favourite drinks?

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Water is obvious...

I need to stop but I'm hooked on these canned Starbucks espresso things.
Cool clean crisp clear water.
I checked Tea (southern sweet tea with lemon), Coffee (we're both big coffee drinkers), Wine (both of us and there is always some in the house, usually chilled), Non-Alcholic Drinks (I do Pepsi, she does Diet Coke). Neither one of us does Brandy.
But how in the heck did I fail to click Other, for water (especially ice water)? Duh...:oops:
Water is obvious...

I need to stop but I'm hooked on these canned Starbucks espresso things.
Congratulations, you are officially an addict now.

Oh, and AA will not work to cure your addiction, nothing will.
Coffee in the morning. After that water though out the day. I have Pepsi once a week. I do enjoy that Pepsi when I have it. Awful for your health but is a treat to have.
I voted other because I love Cherry Coke, Canada Dry Ginger Ale, and apple juice.

God bless you always!!!


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