Father of the Year Award: Sells his daughter for Beer, wine, meat, Gatorade and Cash!

gotta love those hispanic family values!

I am with you on the stricter immigration laws issue, dude. But I know plenty of Hispanics who have raised remarkable children, and who live incredibly civilized, law-abiding lives contributing to this society. So, please, try not to generalize.
I am with you on the stricter immigration laws issue, dude. But I know plenty of Hispanics who have raised remarkable children, and who live incredibly civilized, law-abiding lives contributing to this society. So, please, try not to generalize.

Yeah, I love all these "generalizations" people have. The hispanic families I know are all hard working, 2 parent families. The parents all show up for the student/parent conferences, the kids are always in clean clothes and neatly groomed, and they are respectful and kind. Also, from a teacher point of view, the hispanic kids are always well behaved, turn in their homework, and seem to love school.
Yeah, I love all these "generalizations" people have. The hispanic families I know are all hard working, 2 parent families. The parents all show up for the student/parent conferences, the kids are always in clean clothes and neatly groomed, and they are respectful and kind. Also, from a teacher point of view, the hispanic kids are always well behaved, turn in their homework, and seem to love school.

I wouldn't go this far, at least half of the clients I've worked with over the years have been Latino gang members, but I don't blame their ethnicity or race for their gang affiliation.
I wouldn't go this far, at least half of the clients I've worked with over the years have been Latino gang members, but I don't blame their ethnicity or race for their gang affiliation.

Well, we work in different fields. I feel lucky to know these familes, if I wasn't teaching where I do, I would have never met them.
Well, we work in different fields. I feel lucky to know these familes, if I wasn't teaching where I do, I would have never met them.

Believe it or not, i have loved my clients and their families over the years, too, and have always been thankful to get to work with them.
Let's not go overboard with the wonderful Latino family values. Look in our jail roster, and you'll see the majority of them are Latino. And working in the fields I've worked, I've seen many, MANY of their kids in the system for things like sexual abuse, drug/alcohol abuse, and a variety of other not-so-family-oriented activities.

My daughter in law is Latino, and her family is ok, but her older brother is 30 years old, doesn't work, is an alcoholic and brings all sorts of unsavory characters home. Someone was knifed right outside their house last year. I mean, this stuff happens in many families regardless of color, but c'mon, let's not make Latinos the new "noble savages". Theyr'e just people, and the incidence of child molestation in their race pool is actually somewhat higher than in others, if I recall my stats correctly.

I'm not saying there aren't wonderful families out there, but they certainly aren't perfection incarnate.
Nobel savages, race pool? lol

Have you made friends with William Joyce?
Let's not go overboard with the wonderful Latino family values. Look in our jail roster, and you'll see the majority of them are Latino.
Yea but I would put a large large chunk, actually the majority of the Latino inmate population in another category of Latinos. It is not propaganda or xenophobe to point out that the vast number of Latino inmates are illegals. Its a fact!

I have a lot of respect for the Latino work ethic in general. They are some of the hardest workers out there. They do what they must to provide for their families!

And working in the fields I've worked, I've seen many, MANY of their kids in the system for things like sexual abuse, drug/alcohol abuse, and a variety of other not-so-family-oriented activities.
True, but I would like to see the stats vs Blacks and Whites children before I say a disproporationate amount of troubled kids are latinos.

My daughter in law is Latino, and her family is ok, but her older brother is 30 years old, doesn't work, is an alcoholic and brings all sorts of unsavory characters home.
My cousins husband is Latino (actually a first generation immigrant), he is Northwestern Graduate, who came here legally on a full scholarship. He is a hard a can be worker! Then I have another cousin married to a white dead-beat. She is a sales executive pulling in probably $120K a year (est.) he is a guy who always has been chronically unemployeed mainly because he is an alcoholic with no work ethic. He doesn't even do a great job of being a Mr Mom. Even with him being home and out of work all the time, there youngest still has to go to day-care! Amazing!
Well, we work in different fields. I feel lucky to know these familes, if I wasn't teaching where I do, I would have never met them.
I live in a mixed neighborhood that has many Hispanics. Lots of good ones and some bad ones. One thing that I like about Hispanic culture is how important respect and courtesy are. They are in general very pleasant to deal with and make great neighbors. I love hanging out on the front porch with them.
I live in a mixed neighborhood that has many Hispanics. Lots of good ones and some bad ones. One thing that I like about Hispanic culture is how important respect and courtesy are. They are in general very pleasant to deal with and make great neighbors. I love hanging out on the front porch with them.

Exactly. I'm not saying there aren't bad apples in every bunch, of course there are. I'm just sick of all the hispanic bashing (and all bashing of ethnic groups) by certain people all the time.
Yea but I would put a large large chunk, actually the majority of the Latino inmate population in another category of Latinos. It is not propaganda or xenophobe to point out that the vast number of Latino inmates are illegals. Its a fact!

I have a lot of respect for the Latino work ethic in general. They are some of the hardest workers out there. They do what they must to provide for their families!

True, but I would like to see the stats vs Blacks and Whites children before I say a disproporationate amount of troubled kids are latinos.

My cousins husband is Latino (actually a first generation immigrant), he is Northwestern Graduate, who came here legally on a full scholarship. He is a hard a can be worker! Then I have another cousin married to a white dead-beat. She is a sales executive pulling in probably $120K a year (est.) he is a guy who always has been chronically unemployeed mainly because he is an alcoholic with no work ethic. He doesn't even do a great job of being a Mr Mom. Even with him being home and out of work all the time, there youngest still has to go to day-care! Amazing!

I have seen the stats, and Latinos have an issue with child abuse and sexual abuse. It's a very big problem.

"Latino children have excessive rates of dental caries, obesity, unplanned pregnancy, driving motor vehicles while impaired, and child abuse/neglect."
Community Pediatrics

"One study of Hispanic men in San Francisco found that 50% had been sexually abused before the age of 16 by someone at least five years older. Among men in the study who had unprotected anal sex in the previous month, 73% had a history of sexual abuse. (Diaz, et al.,1999)"
Substance Abuse
Exactly. I'm not saying there aren't bad apples in every bunch, of course there are. I'm just sick of all the hispanic bashing (and all bashing of ethnic groups) by certain people all the time.
I agree. It really gets tiresome after a while. It clogs up the threads.
It's equally frustrating to see ding dongs floating around on pink clouds lisping ridiculous things like, "Hispanics make the BEST parents" "Hispanic kids are just so darn clean!" and "Gosh those spics are hardworking, I just like them loads."

Get real. They're people and they have larger incidents of child abuse than their white counter parts. It would be refreshing if someone said that "Gosh, third generation Americans have such a good work ethic," or "Those European-descent people's kids are so precocious, they're just a treat to have in class!"

But you never do. YOu hear about how awful white Americans are, and what great parents Hispanics are. It has nothing to do with the truth and everything to do with living in lala land.
It's equally frustrating to see ding dongs floating around on pink clouds lisping ridiculous things like, "Hispanics make the BEST parents" "Hispanic kids are just so darn clean!" and "Gosh those spics are hardworking, I just like them loads."

Get real. They're people and they have larger incidents of child abuse than their white counter parts. It would be refreshing if someone said that "Gosh, third generation Americans have such a good work ethic," or "Those European-descent people's kids are so precocious, they're just a treat to have in class!"

But you never do. YOu hear about how awful white Americans are, and what great parents Hispanics are. It has nothing to do with the truth and everything to do with living in lala land.
**** is considered racist...just like the word ******. Just thought I'd let you know.

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