Favorite and/or Best War Movies

Quite the list to choose from on the war movies. It probably wouldn't be called a war movie since only part of it was set on a battlefield but the opening scene in Gladiator is probably one of the best openers ever--Private Ryan is just as good if not better.

I'll give you a few that I think are on the short list of "the best"...

  1. Stalag 17 was excellent. William Holden, in my view, never got the credit he deserved as an actor.
  2. Saving Private Ryan. I loved the pace of the movie. The stunning visuals were on the screen at just the right times.
  3. 1917. There is something about a Sam Mendes directed movie that scratches an itch like few others
  4. Bridge on the River Kwai. Another Holden project that looked at war from a different point of view
  5. Apocalypse Now was a good movie that was set in a war...but it didn't have much do do with war in my view.
Off the top of my head In Harms Way and Pork Chop Hill
I watched the one with Clint Eastwood in it made in the 1970s, WW2, he forms an independent military unit to ransack a French bank of its gold bars. Good movie. Best one with greatest cinematics and special effects was 300 and maybe The Patriot or Braveheart.
I almost never watch "war movies", because I find that most of them are crap. Made purely for entertainment and doing almost everything wrong.

However, some exceptions are those made by Spielberg and Hanks. The two of them work hard to try and bring things as close as they can, without overloading the viewers.

Two other great movies I put right up alongside them are the two that Clint Eastwood was behind about Iwo Jima.

And another is "Hell in the Pacific". This is exceptional as it only has 2 actors in it, and both were veterans of WWII.

Check post #37 = 50 Best American War Movies.
You'll find "Platoon" as #5 on that list.
Consider clicking and checking links on occasion.
They say Americans are intrinsically polite, why aren't you? I don't remember flipping you off.
Will lead off with this offer from an "other" as to best 50 War Movies;

Best war movies of all time​

Here's the thing about war: it's always been around. Historians believe the first war took place in Mesopotamia in 2,700 B.C. In fact, of the past 3,400 years, humans have been at peace for only 268.

This is all to say that for millennia, there has been a fascination with war—both the waging of it and the recounting of its stories. Since the start of civilization, people have engaged in war and recounted conflicts through oral, visual, and written storytelling. The 20th century saw this type of storytelling evolve into motion pictures. In fact, one of the earliest films ever made, 1915’s “Birth of a Nation,” was about the Civil War and subsequent Reconstruction. Even before making that controversial film, director D.W. Griffith had made numerous one-reelers centered on the events of the Civil War.

While some war films emphasize the inhumanity of battle, others focus on the valiant heroes carrying out their patriotic duties. There are also films that take another approach by focusing on how war can influence the lives of civilians or soldiers who’ve returned home. When taken as a whole, the genre leaves no psychological or physical stone unturned. In other words, if it’s been done in battle, it’s probably been reproduced on screen.

Stacker compiled data on all war movies to come up with a Stacker score—a weighted index split evenly between IMDb and Metacritic scores. To qualify, the film had to be listed as “war” on IMDb, have a Metascore, and have at least 2,500 votes. Ties were broken by Metascore, and further ties were broken by IMDb user rating. Every film on the list has been considered according to the cinematic history and development of the genre. Click through to see which films made the cut.
"STRIPES" nothing else even comes close!!!
They say Americans are intrinsically polite, why aren't you? I don't remember flipping you off.
Other than you, whom says I'm not polite ???
It's words on a screen dude, the inflections of such are your subconscious projections.
If your mind reads them as 'impolite', that's reflective of your brain and mindset.

You didn't "flip me off", but your error of projections is starting to do such.

Take a long, deep look in the mirror.
Other than you, whom says I'm not polite ???
It's words on a screen dude, the inflections of such are your subconscious projections.
If your mind reads them as 'impolite', that's reflective of your brain and mindset.

You didn't "flip me off", but your error of projections is starting to do such.

Take a long, deep look in the mirror.

Ah Yah? :cul2:
Consider clicking and checking links on occasion.
Wouldn't you piease inflect those words for me. Maybe I don't quite understand the american set of mind. English is not my first language you know. I'm not being sarcastic btw, just trying to see through that set.
Wouldn't you piease inflect those words for me. Maybe I don't quite understand the american set of mind. English is not my first language you know. I'm not being sarcastic btw, just trying to see through that set.
Well "Alex", when I click on your username and look at the information in you "Profile" such is not presented nor obvious. You look like a "white guy" whom might "speak the King's English" and so I assumed ~ base on lack of information FROM You.

Meanwhile; I'm a candid, blunt, plain speakin' Yank; whom says what I think and expect others to understand, so sorry for any cross channels of communications here.

I normally expect any participants here to be wearing what we call "Big Boy Pants" and not having thin skin and sensitive "feelings".

Schist, based on the limited info of your profile, I'm not even sure if you are male or female, FWIW.

As to that above post that gave you "butt hurt", I was just being frank, blunt, factual, and engaging the sort of talk I'd use in any command staff briefing scenario. Sorry you can't deal with such.

Or am I wrong ???

As for "piease inflect", that only happens on your end and lacking prior input on your sensitivity thresholds; I haven't a clue how to accommodate your "sensitivities". I'd suggest some study of the terms and concepts of adaptation and flexibility, as applies with English/American language.
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Well "Alex", when I click on your username and look at the information in you "Profile" such is not presented nor obvious. You look like a "white guy" whom might "speak the King's English" and so I assumed ~ base on lack of information FROM You.

Meanwhile; I'm a candid, blunt, plain speakin' Yank; whom says what I think and expect others to understand, so sorry for any cross channels of communications here.

I normally expect any participants here to be wearing what we call "Big Boy Pants" and not having thin skin and sensitive "feelings".

Schist, based on the limited info of your profile, I'm not even sure if you are male or female, FWIW.

As to that above post that gave you "butt hurt", I was just being frank, blunt, factual, and engaging the sort of talk I'd use in any command staff briefing scenario. Sorry you can't deal with such.

Or am I wrong ???

As for "piease inflect", that only happens on your end and lacking prior input on your sensitivity thresholds; I haven't a clue how to accommodate your "sensitivities". I'd suggest some study of the terms and concepts of adaptation and flexibility, as applies with English/American language.
To be honest my thought was and quite frankly still is the above-mentioned post implied just plain and simple asshole at the end. That was all. And what you call "butt-hurt" emerged not even from that but from the fact that we hadn't had bad blood between us before, although we might very well have with me being Russian and you quite the opposite. Casually brousing the thread I didn't see Platoon mentioned so I was purplexed that the great movie didn't even register in American collective memory. Now I'm glad to know it actually did.
Here are my choices:


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