Facebook Goes Political To Help Local/State govts Shutdown Right To Assemble / Free Speech


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Facebook Cooperates With States In Shutting Down Political Protests and Crushing Dissent Against Social Distancing Regulations

There is zero doubt that there is a lot of anger building over these regulations that are senselessly destroying people’s lives while apparently doing damned little to keep us safe. Facebook, however, has taken the lead in crushing the building tidal wave of dissent.

Here is CNN crowing about Facebook taking down protest announcements:

Says it is working to get answers from New York, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Pennsylvania as to whether anti-quarantine protests breaks those states' social distancing measures.
— Donie O'Sullivan (@donie) April 20, 2020

Full story from @donie: "Unless government prohibits the event during this time, we allow it to be organized on Facebook," @andymstone said. "For this same reason, events that defy government's guidance on social distancing aren't allowed on Facebook." https://t.co/0Ni4pKxx0A

— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) April 20, 2020

That Facebook would quickly fall in line behind a totalitarian government is not a shock. If you deal with Facebook over any period of time you will find that they are quick to shut down any story they don’t like for some specious reason.

State, local, and even federal entities / 'servants of the people' in this country are willing to quickly put the US constitution and Constitutional Rights under their boot heels, along with the necks of the American people, to impose THEIR will on the American people AS THEY SEE FIT.

(Example and topic for another thread: Anyone notice the 'War on Christianity' being waged in the name of 'social distancing' while the US govt is making no effort to restrict the exercise of Muslim religious freedom, gathering and praying 'in violation of US social distancing' edicts?)

Welcome to the 'fundamental change' in the US Obama only wishes he could have brought about......

Facebook Cooperates With States In Shutting Down Political Protests and Crushing Dissent Against Social Distancing Regulations

There is zero doubt that there is a lot of anger building over these regulations that are senselessly destroying people’s lives while apparently doing damned little to keep us safe. Facebook, however, has taken the lead in crushing the building tidal wave of dissent.

Here is CNN crowing about Facebook taking down protest announcements:

Says it is working to get answers from New York, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Pennsylvania as to whether anti-quarantine protests breaks those states' social distancing measures.
— Donie O'Sullivan (@donie) April 20, 2020

Full story from @donie: "Unless government prohibits the event during this time, we allow it to be organized on Facebook," @andymstone said. "For this same reason, events that defy government's guidance on social distancing aren't allowed on Facebook." https://t.co/0Ni4pKxx0A
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) April 20, 2020

That Facebook would quickly fall in line behind a totalitarian government is not a shock. If you deal with Facebook over any period of time you will find that they are quick to shut down any story they don’t like for some specious reason.

State, local, and even federal entities / 'servants of the people' in this country are willing to quickly put the US constitution and Constitutional Rights under their boot heels, along with the necks of the American people, to impose THEIR will on the American people AS THEY SEE FIT.

(Example and topic for another thread: Anyone notice the 'War on Christianity' being waged in the name of 'social distancing' while the US govt is making no effort to restrict the exercise of Muslim religious freedom, gathering and praying 'in violation of US social distancing' edicts?)

Welcome to the 'fundamental change' in the US Obama only wishes he could have brought about......


Past time to purge such traitors . . .
Facebook can do whatever it wants. If it wants to ban these people from discussing their protests on their website, they are free to do that.

I thought this was about rights? Where are facebooks rights?
Facebook can do whatever it wants. If it wants to ban these people from discussing their protests on their website, they are free to do that.

I thought this was about rights? Where are facebooks rights?
Please see the several threads about the legal battles over what entities like Facebook can and can not legally do, like partisan / cherry-picking certain groups to discriminate against. There were a lot of good information posted in them....

In the meantime, why am I not surprised that you are ok with government and liberal-run businesses like Facebook discriminating, helping to deny / oppress individual Rights of freedom of Speech? Were this a conservative site deleting Liberal organizing and blocking content you would be having a proverbial cow. :p
Facebook Cooperates With States In Shutting Down Political Protests and Crushing Dissent Against Social Distancing Regulations

There is zero doubt that there is a lot of anger building over these regulations that are senselessly destroying people’s lives while apparently doing damned little to keep us safe. Facebook, however, has taken the lead in crushing the building tidal wave of dissent.

Here is CNN crowing about Facebook taking down protest announcements:

Says it is working to get answers from New York, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Pennsylvania as to whether anti-quarantine protests breaks those states' social distancing measures.
— Donie O'Sullivan (@donie) April 20, 2020

Full story from @donie: "Unless government prohibits the event during this time, we allow it to be organized on Facebook," @andymstone said. "For this same reason, events that defy government's guidance on social distancing aren't allowed on Facebook." https://t.co/0Ni4pKxx0A

— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) April 20, 2020

That Facebook would quickly fall in line behind a totalitarian government is not a shock. If you deal with Facebook over any period of time you will find that they are quick to shut down any story they don’t like for some specious reason.

State, local, and even federal entities / 'servants of the people' in this country are willing to quickly put the US constitution and Constitutional Rights under their boot heels, along with the necks of the American people, to impose THEIR will on the American people AS THEY SEE FIT.

(Example and topic for another thread: Anyone notice the 'War on Christianity' being waged in the name of 'social distancing' while the US govt is making no effort to restrict the exercise of Muslim religious freedom, gathering and praying 'in violation of US social distancing' edicts?)

Welcome to the 'fundamental change' in the US Obama only wishes he could have brought about......

I guess it's a good thing I pulled the plug and fired those assholes several months ago.
Facebook can do whatever it wants. If it wants to ban these people from discussing their protests on their website, they are free to do that.

I thought this was about rights? Where are facebooks rights?
Please see the several threads about the legal battles over what entities like Facebook can and can not legally do, like partisan / cherry-picking certain groups to discriminate against. There were a lot of good information posted in them....

In the meantime, why am I not surprised that you are ok with government and liberal-run businesses like Facebook discriminating, helping to deny / oppress individual Rights of freedom of Speech? Were this a conservative site deleting Liberal organizing and blocking content you would be having a proverbial cow. :p

They are allowed to cherry pick. None of the legal battles engaging Facebook have any merit. That’s because this is a free country and Facebook is allowed to do what they want with their money.

I support any website taking down inducements for illegal behavior. Don’t you?
I support any website taking down inducements for illegal behavior. Don’t you?

Sure I do....but some Liberal Governor who imposes an edict limiting / eliminating a citizen's Constitutional Rights, especially someone who admits the Constitution and bill of Rights did not even enter his mind when he imposed such an edict is In-Constitutional.

Where was facebook in 2016 when the Russians used social media to get snowflakes to organize on Facebook and set up arches for them?
I support any website taking down inducements for illegal behavior. Don’t you?

Sure I do....but some Liberal Governor who imposes an edict limiting / eliminating a citizen's Constitutional Rights, especially someone who admits the Constitution and bill of Rights did not even enter his mind when he imposed such an edict is In-Constitutional.

Where was facebook in 2016 when the Russians used social media to get snowflakes to organize on Facebook and set up arches for them?

Those emergency powers have been upheld by previous court decisions. You don’t get to invalidate laws just because you want to. Your feelings are irrelevant.

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