Fake pope francis adopts WOKE BS, ditches Jesus (again)


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022

OOPS! I thought I was in Religion! (no idea what happened..)

Anyhow, RE this article, it gets worse.

I say he's going to blame this all on...

take a guess...

Lay Catholics.

To explain: He is calling for --and claiming that Catholics are calling for--more inclusion (whatever that may entail) of LGB***** (whatever the other letters are) :rolleyes:

The word Synodality has been tossed around for years in the Vatican sect-(no longer Catholic). But where were all those meetings supposedly held that were to include the laity, to get their opinion on things? They were supposed to be invited to "have a say" in Vatican affairs (OMG... no one wants THAT [if they understand what THAT really
means.. :oops:.]) but when I was in the NO "church" (stopped going there about 2 years ago) I never saw any invitation in the bulletin for such.

But I really get the feeling that lay Catholics are going to have this blamed on them just the same. .

I never felt welcome (by clergy), to speak of in the NO.

It's kind of strange.. it was like they could sense I was a traditionalist even when I didn't talk about it! (or.. and/or they just don't like ANY lay Catholics?)

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You're stirring the pot, nomadic5. Some Democrat will claim Jesus was a liberal in 3...2...1...
That's the most assinine thing I've ever heard RE religion/politics

Right.. Jesus condones murdering your children, those little humans created in God's image..!


Jesus approves of crashing into another country illegally-- and then people supporting the lawlessness by giving them things the citizens don't even get...

I'm just sure...
A Pope advocating for inclusion, treating everyone with love and compassion?

Crazy talk! 🙄

Anyone who has read the Old Testament (which I'm sure you have not, or at least not the whole thing) knows that God, when He saw people sinning... didn't (as per Rep Comer... LOL) "mess around"

When the idolators refused to follow Moses and God, the earth opened up and swallowed them all.

And I could give other examples of God's wrath.

Hey, how about Sodom and Gomorrah?

didn't end well....
Jesus challenged or overturned Old Testament law on the death penalty, divorce, Sabbath observance, food purity; and He reduced the 10 commandments to 2.

They didn't have him killed bc he was too conservative.

but believe what you want

liberals do
Jesus said "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath"

hardly an overturning of the day of rest/Sabbath
Jesus said "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath"

hardly an overturning of the day of rest/Sabbath
Lol! No, Sabbath observance like walking on grass could be construed as threshing, wearing nailed shoes could be viewed as carrying unnecessary burden, that if a house caught on fire on the Sabbath, its inhabitants couldn't carry their clothes out of the house to spare them from the flames because that would be bearing a burden.

Things like that Jesus changed.

I didn't post these examples from memory, it's from here:

Pope Francis has caused more people to leave the Catholic faith than any other pontiff. He is not widely respected.
Lol! No, Sabbath observance like walking on grass could be construed as threshing, wearing nailed shoes could be viewed as carrying unnecessary burden, that if a house caught on fire on the Sabbath, its inhabitants couldn't carry their clothes out of the house to spare them from the flames because that would be bearing a burden.

Things like that Jesus changed.

I didn't post these examples from memory, it's from here:

I read almost a complete sentence here... then just .. I don't know.. tired of bad "logic"

Leftists don't know Jesus at all. And that is bad because, as stated in another of my threads: Jesus rejects fake Christians, as per Mt 7 and Lk 13 (etc)

"Depart from me, all you evildoers (asking to enter Heaven); I never knew you." (because you didn't want to know Me [can be inferred])
Pope Francis has caused more people to leave the Catholic faith than any other pontiff. He is not widely respected.

i dont think he is respected by anyone except maybe the brain dead and others who cannot or (more likely) WILL not think or reason...
people resort to ad hominem when they have no answer


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