Falling off the wagon...


Senior Member
May 12, 2004
I'm sitting here and using every ounce of control I have to keep from walking to the fridge and getting my lunch to eat. If I can just hold off another hour, I'll eat the wrap, then my remaning trail-mix bar a few hours later. If I eat now, I'll still want my trail mix bar a few hours after, but get miserble with "Hunger" several hours before I'll get dinner.


Need...strength...If I can wait till 11-11:30am to eat lunch, i can have the bar at 1430, then dinner by 5pm. That'd be doable.
Failed that one.

Just ate half of the ham/cheese/lettuce/mayo/mustard wrapped in a japaleno tortilla.


maybe i can keep from eating the OTHER half for the next 30 mins or so :(
Right. Eating the wrap now or later won't change the amount of food I Consume today. I get three granola bars + a wrap or Sub Sandwhich for lunch...and a dinner of fewer than 500-800 calories. I vary that at times; just to keep things interesting...but my 1500 or fewer calories per day has me losing a few pounds per month. :)
dmp said:
Right. Eating the wrap now or later won't change the amount of food I Consume today. I get three granola bars + a wrap or Sub Sandwhich for lunch...and a dinner of fewer than 500-800 calories. I vary that at times; just to keep things interesting...but my 1500 or fewer calories per day has me losing a few pounds per month. :)

1500 a day! OMG, I'm too weak for that. I go through that much chocolate just at breakfast. :rock:
Said1 said:
1500 a day! OMG, I'm too weak for that. I go through that much chocolate just at breakfast. :rock:

Reminds me of Ron White - the Comedian. He said his wife came up with the plan to stop over-population.

Instead of spending MILLIONS on things like Viagra..."they" need to find a way to get "Men" to taste like chocolate. ;) ;) ;)

dmp said:
Reminds me of Ron White - the Comedian. He said his wife came up with the plan to stop over-population.

Instead of spending MILLIONS on things like Viagra..."they" need to find a way to get "Men" to taste like chocolate. ;) ;) ;)


Hmm. I like the way that lady thinks. :)
Abbey Normal said:
Eh, what's one little wrap in the grand scheme of things. Enjoy! :cof:


especially cuz it was my 'slated' food for the day anyway...just means I'll be hungrier later. :D

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