Facebook, Twitter Tumble on Unilever’s Social-Media Pullback

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Coke have also announced that they are following the same path. Social media companies have had it too easy in the past and have allowed all sorts of shit to be posted on their platforms.

Money talks and it looks like pressure on these industrial giants is starting to pay off. Racists, nazis, and hate mongers have no place in a civilised society . Let them set up their own platforms and preach to the subhman slime that constitutes their support. Keep them out of our lives.

Coke have also announced that they are following the same path. Social media companies have had it too easy in the past and have allowed all sorts of shit to be posted on their platforms.

Money talks and it looks like pressure on these industrial giants is starting to pay off. Racists, nazis, and hate mongers have no place in a civilised society . Let them set up their own platforms and preach to the subhman slime that constitutes their support. Keep them out of our lives.

Thank you for posting this. I would never have known about this flaky massive conglomerates actions without you providing this information I searched for which brands they make and I have now boycotted all that pertain to my household. Anyone else interested in fighting those who are against free speech should do the same.

They (and you it seems) make the argument that they are doing this as a means to silence racists and nazis (didn't they lose the war? I'm confused), but it's really code for "bow down to pressure from useless organized, protesters and their donors, promote alt-left socialist crazies who are responsible for toppling statues and burning building while cancelling conservatives and libertarians".

I am tired of weak, China First, communist sympathizing companies using their dollars to try and control speech, instead of removing dollars because these companies suppress speech. If you don't like what people say, don't follow them, like their comments or view them. Real simple. It's like people on this forum. I don't have to like or support a comment I don't agree with. Other than someone promoting criminal activity or violence, people should be free to scream into their Echo Chambers. Lord knows the alt-left does, and many of them are openly hostile and violent.

Going to the grocery store today, no more Liptons tea, time for me to buy knock off brands of Q-Tips, Hellmans will be cut at the knees in my household as well. That will probably save me hundreds in my lifetime.

My household may not represent a great deal, but if other citizens do the same, these companies will learn to stop politicizing their own investments and giving into the "woke" mob. I think it's due time for a counter-protest to big corporations telling the world that companies MUST silence them, even as some of these companies give money to groups who want to destroy America and capitalism

"I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It"- Voltaire
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I have never visited Facebook or Twitter and have no interest in doing so.

But I have read that they are censoring conservatives, and now liberal advertisers are forcing them to do even more censorship.

It seems to me that conservatives should think about leaving those platforms. Then those two platforms will become boring "preaching to the choir" outlets.
As it should be.

Private companies are at liberty to advertise with whomever they wish for whatever reason – or not.

It’s perfectly appropriate for private advertisers to withhold advertising dollars from private companies that fail to address racism, hate, and bigotry – such actions do not ‘violate’ the ‘free speech’ of social media platforms or subscribers to those platforms.

What isn’t appropriate is for government to get involved – neither FB nor Twitter should be subject to government regulation the consequence of how they edit their content; the notion that FB or Twitter should be regulated as ‘utilities’ is idiocy.

As correctly noted: the internet is infinite – there’s ample opportunity for conservatives to spread their message of racism and hate online absent access to FB or Twitter.
As it should be.

Private companies are at liberty to advertise with whomever they wish for whatever reason – or not.

It’s perfectly appropriate for private advertisers to withhold advertising dollars from private companies that fail to address racism, hate, and bigotry – such actions do not ‘violate’ the ‘free speech’ of social media platforms or subscribers to those platforms.

What isn’t appropriate is for government to get involved – neither FB nor Twitter should be subject to government regulation the consequence of how they edit their content; the notion that FB or Twitter should be regulated as ‘utilities’ is idiocy.

As correctly noted: the internet is infinite – there’s ample opportunity for conservatives to spread their message of racism and hate online absent access to FB or Twitter.

So who should decide what free speech you are allowed? What it shouldn't be is what corporaitons want, what it should be is what your constitution demands. Yes, that's government "of the people form the people". in the form of laws protecting your speech.

So, I know Jack is weak and on board with the "woke" crowd (a function of him being weak and flaky himself), but Mark has shown that he has some balls from time to time.

So, Mark should come out and call out all advertisers as follows:

"To all advertisers who are new to America, just a heads up, we can't police FREE SPEECH (you fascist morons), we are bound by the Constitution of the United States. So, we won't allow people to yell 'FIRE!' online, we will do our best to prevent terrorism and encouraging criminal activity, but speech; even distasteful or hateful; we cannot police. In fact, we can't police this anymore than you and your brand can police if these same racists go out tomorrow and buy your overpriced brands. Thank you for your time you squishy, caviar eating, overpaid, underworked, A-holes".- Sincerely, with love, Mark Zuckerberg.

Coke have also announced that they are following the same path. Social media companies have had it too easy in the past and have allowed all sorts of shit to be posted on their platforms.

Money talks and it looks like pressure on these industrial giants is starting to pay off. Racists, nazis, and hate mongers have no place in a civilised society . Let them set up their own platforms and preach to the subhman slime that constitutes their support. Keep them out of our lives.

Thank you for posting this. I would never have known about this flaky massive conglomerates actions without you providing this information I searched for which brands they make and I have now boycotted all that pertain to my household. Anyone else interested in fighting those who are against free speech should do the same.

They (and you it seems) make the argument that they are doing this as a means to silence racists and nazis (didn't they lose the war? I'm confused), but it's really code for "bow down to pressure from useless organized, protesters and their donors, promote alt-left socialist crazies who are responsible for toppling statues and burning building while cancelling conservatives and libertarians".

I am tired of weak, China First, communist sympathizing companies using their dollars to try and control speech, instead of removing dollars because these companies suppress speech. If you don't like what people say, don't follow them, like their comments or view them. Real simple. It's like people on this forum. I don't have to like or support a comment I don't agree with. Other than someone promoting criminal activity or violence, people should be free to scream into their Echo Chambers. Lord knows the alt-left does, and many of them are openly hostile and violent.

Going to the grocery store today, no more Liptons tea, time for me to buy knock off brands of Q-Tips, Hellmans will be cut at the knees in my household as well. That will probably save me hundreds in my lifetime.

My household may not represent a great deal, but if other citizens do the same, these companies will learn to stop politicizing their own investments and giving into the "woke" mob. I think it's due time for a counter-protest to big corporations telling the world that companies MUST silence them, even as some of these companies give money to groups who want to destroy America and capitalism

"I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It"- Voltaire
You had better boycott Coke Cola brands as well. Those commie bastards are "pausing" their advertising as well. I suspect that this will not be the end of it. Nobody wants to be associated with racism and other forms of perversion.
These are global brands with customers all around the world. They have a duty to their shareholders to protect their brands from negative publicity. This may well be a rare example of capitalism making the world a better place.
Given all of this the concerns of a few elderly racist nutcases are not relevant.

Coke have also announced that they are following the same path. Social media companies have had it too easy in the past and have allowed all sorts of shit to be posted on their platforms.

Money talks and it looks like pressure on these industrial giants is starting to pay off. Racists, nazis, and hate mongers have no place in a civilised society . Let them set up their own platforms and preach to the subhman slime that constitutes their support. Keep them out of our lives.

Thank you for posting this. I would never have known about this flaky massive conglomerates actions without you providing this information I searched for which brands they make and I have now boycotted all that pertain to my household. Anyone else interested in fighting those who are against free speech should do the same.

They (and you it seems) make the argument that they are doing this as a means to silence racists and nazis (didn't they lose the war? I'm confused), but it's really code for "bow down to pressure from useless organized, protesters and their donors, promote alt-left socialist crazies who are responsible for toppling statues and burning building while cancelling conservatives and libertarians".

I am tired of weak, China First, communist sympathizing companies using their dollars to try and control speech, instead of removing dollars because these companies suppress speech. If you don't like what people say, don't follow them, like their comments or view them. Real simple. It's like people on this forum. I don't have to like or support a comment I don't agree with. Other than someone promoting criminal activity or violence, people should be free to scream into their Echo Chambers. Lord knows the alt-left does, and many of them are openly hostile and violent.

Going to the grocery store today, no more Liptons tea, time for me to buy knock off brands of Q-Tips, Hellmans will be cut at the knees in my household as well. That will probably save me hundreds in my lifetime.

My household may not represent a great deal, but if other citizens do the same, these companies will learn to stop politicizing their own investments and giving into the "woke" mob. I think it's due time for a counter-protest to big corporations telling the world that companies MUST silence them, even as some of these companies give money to groups who want to destroy America and capitalism

"I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It"- Voltaire
You had better boycott Coke Cola brands as well. Those commie bastards are "pausing" their advertising as well. I suspect that this will not be the end of it. Nobody wants to be associated with racism and other forms of perversion.
These are global brands with customers all around the world. They have a duty to their shareholders to protect their brands from negative publicity. This may well be a rare example of capitalism making the world a better place.
Given all of this the concerns of a few elderly racist nutcases are not relevant.

I don't drink Coke or any pop (soda) for that matter, but once those sugar selling dealers boycott, I will look at their brands and fast food places and do the same in kind.

And in terms of "defending their brand" they are doing no such thing. They are hurting their brands to appease some short term crazies who want to monopolize speech. We all know this has nothing to do with racism, it has everything to do with control. Be it elections or individuals liberty.

I'm born free and as much as some don't want, I intend to die free. It's not radical at all, it's a very natural existence bestowed by God. Maybe this younger generation doesn't understand the vile evils of socialism, but I do.

Coke have also announced that they are following the same path. Social media companies have had it too easy in the past and have allowed all sorts of shit to be posted on their platforms.

Money talks and it looks like pressure on these industrial giants is starting to pay off. Racists, nazis, and hate mongers have no place in a civilised society . Let them set up their own platforms and preach to the subhman slime that constitutes their support. Keep them out of our lives.
All cries of racial oppression only comes from towns run by your lefties ,, it’s your agenda

Coke have also announced that they are following the same path. Social media companies have had it too easy in the past and have allowed all sorts of shit to be posted on their platforms.

Money talks and it looks like pressure on these industrial giants is starting to pay off. Racists, nazis, and hate mongers have no place in a civilised society . Let them set up their own platforms and preach to the subhman slime that constitutes their support. Keep them out of our lives.
/——-/ I nominate, Tommy Taint for Minister of Truth. Only Tommy can determine what is truth and what is right wing propaganda. Let the healing begin.

Coke have also announced that they are following the same path. Social media companies have had it too easy in the past and have allowed all sorts of shit to be posted on their platforms.

Money talks and it looks like pressure on these industrial giants is starting to pay off. Racists, nazis, and hate mongers have no place in a civilised society . Let them set up their own platforms and preach to the subhman slime that constitutes their support. Keep them out of our lives.

Thank you for posting this. I would never have known about this flaky massive conglomerates actions without you providing this information I searched for which brands they make and I have now boycotted all that pertain to my household. Anyone else interested in fighting those who are against free speech should do the same.

They (and you it seems) make the argument that they are doing this as a means to silence racists and nazis (didn't they lose the war? I'm confused), but it's really code for "bow down to pressure from useless organized, protesters and their donors, promote alt-left socialist crazies who are responsible for toppling statues and burning building while cancelling conservatives and libertarians".

I am tired of weak, China First, communist sympathizing companies using their dollars to try and control speech, instead of removing dollars because these companies suppress speech. If you don't like what people say, don't follow them, like their comments or view them. Real simple. It's like people on this forum. I don't have to like or support a comment I don't agree with. Other than someone promoting criminal activity or violence, people should be free to scream into their Echo Chambers. Lord knows the alt-left does, and many of them are openly hostile and violent.

Going to the grocery store today, no more Liptons tea, time for me to buy knock off brands of Q-Tips, Hellmans will be cut at the knees in my household as well. That will probably save me hundreds in my lifetime.

My household may not represent a great deal, but if other citizens do the same, these companies will learn to stop politicizing their own investments and giving into the "woke" mob. I think it's due time for a counter-protest to big corporations telling the world that companies MUST silence them, even as some of these companies give money to groups who want to destroy America and capitalism

"I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It"- Voltaire
You had better boycott Coke Cola brands as well. Those commie bastards are "pausing" their advertising as well. I suspect that this will not be the end of it. Nobody wants to be associated with racism and other forms of perversion.
These are global brands with customers all around the world. They have a duty to their shareholders to protect their brands from negative publicity. This may well be a rare example of capitalism making the world a better place.
Given all of this the concerns of a few elderly racist nutcases are not relevant.

I don't drink Coke or any pop (soda) for that matter, but once those sugar selling dealers boycott, I will look at their brands and fast food places and do the same in kind.

And in terms of "defending their brand" they are doing no such thing. They are hurting their brands to appease some short term crazies who want to monopolize speech. We all know this has nothing to do with racism, it has everything to do with control. Be it elections or individuals liberty.

I'm born free and as much as some don't want, I intend to die free. It's not radical at all, it's a very natural existence bestowed by God. Maybe this younger generation doesn't understand the vile evils of socialism, but I do.
You should buy shares in facebook and twatter then . That will give you a say in whatever strategy they follow. That is the way the world works.
God forbid you could buy shares in coke or unilever, or all the other corporations that will follow them. Then it becomes your business.

Coke have also announced that they are following the same path. Social media companies have had it too easy in the past and have allowed all sorts of shit to be posted on their platforms.

Money talks and it looks like pressure on these industrial giants is starting to pay off. Racists, nazis, and hate mongers have no place in a civilised society . Let them set up their own platforms and preach to the subhman slime that constitutes their support. Keep them out of our lives.

Thank you for posting this. I would never have known about this flaky massive conglomerates actions without you providing this information I searched for which brands they make and I have now boycotted all that pertain to my household. Anyone else interested in fighting those who are against free speech should do the same.

They (and you it seems) make the argument that they are doing this as a means to silence racists and nazis (didn't they lose the war? I'm confused), but it's really code for "bow down to pressure from useless organized, protesters and their donors, promote alt-left socialist crazies who are responsible for toppling statues and burning building while cancelling conservatives and libertarians".

I am tired of weak, China First, communist sympathizing companies using their dollars to try and control speech, instead of removing dollars because these companies suppress speech. If you don't like what people say, don't follow them, like their comments or view them. Real simple. It's like people on this forum. I don't have to like or support a comment I don't agree with. Other than someone promoting criminal activity or violence, people should be free to scream into their Echo Chambers. Lord knows the alt-left does, and many of them are openly hostile and violent.

Going to the grocery store today, no more Liptons tea, time for me to buy knock off brands of Q-Tips, Hellmans will be cut at the knees in my household as well. That will probably save me hundreds in my lifetime.

My household may not represent a great deal, but if other citizens do the same, these companies will learn to stop politicizing their own investments and giving into the "woke" mob. I think it's due time for a counter-protest to big corporations telling the world that companies MUST silence them, even as some of these companies give money to groups who want to destroy America and capitalism

"I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It"- Voltaire
You had better boycott Coke Cola brands as well. Those commie bastards are "pausing" their advertising as well. I suspect that this will not be the end of it. Nobody wants to be associated with racism and other forms of perversion.
These are global brands with customers all around the world. They have a duty to their shareholders to protect their brands from negative publicity. This may well be a rare example of capitalism making the world a better place.
Given all of this the concerns of a few elderly racist nutcases are not relevant.

I don't drink Coke or any pop (soda) for that matter, but once those sugar selling dealers boycott, I will look at their brands and fast food places and do the same in kind.

And in terms of "defending their brand" they are doing no such thing. They are hurting their brands to appease some short term crazies who want to monopolize speech. We all know this has nothing to do with racism, it has everything to do with control. Be it elections or individuals liberty.

I'm born free and as much as some don't want, I intend to die free. It's not radical at all, it's a very natural existence bestowed by God. Maybe this younger generation doesn't understand the vile evils of socialism, but I do.
You should buy shares in facebook and twatter then . That will give you a say in whatever strategy they follow. That is the way the world works.
God forbid you could buy shares in coke or unilever, or all the other corporations that will follow them. Then it becomes your business.
/——-/ Do you have any idea how many shares you’d have to buy just to attend a shareholders meeting? Your say would have little impact.

Coke have also announced that they are following the same path. Social media companies have had it too easy in the past and have allowed all sorts of shit to be posted on their platforms.

Money talks and it looks like pressure on these industrial giants is starting to pay off. Racists, nazis, and hate mongers have no place in a civilised society . Let them set up their own platforms and preach to the subhman slime that constitutes their support. Keep them out of our lives.
/——-/ I nominate, Tommy Taint for Minister of Truth. Only Tommy can determine what is truth and what is right wing propaganda. Let the healing begin.

It's unfortunate that some simply don't see it (or they do and don't care because their agenda is "winning").

Nobody (or very few) support racism, homophobic speech. In reality, the vast majority don't even care, they've got their own problems than worrying about a few outliers in society. What people do care about is some trying to use these divisive issues for their own gain. This is all about elections and China First, real simple.

It's time for a massive blowback by the West to their leaders and start exposing these same companies on their hypocrisy and it goes, well beyond just speech.

Let's remember Ricky Gervais telling Tim Cook to his face, "Apple supports sweatshops in China". The "woke" Apple CEO was exposed in front of the world, and there are many other "leaders" like him. Is he going to stand up for America First, or is he just a modern day slave owner ("hey not OUR people right, those are Chinese slaves, so that's ok then?")

The most abusive, exploitive people in our society are trying to preach to US how we should live our lives and what we ca be allowed to say or think, while they stand on a paper thin soapbox. Let's see these corporations lead by example, with action.

What is promoted as standing up to racism, is just thinly veiled "we will silence and destroy conservatives". They've been trying to shut down Tucker, Hannity and Laura for years. They've been trying to destroy FOX for years.
Social media is OK as long as it's free and open. When the provider starts making rules about opinions, then he's picking winners and losers, that's when it becomes evil.
Social media is OK as long as it's free and open. When the provider starts making rules about opinions, then he's picking winners and losers, that's when it becomes evil.
But its none of your fucking business. Start your own facebook or something. call it racisttwatbook and watch the corporate dollars flow in. Stop whining because normal folk dont buy your hate.
Social media is OK as long as it's free and open. When the provider starts making rules about opinions, then he's picking winners and losers, that's when it becomes evil.
But its none of your fucking business. Start your own facebook or something. call it racisttwatbook and watch the corporate dollars flow in. Stop whining because normal folk dont buy your hate.
Lol poor tommy using blacks emotions
I have never visited Facebook or Twitter and have no interest in doing so.

But I have read that they are censoring conservatives, and now liberal advertisers are forcing them to do even more censorship.

It seems to me that conservatives should think about leaving those platforms. Then those two platforms will become boring "preaching to the choir" outlets.

Both platforms are cancer. No big loss.
Social media is OK as long as it's free and open. When the provider starts making rules about opinions, then he's picking winners and losers, that's when it becomes evil.
But its none of your fucking business. Start your own facebook or something. call it racisttwatbook and watch the corporate dollars flow in. Stop whining because normal folk dont buy your hate.
Barney Frank, is that you? When did you grow that Hitler moustache? It suits your politics.

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