Who are the Israelis?

Israel was founded on colonialism, apartheid, and genocide.

So, where does this right to exist come from?
Israel was founded on colonialism, apartheid, and genocide.

So, where does this right to exist come from?
Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Jordan are products of British and French colonialism, but Israel was created by the Jews who lived there after they threw the British colonialists out. Apartheid and genocide are false claims Arabs make to try to justify their extreme antisemitism.
Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Jordan are products of British and French colonialism, but Israel was created by the Jews who lived there after they threw the British colonialists out. Apartheid and genocide are false claims Arabs make to try to justify their extreme antisemitism.
You got duped again. When will you ever learn?
Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Jordan are products of British and French colonialism, but Israel was created by the Jews who lived there after they threw the British colonialists out. Apartheid and genocide are false claims Arabs make to try to justify their extreme antisemitism.
Did apartheid South Africa have a right to exist?

Israel was founded on colonialism, apartheid, and genocide.

So, where does this right to exist come from?

UNVEILING HISTORY - Arab Imperialism and Indigenous Civilizations

In the annals of time, Arab imperialism swept across the Middle East like a scorching desert wind. It engulfed ancient civilizations—the Assyrians, Babylonians, and Persians—leaving behind echoes of lost grandeur.


1. The Great Library of Alexandria: Arab conquerors razed this beacon of knowledge, burning scrolls that held the wisdom of ages. Imagine the loss—the equivalent of deleting the entire internet today!

2. Palmyra, Jewel of the Desert: Once a thriving oasis city, Palmyra fell to Arab forces. Its majestic columns crumbled, and its art vanished. The ghosts of poets and scholars weep.

3. The Zoroastrians: Arab conquests silenced the fire temples of Zoroastrianism. Their sacred flames flickered out, and their ancient texts were discarded like sand in the wind.

🤔 MORAL QUESTION: When empires rise and fall, what becomes of the legacies they trample? Do we honor the past or perpetuate its erasure? 🌍

Let’s explore the captivating concept of the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC). Picture a modern-day spice route that seamlessly connects India, the Middle East, and Europe—a vibrant tapestry of trade, culture, and shared progress.

Now, consider Israel’s pivotal role within IMEC. Nestled at the crossroads of continents, Israel becomes more than just a transit point; it’s a catalyst for innovation, collaboration, and economic growth. By supporting Israel, we embrace not only a nation but also the promise of prosperity across borders.

Yet, lurking in the shadows, there’s a stark contrast: Hamas—a group that demands exclusive Arab domination over the Levant and the entire Middle East.

Their vision stifles cooperation, perpetuates conflict, and denies the region’s rich diversity.

So, here’s the question that echoes: Do we stand with progress or endorse a narrow worldview?


Can you answer a simple question?

If this war continues and Israel continues killing children, is there a number of dead children you won’t accept and will result in you pulling your support?
Can you answer a simple question?

If this war continues and Israel continues killing children, is there a number of dead children you won’t accept and will result in you pulling your support?

The answer to this moral question is actually simple,
but you don't even pretend to address my post,
or trying to have an actual discussion.

How about engaging with the real issue instead of resorting to emotional manipulation?
It's appalling how some use the suffering of Gazan children as political commodity.
This loaded question is a weak attempt to evade real discussion.

How many Gazan children will Hamas sacrifice for Arab imperialism?
And what about the suffering of Israeli children?

Let's talk about real solutions instead.

A Tale of Hope and Silence: Inside Wahat al-Salam/Neve Shalom

In the heart of Israel, where olive groves meet the horizon, lies an extraordinary village: Wahat al-Salam/Neve Shalom. Here, Jewish and Palestinian families coexist, their homes built of stone, chic but spare, not showy.

But on October 7th, as Hamas unleashed violence in Gaza, a “very loud silence” descended upon this intentional community1. The clash of ideologies reverberated, challenging the very essence of dialogue and peace.

Join the journey through the story of Amir’s house, where walls echo with stories of resilience, shared dreams, and the universal yearning for understanding. As we explore, we’ll confront the moral outrage that simmers beneath the surface, questioning how conflict can shatter even the most steadfast bonds.

Read more in The New Yorker about this microcosm of hope and the deafening silence that followed. 🕊️🌟

Explore the full article and discover the fragile threads that bind us all.


We will not allow even a declaration of a Palestinian state, Israel's national security minister said.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir ascended the Temple Mount in Jerusalem on Wednesday, his first trip in nearly a month to the site.

“From the holiest place for the people of Israel and which belongs only to the State of Israel, I say: Tonight we will receive another testimony as to why Hamas must be totally destroyed. The countries that recognized a Palestinian state today are giving a reward to the terrorists,” he said in a video from atop the mount.

“And I say, we will not allow even a declaration of a Palestinian state. And I say one more thing: To destroy Hamas, we have to go into Rafah to the end, do a root canal. To return our hostages, we need to stop the [supply of fuel to the Gaza Strip] fuel, establish that humanitarianism is only for humanitarianism. And control this place, the most important place.”

Ben-Gvir has made it a point throughout his tenure as national security minister to visit the Temple Mount, the site of the First and Second Temples before they were destroyed by the the Neo-Babylonian and Roman empires, respectively.

Israel liberated the Mount during the 1967 Six-Day War. It then handed its administration back to the Waqf Islamic trust under Jordanian Hashemite custodianship, while maintaining Israeli security control.

Ben-Gvir has been pushing for the voluntary emigration of Gazans and the resettlement of the part of the Strip by Israel. He mentioned this in his video message on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, he told the Kikar HaShabbat website, “Complete occupation of Gaza, everything is ours. Full Israeli control including Jewish settlement and voluntary encouragement of immigration. Not only in settlements that have been evacuated.” Ben-Gvir said he would be willing to live in Gaza.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pushed back on this later in the night, saying in a CNN interview, “If you mean resettling Gaza …, it was never in the cards, and I said so openly. And some of my constituents are not happy about it, but that’s my position.”


Temple Mount Update | The Symbol of Hope Amidst Conflict

On Jerusalem Day, a remarkable moment unfolded as 1,500 Israeli Jews ascended the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. This marked a 26% increase compared to last year, demonstrating unwavering pride in Jewish heritage and resilience.


Despite ongoing tensions and security challenges, these visitors stood firm, affirming their connection to this sacred site. The Temple Mount, Judaism’s holiest location, holds profound historical and spiritual significance. It’s a place where generations have prayed, where ancient temples once stood, and where hope for peace endures.


As we reflect on this milestone, let us recognize the courage of those who ascended the Mount. Their actions echo the resilience of the Jewish people throughout history.

The Temple Mount represents not only Jewish heritage but also a shared human longing for restoration and harmony. Amidst global strife, recognizing this sacred site’s relevance can inspire dialogue, empathy, and a collective pursuit of lasting peace. 🌍

The answer to this moral question is actually simple,
but you don't even pretend to address my post,
or trying to have an actual discussion.

How about engaging with the real issue instead of resorting to emotional manipulation?
It's appalling how some use the suffering of Gazan children as political commodity.
This loaded question is a weak attempt to evade real discussion.

How many Gazan children will Hamas sacrifice for Arab imperialism?
And what about the suffering of Israeli children?

Let's talk about real solutions instead.

Wow. Very Mossad like response.

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