Something has got to be done about criminals

There was no such scam.
BLM was a massive was nothing more then an organization largely funded by Demafascsit donors, to spread hate, and commit acts of violence.

It wasn't about Black Lives at all.

Black Lives Matter founders reportedly used donations to buy $6 million California mansion​

According to the Twitter thread, Brown Sr. has only received $500 from any BLM affiliated group since his son’s 2014 killing, despite being a community figure who organizes and supports other families in healing and empowerment.
Your claim was debunked 60 years ago.

"Trayvon Martin had a father. Jordan Davis had a father. Michael Brown had a father. Tamir Rice had a father. Having a father won’t protect black boys from America. " - Mychal Denzel Smith

And since whites commit more crime, you're the one in denial. And as long as whites such as yourself stay in denial, crime in the white community will remain higher than in all others. That's the harsh reality, not the one you made up.

After all, you are supporting a white criminal for President.
Obvously there are more white people then black people, so they are going to be more crimes committed by white people.

The issue we face though is, that is Joey Xiden's America, a black man is more likely to get murdered, and his family never get justice, then it is for a peaceful protester to get prosecuted and convicted of a misdemeanor.

The reality in Demafascist regimes, is they care more about maintaining power then protecting citizens.
LOL Invading the Capitol, fighting with security, and trying to hang the VP is "political thought"? :auiqs.jpg:

And you retards wonder why we laugh at you.

Meanwhile disrupting roads, campuses and the other sides' meetings for months and years is just "protest"

The Progressive Mantra: Our violence is speech, your speech is violence"
Your claim was debunked 60 years ago.

"Trayvon Martin had a father. Jordan Davis had a father. Michael Brown had a father. Tamir Rice had a father. Having a father won’t protect black boys from America. " - Mychal Denzel Smith

And since whites commit more crime, you're the one in denial. And as long as whites such as yourself stay in denial, crime in the white community will remain higher than in all others. That's the harsh reality, not the one you made up.

After all, you are supporting a white criminal for President.
Keep lying you moron. Crime is statistically higher in black neighborhoods than white ones and by comparison of population more blacks commit crimes than any other group in the US.
Like distancing ourselves from the feelings that the police are the problem, old cart before the horse sleight of hand from lib loons. 80% family abandonment by black males would be a good start. Decent conduct generally produces decent results, try it for a change you criminal breeding grounds.
Every magaturd argument is in bad faith. They are equally as terrible as regressives.
Your claim was debunked 60 years ago.

"Trayvon Martin had a father. Jordan Davis had a father. Michael Brown had a father. Tamir Rice had a father. Having a father won’t protect black boys from America. " - Mychal Denzel Smith

And since whites commit more crime, you're the one in denial. And as long as whites such as yourself stay in denial, crime in the white community will remain higher than in all others. That's the harsh reality, not the one you made up.

After all, you are supporting a white criminal for President.
The reality is that, if you are a black man, you are more likely to go to prison, then any other race.

One in three black men born today can expect to be incarcerated in his lifetime, compared to one in six Latino men and one in 17 white men. Black women are similarly impacted: one in 18 black women born in 2001 is likely to be incarcerated sometime in her life, compared to one in 111 white women.

In addition to the clear injustice of a criminal justice system that disproportionately impacts black people, maintaining these racial disparities has a high cost for individuals, families, and communities. At the individual level, a criminal conviction has a negative impact on both employability and access to housing and public services. At the community level, disproportionately incarcerating people from poor communities removes economic resources and drives cycles of poverty and justice system involvement, making criminal justice contact the norm in the lives of a growing number of black Americans

Why you ask? Joey Xiden's racist 94 crime bill. A bill that allows people like Hunter to go scott free while trafficking ozs of coke, and puts a black man in prison for merely possessing a small amount of crack. We made some progress with Trump's federal criminal justice reform, but we have a long way to go. The point of Xiden's racist bill, was to do just that, drive up poverty and dependence and keep those black folks voting Demaklan, even if it's not in their own self interest.
and trying to hang the VP

:rofl: :rofl:
Whites commit more crime, because there are a lot more of them.

Now if you will show some honesty here, you will admit that black people have a higher rate of criminal activity than other groups.
Something like 13% of the population and 60% of the crimes. It’s undeniable stone cold fact which doesn’t suit liberal feelings
You don't get to commit more crime because you have more people. Whites have more of everything that stops crime, yet they commit the most. If you want to show honesty, you will only talk about the actual number of criminal offenders.
Let’s break it down for stupid
If a race is 6X the population of another race then almost always they will do and have more than the population that is 1/6th

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