Fauci warns of COVID-19 Delta variant


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Oh, so now it is the uhhhh delta variant.

Remember cow farts?

Hole in the ozone? Been fixed. Anyone know that?

Now, it is the "delta variant."

BTW, had covid, I am diabetic, a big gigantic nothing burger.
Using this to con getting children vaccinated.

BTW Harris is vaccinated, the Mexican President is vaccinated. Yet in a photo op of the two, there's Harris wearing a stupid mask.

BTW Harris is vaccinated, the Mexican President is vaccinated. Yet in a photo op of the two, there's Harris wearing a stupid mask.
Duh, the president insisted on it so Kamal-ass' vortex producing mouth organ could not assimilate the presidents wee wee.

Oh, so now it is the uhhhh delta variant.

Remember cow farts?

Hole in the ozone? Been fixed. Anyone know that?

Now, it is the "delta variant."

BTW, had covid, I am diabetic, a big gigantic nothing burger.
I wouldn't believe Fauci if he told me that the sky was blue.

Oh, so now it is the uhhhh delta variant.

Remember cow farts?

Hole in the ozone? Been fixed. Anyone know that?

Now, it is the "delta variant."

BTW, had covid, I am diabetic, a big gigantic nothing burger.
The Covid 19 Virus should be renamed the > The Fauci Pandemic Virus
Do not make the mistake of thinking that China is done infecting the world...it gave them just the very thing they wanted most...Trump out of office....so do not think they won't do it again...especially with idiots like Fauci and the WHO in charge.....both running cover for China as they kill millions....
Do not make the mistake of thinking that China is done infecting the world...it gave them just the very thing they wanted most...Trump out of office....so do not think they won't do it again...especially with idiots like Fauci and the WHO in charge.....both running cover for China as they kill millions....
Fauxi is done....He should STFU immediately and lawyer up.
Do not make the mistake of thinking that China is done infecting the world...it gave them just the very thing they wanted most...Trump out of office....so do not think they won't do it again...especially with idiots like Fauci and the WHO in charge.....both running cover for China as they kill millions....
Fauxi is done....He should STFU immediately and lawyer up.
Let him run his mouth--more fuel to the fire.
uh-oh...the QUACK fake-i is flip-flopping again...you scum demonRATS best get back under your beds
not 4 nothing, this quack knows what variants exist, because this shit stain is partially responsible for the chinese flu....along w/ barrag-o...xiden....PIG-lousi, and the rest of the corrupted scum demonRATS
Was this the first time we were all told of THE DELTA VARIANT?

Love how they attached the Greek name to make it SOUND SCARRIER AND MORE OFFICIAL.

Love to be a fly on the wall at the marxist, globalist think tanks as they plan their next crisis and brainwashing technique to enslave the world. Must have a laugh riot.....

COW FARTS, they had to have a real deep laugh about that one.
All over the loons are desperately trying to revive the hoax panic and regain their sick control of what we do and where we go.
We are actually lucky that Trump did not win. With Biden in another needless lockdown will Not Occur because it would harm him and Dems seeking re-election 2022
It is still stunning to see imbecilic Americans walking around by themselves with a mask on, when are you all going to give up your Covid tit suck?

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