during sentencing. The entitled millennial didn’t want to take responsibility for the effects of her actions even after she admitted her lies.

Nikki Yovino was a student at Sacred Heart University in 2016 when she accused two football players of raping her in a bathroom off campus. But, it simply didn’t happen. However, the stain of being accused of rape is nearly impossible to erase. These men’s lives were destroyed because this young adult lied in some sort sick plea for attention.
Woman Sentenced For Lying About Rape Enrages America With Her Response In Court

It is idiots like this why ME TOO are a bunch of lunatic man hating loons, just like this little bitch.
Innocent men like this end up in prison because of some vendictive c...t.

The biggest reason to never remove statue of limitations because if someone can be prosecuted on " just words" and no proof you are setting your sons or grandsons up for a huge. threat to their loss of freedom and life.

There is an epidemic of young men being put into prison with CONSENSUAL SEX among each other. Meaning if a boy is 18 the girl is 17 or 16 he can be charged with rape even though there was consent.

This kid's life is destroyed because of some fkd up liberal bitch who went on a rampaige hating men and getting their way with laws being passed that are pure bs!!

Idiots won't ever agree until their son gets accused, and today let us tell you sheep fks, Today you've created such hate filled world it's as easy as taking a drin of water to throw some innocent life into prison and it's a bitch to get out.

We can be sure the enraged American's are leftis douches either.
Rape is a serious and real problem. It needs to be addresses for sure! How ever falsly accusing some one of rape is every bit as bad as perfoming the act accused of. There needs to be more than just words as evidence we sure as hell do not want another round of salem wich trials!

No today it is just words that will put you into prison. Why do you think these kids ended up in their mess.

How about those college boys , where that one chic accused them they went to jail.

How about the daughter that was told by her mother her father raped her, so tell the cops that why because the motehr was a drug addict about to loser her kid so she told her daughter to lie so she could keep custody.

The liberals have CAUSED us to LOSE DUE PROCESS, and to have facts.......

40 yrs later where is the proof NOBODY has proof forty years later........

DNA is destroyed and breaks down after so many years........

The gov. can CREATE FAKE DNA to match somebody's DNA anyone in the world............

There needs to be NO PROOF to convict someone of rape.

Oh and I don't mean this is the case on " every " case.

It called "credibility." Credibility of the complaining witness. Credibility of other witnesses who were subjected to similar behavior by the defendant. Credibility of any statements made by the defendant to the police or to the court. How else does one prove a case absent CCTV?

You are going to have a lot of fun with Weinstein, Spacey, the Catholic priests. Look at how many middle-aged people are now coming forward about their treatment by Catholic priests when they were children. What evidence would you like for them to produce? For many or most, it's going to be "he said, he said," or "he said, she said."

At least now we are beginning to confront sex crimes and provide support for the victims.

Your assertion about "fake DNA" is too absurd for words. The process is much too expensive to waste resources just to convict a legitimately innocent person, and why would anyone want to do this?

Moreover, we need to establish much stronger statutory rape laws and spell out in very definite terms what the age difference must be between the underage partner and the adult partner and what sorts of behaviors constitute grooming of the underage partner.

This is no way in defense of those perv. preist but really the hatred towards the Churches I have no doubt there are liars there just to help stack up the case , what better way to take down the churches by adding massively bull shit lies of rape.

( NO , I am not saying no rapes happened) I am saying ther are the copy cats who will make the claim to help sink them when nothing really happened. Yet htey will be belived. etc.

Then we have what I meantioned above where the sex is consensual but then the state or parents turn around pressing charges on these young me who did nothing wrong.

The laws are messed up .......

I will never back down on the statue of limitations needs to remain, to many cases of false memories, and lying parents telling their kids somehting happened when it didn't.
The question arises then just because there's a passionate moment one has hotter pants than the other should we and do we really want to consider that rape.

We can turn any moment we want into a rape incident ; just didn't like it so now lets turn it into a rape case it's her word against his now a days.

I say no matter what never allow a situation such as rape to CONTROL or DICTATE ones entire life..........
A college student who falsely accused two men of rape was seen rolling her eyes several times during sentencing. The entitled millennial didn’t want to take responsibility for the effects of her actions even after she admitted her lies.

Nikki Yovino was a student at Sacred Heart University in 2016 when she accused two football players of raping her in a bathroom off campus. But, it simply didn’t happen. However, the stain of being accused of rape is nearly impossible to erase. These men’s lives were destroyed because this young adult lied in some sort sick plea for attention.
Woman Sentenced For Lying About Rape Enrages America With Her Response In Court

It is idiots like this why ME TOO are a bunch of lunatic man hating loons, just like this little bitch.
Innocent men like this end up in prison because of some vendictive c...t.

The biggest reason to never remove statue of limitations because if someone can be prosecuted on " just words" and no proof you are setting your sons or grandsons up for a huge. threat to their loss of freedom and life.

There is an epidemic of young men being put into prison with CONSENSUAL SEX among each other. Meaning if a boy is 18 the girl is 17 or 16 he can be charged with rape even though there was consent.

This kid's life is destroyed because of some fkd up liberal bitch who went on a rampaige hating men and getting their way with laws being passed that are pure bs!!

Idiots won't ever agree until their son gets accused, and today let us tell you sheep fks, Today you've created such hate filled world it's as easy as taking a drin of water to throw some innocent life into prison and it's a bitch to get out.

We can be sure the enraged American's are leftis douches either.
Rape is a serious and real problem. It needs to be addresses for sure! How ever falsly accusing some one of rape is every bit as bad as perfoming the act accused of. There needs to be more than just words as evidence we sure as hell do not want another round of salem wich trials!

No today it is just words that will put you into prison. Why do you think these kids ended up in their mess.

How about those college boys , where that one chic accused them they went to jail.

How about the daughter that was told by her mother her father raped her, so tell the cops that why because the motehr was a drug addict about to loser her kid so she told her daughter to lie so she could keep custody.

The liberals have CAUSED us to LOSE DUE PROCESS, and to have facts.......

40 yrs later where is the proof NOBODY has proof forty years later........

DNA is destroyed and breaks down after so many years........

The gov. can CREATE FAKE DNA to match somebody's DNA anyone in the world............

There needs to be NO PROOF to convict someone of rape.

Oh and I don't mean this is the case on " every " case.

It called "credibility." Credibility of the complaining witness. Credibility of other witnesses who were subjected to similar behavior by the defendant. Credibility of any statements made by the defendant to the police or to the court. How else does one prove a case absent CCTV?

You are going to have a lot of fun with Weinstein, Spacey, the Catholic priests. Look at how many middle-aged people are now coming forward about their treatment by Catholic priests when they were children. What evidence would you like for them to produce? For many or most, it's going to be "he said, he said," or "he said, she said."

At least now we are beginning to confront sex crimes and provide support for the victims.

Your assertion about "fake DNA" is too absurd for words. The process is much too expensive to waste resources just to convict a legitimately innocent person, and why would anyone want to do this?

Moreover, we need to establish much stronger statutory rape laws and spell out in very definite terms what the age difference must be between the underage partner and the adult partner and what sorts of behaviors constitute grooming of the underage partner.

The "rape shield" laws were past due to the amount of women who actually were victims of this crime, but would not come forward due to their treatment in the legal system and in society. A few women may lie, but a whole lot of men lie when confronted with something that they really did do.

The good thing about the Me, Too movement is that it gives people a chance to tell their stories, many times decades later after they have held it in for so long. Many or most of the perps are long gone. While I was never raped outright, I was subjected to treatment that, today, would land the guys (there was more than one incident) responsible in court on criminal charges.

It all had to come out in the wash sometime, not only here in the U.S., but also in countries across the world.
Some women lie about getting raped, yet feminists think that a simple accusation should be considered gospel It's one of several reasons feminazis are, ... well feminazis.
It seems the rape lies on college campuses has become an epidemic now as well. I would not want to be a male today if you paid me. SOrry fellas no offense.........

On the flip side being some power tripping, feminist nazi isn't something I want to identify with either.
Rape is a serious and real problem. It needs to be addresses for sure! How ever falsly accusing some one of rape is every bit as bad as perfoming the act accused of. There needs to be more than just words as evidence we sure as hell do not want another round of salem wich trials!

No today it is just words that will put you into prison. Why do you think these kids ended up in their mess.

How about those college boys , where that one chic accused them they went to jail.

How about the daughter that was told by her mother her father raped her, so tell the cops that why because the motehr was a drug addict about to loser her kid so she told her daughter to lie so she could keep custody.

The liberals have CAUSED us to LOSE DUE PROCESS, and to have facts.......

40 yrs later where is the proof NOBODY has proof forty years later........

DNA is destroyed and breaks down after so many years........

The gov. can CREATE FAKE DNA to match somebody's DNA anyone in the world............

There needs to be NO PROOF to convict someone of rape.
Women have always been able to cause this trouble, hanging it on librels is bull shit. Conservatives have had as much to do with the laws passed as dems and more so latley! So go blow your self. YOur side takes responsibility for nothing and then call them selves conservatives.

Isn't that the truth. What is sad is so many men might lose their careers over false accusing. Gawd it happens so, so much and even more scary is how easy and fast it can take someone downn.

Even if found innocent, that label is still attached to them which is so gawd dam unfair.
There is so much pain to be shared in this world it is crazy! THe issue is that life is complicated, unless there is phisical evidence word is all we got in some cases and beleive me when I say thatmany times when it realy did happen this is not enough and in many cases where it did not happen it was enough. No one knows how a jury will react. The only way to prevent this sort of thing in the future is to submit to a biug brother state. I would rather deal with the mess that is life right now than deal with a boig brother state. I wish it were different but I do not have the solutions here. If I did I would have a nobel peace prize and would feel pretty damn good about myself! I do not know how to fix this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The good news is there are smarter people than me out there and we can do more research as a group, so there may be answers out there. This will not happen until we start to work together and realize life is very complicated and it will take all of our collective intelects to solve the very complicated problems we see today!

I know one thing I will never submit to some gov. prick.

Neither will I! Be very leary of Tech. I think if you have your cell pone on you people are listening! I am not pleased that google continues to track my location even when it is turned off. We need to start implementing some tech privacy laws. Google should not be able to do what they are doing and god kno9ws what else is out there listening! Sorry a little of topic but still related!

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