FACT CHECK: Bidens "No one making under 400,000.00 will get one Cent in New Taxes" = LIE


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
You simply cannot get more of a direct fact check on Bidens lying last night than this... People making less than 35,000.00 a year are going to have their incomes scraped by Bidens IRS.. Most living BELOW THE POVERTY LINE and one parent homes.. Kids going to school and paying their ways will also be greatly affected.

You simply cannot get more of a direct fact check on Bidens lying last night than this... People making less than 35,000.00 a year are going to have their incomes scraped by Bidens IRS.. Most living BELOW THE POVERTY LINE and one parent homes.. Kids going to school and paying their ways will also be greatly affected.

hey , but if they are white kids in a single parent home, who cares? they have benefited from 400 years of supremacy.
But yeah, we are getting taxed just by the inflation alone and Biden can only tell us how good we all have it.
Everybody's taxes are going up....
Which tax is going up?
Did the tax brackets change to force you to pay more in taxes?
How about the SS and Medicare portion of your taxes?
Did those RATES change?

I expect you to say 'sales tax' when in fact sales tax in NOT increasing.
Yes, you pay more in sales tax if some items rise in price, but the sales tax RATE is not changing.
Which tax is going up?
Did the tax brackets change to force you to pay more in taxes?
How about the SS and Medicare portion of your taxes?
Did those RATES change?

I expect you to say 'sales tax' when in fact sales tax in NOT increasing.
Yes, you pay more in sales tax if some items rise in price, but the sales tax RATE is not changing.

Defending the Biden disaster is the ultimate show of ignorance / indoctrination.
You simply cannot get more of a direct fact check on Bidens lying last night than this... People making less than 35,000.00 a year are going to have their incomes scraped by Bidens IRS.. Most living BELOW THE POVERTY LINE and one parent homes.. Kids going to school and paying their ways will also be greatly affected.

What the fuck? I thought the new IRS was armed with 87 million in new rifles and are coming to kill us off? But now you think they're gonna be bean counting waitstaffs' tips? That's kind of anti-climatic. I wanna know how many restaurant workers they're gonna massacre?
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Everyone in America will experience an increase in taxes. There’s more than just the federal income tax. It’s dishonest to say no one earning under 400k a year will see any increase in taxes.
Everyone in America will experience an increase in taxes. There’s more than just the federal income tax. It’s dishonest to say no one earning under 400k a year will see any increase in taxes.
Again, what tax code(s) did the biden administration make?

Did the rate of SS go up?
How about the rate of Medicare?
Or even State Sales tax, not controlled by the POTUS.
i thought republicans loved supporting big business and the rich. The only way you do that is you tax the middle class. 🤷‍♂️
Everyone in America will experience an increase in taxes.
Correction, 'are experiencing'. States have jacked up taxes on the poor and working class even while Biden runs his mouth claiming no tax increases. At the same time savings are being back door taxed with government spending driving inflation. Dems are screwing over the entire country with their tax and borrow and spend-o-holic BS.
Which tax is going up?
Did the tax brackets change to force you to pay more in taxes?
How about the SS and Medicare portion of your taxes?
Did those RATES change?

I expect you to say 'sales tax' when in fact sales tax in NOT increasing.
Yes, you pay more in sales tax if some items rise in price, but the sales tax RATE is not changing.
next year's bump is one of the biggest yet. The standard deduction is increasing by $900 to $13,850 for singles in 2023 and by $1,800 to $27,700 for couples
Which tax is going up?
Did the tax brackets change to force you to pay more in taxes?
How about the SS and Medicare portion of your taxes?
Did those RATES change?

I expect you to say 'sales tax' when in fact sales tax in NOT increasing.
Yes, you pay more in sales tax if some items rise in price, but the sales tax RATE is not changing.

There is more than just income taxes. There are also indirect taxes.

Biden's indirect taxes is one of the contributions to this massive inflation and less family spendable income we have seen under this jackass.

He lied to the American people.

Not only is the Potatohead's administration the most incompetent, the most corrupt, the most queer but also the most dishonest.

$6.5 Billion Natural Gas Tax Which Will Increase Household Energy Bills
$12 Billion Crude Oil Tax Which Will Increase Household Costs
$1.2 Billion Coal Tax Which Will Increase Household Energy Bills
$74 Billion Stock Tax Which Will Hit Your Nest Egg — 401(k)s, IRAs and Pension Plans
$225 Billion Corporate Income Tax Hike Which Will Be Passed on to Households
Again, what tax code(s) did the biden administration make?

Did the rate of SS go up?
How about the rate of Medicare?
Or even State Sales tax, not controlled by the POTUS.
Strawman much?
No one said there was a change in tax code.
What changed, is the IRS stated they are going to specifically seek to enforce a VERY unpopular law, that has been pretty much ignored since day one.
The Biden administration has made it a priority for the IRS to target low wage earning wait staff.
And BTW - we can all stop the IRS from targeting wait staff by doing one little trick....

When you pay the bill, only give them $1 in tip with your debit card. And then give them a cash tip.
Joe is in the running for one of the biggest pieces of shit in American history. The lies are sickening. Hanging is too good. Drawn and quartering would be a good start.

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