Fanni Willis funneling money to her Lover! A Big Deal for REAL, NOT A RUMOR! Just Subpeonaed!


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021

The attorneys also say Wade is being paid far more than other prosecutors in her office and that they used the money to take vacations together to Napa Valley, Florida and the Caribbean.
"Wade is being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to prosecute this case on her behalf," the attorneys write in the filing. "In turn, Wade is taking Willis on, and paying for vacations across the world with money he is being paid by the Fulton County taxpayers and authorized solely by Willis."

So in other words she is using tax payer dollars to pay some stud black lawyer to service her. Cause aint no body gon do that fo free.

The Dumb Ass billed for visiting the WH before the indictment.....WH visit was right before Fanni charged Trump before the Grand Jury had even voted too.

Of course the WH said it didn't happen.
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The attorneys also say Wade is being paid far more than other prosecutors in her office and that they used the money to take vacations together to Napa Valley, Florida and the Caribbean.
"Wade is being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to prosecute this case on her behalf," the attorneys write in the filing. "In turn, Wade is taking Willis on, and paying for vacations across the world with money he is being paid by the Fulton County taxpayers and authorized solely by Willis."

So in other words she is using tax payer dollars to pay some stud black lawyer to service her. Cause aint no body gon do that fo free.
The Dumb Ass billed for visiting the WH before the indictment.....WH visit was right before Fanni charged Trump before the Grand Jury had even voted too.

Of course the WH said it didn't happen.

It certainly sounds like some legal torturing is possible here. The statist left appears to be entering deeper water from the illegal aliens debacle to vote rigging, perverted sex education classes, unionized school employees, & now possible money laundering among many other issues. What our American constituency needs is as many constitutionally based Representatives & senators elected as possible, & not just @ the federal level but also @ the state level. A POTUS that will stand behind both a constitutionally based upper/lower house would REALLY HELP OUT our American constituency's God given rights/Liberties!

Join SHTOOPGATE's Fani Willis at Church this Sunday!

10 Jan 2024

Even those of you who rarely or even never attend church will be mighty tempted to do so, at least online, this Sunday because the guest speaker at the historic Big Bethel AME Church in Atlanta will be none other than the notorious Fani Willis. Scheduled time for her speech (sermon?) will be at 10 AM EST. Since the Shtoopgate scandal has broken, we have not heard a peep from Willis, described by Carla Morrison of Chit Chat Communications speaking for Big Bethel AME Church, as "the baddest sistah running around right now." It will be interesting to hear what Fani Willis has to say. In addition to attacking Orange Man Bad perhaps she will describe the most fun ways to burn through $650,000 of taxpayer money.
It is as yet unknown if Nathan Wade will be sitting in the front pew as his beloved Fani speaks.

So now, faith and the idea of ‘holiness’ in the house of God is on a par with cheesy and grotesque entertainment??
I guess, that makes HER their unfaithful circus barker.
By the way the Yiddish word is "SCHTUP"

The attorneys also say Wade is being paid far more than other prosecutors in her office and that they used the money to take vacations together to Napa Valley, Florida and the Caribbean.
"Wade is being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to prosecute this case on her behalf," the attorneys write in the filing. "In turn, Wade is taking Willis on, and paying for vacations across the world with money he is being paid by the Fulton County taxpayers and authorized solely by Willis."

So in other words she is using tax payer dollars to pay some stud black lawyer to service her. Cause aint no body gon do that fo free.

The Dumb Ass billed for visiting the WH before the indictment.....WH visit was right before Fanni charged Trump before the Grand Jury had even voted too.

Of course the WH said it didn't happen.

Bushels of Viagra!
It certainly sounds like some legal torturing is possible here. The statist left appears to be entering deeper water from the illegal aliens debacle to vote rigging, perverted sex education classes, unionized school employees, & now possible money laundering among many other issues. What our American constituency needs is as many constitutionally based Representatives & senators elected as possible, & not just @ the federal level but also @ the state level. A POTUS that will stand behind both a constitutionally based upper/lower house would REALLY HELP OUT our American constituency's God given rights/Liberties!

Nathan Wade was divorced in 2021.
Nathan Wade was divorced in 2021.

Fani Willis Axed Employee Who Blew Whistle on Misuse of Federal Funds

Embattled Georgia DA has a 'pattern' of 'ethical violations, abuse of power' and misusing funds, whistleblower says

21 Jan 2024 ~~ By Andrew Kerr

Fani Willis may have fired the employee who warned her about mishandling federal funds. But she didn't deny her allegations.
Less than a year into her tenure as Fulton County district attorney, in 2021, Willis met with Amanda Timpson, an employee in the district attorney's office responsible for giving nonviolent juvenile offenders "alternatives to the juvenile court system." During their conversation, a recording of which was reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon, Timpson claimed to Willis that she had been demoted after attempting to stop a top Willis campaign aide from misusing federal grant money meant for a youth gang prevention initiative.
According to Timpson, the aide, Michael Cuffee, planned to use part of a $488,000 federal grant—earmarked for the creation of a Center of Youth Empowerment and Gang Prevention—to pay for "swag," computers, and travel.
During their Nov. 19, 2021, meeting, Timpson told Willis about Cuffee's stated plans to spend federal funds on computers and other ineligible expenses.
Documents reviewed by the Free Beacon confirm the grant in question was not meant to be spent on computers or other items. The Fulton County Center of Youth Empowerment and Gang Prevention never opened, and the county-owned building meant to house it is closed to the public, its gates padlocked.
Timpson followed up with Willis on Dec. 7, 2021, reiterating in an email concerns that federal funds were being misappropriated.

Hmm...., As this onion continues to be peeled back, Fani Willis like most Democrats looks as corrupt as they can possibly come.
This is a systemic problems and systems are designed to work that way. There are safeguards in place to protect them..
Somebody needs to go to jail. And it ain’t Trump.

Fani Willis Axed Employee Who Blew Whistle on Misuse of Federal Funds

Embattled Georgia DA has a 'pattern' of 'ethical violations, abuse of power' and misusing funds, whistleblower says

21 Jan 2024 ~~ By Andrew Kerr

Fani Willis may have fired the employee who warned her about mishandling federal funds. But she didn't deny her allegations.
Less than a year into her tenure as Fulton County district attorney, in 2021, Willis met with Amanda Timpson, an employee in the district attorney's office responsible for giving nonviolent juvenile offenders "alternatives to the juvenile court system." During their conversation, a recording of which was reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon, Timpson claimed to Willis that she had been demoted after attempting to stop a top Willis campaign aide from misusing federal grant money meant for a youth gang prevention initiative.
According to Timpson, the aide, Michael Cuffee, planned to use part of a $488,000 federal grant—earmarked for the creation of a Center of Youth Empowerment and Gang Prevention—to pay for "swag," computers, and travel.
During their Nov. 19, 2021, meeting, Timpson told Willis about Cuffee's stated plans to spend federal funds on computers and other ineligible expenses.
Documents reviewed by the Free Beacon confirm the grant in question was not meant to be spent on computers or other items. The Fulton County Center of Youth Empowerment and Gang Prevention never opened, and the county-owned building meant to house it is closed to the public, its gates padlocked.
Timpson followed up with Willis on Dec. 7, 2021, reiterating in an email concerns that federal funds were being misappropriated.

Hmm...., As this onion continues to be peeled back, Fani Willis like most Democrats looks as corrupt as they can possibly come.
This is a systemic problems and systems are designed to work that way. There are safeguards in place to protect them..
Somebody needs to go to jail. And it ain’t Trump.
You mean he was paid a salary? 😒

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