Are the debates already rigged? How?

Why? What would you do to assure pertinent questions, but still avoid a playground shouting match?
First you need participants who are interested in debate. And an electorate who might reward actual debate on the issues vs tribal shit throwing.
Why? What would you do to assure pertinent questions, but still avoid a playground shouting match?

Agree to the questions before. Then have a moderator who demands they answer the questions properly. Or have various moderators....
Because the MAGAt cult is totally brainwashed. They think what they are told to think, even when two thoughts that are spoonfed to them contradict each other. The Cognitive dissonance a normal person would experience does not occur for them.
The irony…
1. Do you agree that Nikki Haley is right that a vote for Biden is actually a vote for Kamala? Biden will never be able to do another 4-years, he's failing before our eyes, and he has the sole control of the US nuclear arsenal.

2. The center-right corporatist is Trump.

3. The historical joke and failed human is Biden.
Name one wife of the orange bloated mofo that he hasn’t cheated on.
Name one wife of the orange bloated mofo that he hasn’t cheated on.
So what? He's not running for pope, he's running for president.

Name one daughter Biden didn't shower with.

Haha, you guys have the intellectual fortitude of roadkill. I'm surprised you lasted as long as you did before degenerating into a quivering little blob of cult slime.

Sure, yeah ok. Remember, Republicans are the party of the rich. I guess you think we all won the lottery or something. We are more successful that you dimwits. I'll let you figure out why that is.
The debates have only recently been agreed to, but there are already accusations that they are already rigged. Some believe the fix is in, but others think those claims are just another conspiracy theory. Both parties have agreed to the time, date, venue, and those posing the questions, as well as no audience. I've heard the rules will call for 5 minutes to answer, and then the microphone will be cut off. With both parties agreeing to the rules, I don't see how the format can be considered rigging. Do you think the debates are, or will be rigged? How do you think they might rig it?
Of course the debates are not rugged.
Sure, yeah ok. Remember, Republicans are the party of the rich. I guess you think we all won the lottery or something. We are more successful that you dimwits. I'll let you figure out why that is.
Damn youre a crybaby.

Over 100,00 income: 47 to 44 republican to dem

Not that you're in that bracket. You're just one of those people who have bene brainwashed into being a good little sheep for the rich.
The debates have only recently been agreed to, but there are already accusations that they are already rigged. Some believe the fix is in, but others think those claims are just another conspiracy theory. Both parties have agreed to the time, date, venue, and those posing the questions, as well as no audience. I've heard the rules will call for 5 minutes to answer, and then the microphone will be cut off. With both parties agreeing to the rules, I don't see how the format can be considered rigging. Do you think the debates are, or will be rigged? How do you think they might rig it?
That's one of the few things trump can't rig. No matter what he does he looks like a fool.
So what exactly is going on with Biden when he completely loses his train of thought and starts babbling? No, I am not talking about stuttering, I am talking about when he spouts incoherent thoughts. I have older parents and neither of them do that...ever. If they acted like Biden, I would send them to the doctor for evaluation. Seriously, Biden wouldn't do well taking simple exam that doctor's give their patients to measure their mental acuity or lack thereof during their Medicare wellness visits and yet he is the leader of the free world because of people like you that can't see the writing on the wall. It is sad.

Fun fact: the Medicare wellness visit is a creation of the Affordable Care Act that Trump would repeal but Biden wouldn't. So why the fuck would any old codger give a shit about his mental acuity vs. Trump's (as if the latter's wasn't long-gone anyway)?
Fun fact: the Medicare wellness visit is a creation of the Affordable Care Act that Trump would repeal but Biden wouldn't. So why the fuck would any old codger give a shit about his mental acuity vs. Trump's (as if the latter's wasn't long-gone anyway)?
LIAR. Prove it.
Fun fact: the Medicare wellness visit is a creation of the Affordable Care Act that Trump would repeal but Biden wouldn't. So why the fuck would any old codger give a shit about his mental acuity vs. Trump's (as if the latter's wasn't long-gone anyway)?

I don’t care about the test, but I do care that the guy running the country would be incapable of passing it.

I can’t wait for the ACA to be repealed. I don’t know of anybody who has benefitted from it(too expensive unless you are very poor) and repealing it would lower my taxes.

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