Fact Proves God Doesn't Exist Here In 2 Minute Video Demonstration

I wonder why those that don't believe in a God want to push their ideals on those who do, seems like both positions can exist.

It's called Fact which is what verifies or falsifies belief and in this case fact has proven that there is no such thing as a god. Considering millions if not billions of people have died over thousands of years of war and divide due to the following of factually proven foundations of religious lies, the religious here demonstrate themselves to value these filthy leis more than they value human life.

Oh right, the world is just suppose to suffer thousands of years of filthy religious lies diseasing the globe, but when someone shares the facts which reveals that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies, then the religious whine and cry "Why?" while attempting to degrade the factual evidence that proves that their religion is based upon lies down to the level of religious by lying through attempting to make fact out to be mere belief in attempt to try and hide the fact that they are unable to contest the very facts which already exposes them for the liars and deceivers that they prove to be.

(taking a bit of a breather to get away from all of this religious expecting me to have to answer for their deliberate ignorance time and time again. Will be back soon)


David Jeffrey Spetch
ps. Be good, be strong!

1. You have yet to post any established facts.

2. People have contested your assertions and arguments from day one. You refuse to respond to any of them. And you still pretend that the scriptures teach creation ex nihilo when they dont.

3. Until you get that stick out of your rear end and talk to people like a decent human being no one is going to take you seriously. Humble yourself and learn wisdom.
Actually, it seems you are uncomfortable with bearing the label of your beliefs. Embrace your YEC'ist views. At least have the courage of conviction as opposed to the cowardice of non-commitment.
I'm not required to wear your lies.....
I think the problem is that you don't understand what the term "factual evidence" means.

Oh well then share with us all one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness? You never will because the fact remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter thus revealing what I share with you is the factual evidence that proves that there is no such thing as a god. Because you realize hat you are already so very easily defeated, you desperately scramble to try and make your lies the issue because yo are not able to contest what fact proves with so much as a shred of validity. All you exemplify is the extent of the religious mentality, compulsive obsessive lying.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Big Bang and evolution is the lie supported by liars. Good luck liar.

just released:

Physicists Claims of Higgs Boson is Proof of Origin Is False

... because where did the energy to generate near the speed of light come from in the first place as the well particles that collided? I'll answer that which proves the Higgs Boson proving origin is still nothing more than a falsified theory right now!

What is missing here is, how does smashing particles together near light speed equal proof that a Higgs boson exists? These physicists appear to be so stuck on the big bang "theory" in how they think space was created that they are so very desperate to call proof of the Higgs Boson exists because they smashed particles at light speed together. To top it off with attempting to reduce their false attempt of discovery to use as propaganda to further promote religious anything further reveals the greedy and selfish motivations behind this inferior exposed plot.

What I suspect is what happened with the physicists involved recently with this is that Higgs made an observation upon seeing things bang at high speed. He made a theory by using what he observed to further confirm the big bang theory but didn't succeed with factual evidence. Now these Physicists are observing the same thing that Higgs observed which now, they are attempting to claim that them seeing the same thing that Higgs observed to inspire Higgs to come up with a theory proves that the theory is anything more than still a theory. It's only a theory that still has not been validated with any kind of validity or factual evidence.. People are so very desperate to get their name into history books.

Fact remains that for any bang to first occur, no matter how large or small the bang is, it first takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter for any bang no matter how large or small to first occur. Energy matter and time always was, is and always will be because the fact remains that not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness. Not anything that exists goes poof into nothingness.

Many religious are those who worship or pray to the factually proven lie referred to by the religious as god, which is acknowledgement from themselves that what they worship or pray to must have intelligence to be able to understand. They also claim that what they pray to or worship is the creator of everything.

Not anything is able to go poof into existence out of nothingness, let alone be able to develop an intelligence without there first be energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.

Share with me even one example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness?! No one ever will because the fact remains that it takes energy matter and time to recreate energy and matter.

For any particle to have the opportunity to collide with an opposing particle near the speed of light it first took energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.

Here are these physicists, whom themselves consist of energy and matter and these physicists are aging which is evidence of time. They are constructing equipment through a processes of energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. They are using what they construct to conduct experiments of which the results of their experiments is more proof that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.

You want proof that everything always is was and always will be enduring through infinite change, For a demonstration of factual evidence of origin just watch this 23 minute video and lets see even one physicist across the planet contest what I share with so much as a shred of validity, let alone everyone else on the planet! Not one physicist is capable let alone anyone else on the planet and that's a fact!

To watch the video simply:
Go to You Tube.
In the search box on You Tube type my name, David Jeffrey Spetch..
When the list of videos comes up, avoid clicking on a video but instead click on my member name David Jeffrey Spetch.
This will bring you to my channel page.
The feature video on my channel page is what you are looking for.

I did not include the link to the video directly here because I find that some elected and appointed Officials do not choose to accept links in emails.

so what makes me the liar member AmericanFirst? Right, nothing there makes me a liar but only further validates again who the liar really is here AmericanFirst!

I not only take pleasure in revealing the religious as well homosexual activists for the liars and deceivers that they prove to be on the foundations of primary global issues to do with them, I also take pleasure in revealing physicists for the liars and deceivers that they prove to be as well. My pleasure to be here for the well being and sanity of the future of the life on this planet as well for me a piece of cake. It's even more fun easily besting all three groups at the same time (religious, homosexual activists and physicists) as I so very easily demonstrate right here on these very forums.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
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Amazing. You guys are having a five page argument over a video by some hippie who doesn't know how to use the focus button.
What's amazing after pointing out that only some religion believe creation from nothing he is still pretending all religions are the same.
What's amazing after pointing out that only some religion believe creation from nothing he is still pretending all religions are the same.
ALL religions are a bottom up faith...

The roles played by doubt and the need for security in religion
They frequently teach that their own group is the only "top down" religion; their God created humans and revealed a faith to them. They teach that all the thousands of other faith groups in the world are "bottom up" religions; their God(s) and/or Goddess(es) are false deities, created by humans. Most also often teach that doubt is a great sin, because it leads to heresy and apostasy. Followers must believe all of their faith group's teachings, or else their immortal soul is in danger.

However, religion is becoming an increasingly hard sell. The Internet, mass communications, religious diversity, and comparative religion classes have together increased people's awareness of the lack of consistency among the world's religious beliefs. Doubt is beginning to creep into their religious life. After all, one's beliefs are almost entirely a matter of location. If a stork is blown off course, and delivers a newborn to a family in Saudi Arabia instead of South Carolina, that infant will undoubtedly become a devout Muslim, convinced of the accuracy and revealed nature of Islam rather than a committed fundamentalist or other evangelical Christian.

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