Facebook, youtube, twitter,and Scribd scramble to scrub NZ shootingn

Are you honestly incapable of seeing a legitimate reason for social media platforms to remove a video of a mass shooting that just occurred?
Are you honestly incapable of seeing a legitimate reason for social media platforms to remove a video of a mass shooting that just occurred?

I dunno does the truth of FACT hurt , awww doesn't allow democratic c..ts to make up to many lies though now does it.

why don't you go watch it all yourself instead of what CNN shows u lol.
Are you honestly incapable of seeing a legitimate reason for social media platforms to remove a video of a mass shooting that just occurred?

I dunno does the truth of FACT hurt , awww doesn't allow democratic c..ts to make up to many lies though now does it.

why don't you go watch it all yourself instead of what CNN shows u lol.
Quit making such ridiculous statements. There is no need to see it, other than to incite more violence. Is that what you are pushing for?
Are you honestly incapable of seeing a legitimate reason for social media platforms to remove a video of a mass shooting that just occurred?

I dunno does the truth of FACT hurt , awww doesn't allow democratic c..ts to make up to many lies though now does it.

why don't you go watch it all yourself instead of what CNN shows u lol.
Quit making such ridiculous statements. There is no need to see it, other than to incite more violence. Is that what you are pushing for?

yeah lol right closed eyes on real facts taking place. yep hard to swallow that's why MSM can make UP ALL THE LIES they want because of that exact thought process spread across the globe you included.

CLOSE UR EYES PRETEND IT DID NOT HAPPEN FOR THE reasons THEY SAY.. that will make it all true then.


I've got the link the main Social media sites can't do chit about it either LOL .
Save law enforcement officials, criminologists, and whatnot, I don't know what would compel someone to want to even watch such a thing. No thanks.
Facebook, YouTube, Twitter And Scribd Scramble To Scrub NZ Shooting Evidence

The clueless can't think of this either " why do they wat nto do this what is it they want to hide by doing this.
Oh but of course they must provide proof for their pathetic sheep to think is real hard core evidencef lol cause their version is all that's left ehhe
If you were the son or daughter or mother or father of one of the people he mowed down, would you want their deaths on YouTube for sick bastards to watch? I wouldn't.

They haven't made this a secret. No one is hiding anything; just trying to be decent.
Are you honestly incapable of seeing a legitimate reason for social media platforms to remove a video of a mass shooting that just occurred?

I dunno does the truth of FACT hurt , awww doesn't allow democratic c..ts to make up to many lies though now does it.

why don't you go watch it all yourself instead of what CNN shows u lol.

WTF does CNN have to do with anything? Maybe if you were capable of arguing against anything but your own preconceived notions, you could have an actual rational conversation.

I understand that you are the sort of person who will assume everything the media reports on this incident is faked, but while it may pain you, you don't actually have a right to view every video that might be posted on a social media sight that you want to see. If a private company wants to take down a video about a mass shooting incident that happened in another country just yesterday, they can do so.

Those companies may not have been doing this out of a sense of decency, to protect the friends and families of those who were killed, but I would imagine they at least took that sort of PR into account. What I'm virtually certain none of them care about is the opinion of a conspiracy theorist on a message board that she ought to be able to watch innocent people being murdered whenever she feels like it.

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