Something has got to be done about the police.

Screw acting like either. You are defending the cop. You can't help yourself. It's what acting like a Republican demands of you.

The man had 2nd Amendment rights. It means he is permitted to be armed in his own home. It means the state can't just kill you for exercising that right and that is what happened. But your allegiance to a failed party won't allow you to defend and accept that.
So you are not a Republican. I said he was right to be armed at his home. I wish he had not been killed. The cop however saw a pistol. It takes less than a second to pull that pistol up and shot the cop. Look how fast the cop killed him.
My defense of the homewoner is not about rights. He got killed. I came up with a sure fire way he would still be alive. To anser the cops who asked the door be opened up. And if he had simply not opened the door, he would be alive. Sure he had rights. Does he still have them. As to your claim I have party allegiance, I have allegiance to our constitution. I have allegiance to keeping legal people alive. Nothing I said can be said I like the killing. I do not.
So you are not a Republican. I said he was right to be armed at his home. I wish he had not been killed. The cop however saw a pistol. It takes less than a second to pull that pistol up and shot the cop. Look how fast the cop killed him.
My defense of the homewoner is not about rights. He got killed. I came up with a sure fire way he would still be alive. To anser the cops who asked the door be opened up. And if he had simply not opened the door, he would be alive. Sure he had rights. Does he still have them. As to your claim I have party allegiance, I have allegiance to our constitution. I have allegiance to keeping legal people alive. Nothing I said can be said I like the killing. I do not.

In a society where it's legal to be armed, cops will see a lot of pistols.
In a society where it's legal to be armed, cops will see a lot of pistols.
All my words are intended to convey is when one has cops knocking on the door telling you to open, do not walk to the door with a gun. They may take the time to see what the danger is or they might kill you. I prefer staying alive.
All my words are intended to convey is when one has cops knocking on the door telling you to open, do not walk to the door with a gun. They may take the time to see what the danger is or they might kill you. I prefer staying alive.

You have no actual idea if it's the cops. Especially when they hide out of site.
Pknopp, read up on what cops can do if you do not answer the door. I suggested how the citizen inside could have not been shot. First by not answering with his constitutional right gun in his hand, scares the shit out of cops; next do not answer the door. Cops must have arrest warrants to bust down your door. Wish you were reasonable.
It matters none how smart it is. It's his Constitutional Right. The cop has been fired and will likely be charged which means? He was in the wrong but you still feel this need to defend him.

Like so many, you don't really care about 2nd Amendment rights. You only care about your perceived politics and authoritarianism.

He's a copsucker. He will excuse ANY action by cops.

In a society where it's legal to be armed, cops will see a lot of pistols.

The solution is obvious: 90% of cops need to be disarmed.
He's a copsucker. He will excuse ANY action by cops.

The solution is obvious: 90% of cops need to be disarmed.
Then when you get stopped by the cops, just pull out your gun and shoot them.

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