Favorite Mafia movie ???

"Marilyn Monroe required 47 takes to get "It's me, Sugar" correct, instead saying either "Sugar, it's me" or "It's Sugar, me." After take 30, Billy Wilder had the line written on a blackboard. Another scene required Monroe to rummage through some drawers and say "Where's the bourbon?" After 40 takes of her saying "Where's the whiskey?", "Where's the bottle?", or "Where's the bonbon?", Wilder pasted the correct line in one of the drawers. After Monroe became confused about which drawer contained the line, Wilder had it pasted in every drawer. Fifty-nine takes were required for this scene and when she finally does say it, she has her back to the camera, leading some to wonder if Wilder finally gave up and had it dubbed. "
There is such a thing as over directing. For crying out loud, she played Marilyn Monroe in that movie. Who is Billy Wilder to say how Marilyn Monroe would respond?
If Marylyn Monroe says whisky instead of Bourbon, who really cares?
Just let her play the scene as Marilyn

If he were directing Olivier or Hoffman, I'd agree with you.
"Marilyn Monroe required 47 takes to get "It's me, Sugar" correct, instead saying either "Sugar, it's me" or "It's Sugar, me." After take 30, Billy Wilder had the line written on a blackboard. Another scene required Monroe to rummage through some drawers and say "Where's the bourbon?" After 40 takes of her saying "Where's the whiskey?", "Where's the bottle?", or "Where's the bonbon?", Wilder pasted the correct line in one of the drawers. After Monroe became confused about which drawer contained the line, Wilder had it pasted in every drawer. Fifty-nine takes were required for this scene and when she finally does say it, she has her back to the camera, leading some to wonder if Wilder finally gave up and had it dubbed. "
There is such a thing as over directing. For crying out loud, she played Marilyn Monroe in that movie. Who is Billy Wilder to say how Marilyn Monroe would respond?
If Marylyn Monroe says whisky instead of Bourbon, who really cares?
Just let her play the scene as Marilyn

If he were directing Olivier or Hoffman, I'd agree with you.
Olivier or Hoffman can play anyone.

Marylyn Monroe could only play herself. Just let the character be Marylyn and fuk your script
This is obviously something about which you feel strongly.

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