History Will Record: Dr. Anthony Faucci, American Hero

Fauci and company belong behind bars!:mad-61:

I'm 100% sure history will record Dr. Faucci as a profile-in-courage, an American hero who would not back down. Never Surrender! While others pay lip service to American ideals and truth, Dr. Faucci lives it -- even at the cost of credible death threats to himself and his family. The man was the face of the government early on during the AIDS Crisis. He listed, he changed his mind on some things and he became an ally of those protesting the government's responses and more.

American Hero!

Now he's under constant attack by partisans and dangerous demagogues, and crazed conspiracy theorists. And the partisan hacks continue even with a total lack of evidence linking Dr. Faucci to any wrongdoing whatsoever. Zero. NADA. BS Charges. Slander. Death Threats.

A GOP-led subcommittee has spent over a year probing the nation’s response to the pandemic and whether U.S.-funded research in China may have played any role in how it started — yet found no evidence linking Fauci to wrongdoing.

He’d already been grilled behind closed doors, for 14 hours over two days in January. But Monday, Fauci testified voluntarily in public and on camera at a hearing that quickly deteriorated into partisan attacks.

Republicans repeated unproven accusations against the longtime National Institutes of Health scientist while Democrats apologized for Congress besmirching his name and bemoaned a missed opportunity to prepare for the next scary outbreak.

American Hero.
He said this…“People that refuse to get vaccinated for any variety of reasons [were] probably responsible for an additional 200,000 to 300,000 deaths in this country,” Fauci said.

Yet there are no studies proving this assertion. He is still lying.

Prison for Fauci.

Why didn’t he tell us the number who died FROM the vaccine.
Nature finds a way to cleanse the gene pool.
Imagine if they hadn't died, Trump might have won.

No MAGA should ever get a Commie guvmint vakzeen.
Fool. Trump supports the clot shot to this day. He’s proud of it. Only dumb fucks make the vax political.

I bet you believed Cuomo when he was lying for the establishment.
I'm 100% sure history will record Dr. Faucci as a profile-in-courage, an American hero who would not back down. Never Surrender! While others pay lip service to American ideals and truth, Dr. Faucci lives it -- even at the cost of credible death threats to himself and his family. The man was the face of the government early on during the AIDS Crisis. He listed, he changed his mind on some things and he became an ally of those protesting the government's responses and more.

American Hero!

Now he's under constant attack by partisans and dangerous demagogues, and crazed conspiracy theorists. And the partisan hacks continue even with a total lack of evidence linking Dr. Faucci to any wrongdoing whatsoever. Zero. NADA. BS Charges. Slander. Death Threats.

A GOP-led subcommittee has spent over a year probing the nation’s response to the pandemic and whether U.S.-funded research in China may have played any role in how it started — yet found no evidence linking Fauci to wrongdoing.

He’d already been grilled behind closed doors, for 14 hours over two days in January. But Monday, Fauci testified voluntarily in public and on camera at a hearing that quickly deteriorated into partisan attacks.

Republicans repeated unproven accusations against the longtime National Institutes of Health scientist while Democrats apologized for Congress besmirching his name and bemoaned a missed opportunity to prepare for the next scary outbreak.
You want to make him a hero but you can't even spell his name right. More (foreign) left wing propaganda.
I'm 100% sure history will record Dr. Faucci as a profile-in-courage, an American hero who would not back down. Never Surrender! While others pay lip service to American ideals and truth, Dr. Faucci lives it -- even at the cost of credible death threats to himself and his family. The man was the face of the government early on during the AIDS Crisis. He listed, he changed his mind on some things and he became an ally of those protesting the government's responses and more.

American Hero!

Now he's under constant attack by partisans and dangerous demagogues, and crazed conspiracy theorists. And the partisan hacks continue even with a total lack of evidence linking Dr. Faucci to any wrongdoing whatsoever. Zero. NADA. BS Charges. Slander. Death Threats.

A GOP-led subcommittee has spent over a year probing the nation’s response to the pandemic and whether U.S.-funded research in China may have played any role in how it started — yet found no evidence linking Fauci to wrongdoing.

He’d already been grilled behind closed doors, for 14 hours over two days in January. But Monday, Fauci testified voluntarily in public and on camera at a hearing that quickly deteriorated into partisan attacks.

Republicans repeated unproven accusations against the longtime National Institutes of Health scientist while Democrats apologized for Congress besmirching his name and bemoaned a missed opportunity to prepare for the next scary outbreak.
Put your 5 masks on.
Oh wait, he also says masks don’t work.
ChiCom flu is natural.
Except for the fact he paid to create it in a laboratory.
I'm 100% sure history will record Dr. Faucci as a profile-in-courage, an American hero who would not back down. Never Surrender! While others pay lip service to American ideals and truth, Dr. Faucci lives it -- even at the cost of credible death threats to himself and his family. The man was the face of the government early on during the AIDS Crisis. He listed, he changed his mind on some things and he became an ally of those protesting the government's responses and more.

American Hero!

Now he's under constant attack by partisans and dangerous demagogues, and crazed conspiracy theorists. And the partisan hacks continue even with a total lack of evidence linking Dr. Faucci to any wrongdoing whatsoever. Zero. NADA. BS Charges. Slander. Death Threats.

A GOP-led subcommittee has spent over a year probing the nation’s response to the pandemic and whether U.S.-funded research in China may have played any role in how it started — yet found no evidence linking Fauci to wrongdoing.

He’d already been grilled behind closed doors, for 14 hours over two days in January. But Monday, Fauci testified voluntarily in public and on camera at a hearing that quickly deteriorated into partisan attacks.

Republicans repeated unproven accusations against the longtime National Institutes of Health scientist while Democrats apologized for Congress besmirching his name and bemoaned a missed opportunity to prepare for the next scary outbreak.
Fauci was a partisan himself who was consistently inconsistent with “the science”. For example, Fauci could be seen regularly telling Americans to stay home when it came to running a business, attending a family gathering, or maintaining the arbitrary 6 foot social distance.

But did you ever hear Fauci implore Americans not to attend those massive social justice protests at the height of COVID?
I'm 100% sure history will record Dr. Faucci as a profile-in-courage, an American hero who would not back down. Never Surrender! While others pay lip service to American ideals and truth, Dr. Faucci lives it -- even at the cost of credible death threats to himself and his family. The man was the face of the government early on during the AIDS Crisis. He listed, he changed his mind on some things and he became an ally of those protesting the government's responses and more.

American Hero!

Now he's under constant attack by partisans and dangerous demagogues, and crazed conspiracy theorists. And the partisan hacks continue even with a total lack of evidence linking Dr. Faucci to any wrongdoing whatsoever. Zero. NADA. BS Charges. Slander. Death Threats.

A GOP-led subcommittee has spent over a year probing the nation’s response to the pandemic and whether U.S.-funded research in China may have played any role in how it started — yet found no evidence linking Fauci to wrongdoing.

He’d already been grilled behind closed doors, for 14 hours over two days in January. But Monday, Fauci testified voluntarily in public and on camera at a hearing that quickly deteriorated into partisan attacks.

Republicans repeated unproven accusations against the longtime National Institutes of Health scientist while Democrats apologized for Congress besmirching his name and bemoaned a missed opportunity to prepare for the next scary outbreak.
Fauci was a partisan himself who was consistently inconsistent with “the science”. For example, Fauci could be seen regularly telling Americans to stay home when it came to running a business, attending a family gathering, or maintaining the arbitrary 6 foot social distance.

But did you ever hear Fauci implore Americans not to attend those massive social justice protests at the height of COVID?
Yes, hence the social distancing thing.
Yes, hence the social distancing thing.
The social justice protests had people jammed up against one another in cities. Fauci was never heard explicitly telling people to stay home from social justice protests..

If I’m trying to get people to buy into the science of social distancing, the last thing I want are people attending mass protests. Fauci evidently had no problem with that.
The social justice protests had people jammed up against one another in cities. Fauci was never heard explicitly telling people to stay home from social justice protests..

If I’m trying to get people to buy into the science of social distancing, the last thing I want are people attending mass protests. Fauci evidently had no problem with that.
I definitely remember them advising staying away from crowds.

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