Fans "boo" moment of national unity

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?

They prefer violence.

They sure hate peaceful protest.

Opposing rioting, does not mean we have to thus embrace every peaceful protest.

Try to be less retarded.

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?

I'm really not interested in being unified by a "higher power". Hitler did that. I dont have trouble getting along with people of diffe re
Well I saw black and white youngsters standing together in unity. And in the background I could hear the bestial screaming of old trumpers losing their grip on sanity.

Yeah, you made that point. It was well addressed. Indeed, utterly refuted.

What else you got, lefty?

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
Most on the right – Trump supporters in particular – maintain the wrongheaded notion that there is no inequality.

So, removed on your spin, you admit that the act was not meant to be a show of national unity.

And that is the point. This is about pandering or kowtowing to the racist left mob.

Really, demanding equality is pandering to the left? Are you admitting the right is for the inequality that exists today?

This nation has had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks for over 60 years now.

That being said, there is a lot of debate on HOW TO get there.

That you vilely spin that disagreement into opposition, is you being a Troll, and a divisive wace baiting ass.
It's sad that you see unity as political.
Not as sad as those who are making football political.

Everything is going to be this way until we really enact real change.

Every city this shit goes down, is a dem strong hold. What "change" do you want, that you could not have had twenty years ago?
It’s not about change it’s about blame
Blacks are 1/7th the population yet commit 70% of all crimes mostly upon other blacks
These are unpleasant facts to deal with so instead let’s have fake kneel downs to express our bullshit feeling that those in the stands and watching on TV do not know that black lives matter.
Fuck the slap in the face and then expect me to shut up, sit back and watch you play.
The path of the kneel down and better government and opportunities is better than your way.
It’s not national unity but rather an attempt at forced capitulation to a falsehood and millions are not oarticipating
This is the deal, them fans in the stands, them white boys, them trump nuts, came to see a ballgame, not some fake cum by ya nigga moment. Its all a bunch of fake bullshit anyways. Them nigga's should have stood they're ground and not played ball period. But God forbid a black man with some serious coins, stand strong for his race.

I hear the dems are really walking back all the jive talk about DEFUND THE POLICE.

I told you they would. I told you that the libs figured you would be too stupid to notice.

Are you paying attention? Was your talk jive talk too?
Fu$k you racist white people now sit back and pay to watch us play
I’ll pass. Millions are also.
Don't like being called out?
Don’t like a misguided and incorrect farce being forced upon me.
I agree with you that the "show of unity" was a rejection of racism. That's why I applaud it. It's just sad that there are still so many racists among us.

You said "wacist" like a retarded child. YOu are a retarded child.
Fu$k you racist white people now sit back and pay to watch us play
I’ll pass. Millions are also.
Don't like being called out?
I will use the same false assumption and accusation on you

What was the date of the last rioting and looting event that you attended ?

Oh... huh.. are you saying you're not a racist? Then why does an anti-racism message bother you?

YOur dodge was noted. You know the fucktard game you are playing. YOu are a troll and a wace baiting asshole.
Fu$k you racist white people now sit back and pay to watch us play
I’ll pass. Millions are also.
Don't like being called out?
I will use the same false assumption and accusation on you

What was the date of the last rioting and looting event that you attended ?

Oh... huh.. are you saying you're not a racist? Then why does an anti-racism message bother you?
Let me use the same “when did you stop beating your wife” technique on you
What was the last rioting and looting event you attended.? The fact that you did not answer me already certifies you have been attending.
We feel strongly that you have or could or will and your refusal to deny and prove your innocence is damning.on you

Kinda sucks when your smarmy technique is used on you isn’t it ?


Seriously - if you're not a racist, what could possibley offend you about a show of unity?

It's not the show of unity that's offensive, it's the show of the lack of unity for the nation that's offensive.

How is it a show of a lack of unity? Other than the few people who were booing?

Another thing that bothers people like myself is the religious cult mentality that the anti-racism crusade has developed. Just like the things that Christians used to do that so many on the left always hated, anti-racism adherents are now judging people as racist and condemning them for stupid reasons such as, well, booing or criticizing people who kneel for the National Anthem. You know, like you're doing right now.

Well, no, the show of unity was specifically formulated as an alternative to kneeling. They weren't kneeling for the national anthem. So what IS your beef? What are you offended by? Is there something about unity that bothers you? Would you prefer everyone stay divided? Why?

His point was clear. Stop playing retarded.

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
Most on the right – Trump supporters in particular – maintain the wrongheaded notion that there is no inequality.
plain and simple = prove there is a problem of inequality
if there is, it's the blacks who are privileged can't just claim something and want people to believe it
At my work, in which I was a manager for 20 years, if two applicants had similar job qualifications, we were instructed to give the job to the minority or female. That is an unequal footing intended for equal outcome. Every business does it and has been doing it for over 20 years.

And it is way past time to stop. It is just fostering hate and division and racism.
Oh... huh.. are you saying you're not a racist? Then why does an anti-racism message bother you?

Maybe because it's not an anti-racist message at all, but instead a message of support for terrorists and criminals. And perhaps those of us who do not support terrorism or criminality have a problem with being told that we have to support this or else we are “racists”.

Seriously - if you're not a racist, what could possibley offend you about a show of unity?

Well, for a start, the blatant lies about it being an anti-racist message or a show of unity,

You do not create a show of unity by putting out a message that is offensive to the majority of mainstream Americans, accusing us of being “racists” for not standing with violent terrorists and criminals.

Be known by the company that you keep. If you choose to stand with subhuman pieces of shit who commits crimes of theft, destruction, and violence, then that is how you shall be known.

Would you prefer everyone stay divided? Why?

I certainly prefer to “stay divided” from the sort of subhuman filth with whom you think I should seek unity.
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If BLM were to curb these methods and in addition, acknowledge the drug, crime and gang problem in their own communities; acknowledge the problem of innocents and children being killed in these gang wars; acknowledge that the rampant crime by blacks and the penchant for resisting officers is a major factor as to why black men are more often killed by police, then, and only then, will I consider supporting them.

If Black Lies Matter did that, then they'd have nothing left.
Some folk re so stupid they shouldnt [sic] be allowed to use cutlery.

I guess that's why in certain jurisdictions in your own shithole of a country they're trying to ban common kitchen knives, unless the tips are blunted. And I understand that you can get in trouble for carrying common tools, such as screwdrivers, saws, or hammers, in public, unless you can prove a legitimate imminent need for them

Apparently, even apostrophes are banned, or seriously restricted.

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