Trump sends multiple emails every day

So much lawfare and twisting of the law.
Why even have laws?
I looked up "Special Counsel appointment and approval" in Google and got back what I posted.
Something is broken.
From what I've just read, it used to be only the President appointing....

But I just read the law was changed, and the attorney General can also appoint special counsels addition to the president.

Robert Mueller
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Special counsel vs. special prosecutor: What's the difference?​

On Wednesday, former FBI director Robert Mueller was appointed to be a special counsel to oversee the investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election and the possibility of collusion between Russia and President Trump's campaign.
So what is a special counsel? And what is the difference between a special counsel, a special prosecutor, and an independent counsel? The terms are largely interchangeable to refer to someone appointed to investigate allegations that could involve a conflict of interest within the Department of Justice. But the manner in which they are appointed and why has changed over time.
The president has always had the authority to name a special prosecutor. After the crisis brought on by the Watergate scandal, Congress passed a law creating an "independent counsel" who could be appointed by a three-judge panel. After the experiences of the Iran-Contra investigation and the probe into the Clinton's Whitewater land deal, there was bipartisan support to abandon that law. Now, the attorney general, in addition to the president, has the power to appoint a special counsel.
From what I've just read, it used to be only the President appointing....

But I just read the law was changed, and the attorney General can also appoint special counsels addition to the president.

Robert Mueller
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Special counsel vs. special prosecutor: What's the difference?​

On Wednesday, former FBI director Robert Mueller was appointed to be a special counsel to oversee the investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election and the possibility of collusion between Russia and President Trump's campaign.
So what is a special counsel? And what is the difference between a special counsel, a special prosecutor, and an independent counsel? The terms are largely interchangeable to refer to someone appointed to investigate allegations that could involve a conflict of interest within the Department of Justice. But the manner in which they are appointed and why has changed over time.
The president has always had the authority to name a special prosecutor. After the crisis brought on by the Watergate scandal, Congress passed a law creating an "independent counsel" who could be appointed by a three-judge panel. After the experiences of the Iran-Contra investigation and the probe into the Clinton's Whitewater land deal, there was bipartisan support to abandon that law. Now, the attorney general, in addition to the president, has the power to appoint a special counsel.
Sweet!!!!! Now we have super-duper extra special Counsels,
"You get a Counsel, and you get a Counsel. EVERYBODY gets a Counsel!!!!"
- Oprah
Of course these circumstances are a direct result of petty partisan political lawfare. Like I said, this system is BROKEN.
Sweet!!!!! Now we have super-duper extra special Counsels,
"You get a Counsel, and you get a Counsel. EVERYBODY gets a Counsel!!!!"
- Oprah
Of course these circumstances are a direct result of petty partisan political lawfare. Like I said, this system is BROKEN.
It's worked, until Trump said it doesn't!

Jack Smith is simply doing his job. Judge Merchan simply did his job, (in previous criminal fraud case) Judge Curio simply did his job, (Trump University civil fraud case) prosecutor Colangelo simply did his job, (in Trump charity fraud case) etc etc etc etc etc

can't you see that it is Trump's Modus operandi to ALWAYS accuse the justice system as being corrupt and against him?
It's worked, until Trump said it doesn't!

Jack Smith is simply doing his job. Judge Merchan simply did his job, (in previous criminal fraud case) Judge Curio simply did his job, (Trump University civil fraud case) prosecutor Colangelo simply did his job, (in Trump charity fraud case) etc etc etc etc etc

can't you see that it is Trump's Modus operandi to ALWAYS accuse the justice system as being corrupt and against him?
Earlier you cited Mueller being assigned SC over the Russia Trump investigation. The so called Russia Trump investigation was nothing short of kabuki theatre. It was chasing a completely fabricated problem that didn't exist.
That is the weaponiization of our justice system that Trump is referring to. I think that is dangerous and completely Un-American.
Now all the clown show trials are continuing that trend in an election year.
It's totally disgusting that the demented LEFT cannot run on policies or ideas that would help the People, all they have is Orange Man BAD going on NINE YEARS now.
I hope that the Democrats pay dearly for it this November.......
Oh, they had it REALLY good under Obozo!!!!! He was GIVING kids away to them!!!!

Washington Times is a tabloid rag. Obama didn't separate children from their parents. He was dealing with unaccompanied teenagers.
They changed the rules so presidents can't hire relatives in the admin.

Staff are part of the administration.

President-elect Donald Trump has suggested he may give his daughter and son-in-law some roles in his new administration, but a 1967 anti-nepotism law makes doing so a lot more complicated.

The law bars presidents from hiring relatives to Cabinet or agency jobs, although a federal judge has ruled that it doesn't apply to White House staff jobs.
Not many presidents have sought to hire relatives since then, so the law hasn't often been tested. But when President Bill Clinton appointed his wife, first lady Hillary Clinton, to head his health care task force, the move was challenged in court.

A federal judge ruled that the law didn't apply to White House staff jobs, making the appointment legal.

The Trump transition team did not respond to a request for comment from NPR, but spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway cited that ruling when she was asked whether Trump would hire his children during an appearance on MSNBC's Morning Joe last month.

"The anti-nepotism law apparently has an exception if you want to work in the West Wing, because the president is able to appoint his own staff," Conway said. "The president does have discretion to choose a staff of his liking."

Staff are part of the administration.

President-elect Donald Trump has suggested he may give his daughter and son-in-law some roles in his new administration, but a 1967 anti-nepotism law makes doing so a lot more complicated.

The law bars presidents from hiring relatives to Cabinet or agency jobs, although a federal judge has ruled that it doesn't apply to White House staff jobs.
Not many presidents have sought to hire relatives since then, so the law hasn't often been tested. But when President Bill Clinton appointed his wife, first lady Hillary Clinton, to head his health care task force, the move was challenged in court.

A federal judge ruled that the law didn't apply to White House staff jobs, making the appointment legal.

The Trump transition team did not respond to a request for comment from NPR, but spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway cited that ruling when she was asked whether Trump would hire his children during an appearance on MSNBC's Morning Joe last month.

"The anti-nepotism law apparently has an exception if you want to work in the West Wing, because the president is able to appoint his own staff," Conway said. "The president does have discretion to choose a staff of his liking."


thanks for the info!

Kushner was not just staff. He acted as secretary of state, for Trump, and was given super duper top secret clearance by Trump, when he did not qualify for the security clearance.
Kushner was not just staff. He acted as secretary of state, for Trump, and was given super duper top secret clearance by Trump, when he did not qualify for the security clearance.

POTUS has the authorization to give anyone He desires, a security clearance.

I don't think He's the first to do that, either.
A fool and his utopian dreams of socialism is soon disappointed...

The left doesn't have "utopian dreams of socialism" at all. The left has realistic notions of the investments needed FOR THE PEOPLE to have the best opportunity to fulfill their potential.

Those things include education, infrastructure, and health care - all of which should be accessible and available to everyone, regardless of where they live.

They don't include loss of rights or opportunities for minorities, women, gays, or non-Christians. And they don't include giving the criminal conman who has been convicted of tax evasion, fraud, sexual abuse, libel, and falsification of business records to hide multiple election interference, fraud, and/or campaign finance violations, another chance at an insurrection when he loses - again.

He was in the middle of a fraud trail when you elected him the first time, and nearly everybody who was still working for him when he tried to overthrow the government has already been indicted along side him. Many of them have already plead guilty.
The left doesn't have "utopian dreams of socialism"

Tracy Morgan Bullshit GIF by Team Coco
Unlike Donald Trump who has caused 7 companies to go bankrupt, losing billions of dollars, Hunter Biden has never put any company into bankruptcy, nor has he been sued for fraud and destroying people's lives.
Casino businesses are based on gambling, opening one is a gamble. Trump isn't the lone casino bankruptcy player either..............there are about 15-20 others who lost the big gamble on running casino's.

The only person HB has harmed, is himself.
Hunter Biden has defrauded the US government and American taxpayers out of millions in taxes. His actions have exposed not only him, but his entire family to investigations and allegations of fraud, money laundering, public humiliation and embarrassment for the entire Biden clan. Think about that.

James Comer says wait until October............... :auiqs.jpg:
Trump send multiple emails every day.
Read a few statements below.
There is no talk on issues. It is all about him being a victim and we must take down those who wronged him.
It sounds more of a call to go to war than go vote.
No wonder his followers look at this as a war not an election. They make it jjust that. a war

On this dark day in history, I’m releasing this NEVER SURRENDER BLACK MAGA hat to stand against this injustice!

asked my team to identify the TOP 1% of TRUE TRUMP REPUBLICANS after my rigged Biden conviction, and guess whose name was at the top?

When I TAKE BACK the White House, I won’t be listening to liberal billionaires or the FAKE NEWS media that hates our country.I’ll only be taking advice from REAL AMERICAN PATRIOTS LIKE YOU.
With you by my side, we will DEMOLISH the Deep State and VANQUISH our enemies.

Oh, no! Multiple emails???

:badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin:

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