Yes, It Was Rigged

But not one word about why Stormy was allowed to testify about things having nothing to do with the case. Matchan was required to recuse and did not. Enjoy the appeals court tossing this and Trump's win in November. By the way moron, the former head of the FEC certainly was relevant since your hero Fat Alvin was claiming election law violations. Oops...
The appeal willl go nowhere, ass bleeder.

But keep cheering until your balloon bursts & you shed more MAGA tears.
Name the crime allowing felony allowed?

You and your fascist court are full of shit.
Look it up yourself. Try not to cry when you do. Here's a hint- they nailed his ass on 34 felonies.

No one is above the law. Don't like it? Tough shit.
Then Team Trump was stupid to approve, them. But hey, they are Trump Republican lawyers, I have warned you people against using. Donny could be singing the same song heard in prison, all the time.
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The defense only had a small number of preemptive challenges. It used them all. The judge refused to allow the defense to ask about the political leanings of potential jurors in a district that voted over ninety five percent democrat in the last election.
The defense only had a small number of preemptive challenges. It used them all. The judge refused to allow the defense to ask about the political leanings of potential jurors in a district that voted over ninety five percent democrat in the last election.
The case in question took place in Manhattan. Therefore, that’s where the jurors came from

If a liberal was charged with a crime that took place in Alabama, would he have the right to demand jurors from elsewhere just because the state is overwhelmingly conservative?

Exact same thing
Move to New York. Get their laws changed to your liking. Barring that, do not do business or live in New York if you do not wish to be subject to the laws, rules, and procedures recognized as the law of the land there. Also, do not whine about it being unfair to Donny. He chose to live and do business there, and had lawyers, plus accountants, supposedly paid professional to guide him. His mess is his fault, responsibility and his problem. He just thought himself above it. Looks like he was wrong again. He is building quite a losing streak. He should shut up and give up, while only this far behind, fold his tent and move to a quiet life on the edge of a golf course. Just sayin... :cool:

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When Donnie was doing business in NYC they didn't have a bunch of Diversity Hires acting as Biden's election campaign headquarters while refusing to enforce the law, but instead becoming political. It's one of the reasons he moved to Florida.
Thank you for posting such a detailed OP. Now all you have to do is come up with some sort of proof of wrongdoing.

Than is going to be the problem, proof and there is none. It's going to newest conspiracy. They will never be able to prove a fucking thing.
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You've been listening too much to Rachel Maddow.

They had a witness who was an election commissioner that was going to testify that the crime of illegal campaign contributions doesn't fit this case. He was going to tell the jury that those 34 indictments weren't based in fact. Even if those payments were campaign contributions they weren't illegal, so Trump was found guilty for a non-crime.

I haven’t listened to Rachel Maddow. I have read what the judge has ruled on the request for that witness. And studied the laws around it. It’s the judges job to describe the legalities around the case. Not the defenses interpretation of what’s legal and not. it would be like bringing a “sentencing expert“ into tell the jury and the court with the sentencing should be. It’s not up to witness that’s up to the judge.
But not one word about why Stormy was allowed to testify about things having nothing to do with the case. Matchan was required to recuse and did not. Enjoy the appeals court tossing this and Trump's win in November. By the way moron, the former head of the FEC certainly was relevant since your hero Fat Alvin was claiming election law violations. Oops...
Well, now you’re just spreading lies. The judge went to an ethics board and they ruled that he did not need to recuse. That’s a fact testimony of Storm are you claiming is not relevant. I’ll gladly show you how it is.
Boy you get triggered by somebody completely destroying your lying narrative don't you? What a good little sheep you are. Despite your stupidity, the former head of the FEC is indeed an EXPERT WITNESS who would have destroyed your hero Fat Alvin. He would have stated why Bragg has NO authority bringing this bogus case and why there was NO election law violation. Now go get your next lie from your Dim masters.
I wasn’t triggered nor was I getting destroyed. Your perception is all kinds of distorted.
The defense only had a small number of preemptive challenges. It used them all. The judge refused to allow the defense to ask about the political leanings of potential jurors in a district that voted over ninety five percent democrat in the last election.
Selection process was fine and it was quite a detailed questionare they had to fill out. It does not matter who they voted for, only their preconceived feelings about Trump. Here is how they were questioned, each side getting 10 preemptive strike downs, as fair as it gets in a jury trial.

Potential jurors will be quizzed on their feelings about Trump, but they won’t be asked explicitly which political party they belong to or which candidates they’ve voted for or have made campaign contributions to. Trump’s lawyers wanted to ask those questions, but the judge excluded them from the final questionnaire.

The prospective jurors will be asked if they or anyone in their circle have ever been to Trump rally, worked or volunteered for a Trump presidential campaign, the Trump presidential administration, or any other political entity affiliated with Trump. They’ll also be asked if they’ve ever participated in any anti-Trump groups or events.

In addition to their news consumption, jurors will be asked whether they’ve ever read or listened to any books or podcasts by Michael Cohen or former Manhattan prosecutor Mark Pomerantz, who also wrote a book about this case.

Trump’s social media platform, Truth Social, is also listed among the platforms potential panel members will be asked about.

If they make it into the jury box in Merchan’s courtroom, they’ll read their answers out loud. The attorneys and the judge can then ask them follow-up questions to further vet them for possible conflicts or biases.

Merchan has said he will dismiss any prospective jurors who self-report that they believe they are unable to serve on the panel. Merchan ruled he will dismiss those prospective jurors without individually questioning them about their reasoning despite a request from Trump’s attorneys to do so.
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You've been listening too much to Rachel Maddow.

They had a witness who was an election commissioner that was going to testify that the crime of illegal campaign contributions doesn't fit this case. He was going to tell the jury that those 34 indictments weren't based in fact. Even if those payments were campaign contributions they weren't illegal, so Trump was found guilty for a non-crime.

if those payments werent illegal, then why did Cohen goto jail for it?
Because he was arrested to blackmail him into implicating Trump.

He had nothing on Trump. The Defense had a witness ready to testify to it and the judge threw him out of court for rolling his eyes.
Cohen went to jail for tax evasion & campaign finance.

experts said prosecutors presented plenty of circumstantial evidence that suggested it was implausible that Trump did not realize he was covering up a crime:
  • David Pecker, former publisher of the National Enquirer tabloid, testified that he promised to be the campaign’s “eyes and ears” for women coming forward with unflattering stories during an August 2015 meeting with Trump and Cohen.
  • Prosecutors played a surreptitious recording Cohen says he made of Trump in September 2016 appearing to discuss a $150,000 hush money payment to Karen McDougal, a Playboy model who says she had a year-long affair with Trump in 2006 and 2007. Trump denies an affair.
  • Jurors have seen call logs suggesting Cohen and Trump were in frequent contact during the frenzied negotiations with Daniels’ lawyer in October 2016. They saw Weisselberg's handwritten notes outlining how Cohen would be reimbursed. Hope Hicks, Trump's former communications aide on the campaign and in the White House, testified that Trump was a micromanager.
“We just have reams of evidence and documents that have been put in before Cohen even took the stand,” said George Grasso, a retired New York state judge who has been attending the trial and is not involved in the case. “Obviously he testifies to a lot of that, but it’s already been corroborated.”
Cohen went to jail for tax evasion & campaign finance.

experts said prosecutors presented plenty of circumstantial evidence that suggested it was implausible that Trump did not realize he was covering up a crime:

    • David Pecker, former publisher of the National Enquirer tabloid, testified that he promised to be the campaign’s “eyes and ears” for women coming forward with unflattering stories during an August 2015 meeting with Trump and Cohen.
    • Prosecutors played a surreptitious recording Cohen says he made of Trump in September 2016 appearing to discuss a $150,000 hush money payment to Karen McDougal, a Playboy model who says she had a year-long affair with Trump in 2006 and 2007. Trump denies an affair.
    • Jurors have seen call logs suggesting Cohen and Trump were in frequent contact during the frenzied negotiations with Daniels’ lawyer in October 2016. They saw Weisselberg's handwritten notes outlining how Cohen would be reimbursed. Hope Hicks, Trump's former communications aide on the campaign and in the White House, testified that Trump was a micromanager.
“We just have reams of evidence and documents that have been put in before Cohen even took the stand,” said George Grasso, a retired New York state judge who has been attending the trial and is not involved in the case. “Obviously he testifies to a lot of that, but it’s already been corroborated.”
That's what they claimed Trump did.


Michael Cohen was charged with almost the same exact crimes....only the judge allowed the prosecution to not put in in the indictment. Instead he put it in the jury instructions and then refused to allow anyone to have a copy of it.
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That's what they claimed Trump did.


Michael Cohen was charged with almost the same exact crimes....only the judge allowed the prosecution to not put in in the indictment. Instead he put it in the jury instructions and then refused to allow anyone to have a copy of it.
Right wing media has been spreading misinformation about jury instructions. But I don't understand if you're saying there us an indictment in the jury instructions or ...?

If there is something wrong wi5h jury instructions, the trumps defense lawyers would have brought it up.
Because he was arrested to blackmail him into implicating Trump.

He had nothing on Trump. The Defense had a witness ready to testify to it and the judge threw him out of court for rolling his eyes.
Banana Republic? Actually, leaders of Countries which are Banana Republics exhibit the same type of behaviour that Trump does.

And they get away with it. Which is what you willfully ignorant cultists wanted for your orange subhuman ape.

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