Trump: The Whole Country is Rigged. Is it true? Is the Whole Country Rigged?

Newsweek polls says Biden a %1 ahead in the battleground states. But even if I T is right, Biden has come a very long way in two months.
I just wonder how delusional you Lefties are. Trump has been constantly slandered, lied about for the past nine years, impeached (twice) on bullshit charges, indicted by at least two states and the DoJ, sued for basically nothing...

...and your reaction to that is that he keeps complaining?




Trump is a convicted felon, who surrounds himself with a cabal of other convicted felons as lawyers, advisers and ex cabinet members. Yup, a total nothing burger.

As a trump and GOP supporter, all you ppl know how to do is complain. You complained endlessly when Obama was president, and before that Clinton, and now you're doing it under Biden. You ppl are the biggest snowflakes ever, and it's been non stop whining ever since, so I guess you would know a lot about complaining.
Govts are corrupt to the core. All voting for a politician is voting for corruption=antichrist.
Yes, they are
For a longer time than Trump has been around.


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