Father of officer killed in Dallas sues BLM


Silver Member
Nov 6, 2015
Father Of Officer Killed In Downtown Dallas Ambush Sues Black Lives Matter

This hate group inciting racial violence had caused the death of dozens of law enforcement officers brutally murdered by BLM extremists.

If you recall the biggest such incident earlier this year, in which Xavier Johnson was motivated by biased media coverage, "Black lives matter", Jesse Jackson and other professional race baiters to murder innocent white (and ironically, black) police officers in retaliation for the shootings of several black thugs.

Ironically, the efforts of black lives matter and Xavier Johnson does more to hurt the negro community than the police ever could have.

Not to mention the crime endemic to most black communities in this country. you're far more likely to get killed by another negro than by a white police officer.

Everytime some black thug attacks a police officers or draws a gat and gets mowed the fuck down Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the usual characters and the BLM terrorist group organizes protests under the guise that a black mans life is worth more than a white police officers. regardless of whether that black man is a thug or not . hell, he could have murdered 2 black kids in a drive by the day before and BLM will throw a fit when his ass gets mowed down whIle resisting arrest or pulling a gun on armed law enforcement .

I mean, after all, he dindu nuffin.

I hope the poor father in this case(who is Hispanic) sues AL sharpton, Jesse Jackson and BLM terrorists fucking blind. and all those politicians that have given this domestic terrorist organization or its non existent "criminal lives matter" goals any legitimacy likewise get sued blind.
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With any luck the case will work its way through the courts slowly enough that Trump-appointed honest judges will hear the appeals.
Black risk being considered snakes. Not many like snakes. Not many know a poisonous snake from an non-poisonous snake. So we treat them all the same.

The way blacks are acting, at least some of them, is as if they don't care what whitey thinks or does. They want what they want and that is all that matters.
Black risk being considered snakes. Not many like snakes. Not many know a poisonous snake from an non-poisonous snake. So we treat them all the same.

The way blacks are acting, at least some of them, is as if they don't care what whitey thinks or does. They want what they want and that is all that matters.
Oh, you have it only partially right. Most of America of all colors don't care what you think.
Father Of Officer Killed In Downtown Dallas Ambush Sues Black Lives Matter

This hate group inciting racial violence had caused the death of dozens of law enforcement officers brutally murdered by BLM extremists.

If you recall the biggest such incident earlier this year, in which Xavier Johnson was motivated by biased media coverage, "Black lives matter", Jesse Jackson and other professional race baiters to murder innocent white (and ironically, black) police officers in retaliation for the shootings of several black thugs.

Ironically, the efforts of black lives matter and Xavier Johnson does more to hurt the negro community than the police ever could have.

Not to mention the crime endemic to most black communities in this country. you're far more likely to get killed by another negro than by a white police officer.

Everytime some black thug attacks a police officers or draws a gat and gets mowed the fuck down Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the usual characters and the BLM terrorist group organizes protests under the guise that a black mans life is worth more than a white police officers. regardless of whether that black man is a thug or not . hell, he could have murdered 2 black kids in a drive by the day before and BLM will throw a fit when his ass gets mowed down whIle resisting arrest or pulling a gun on armed law enforcement .

I mean, after all, he dindu nuffin.

I hope the poor father in this case(who is Hispanic) sues AL sharpton, Jesse Jackson and BLM terrorists fucking blind. and all those politicians that have given this domestic terrorist organization or its non existent "criminal lives matter" goals any legitimacy likewise get sued blind.

Although I can sympathize with your emotions in this, I cannot agree with everything you posted. BLM is not responsible for "dozens" of police killings. So far this year 62 cops have been killed on duty by gunfire. The majority of those killings were by White males and the majority of the killings done by blacks were while the blacks were involved in other crimes. Twelve cops have died on duty by "vehicular assault". The majority of those killings were not intentional, usually dealing with drunks and cops parked on, or standing in, roadways.

In the case of shooter, Micah Xavier Johnson, there is no evidence, to my knowledge, anybody from BLM or any other organization ask him to go kill cops. Johnson had served in the military and was trained to kill by the U.S. military. He was not trained to kill by any of the orgs the cops father is suing. He apparently had a strong hatred for White people (just as many blacks do) and for cops. According to Johnson himself, before being blown to hell and back, he was angry over the deaths of two black men (killed by police) and, he stated, he was not connected with any groups and was acting alone. I think the odds of the cops father getting a dime out of this suit are slim to none.
Father Of Officer Killed In Downtown Dallas Ambush Sues Black Lives Matter

This hate group inciting racial violence had caused the death of dozens of law enforcement officers brutally murdered by BLM extremists.

If you recall the biggest such incident earlier this year, in which Xavier Johnson was motivated by biased media coverage, "Black lives matter", Jesse Jackson and other professional race baiters to murder innocent white (and ironically, black) police officers in retaliation for the shootings of several black thugs.

Ironically, the efforts of black lives matter and Xavier Johnson does more to hurt the negro community than the police ever could have.

Not to mention the crime endemic to most black communities in this country. you're far more likely to get killed by another negro than by a white police officer.

Everytime some black thug attacks a police officers or draws a gat and gets mowed the fuck down Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the usual characters and the BLM terrorist group organizes protests under the guise that a black mans life is worth more than a white police officers. regardless of whether that black man is a thug or not . hell, he could have murdered 2 black kids in a drive by the day before and BLM will throw a fit when his ass gets mowed down whIle resisting arrest or pulling a gun on armed law enforcement .

I mean, after all, he dindu nuffin.

I hope the poor father in this case(who is Hispanic) sues AL sharpton, Jesse Jackson and BLM terrorists fucking blind. and all those politicians that have given this domestic terrorist organization or its non existent "criminal lives matter" goals any legitimacy likewise get sued blind.

So what you are saying is that the Father of the deceased police officer is an idiot. First, he's going to have a hell of a time showing cause and effect, especially since Johnson said that he hadn't talked to anyone before taking the action he did. Next the defense is going to show that their attitudes towards police are Justified. So then.the plaintiff, your bereaved father, is going to explain that people shot by police were actually justified. In the meantime, the defense is going to use the fact that half the people killed by police in Georgia as one example, were shot in the back or unarmed when they were killed.

Now, in the slim chance that the moron father actually wins, doubtful, but possible, then there is the ability to collect. BLM will be not only broke, but in debt long before that happens with their own legal fees.

So the father will collect nothing, have huge legal fees of his own, and probably lose, in which case he will be liable for the legal fees of the BLM defendants. I'm not laughing with you, I'm laughing at you.

I also laughed at the families who ended up owing money to Lucky Gunner after losing their lawsuit for the movie theater shooting. The Sandy Hook families on the hook for Bushmaster's legal fees after that case was lost.

Now, I feel some compassion for the guy who lost his son. But the idiot is going to lose everything else on a lawsuit that even if he wins, he gets nothing from. They say a fool and his money are soon parted, and we see that is absolutely true.

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