Fake news: actors , robots, androids, television creations


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

—Notes on media invention—

—Notes on interviewees who try to appear normal on television and who are bizarre to the nth degree. These interviewees are so bizarre, in part, because they ARE trying to appear normal—

by Jon Rappoport

February 5, 2017

I wrote this Sandy Hook article in 2013. It’s about the soap opera called television. I’ve added some new comments:

Fake news: actors, robots, androids, television creations

Jon Rappaport is an excellent reporter he has a long history of investigating information , he breaks down a lot of the hot news we see circulating the web, the msm news etc.
He's been doing it for 30 yrs or more.
View attachment 110980

—Notes on media invention—

—Notes on interviewees who try to appear normal on television and who are bizarre to the nth degree. These interviewees are so bizarre, in part, because they ARE trying to appear normal—

by Jon Rappoport

February 5, 2017

I wrote this Sandy Hook article in 2013. It’s about the soap opera called television. I’ve added some new comments:

Fake news: actors, robots, androids, television creations

Jon Rappaport is an excellent reporter he has a long history of investigating information , he breaks down a lot of the hot news we see circulating the web, the msm news etc.
He's been doing it for 30 yrs or more.

At the recent airport shooting in Florida, they had the same crisis actress playing a passenger and then an airport worker. They didn't even bother having her change shirts. They simply put a worker's vest on her and a ball cap.
View attachment 110980

—Notes on media invention—

—Notes on interviewees who try to appear normal on television and who are bizarre to the nth degree. These interviewees are so bizarre, in part, because they ARE trying to appear normal—

by Jon Rappoport

February 5, 2017

I wrote this Sandy Hook article in 2013. It’s about the soap opera called television. I’ve added some new comments:

Fake news: actors, robots, androids, television creations

Jon Rappaport is an excellent reporter he has a long history of investigating information , he breaks down a lot of the hot news we see circulating the web, the msm news etc.
He's been doing it for 30 yrs or more.

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Yep, amazing how so many aren't able to put the pieces together isn't it.
MD Dale Smith were you guys aware of that commerical shown in the superbowl where it talked about secret societys? i tuned in to watch abouut 20 minutes of it and they are shoving this down our throuts how the NFL is rigged and how our government is so corrupt putting all this out in the open.
i know you guys are not into football but USMB has some really ignorant fools here at this site. I was as guilty as they were of being a sports zombie up till two years ago in watching and hardly ever missing the superbowl but then i got awake two years ago when it was obvious pete carrol took a payoff to throw the game.the pats players could not stop the seahawks running back who was plowing over them and when they got down to the endzone with plently of time left on the clock,carrol called for a pass that was intercepted.made no sense at all especially since they were horrible all year long in stopping the run in those situations and could not stop him from running all over them.

so i finally became awake to this how these games are rigged and all scripted as phony as pro wrestling.these sports zombies in the sports section though,they cant see how rigged these games are they are so much in denial on this.the NFL is as corrupt as our government is.its all there just to get out attention away from whats really going on in the world is what it is there for.
MD Dale Smith were you guys aware of that commerical shown in the superbowl where it talked about secret societys? i tuned in to watch abouut 20 minutes of it and they are shoving this down our throuts how the NFL is rigged and how our government is so corrupt putting all this out in the open.

Yeah, I saw that. This is how they mock us while putting it out in the open. Th Simpsons did a really good episode called the "Stonecutters" were they really put it in our face. I will be watching to see if the internet chatter is real that there are going to be some huge arrests concerning Pizzagate. They just busted a massive pedo-ring ring in California that ensnared 474....just a week or so after the ones busted in Canada and Norway. According to an anonymous FBI source, the information garnered from Anthony Wiener's computer is going to take down some very high profile politicians from both sides.
MD Dale Smith were you guys aware of that commerical shown in the superbowl where it talked about secret societys? i tuned in to watch abouut 20 minutes of it and they are shoving this down our throuts how the NFL is rigged and how our government is so corrupt putting all this out in the open.

Yeah, I saw that. This is how they mock us while putting it out in the open. Th Simpsons did a really good episode called the "Stonecutters" were they really put it in our face. I will be watching to see if the internet chatter is real that there are going to be some huge arrests concerning Pizzagate. They just busted a massive pedo-ring ring in California that ensnared 474....just a week or so after the ones busted in Canada and Norway. According to an anonymous FBI source, the information garnered from Anthony Wiener's computer is going to take down some very high profile politicians from both sides.

I hava heard all about pizzagate but am not aware of it what is it?
i know you guys are not into football but USMB has some really ignorant fools here at this site. I was as guilty as they were of being a sports zombie up till two years ago in watching and hardly ever missing the superbowl but then i got awake two years ago when it was obvious pete carrol took a payoff to throw the game.the pats players could not stop the seahawks running back who was plowing over them and when they got down to the endzone with plently of time left on the clock,carrol called for a pass that was intercepted.made no sense at all especially since they were horrible all year long in stopping the run in those situations and could not stop him from running all over them.

so i finally became awake to this how these games are rigged and all scripted as phony as pro wrestling.these sports zombies in the sports section though,they cant see how rigged these games are they are so much in denial on this.the NFL is as corrupt as our government is.its all there just to get out attention away from whats really going on in the world is what it is there for.

When you have as much money out there that is being wagered on these games? It's rather naive to believe that games are not thrown or fixed. If it's easy to compromise politicians? How easy would it be to compromise refs and certain players? I don't get wrapped up in sports anymore since I woke up.
MD Dale Smith were you guys aware of that commerical shown in the superbowl where it talked about secret societys? i tuned in to watch abouut 20 minutes of it and they are shoving this down our throuts how the NFL is rigged and how our government is so corrupt putting all this out in the open.

Yeah, I saw that. This is how they mock us while putting it out in the open. Th Simpsons did a really good episode called the "Stonecutters" were they really put it in our face. I will be watching to see if the internet chatter is real that there are going to be some huge arrests concerning Pizzagate. They just busted a massive pedo-ring ring in California that ensnared 474....just a week or so after the ones busted in Canada and Norway. According to an anonymous FBI source, the information garnered from Anthony Wiener's computer is going to take down some very high profile politicians from both sides.

I hava heard all about pizzagate but am not aware of it what is it?

When Wikileaks released a bunch of e-mails of John Podesta's...they found this recurrent theme of and constant use of the words "pizza, pasta. walnut sauce, ice cream. hot dogs" that are according to the FBI and the deep web are code words for pedophilia preferences. The Washington elite have ties to these two Pizza places called Besta Pizza and Comet Ping Pong and Pizza. The owner of Comet is particularly creepy and a young worker that worked there has come forward to claim that Jame Alefantis raped him in the kitchen of the place. This also ties into "spirit cooking" with Marina Abramovic being in the middle of it. Spirit cooking is part of the Ordo Templi Orientis that Aleister Crowley started. Raping children is part of the ritual. Watch this and let me know what you think. This is supposed to be a family friendly place. It's motif is full of creepy pictures and Alefantis had some very creepy pictures on his instagram page....
At the recent airport shooting in Florida, they had the same crisis actress playing a passenger and then an airport worker. They didn't even bother having her change shirts. They simply put a worker's vest on her and a ball cap.
You're gullible. They didn't put a worker's vest on the same woman to make her an airport worker, it was just the same woman being interviewed except she had her backpack on.

Here you can see the backpack behind her with zipper, it's yellow matching the straps that you are falsely claiming is an airport worker vest:



Your "source" purposely didn't include the audio from second interview where she had the backpack on, reason is she isn't pretending to be someone else she is in fact telling the exact same story in the second interview. You can see it here:

‘He said he saw things’: relatives of Florida airport shooter reveal mental health issues
At the recent airport shooting in Florida, they had the same crisis actress playing a passenger and then an airport worker. They didn't even bother having her change shirts. They simply put a worker's vest on her and a ball cap.
You're gullible. They didn't put a worker's vest on the same woman to make her an airport worker, it was just the same woman being interviewed except she had her backpack on.

Here you can see the backpack behind her with zipper, it's yellow matching the straps that you are falsely claiming is an airport worker vest:



Your "source" purposely didn't include the audio from second interview where she had the backpack on, reason is she isn't pretending to be someone else she is in fact telling the exact same story in the second interview. You can see it here:

‘He said he saw things’: relatives of Florida airport shooter reveal mental health issues

So, you are saying that the Comedy Clown News Network kept tabs on her and followed her around during the course of her travel day??????

So, you are saying that the Comedy Clown News Network kept tabs on her and followed her around during the course of her travel day??????
No, I'm saying you're gullible for believing a source claiming she put a work vest on to change roles when we can clearly see it is her backpack, and versions with audio show her telling the same story not switching roles.

I have no information on who is doing the second interview, first one was indeed CNN but no info on second interview source. I leave it to conspiracy theorists to manufacture or regurgitate false information just as you have done by claiming she has a work vest on.
So, you are saying that the Comedy Clown News Network kept tabs on her and followed her around during the course of her travel day??????
No, I'm saying you're gullible for believing a source claiming she put a work vest on to change roles when we can clearly see it is her backpack, and versions with audio show her telling the same story not switching roles.

I have no information on who is doing the second interview, first one was indeed CNN but no info on second interview source. I leave it to conspiracy theorists to manufacture or regurgitate false information just as you have done by claiming she has a work vest on.

BWAHAHJAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Did you see the "reporter" sitting Indian style" to interview her""" What are the friggin' odds???????. She was IN the airport terminal....then she is being interviewed like she hasn't been before???? Can you say "Crisis Actress"??? I can....how fucking obvious can it be???
BWAHAHJAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Did you see the "reporter" sitting Indian style" to interview her""" What are the friggin' odds???????. She was IN the airport terminal....then she is being interviewed like she hasn't been before???? Can you say "Crisis Actress"??? I can....how fucking obvious can it be???
I'm not sure where you're concluding she was being interviewed like she hasn't been before, are you trying to claim that people who witness major events never get interviewed by more than one source? Of course they do.

Since we've thrown your "disguised as airport employee using worker vest" bullshit in the trash it (how gullible were you eh?) it seems your current proof that this is a crisis actor is that you can't wrap your head around the possibility a woman got interviewed by CNN as a witness, and by another news source as a witness. Your threshold for validating the word "proof" is pretty piss poor, it sounds more like you've decided she's part of some big conspiracy and will do whatever you can to shape reality to match it.

Your conspiracy theory sucks, and you look utterly retarded believing whatever someone thinks up with youtube. Tell me more about her "work vest" you gullible lemming dumbass.
BWAHAHJAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Did you see the "reporter" sitting Indian style" to interview her""" What are the friggin' odds???????. She was IN the airport terminal....then she is being interviewed like she hasn't been before???? Can you say "Crisis Actress"??? I can....how fucking obvious can it be???
I'm not sure where you're concluding she was being interviewed like she hasn't been before, are you trying to claim that people who witness major events never get interviewed by more than one source? Of course they do.

Since we've thrown your "disguised as airport employee using worker vest" bullshit in the trash it (how gullible were you eh?) it seems your current proof that this is a crisis actor is that you can't wrap your head around the possibility a woman got interviewed by CNN as a witness, and by another news source as a witness. Your threshold for validating the word "proof" is pretty piss poor, it sounds more like you've decided she's part of some big conspiracy and will do whatever you can to shape reality to match it.

Your conspiracy theory sucks, and you look utterly retarded believing whatever someone thinks up with youtube. Tell me more about her "work vest" you gullible lemming dumbass.

BWAHAHJAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Did you see the "reporter" sitting Indian style" to interview her""" What are the friggin' odds???????. She was IN the airport terminal....then she is being interviewed like she hasn't been before???? Can you say "Crisis Actress"??? I can....how fucking obvious can it be???
I'm not sure where you're concluding she was being interviewed like she hasn't been before, are you trying to claim that people who witness major events never get interviewed by more than one source? Of course they do.

Since we've thrown your "disguised as airport employee using worker vest" bullshit in the trash it (how gullible were you eh?) it seems your current proof that this is a crisis actor is that you can't wrap your head around the possibility a woman got interviewed by CNN as a witness, and by another news source as a witness. Your threshold for validating the word "proof" is pretty piss poor, it sounds more like you've decided she's part of some big conspiracy and will do whatever you can to shape reality to match it.

Your conspiracy theory sucks, and you look utterly retarded believing whatever someone thinks up with youtube. Tell me more about her "work vest" you gullible lemming dumbass.

She is playing two roles......no??????

She is playing two roles......no??????
Nope. What you have there is a witness who was interviewed while wearing her backpack (she was coming from an airport, lots of backpacks) and without. She told the same story about her 90 year old grandma, so that isn't playing a different role she's recounting the same thing.

Like most conspiracy types you see patterns in noise, and instead of accepting the logical and obvious answer you spin some fantastic least plausible solution to feed your tin hatter personality.

Why were you lying about her wearing a work vest? If you really are after the truth why lie?
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She is playing two roles......no??????
Nope. What you have there is a witness who was interviewed while wearing her backpack (she was coming from an airport, lots of backpacks) and without. She told the same story about her 90 year old grandma, so that isn't playing a different role she's recounting the same thing.

Like most conspiracy types you see patterns in noise, and instead of accepting the logical and obvious answer you spin some fantastic least plausible solution to feed your tin hatter personality.

Why were you lying about her wearing a work vest? If you really are after the truth why lie?

View attachment 110980

—Notes on media invention—

—Notes on interviewees who try to appear normal on television and who are bizarre to the nth degree. These interviewees are so bizarre, in part, because they ARE trying to appear normal—

by Jon Rappoport

February 5, 2017

I wrote this Sandy Hook article in 2013. It’s about the soap opera called television. I’ve added some new comments:

Fake news: actors, robots, androids, television creations

Jon Rappaport is an excellent reporter he has a long history of investigating information , he breaks down a lot of the hot news we see circulating the web, the msm news etc.
He's been doing it for 30 yrs or more.

I think it's good advice to stop reading and listening to fake news. If you do that, perhaps you will no longer be a conspiracy loon

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