Trump Seems Hesitant About Declassifying Epstein Files

Fox News: Would you declassify the Epstein files?

Trump: Yeah, yeah, I would. I guess I would. I think that less so because you know, you don’t know… you don’t want to effect people’s lives if it’s phony stuff in there because there’s a whole lot of phony stuff with that whole world, but I think I would.

Trump was president when Epstein was arrested. He could have arranged to have this done then, but didn't. Second, why the hesitancy unless he has buddies he knows are going to be implicated and/or he's implicated, himself?

Keep going, you look like a complete fool. Hack.
Oh boy.

I turned another attack poodle into a quivering little blob of crybaby again.

You asked a question and got your answer. Go cry about it where we can't see or hear you.

And remember: I didn't choose to party with Epstein for a decade. Your mangod did. Go complain to him.
Good questions, but we will have to wait for answers. During his first term, Trump was faced with a hostile Congress and media that were doing their best to remove him from office. A second term would be much different.

Not that much, really.
In other words:

I was spot on and you have no good response. Also, it made your orange god look bad, so you had to shit on it reflexively.

No, Epstein's good friend Trumpybear has not heard his last question about Epstein.
Slick Willy you mean right? Why hasn’t Biden released the files? He’d get Trump then right? Hahaha fking loser
Er...I don't think the Epstein evidence is "classified."
It doesn't seem to me that it is and it doesn't matter who is exposed within the files. Classified means to me "national security" but I suppose someone in those files could be blackmailed, still not a reason to classify
I'm all for just releasing it and let the pieces fall where they may.

There are some things to consider though. Who has jurisdiction if there are crimes? Could any such crimes even be charged? Again, jurisdiction and also statutes of limitations. Creating righteous fury without being able to do anything about it doesn't benefit the country at all. Demanding justice is all well and good, but it still has to fall within the bounds of the Constitution.
I guess my first question is:

Do "classified" documents about Epstein even exist? There are some court sealed documents from the defamation trial against Maxwell. But that is not the same thing.
I had to look some of this shit up. He was convicted in Federal court in 2019, maybe the feds classified. But he was also convicted in Florida in 2008. Were the Florida docs ever completely released? Should be public record.
No matter what the situation was for any citizen in any way, on December 7, 1941, The United Stares of America lost its innocence. A long time coming from our unofficial and unwanted takeover from the United Kingdom as the top nation in the world at the turn of the 20th century. Economically we ruled at that time. Our military was not positioned as the policeman of the planet at that time and a great percentage of Americans had some sacred beliefs in them to not rule over others. The stage was set with the loss of our sovereignty in 1913. The promise of not going to war from Prog Socialist President who was part of 1913 and a few years after that sent our men to Europe in World War 1. The false Roaring Twenties promoted from the false Federal Reserve Notes and then removed cause the Great depression and prepared us for World War 2. We had a quarter century of great growth and were a creditor nation after the war. Then the social programs mushroomed from 1960's legislation and most of our great companies in TV, Radio, Automobiles, tech products, steel and industrial products became too expensive and too inferior as overseas nations improved the quality over us. The union employees at the time for the most part got great payoffs and pensions as the names of the companies were sold off. We died in the early 1970's as a pure sovereign nation. Joe was there. The debts accrue because we collect money and benefits from all of the legislation. We think we get something for nothing. So in the 1960'swe pay a few hundred dollars or more for an American made TV with employees making a good salary or today we purchase a foreign made TV from near slaves for a third of the price. And we slowly die as true infrastructure is what China is building.
No matter what the situation was for any citizen in any way, on December 7, 1941, The United Stares of America lost its innocence. A long time coming from our unofficial and unwanted takeover from the United Kingdom as the top nation in the world at the turn of the 20th century. Economically we ruled at that time. Our military was not positioned as the policeman of the planet at that time and a great percentage of Americans had some sacred beliefs in them to not rule over others. The stage was set with the loss of our sovereignty in 1913. The promise of not going to war from Prog Socialist President who was part of 1913 and a few years after that sent our men to Europe in World War 1. The false Roaring Twenties promoted from the false Federal Reserve Notes and then removed cause the Great depression and prepared us for World War 2. We had a quarter century of great growth and were a creditor nation after the war. Then the social programs mushroomed from 1960's legislation and most of our great companies in TV, Radio, Automobiles, tech products, steel and industrial products became too expensive and too inferior as overseas nations improved the quality over us. The union employees at the time for the most part got great payoffs and pensions as the names of the companies were sold off. We died in the early 1970's as a pure sovereign nation. Joe was there. The debts accrue because we collect money and benefits from all of the legislation. We think we get something for nothing. So in the 1960'swe pay a few hundred dollars or more for an American made TV with employees making a good salary or today we purchase a foreign made TV from near slaves for a third of the price. And we slowly die as true infrastructure is what China is building.

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