Yes, It Was Rigged

Perhaps that judge should have done his job specifying the actual LAW he was hiding.

Unfit to wear the robe and it will be appealled all the way to SCOTUS.

ELECTION INTERFERENCE??. New York is guilty.

this case was in the works long before Trump announced his presidency, which was in November 2022.
The only reason this case didnt go forward sooner is new york was blocked from accessing Trump's business records while Trump was president.
You just pissed off millions more Americans who see your BS.

Name the specific crimes. Appeals to SCOTUS.
Nope. Trump's cult was already pissed off. Everybody else is relieved. As far as the country's attitude, nothing has changed. Considering the stress all that anger is putting MAGAs through, I will be surprised if most MAGAs don't have a stroke or heart attack before the next election.
Nope. Trump's cult was already pissed off. Everybody else is relieved. As far as the country's attitude, nothing has changed. Considering the stress all that anger is putting MAGAs through, I will be surprised if most MAGAs don't have a stroke or heart attack before the next election.
You are one oblivious twatwaffle. Good luck with that.
The prospect of MAGAs attacking the capitol again is even scarier.
Now think how scary it is with 100,000X that many people and they're armed and twice as pissed off. Just so you know what you're dealing with. :dunno:
Lowry is hardly a MAGA guy.

On this, he s 100% correct. And everybody knows this.

When Trump made his statement to reporters on Wednesday morning prior to the jury getting the Alvin Bragg case, he repeatedly used the word “rigged,” and, in this instance, he was absolutely right.​
The charges were rigged, the prosecution’s presentation of the case was rigged, the judge’s management of the case was rigged, the gag order was rigged, and the instructions to the jury were rigged.
The whole thing was rigged from beginning to end, in the hopes of — to the extent this case and the guilty verdict will matter in November — rigging the presidential election.
If this had happened in an alderman race in Cook County, Ill., it’d be discomfiting enough, but it happened in what purports to be the greatest city in the world and involves the campaign to become the most powerful political leader in the free world.
The high stakes would, one hopes, compel the authorities to have the most exacting standard for their own conduct and put a premium on maintaining the perception and reality of fairness. The logic of rigging runs the opposite way, though — because it is considered so imperative to stop Donald Trump, any means of opposing him becomes acceptable, indeed necessary.
By any normal standard, Alvin Bragg failed in his duty as a prosecutor by flagrantly distorting the process to manufacture the 34 felonies he charged Trump with. Yet, by the prevailing standard on the left, he has faithfully fulfilled his duty by so effectively rigging the criminal-justice system against the man whom they hate and fear.
One possible reaction to Trump from his adversaries would have been to emphasize their commitment to rules and norms and to do everything they could to buttress them and make the case for them.
Instead, they threw out the rule book beginning in 2016 and have pursued Trump according to the ethic that the ends justify the means, and that consistency, reason, and fairness are for suckers.
To be sure, this approach has its temptations, especially for people who never particularly cared for process or rules to begin with. But their recklessness has further undermined faith in the system, while the alluring idea that there’s a shortcut to diminishing or defeating Trump has so far proved illusory.
Alvin Bragg and Judge Juan Merchan have set a new standard for rigging, and nothing good will come of it.


Right. When he didn’t get an Emmy, it was rigged.

The only thing that was rigged concerning Trump, was the 2016 election.

And the evidence of that is as beyond a reasonable doubt as his conviction.

Donald Trump Convicted Felon
Trumps “expert” was not a witness to anything to do with the trial. Judges define the laws and constraints of trials in their courtroom. If Trump wants to appeal he can use his “witness” make a case for why the judge was wrong. But as for this trial, it wouldn’t be appropriate or relevant for this “witness” to be called

You've been listening too much to Rachel Maddow.

They had a witness who was an election commissioner that was going to testify that the crime of illegal campaign contributions doesn't fit this case. He was going to tell the jury that those 34 indictments weren't based in fact. Even if those payments were campaign contributions they weren't illegal, so Trump was found guilty for a non-crime.

Lowry is hardly a MAGA guy.

On this, he s 100% correct. And everybody knows this.

When Trump made his statement to reporters on Wednesday morning prior to the jury getting the Alvin Bragg case, he repeatedly used the word “rigged,” and, in this instance, he was absolutely right.​
The charges were rigged, the prosecution’s presentation of the case was rigged, the judge’s management of the case was rigged, the gag order was rigged, and the instructions to the jury were rigged.
The whole thing was rigged from beginning to end, in the hopes of — to the extent this case and the guilty verdict will matter in November — rigging the presidential election.
If this had happened in an alderman race in Cook County, Ill., it’d be discomfiting enough, but it happened in what purports to be the greatest city in the world and involves the campaign to become the most powerful political leader in the free world.
The high stakes would, one hopes, compel the authorities to have the most exacting standard for their own conduct and put a premium on maintaining the perception and reality of fairness. The logic of rigging runs the opposite way, though — because it is considered so imperative to stop Donald Trump, any means of opposing him becomes acceptable, indeed necessary.
By any normal standard, Alvin Bragg failed in his duty as a prosecutor by flagrantly distorting the process to manufacture the 34 felonies he charged Trump with. Yet, by the prevailing standard on the left, he has faithfully fulfilled his duty by so effectively rigging the criminal-justice system against the man whom they hate and fear.
One possible reaction to Trump from his adversaries would have been to emphasize their commitment to rules and norms and to do everything they could to buttress them and make the case for them.
Instead, they threw out the rule book beginning in 2016 and have pursued Trump according to the ethic that the ends justify the means, and that consistency, reason, and fairness are for suckers.
To be sure, this approach has its temptations, especially for people who never particularly cared for process or rules to begin with. But their recklessness has further undermined faith in the system, while the alluring idea that there’s a shortcut to diminishing or defeating Trump has so far proved illusory.
Alvin Bragg and Judge Juan Merchan have set a new standard for rigging, and nothing good will come of it.

polls are rigged...
elections are rigged...
News is rigged...
trials are rigged...

The diagnosis is paranoid delusions


If you think the game is rigged, why play?

It'll be good to see Trump in prison and MAGADUMIANS in tears.
This will have repercussions, and I don't think the Leftist Shitlords will like what they are.
Repercussion 101...

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

You're welcome and your lesson fee can be sent to WIN-DADO.COM
Boy you get those talking points out quick. Good little soldier!

Despite what your propaganda tells you, Trump don’t have an expert witness. I assume you’re talking about Brad Smith, who wasn’t a witness to anything.
Boy you get triggered by somebody completely destroying your lying narrative don't you? What a good little sheep you are. Despite your stupidity, the former head of the FEC is indeed an EXPERT WITNESS who would have destroyed your hero Fat Alvin. He would have stated why Bragg has NO authority bringing this bogus case and why there was NO election law violation. Now go get your next lie from your Dim masters.
Trumps “expert” was not a witness to anything to do with the trial. Judges define the laws and constraints of trials in their courtroom. If Trump wants to appeal he can use his “witness” make a case for why the judge was wrong. But as for this trial, it wouldn’t be appropriate or relevant for this “witness” to be called
But not one word about why Stormy was allowed to testify about things having nothing to do with the case. Matchan was required to recuse and did not. Enjoy the appeals court tossing this and Trump's win in November. By the way moron, the former head of the FEC certainly was relevant since your hero Fat Alvin was claiming election law violations. Oops...

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