Fascists Leaders in California Sense The Future: Attempt Another Coup on Democracy

Has Senator Mark Leno & Friends Stepped Across the Line

  • Yes, absolutely. This is a coup on democracy at its foundation.

    Votes: 11 84.6%
  • Maybe. It is weird they need permission from voters to change Prop 8.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, because of civil rights issues, lawmakers can defy the initiative system this one time.

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Other, see my post.

    Votes: 1 7.7%

  • Total voters
"traditional marriage activists who put Proposition 8 on California ballots in 2008 did not have the constitutional authority, or standing, to defend the law in federal courts after the state refused to appeal its loss at trial."

game, set, match

But this is a different issue. . . . Any voter has standing on this matter of changing the statute of initiative law without permission of the voters.

Regardless of any other interpretation, SCOTUS says no.
"traditional marriage activists who put Proposition 8 on California ballots in 2008 did not have the constitutional authority, or standing, to defend the law in federal courts after the state refused to appeal its loss at trial."

game, set, match

But this is a different issue. . . . Any voter has standing on this matter of changing the statute of initiative law without permission of the voters.

Regardless of any other interpretation, SCOTUS says no.

Really? This has already been pled to SCOTUS? I thought this coup on democracy just got kicked off this week. Who made the case to SCOTUS already?
But this is a different issue. . . . Any voter has standing on this matter of changing the statute of initiative law without permission of the voters.

Regardless of any other interpretation, SCOTUS says no.

Really? This has already been pled to SCOTUS? I thought this coup on democracy just got kicked off this week. Who made the case to SCOTUS already?

SCOTUS said "no", Sil, that you as a private citizen do not have standing on Prop 8.

You have every right to bitch about the Dems are doing in the Cali senate but you have no standing about it.
Regardless of any other interpretation, SCOTUS says no.

Really? This has already been pled to SCOTUS? I thought this coup on democracy just got kicked off this week. Who made the case to SCOTUS already?

SCOTUS said "no", Sil, that you as a private citizen do not have standing on Prop 8.

You have every right to bitch about the Dems are doing in the Cali senate but you have no standing about it.
That was then, this is now. This is a whole new kettle of fish and you know it. Erasing initiative law by attrition and insidious incremental sedition is an affront to the democratic process in CA and therby qualifies for IMMEDIATE INTERVENTION by SCOTUS to halt that action.
Your religion is shit and Proposition 8 is a religious law.

Keep your stupid fucking religion out of our government.
Your religion is shit and Proposition 8 is a religious law.

Keep your stupid fucking religion out of our government.

Sorry, when officials in California announce they are dismantling the protections in the CA constitution for the initiative process without voter approval you will be hearing from the voters.

An immediate appeal to SCOTUS must be made to intervene.

Like I said, CA is the testing grounds for what this cult can get away with in the rest of the country. They even were trying to get the Hobby Lobby decision overruled in Congress and then thought better of it. Drawing too much attention too soon to their plans to overthrow our governmental processes of checks and balances and majority rule would've not been prudent at this point in their incremental overthrow of majority-rule.
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Really? This has already been pled to SCOTUS? I thought this coup on democracy just got kicked off this week. Who made the case to SCOTUS already?

SCOTUS said "no", Sil, that you as a private citizen do not have standing on Prop 8.

You have every right to bitch about the Dems are doing in the Cali senate but you have no standing about it.
That was then, this is now. This is a whole new kettle of fish and you know it. Erasing initiative law by attrition and insidious incremental sedition is an affront to the democratic process in CA and therby qualifies for IMMEDIATE INTERVENTION by SCOTUS to halt that action.

Let the Cali AG then so petition.

But he does not have to.

And you can't.
Your religion is shit and Proposition 8 is a religious law.

Keep your stupid fucking religion out of our government.

Sorry, when officials in California announce they are dismantling the protections in the CA constitution for the initiative process without voter approval you will be hearing from the voters.

An immediate appeal to SCOTUS must be made to intervene.

Like I said, CA is the testing grounds for what this cult can get away with in the rest of the country. They even were trying to get the Hobby Lobby decision overruled in Congress and then thought better of it. Drawing too much attention too soon to their plans to overthrow our governmental processes of checks and balances and majority rule would've not been prudent at this point in their incremental overthrow of majority-rule.

SCOTUS has killed the prop. All legi is doing, like any good executioner, is symbolically burning the veins of the dead body, so no life is ever possible again.
SCOTUS said "no", Sil, that you as a private citizen do not have standing on Prop 8.

You have every right to bitch about the Dems are doing in the Cali senate but you have no standing about it.
That was then, this is now. This is a whole new kettle of fish and you know it. Erasing initiative law by attrition and insidious incremental sedition is an affront to the democratic process in CA and therby qualifies for IMMEDIATE INTERVENTION by SCOTUS to halt that action.

Let the Cali AG then so petition.

But he does not have to.

And you can't.

She doesn't have to. A registered voter has standing in this matter because of the statute in the CA constution, article II that says "each voter shall have their vote count". A violation of that statute means the person harmed [the individual voter] has standing and can seek redress by federal appeal.


SEC. 2.5. A voter who casts a vote in an election in accordance
with the laws of this State shall have that vote counted....



...SEC. 10.

(c) The Legislature may amend or repeal referendum statutes. It
may amend or repeal an initiative statute by another statute that
becomes effective only when approved by the electors
unless the
initiative statute permits amendment or repeal without their
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"Checks and balances"? You passed a religious law banning gay marriage. On what grounds? Your religion. Where's the check or balance for that?

Keep your stupid fucking religion out of our government.
What part of "Fuck your God" is really so difficult to understand?

The First Amendment of the US Constitution says, "Fuck your God." It doesn't get any more plain than that. Your stupid fucking fairy tale does not dictate our laws.

Fuck prop 8, fuck your church, fuck your god, and fuck you. Why are all of you such hate-filled cretins? Honestly? What happened in your lives to make each of you SO fucked-up that you want to write laws that keep other people from being happy? Because you don't like to think about what they do in their own homes? Fuck you, fuck your bible, fuck your church, fuck your god and fuck you again.

Go back to Germany. Move to Uganda if you hate homosexuals so much. Move to Saudi Arabia or some other mangled religious shithole. Get the fuck out of our United States.

Your religion is a danger to our First Amendment.
^^^ Look who's calling others hate-filled. You need Jesus in your life, KNB.
"Checks and balances"? You passed a religious law banning gay marriage. On what grounds? Your religion. Where's the check or balance for that?

Keep your stupid fucking religion out of our government.

I didn't pass Prop 8 in California, Some 7 million people did there. Religious, secular, black, white, hispanic, men, women. It's called "a majority". May want to check your poli-sci 101 text book from high school..
Ah, yes, Kalipornia...land of FRUITS and NUTS!

"Checks and balances"? You passed a religious law banning gay marriage. On what grounds? Your religion. Where's the check or balance for that?

Keep your stupid fucking religion out of our government.

I didn't pass Prop 8 in California, Some 7 million people did there. Religious, secular, black, white, hispanic, men, women. It's called "a majority". May want to check your poli-sci 101 text book from high school..

7 million isn't a majority in a state with 37 million people. And those 7 million dupes voted based on Mormon propaganda bullshit about "Gay marriage is destroying America".

Your stupid fucking religion has no place in American law. The First Amendment says so. Gay people cannot be denied marriage for something that is not illegal, and you can't make it illegal because there isn't any justification for it.

In what way is gay marriage a threat to you? Answer honestly.
"Checks and balances"? You passed a religious law banning gay marriage. On what grounds? Your religion. Where's the check or balance for that?

Keep your stupid fucking religion out of our government.

I didn't pass Prop 8 in California, Some 7 million people did there. Religious, secular, black, white, hispanic, men, women. It's called "a majority". May want to check your poli-sci 101 text book from high school..

7 million isn't a majority in a state with 37 million people. And those 7 million dupes voted based on Mormon propaganda bullshit about "Gay marriage is destroying America".

Your stupid fucking religion has no place in American law. The First Amendment says so. Gay people cannot be denied marriage for something that is not illegal, and you can't make it illegal because there isn't any justification for it.

In what way is gay marriage a threat to you? Answer honestly.

I'm not a mormon. WTF are you talking about? I'm not even christian. I'm secular.

There may be 37 million in CA but 7 million was the majority vote on Prop 8 and it passed by due process of the initiative system. You can be a sore loser but you cannot change democracy to suit the cult agenda.

Gay marriage is a threat to me because I care about children not being automatically eligible via 'marriage' [as is the case in Utah] to be adopted to these people: http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...-forced-to-adopt-orphans-to-these-people.html
What part of "Fuck your God" is really so difficult to understand?

The First Amendment of the US Constitution says, "Fuck your God." It doesn't get any more plain than that. Your stupid fucking fairy tale does not dictate our laws.

Fuck prop 8, fuck your church, fuck your god, and fuck you. Why are all of you such hate-filled cretins? Honestly? What happened in your lives to make each of you SO fucked-up that you want to write laws that keep other people from being happy? Because you don't like to think about what they do in their own homes? Fuck you, fuck your bible, fuck your church, fuck your god and fuck you again.

Go back to Germany. Move to Uganda if you hate homosexuals so much. Move to Saudi Arabia or some other mangled religious shithole. Get the fuck out of our United States.

Your religion is a danger to our First Amendment.
^^^ Look who's calling others hate-filled. You need Jesus in your life, KNB.
Jesus is not on your side in this. Go read through your stupid fucking Bible and find where Jesus Christ said that homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to get married. He never said anything like that.

The First Amendment, however, starts out by saying "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion", which if you bothered to notice, writing a religious law banning gay marriage because of your religious beliefs is establishing a religion as law. There isn't any scientific basis for the law, so how do you justify taking away an entire segment of the population's rights to live their own lives without hurting anyone else?

When all is said and done, the only logical conclusion in all of this is, "Fuck you, fuck your god, fuck your church, fuck your religion, fuck your bible, and fuck you some more." Move to Uganda if you hate homosexuals so much.

Get the fuck out of our free society. Quit hurting our free people with your stupid fucking religion.
Jesus is not on your side in this. Go read through your stupid fucking Bible and find where Jesus Christ said that homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to get married. He never said anything like that.

Jude 1. Read it and weep. Not only does it say that homosexuality is an abomination, but it even holds out the lesson of the destruction of Sodom as the inevitable fate of any future generation who allows the spread or enables the spread of a homosexual culture.

The punishment for failure as to its dire warnings is an eternity in the pit of fire.
No individual person has standing in this matter.

Sil, you are wrong yet again.

I know this is hard but face reality, please.
Jesus is not on your side in this. Go read through your stupid fucking Bible and find where Jesus Christ said that homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to get married. He never said anything like that.

Jude 1. Read it and weep. Not only does it say that homosexuality is an abomination, but it even holds out the lesson of the destruction of Sodom as the inevitable fate of any future generation who allows the spread or enables the spread of a homosexual culture. The punishment for failure as to its dire warnings is an eternity in the pit of fire.

(1) The Bible has no standing before SCOTUS on this matter.

(2) You are secular by your own admission so don't worry that no one will take your Jude warning as anything other than delusional.

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