Favorite PC Game

I have thought about updating by putting in a new motherboard, processor and memory but keep my present video card, hard drive and power supply. It would still mean I'd have to reload Windows 8 and all my other software, which would be a royal pain in the neck. Since I heard others were experiencing the same choppiness, I have decided to hold off and see what Ubi comes up with for a fix. I remember when Return to Castle Wolfenstein came out. That game forced me to update. AC Unity may be the one to force my hand.

I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate, but this is the third motherboard and 4th video card since the install of the system. No need to reinstall windows because of a Mobo change, just install all the drivers afterwords and you'll be fine. Make SURE you have the NIC drivers on a flash drive before starting.
I have thought about updating by putting in a new motherboard, processor and memory but keep my present video card, hard drive and power supply. It would still mean I'd have to reload Windows 8 and all my other software, which would be a royal pain in the neck. Since I heard others were experiencing the same choppiness, I have decided to hold off and see what Ubi comes up with for a fix. I remember when Return to Castle Wolfenstein came out. That game forced me to update. AC Unity may be the one to force my hand.

I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate, but this is the third motherboard and 4th video card since the install of the system. No need to reinstall windows because of a Mobo change, just install all the drivers afterwords and you'll be fine. Make SURE you have the NIC drivers on a flash drive before starting.
It takes two hours for me to completely install Windows with updates, drivers and all the software I use, including Battlefield 3.
I have played Fallout 3 many times along with New Vegas. I don't know about the previous Fallout games. I hear they are based on turn-based strategy, and I have no idea what that is.
Fallout 3 is not as good as was second and first parts. Its almost completely another game with another spirit. Try fallout 2, though it is old, but nontheless interesting!
Well, Uncensored, there is merit to what you say because I forgot that in the past, whenever I upgraded, I also upgraded my hard drive as well. Now, that I have a terabyte hard drive, maybe I can get by without and re-installation, but more than likely Microsoft will pick up that I have new hardware and squawk so I will have to call that number to get my new hardware re-registered and ensure them that I am not using the software on two PC's.

To Bleipriester and his 2 hour re-installation, it must be nice, but with all that would have to be reinstalled, drivers and such and my 10 gigabyte monthly download limit, I'd soon be in the hole and my speeds down to below dialup. Yeah, that's what they do to you if you go over. I have done it twice already. If I pay for more, it will cost me $80 vs my $60 per month, and I will only gain and additional 2 gigabytes. Satellite companies are not kind to rural dwellers
Regarding AC Unity, for the umpteenth time, I have turned my graphics settings down to low. I turned off Ambient Occlusion and Bloom, and I haven't a clue what they are, anyway. The game is now not as choppy, but in the past, I did all that, and the game still stayed choppy. No, I have not yet received Patch 3.

Now, here is my take on how to play this game. Of all the weapons you have, the sword is the best. Sure I beefed up my heavy weapon skills and ended up getting my head handed to me. If you want to get through the combat, get the Cinquedeas or Shiavona swords. They are the best but cost 125,000 francs. Then use your synch points to get all the best skill with the sword, or if it floats your boat, go after the skill with the long or heavy weapons.

For the environment, go through and climb all the tall buildings and open up the city. You will then know where everything is. Go to the Cafe Theatre and buy all the upgrades. You will get constant money poring in. Also, go to the other parts of the city and remodel all the cafes. The expense is worth it with all the rest of the money that will come into the central pick up point at Cafe Theatre.

Invest in the best armor and use your sync points to build up the thickness of your skin. It will keep you alive. I invested in the multi-barrel pistols. Leave the rifles and muskets alone. They are a joke. I had a guy I was supposed to kill, who was only 37 meters away (roughly 40 yards) so I switched to the rifle in my gear load out. The game reticle stayed white showing I had no shot at 37 meters. Baloney. A long rifle of that era with the right powder charge could have easily hit a target at 500 yards, but oh no, I had to climb up the side of the building and do an air assassination. Give me a break. Ubisoft treats the rifle the same as the pistol in not giving you shot capability until you are at least 15 meters from the target. That's a croc.

The eagle vision in this game really sucks. It never sees the snipers over your head unless they are on top of you. In Unity, eagle vision times out on you, and then takes a while to come back up. It also has a certain range, and if the enemies, like snipers, are out of the range, you won't see them, but they will see you, and they are excellent shots.

The lock picking skill is a joke. I made the mistake of spending synch points for the master lock picking skill, yet I see no difference between my skills now than when I just had the apprentice abilities. The locks are very hard to pick, and with only 5 lock picks, you have a problem already.. Now, with a better belt, you can pick up a belt that holds 27 lock picks. Me, I invest in the belt that holds extra medicine packs and more pistol and phantom blade ammo.

Now, I am at Sequence 12, and I know that the end of the game is near. To prolong it, I am playing the side missions. I like to play the Co-Op missions, but in private mode. The few times I have tried to join a game already in progress, I have been booted out by the server. I have heard this is a glitch in the game. Playing by yourself is more fun to me, only it requires I use a lot of stealth, more so than in Blackflag. The one thing to remember when you're working on stealth is to make sure you take out all the snipers around you and destroy all the alarm bells. It makes the game more interesting if you're not constantly dying all the time.

Have fun and enjoy the game. I sure have, but the choppiness is a problem at times.
Well, I finally finished the single player version of the game, a bit short if you ask me. I still haven't seen this new Patch 3 for the PC, even though several sites say it is out by now.

Maybe this new patch will fix the stupid things that Arno, our playable character does, like stand up from a crouched position to load his pistol, or stand up to shoot. I'm also having my doubts that there were such a thing as pistols with multiple barrels like are depicted in the French Revolution. Then again, it's only a make-believe game.
@ XPostFacto
It doesnt cost me a single kilobyte to install all the software. For example, i copy the Battlefield 3 folder in the Origin Games folder and launch the Installation in Origin then.
The local video games shop is has now reduced the pc games selection to two shelves of old games. The rest of the store is all xbox and playstation stuff. It seems to me there are very little new computer games coming out now. I am waiting for doom 4 and not expecting it any time soon.
Now trying Sim City.

@ XPostFacto
It doesnt cost me a single kilobyte to install all the software. For example, i copy the Battlefield 3 folder in the Origin Games folder and launch the Installation in Origin then.

I never knew where the games were stored but didn't think that was possible to do, anyway.
The local video games shop is has now reduced the pc games selection to two shelves of old games. The rest of the store is all xbox and playstation stuff. It seems to me there are very little new computer games coming out now. I am waiting for doom 4 and not expecting it any time soon.

As in local video shop, you probably mean Gamestop. Yeah, they have old PC games, but they seem to be phasing them out. Lately, I was able to find all the PC games I wanted at my local Walmart. I just bought Dragon Inquisition and Far Cry 4.

I am playing Far Cry 4 now, and it is very hard. There is a lot to do in the game, and it's hard to keep up with the regular campaign storyline with all the side missions. It plays similar to Assassins Creed, in that you must climb to the top of radio towers to open up the surrounding areas, plus take out outposts, which are billed as easy, but in reality they are not. The game did have choppiness at first until I lowered the settings down to medium. I have good driving skills form Grand Theft Auto and Saints Row so I drive like a maniac in FC 4.

You have certain skills to learn which are redeemed by XP points. The strange part of that is that I obtained skills, but when I turned off the PC for the evening, on the next day, the skills were gone. I learned that the player must go to a safe house and sleep so that everything is saved for the next day of play.
I am completely useless at driving in computer games, I just keep crashing. I was playing 'Rage' until I came to a part of the game where you have to win three car racing games to progress and I have not played the game since. I just like shooting computer bots, not trying to out drive them.
Hi guys..i mostly play these games on my pc..Battlefield 3. Need for speed, tekken 3 and vice city....Tell me guys...which game are you playing on your pc.?

I just started playing Star Wars online. I have been playing Star Trek online for about a year.

Silent Hunter III is probably my favorite standalone game. I have it heavily modded and untold hours of gameplay invested.
Playing COD Ghosts. It has an interesting story. A fictive south American federation takes over an powerful US 'satellite of mass destruction' called ODIN and therewith destroys much of the United States before it begins the invasion. The player is firstly playing an astronaut who gets one of the guns the intruders lost due to an explosion and with his female comrade he manages to destroy the satellite but many damage has been made. Then the player takes over the control of a guy who fights in the army with his brother and his dog who is equppied with a sytem that allows to control the dog. I have only 4 GB of RAM so I have to use the RAM Fix that is available on the web.
I am completely useless at driving in computer games, I just keep crashing. I was playing 'Rage' until I came to a part of the game where you have to win three car racing games to progress and I have not played the game since. I just like shooting computer bots, not trying to out drive them.

When I first tried Grand Theft Auto 4, I hated it because I couldn't drive, but after giving GTA4 a second chance and then playing Watchdogs and Saints Row 3, I soon found the driving a lot of fun. In those 3 games, drive like a maniac and don't worry about pedestrians. You aren't penalized for killing them. In fact in Saints Row, you get extra points for how many you run over. Well, that's not the case in Far Cry 4, Hit any civilians, and you lose 50 Karma points per civilian. You don't want to lose them because they are valuable to unlock future upgrades to your skills, which you will need if you ever expect to advance in the game.

I use a keyboard and mouse to drive. I use the right mouse key to walk or drive forward, the middle mouse key to back up and the A and D keys to turn left or right. It takes a while to coordinate your fingers, but you will finally get it. My fingers have become very strong by playing those driving games. Then again, I also get cramps when the games really get intense.
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Playing COD Ghosts. It has an interesting story. A fictive south American federation takes over an powerful US 'satellite of mass destruction' called ODIN and therewith destroys much of the United States before it begins the invasion. The player is firstly playing an astronaut who gets one of the guns the intruders lost due to an explosion and with his female comrade he manages to destroy the satellite but many damage has been made. Then the player takes over the control of a guy who fights in the army with his brother and his dog who is equppied with a sytem that allows to control the dog. I have only 4 GB of RAM so I have to use the RAM Fix that is available on the web.

I thought about getting that game, even stopped at Walmart to buy it, but by that time, there were no more copies to be had. There is always Amazon.com, though.

I still haven't played any of the Tomb Raider games, yet, and I would like to try them, as well.
I am completely useless at driving in computer games, I just keep crashing. I was playing 'Rage' until I came to a part of the game where you have to win three car racing games to progress and I have not played the game since. I just like shooting computer bots, not trying to out drive them.

When I first tried Grand Theft Auto 4, I hated it because I couldn't drive, but after giving GTA4 a second chance and then playing Watchdogs and Saints Row 3, I soon found the driving a lot of fun. In those 3 games, drive like a maniac and don't worry about pedestrians. You aren't penalized for killing them. In fact in Saints Row, you get extra points for how many you run over. Well, that's not the case in Far Cry 4, Hit any civilians, and you lose 50 Karma points per civilian. You don't want to lose them because they are valuable to unlock future upgrades to your skills, which you will need if you ever expect to advance in the game.

I use a keyboard and mouse to drive. I use the right mouse key to walk or drive forward, the middle mouse key to back up and the A and D keys to turn left or right. It takes a while to coordinate your fingers, but you will finally get it. My fingers have become very strong by playing those driving games. Then again, I also get cramps when the games really get intense.
Did you get used to the choppers?
I am completely useless at driving in computer games, I just keep crashing. I was playing 'Rage' until I came to a part of the game where you have to win three car racing games to progress and I have not played the game since. I just like shooting computer bots, not trying to out drive them.

When I first tried Grand Theft Auto 4, I hated it because I couldn't drive, but after giving GTA4 a second chance and then playing Watchdogs and Saints Row 3, I soon found the driving a lot of fun. In those 3 games, drive like a maniac and don't worry about pedestrians. You aren't penalized for killing them. In fact in Saints Row, you get extra points for how many you run over. Well, that's not the case in Far Cry 4, Hit any civilians, and you lose 50 Karma points per civilian. You don't want to lose them because they are valuable to unlock future upgrades to your skills, which you will need if you ever expect to advance in the game.

I use a keyboard and mouse to drive. I use the right mouse key to walk or drive forward, the middle mouse key to back up and the A and D keys to turn left or right. It takes a while to coordinate your fingers, but you will finally get it. My fingers have become very strong by playing those driving games. Then again, I also get cramps when the games really get intense.
Did you get used to the choppers?

Yes! actually, as an ex motorcyclist, I fared better on the bikes.

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