Favorite antihero in Television/Film

Who is your favorite antihero of film and television history?

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May 12, 2022
I’ve narrowed the list down to three of the most well-known heroes of television who tend to have perhaps what some might call the a dark side. I’m no expert on the issue so if you think a certain name has been left out, please provide the character and why you chose them.

As for Walter White, here was a high school teacher turned meth dealer in order to support his family because he fears he is going to die in a few years and wants to be sure that his family is financially stable for the future. I was on the way Mr. White does kill innocent people. He has also of course, a meth dealer, which is a brutal thing in it up at south. But he also is doing something noble trying to support his family.


Walters character is mild mannered and not the type of man you would imagine standing up to a tough drug dealer like Tuco …. Which makes Mr. White all the more likable.

Paul Kersey


Kersey is the main character of the death wish film series. I am no expert on these films, and I have not seen everyone of them. But I know the character is quite famous when it comes to this category. After his wife is killed, and daughter sexually assaulted during a home invasion Kersey turns to vigilantism, taking on any criminals he can find and basically fighting back against the bad guys.

John “Jigsaw” Kramer

Here is an architect and successful man in “jigsaw” who is told later in his life that he has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Kramer decides to go after various types of criminals in society, those who have harmed babies, disable people, blind people. Kramer goes after the corrupt insurance industry in America.

Kramer and Kersey afaik did not attack innocents like Walter White did…. They certainly did not sell meth..

Kramer is my choice for favorite anti-hero. I pretty view him as a hero of cinema. Because unlike the other two, he gives a chance to the criminals he goes after. He puts them through a game like in saw 6 where are the ruthless insurance company? Employees are all put up to the tasks of jigsaw. They are forced to make decisions that will affect their ability to live, kind of like how they are the arbitrators of who gets to get a life changing surgery in America, or not due to some algorithm.

Kramer chooses those pets through his games. People who kill and rob others for a few dollars, people who are rich and wealthy and screw over poor people, in one Saw Film Kramer targets a doctor who is ripping off cancer patients on the verge of death. The games involve various contract, mints and sophisticated devices that have the ability to cut off the legs or arms, or even worse of those who are tied to them. But again unlike White or Kersey …Kramer gives his targets a chance to live a renewed life if they can survive the game.
Clint Eastwood's Man with No Name
Butch Cassidy
Sundance Kid
Sam Spade (Maltese Falcon)
Dirty Harry
Luke Jackson (Cool Hand Luke)
Bonnie & Clyde (Dunaway & Beaty)
Alex DeLarge (A Clockwork Orange)
Michael Corleone
Randle McMurphy (One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest)
Travis Bickle (Taxi Driver)
Josey Wales
Burt Reynolds' "Bandit"
Han Solo
John Rambo
Mad Max
The Terminator
Martin Riggs
John McClain
William Munny
Vincent Vega
Jeffrey Lebowski
Patrick Bateman
Frank Martin (The Transporter)
Jason Bourne
Michael Sullivan (Road to Perdition)
Frank Castle/The Punisher
Jessica Jones
Dexter Morgan
Tony Soprano
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Saul Goodman
Another good point. Although Saul Goodman never killed, anybody did he.? The worst he did was screw people over on financial deals and things like that.

But I don’t recall some thing about him where he did some great brave thing to help people out. I could be missing something I haven’t seen better call Saul in a few years.tho perhaps in his early years as Jimmy McGill, his defense of small time criminals facing “ the system” can be viewed as heroic.

he was always a defense lawyer wasn’t he?
I also love how people who admire Walter White completely missed the entire point of the series and his character.

Great show. Great actor. Great performance. But it’s absolutely baffling how so many viewers loved Walt and hated the wife.

He even admits at the end to her that he did it all for himself and his own ego.

Lots of henpecked, middle aged, suburban dads projecting a lot of their frustration in order to make Walt a “badass”
kind of like how they are the arbitrators of who gets to get a life changing surgery in America, or not due to some algorithm
Well, the unfortunate reality is that there are limited resources to go around and not everyone can possibly get the transplants/surgeries they need.

As in it is literally not possible.

There has to be some sort of algorithm.

IIRC, Jigsaw was an old man with a drinking problem and a history of drunk driving. Ethically, he is less of a candidate than a younger man who doesn’t have substance abuse issues

Dialysis clinics are full of older patients who’ve spent their lives abusing their bodies, not exercising, smoking and drinking to excess and eating shit and becoming obese to the point of renal failure. I’m sorry, but they are simply not candidates for a kidney transplant.

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