Something has got to be done about the police.

Those involved in the violent gang rape?

It as not a "gang rape".
Confession and DNA evidence proved it was a single person.
The 5 were entirely innocent.
Six teenagers were indicted in relation to the Meili assault. Charges against one, Steven Lopez, were dropped after Lopez pleaded guilty to a different assault. The remaining five—Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, Raymond Santana, and Korey Wise (known as the Central Park Five, later the Exonerated Five)—were convicted of the charged offenses and served sentences ranging from seven to thirteen years.[3] More than a decade after the attack, while incarcerated for attacking five other women in 1989, serial rapist Matias Reyes confessed to the Meili assault and claimed he was the only actor; DNA evidence confirmed his involvement.[4] The convictions against McCray, Richardson, Salaam, Santana, and Wise were vacated in 2002; Lopez's convictions were vacated in July 2022.
"Many" compared to what all are required to do in other nations.

Our police officers have less training, more police deaths, and more civilian deaths. Maybe those things are correlated.
I think it just a matter of other countries being more advanced socially than us.
Since humans are highly social, it is not in their nature to be criminals.
When there is high crime, it is always due to injustice, discrimination, lack of opportunities, etc.
It’s due to lack of parenting , discipline, self control, responsibility and a willingness to be lawful.
It’s not society blame, it’s on the individual
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There's always more to the story. Maybe the kid stabbed his father and thought he was dead. Anyway there is no need to smear the legacy of the 59 (so far) Officers who died in the line of duty this year and the 378 Officers who were shot in the line of duty in 2023, over an incident in Fontana, Ca.

You would cheer the Gestapo rounding up Jews.

So Perez was too stupid to ask for a lawyer.

No, Perez was sleep-deprived, had mental problems, and had been deprived of vital medication.

Wack jobs need to stop committing crimes and then resisting
That’s the facts, that the cops are too rough is your feeling

You're supposed to LICK the jackboot. Stop trying to deep-throat it.

Innocent people often feel like they don't need a lawyer since they are innocent.

The police exploit that.

Especially people with mental illness deprived of medication!

Yeah, innocent people need to stop resisting when they are being framed for a murder which didn't happen.

How dare they!

The facts and you are world's apart. You didn't even read the article.

You just wander around, listening to the voices in your head, and get pissed when no one else can hear them.

He's a copsucker. There is NOTHING he would condemn if a cop did it. He could watch a video of a cop grabbing a teenage girl, raping her on camera, shooting her in the back, dropping a gun with no firing pin, and claiming it was suicide...and he would defend that claim to the death.
Wow. My comment really triggered you, didn't it?

No, not investigated by the 3 ringed circle going on right now. But an actual investigation by an outside agency.

Spot on.

Police have to be held to our highest standard.

At this point, ANY standard would be an improvement.

Were any of those 59 involved in the unethical tactics that police used on the innocent victim? If so that/those policemen deserve to have their legacy smeared.

Yes. I'm sure at least 58 (and probably all 59) were bad cops.

Police are right 99.99% of all interactions while your beloved street vermin are in the wrong 101% of the time. Who am I more concerned about? Let me think….

You need your meds adjusted.

Yes, they need to be given more leeway to crack some heads when dealing with entitled losers like yourself.

Stop licking jackboots.

When hundreds of them are not assassinated by verminous criminal scum annually then we can look to “clean up fringe activities”.

They're not. Police do not actually have a dangerous job.

you pay for it you twisted loon. I dont interact with Police. If I do its yes sir, where do I sign. Thank you sir. No problems. They are excellent compared to other GOVT interactions.

When the cop says to drop and suck, which knee hits the ground first?

Very few police departments are corrupt ... we are blessed in these United States for that ... the behavior in the OP is routine in many Third-world Shitholes ... the victim should be glad he was offered to confess, rather than lynched on the spot ...

Are Mexican jails as bad as they say? ...

All departments are corrupt. All cops are bad. That is the mentality you MUST have.
The way libs treat the police you’re lucky anyone wants to do that job

There will always be people who want fat paychecks, gold-plated benefits, and early pensions while getting to strut around, terrorize people, and bust heads.

Fuck that. Let me repost this.

From the Department of Justice: 84% of police officers have stated in a recent survey that they have directly witnessed a fellow officer using more force than was necessary.” “52% of police officers report that it is not unusual for law enforcement officials to turn a blind eye to the improper conduct of other officers.” “61% of police officers state they do not always report serious abuse that has been directly observed by fellow officers.” 43% of police offers agree with this sentiment: “Always following the rules is not compatible with the need to get their job done.”

Scope and scale that. Stop making excuses for bad police.

He's a copsucker. He will excuse any action as long as the one doing it is a cop.

People like you are the biggest roadblock to police reform. Why? Because you make everything about race and/or politics instead of focusing on the problem here which is government.

I posted about ATF agents doing a swat style raid on a man they could’ve easily arrested at work, shooting him in the head when he “mistook” them for home invaders and fired a warning shot that hit one of them in the toe.

He thought they were home invaders because of the way they… Invaded his home.

Go respond to that so I can see how you really feel about bad police work.

Nail the fuckers to crosses until their bones fall apart.

A reminder that "police"/LEO are not drafted into the job. It remains a voluntary occupation~career path. Higher the standard, without corresponding higher compensation, the lower the numbers likely seeking that position.

Bullshit. Most cops are paid quite well-I recall that in Massachusetts, the 10 highest-paid (non-elected) government employees are ALL cops. (State Police or Boston)

Not everywhere is using "second hand hires". I know my county doesn't.

You would rather we recruited from AntiFa and BLM, etc.

Most police/sheriff departments offer citizen ride along programs. I recommend you check in you local residence area and see if there is such and do the ride along a few times. Get a view of the real situation faced by LEO.

I can't deal with being around thugs that long and I do not want my wife to wake up screaming again.

Like Military, training to kill w/o reservation or political oversight. Police to enforce the law and make Criminals very uncomfortable. Not street social workers. Never your kind of “training”. Frivilous waste at best? We are broke now. One Cop killed is too many.

IM2 whining about criminal shot by Cops as criminal is holding a gun? Do you realize the level of nonsense here. Cops have a dirty job. They deserve to go home every night to retirement. Criminals have almost zero rights in my book.

You would cheer the Gestapo.

If you think the police should be trained to kill without reservation then you're out of your fucking mind.

He certainly is. He seems to think he wants police operating like the Gestapo.
You would cheer the Gestapo rounding up Jews.

No, Perez was sleep-deprived, had mental problems, and had been deprived of vital medication.

You're supposed to LICK the jackboot. Stop trying to deep-throat it.

Especially people with mental illness deprived of medication!

He's a copsucker. There is NOTHING he would condemn if a cop did it. He could watch a video of a cop grabbing a teenage girl, raping her on camera, shooting her in the back, dropping a gun with no firing pin, and claiming it was suicide...and he would defend that claim to the death.
I think you are identifying Hamas and not police
You fear cops and most likely rightfully so due to your criminal conduct
1 out of every 100,000 police encounters end up a complete, horrid mess. Lib loons wish to portray it as commonplace because that stirs the pot and excites them
I’ve never seen or heard of a “Bad Shooting”. But maybe the 300lb 12 yr old in CLEVE playing with a toy gun and neihbors called the Police at dusk in the rain also. Tragedy but I don’t fault the Police. How did they know? They responded to panicked neighbors in an APT complex. You try the job.

Until ZERO Police are assasinated, I give them Carte blanche. Again you go up a stairwell at 2AM in DET looking for a possibly armed male.

You're nuttier than squirrel shit. You're also lying.

It's a federal issue. Police departments are part of the DOJ.


Why is he too stupid to keep his mouth shut and get a lawyer?

Probably because he was naive enough to think that his "murder victim" actually being alive and well would make a difference. The sleep deprivation, mental health issues, and being deprived of his medication also played a part.
I think you are identifying Hamas and not police
You fear cops and most likely rightfully so due to your criminal conduct

Listen up and listen good, you PRICK: a cop RAPED MY WIFE. SHE WAS TWELVE YEARS OLD. He got away with it because the rest of the cops covered for him.
If we’re not as “socially advanced” then that makes the job more difficult which would again indicate a need for more training.
We tend to train reactively. Other countries are more proactive in their training. When you don't do things efficiently you are always behind the curve.

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